Act of Jun. 22, 1931, P.L. 661, No. 233              Cl. 71
                                  AN ACT

     Declaring and adopting the hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis Linnaeus)
        as the State tree of Pennsylvania.

        Whereas, The hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis Linnaeus) is still
     today, as it was of old, the tree most typical of the forests of
     Pennsylvania; and
        Whereas, The hemlock yielded to our pioneers the wood from
     which they wrought their cabin homes; and
        Whereas, The hemlock gave its bark to found a mighty
     industry; and
        Whereas, The hemlock everywhere lends kindly shelter and sure
     haven to the wild things of forests; and
        Whereas, The lighted hemlock at Christmas time dazzles the
     bright eyes of the child with an unguessed hope, and bears to
     the aged, in its leaves of evergreen, a sign and symbol of faith
     in immortality; now therefore,
        Section 1.  Be it enacted, &c., That the hemlock tree (Tsuga
     Canadensis Linnaeus) be adopted as the State tree of