H0001B0072A05836   SS1 DMS:DM  02/11/08    #90            A05836
                         AMENDMENTS TO HOUSE BILL NO. 1
                                (SP.SESS. NO. 1)
                                    Sponsor:  REPRESENTATIVE TURZAI
                                           Printer's No. 72

     1       Amend Title, page 1, lines 1 through 10, by striking out all
     2    of said lines and inserting
     3    Providing for the deployment of energy efficiency measures and
     4       the development of alternative energy sources; establishing
     5       the Energy Savings Fund; providing for funding to the Ben
     6       Franklin Technology Development Authority, to an energy-
     7       efficient home assistance program, to a small business energy
     8       savings loan program, to the Low-Income Home Energy
     9       Weatherization Improvement Plan and to improving energy
    10       efficiency in agricultural operations; and establishing the
    11       Small Business Energy Savings Loan Fund.

    12       Amend Bill, page 1, lines 13 through 19; pages 2 through 29,
    13    lines 1 through 30; page 30, lines 1 through 24, by striking out
    14    all of said lines on said pages and inserting
    15                               CHAPTER 1
    16                         PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    17    Section 101.  Short title.
    18       This act shall be known and may be cited as the Energy
    19    Savings Act.
    20    Section 102.  Definitions.
    21       The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22    have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23    context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24       "Fund."  The Energy Savings Fund established under section
    25    103.
    26    Section 103.  Energy Savings Fund.
    27       (a)  Establishment.--The Energy Savings Fund is established
    28    in the State Treasury. The moneys of the fund are hereby
    29    appropriated on a continuing basis to the Governor for the
    30    purposes set forth in this act.
    31       (b)  Funding.--The fund shall consist of the moneys
    32    transferred under subsection (c) and any interest earned on such
    33    moneys while in the fund.
    34       (c)  Annual transfer.--The Governor may transfer up to
    35    $25,000,000 from the State Stores Fund to the Energy Savings
    36    Fund each fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008, through and

     1    including July 1, 2018.
     2                               CHAPTER 3
     4    Section 301.  Alternative energy program funding.
     5       (a)  Allocation of funds.--The Governor shall allocate the
     6    sum of $4,000,000 from the fund to the Ben Franklin Technology
     7    Development Authority. Funds under this subsection shall be
     8    distributed by the Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority
     9    to the Ben Franklin Technology Partners for energy-related
    10    investments to support early-stage activities, including
    11    incubator support services, management support, translational
    12    research, early-stage research of other programs or
    13    administrative activities to develop and implement alternative
    14    energy technologies. The Ben Franklin Technology Development
    15    Authority shall distribute the allocated funds equally among the
    16    Ben Franklin Technology Partners.
    17       (b)  Guidelines.--The allocated funds shall be used in
    18    accordance with guidelines of the Ben Franklin Technology
    19    Development Authority Board. The guidelines shall seek to ensure
    20    that minority-owned, women-owned and other disadvantaged
    21    businesses have the opportunity to substantially participate in
    22    funding activities undertaken pursuant to this section. The
    23    guidelines shall be posted on the Ben Franklin Technology
    24    Development Authority's Internet website.
    25       (c)  Application.--An applicant for funds under this section
    26    shall submit an application, including any supporting
    27    information, as required by the Ben Franklin Technology
    28    Development Authority.
    29       (d)  Administrative costs.--No more than 1% of the funds
    30    allocated to the Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority
    31    shall be used for administrative costs.
    32       (e)  Reporting.--The Ben Franklin Technology Development
    33    Authority shall provide an annual report to the chairman and
    34    minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate
    35    and the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
    36    Committee of the House of Representatives. The report shall be
    37    posted and maintained on the Ben Franklin Technology Development
    38    Authority's Internet website. The report shall include a list of
    39    all funds distributed under subsection (a), the recipients of
    40    the funds, the technology to be developed, a description of how
    41    the investments of the partners through this program will save
    42    energy in this Commonwealth and other details relating to the
    43    project.
    44                               CHAPTER 5
    46    Section 501.  Program funding.
    47       (a)  Allocation.--The Governor shall allocate the sum of
    48    $5,000,000 annually from the fund to the Pennsylvania Housing
    49    Finance Agency to operate a pilot program commencing July 1 of
    50    the first fiscal year in which the pilot program is expressly
    51    provided for by an act of the General Assembly. The pilot
    52    program shall award grants of up to $5,000 to homebuyers to
    53    offset closing costs or down payment assistance, including, but
    54    not limited to, the mortgage rate buy-down for homes that meet
    55    the criteria under section 503 for energy efficiency or
    56    alternative energy systems, or both.
    57       (b)  Grants.--
    58           (1)  Two thousand five hundred dollars of a grant issued
    59       under this chapter may be provided to the purchaser of a home

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     1       that exceeds the energy and water conservation requirements
     2       set by the act of November 10, 1999 (P.L.491, No.45), known
     3       as the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act, and achieves and
     4       Energy Star label certified by a Home Energy Rating System
     5       rater.
     6           (2)  An additional grant amount of $2,500 may be provided
     7       to the purchaser of a home that incorporates an alternative
     8       energy generating system in its design. These systems
     9       include, but are not limited to, photovoltaic solar energy
    10       systems, solar hot water heater systems, wind turbine energy
    11       systems, passive solar energy systems or geothermal heat pump
    12       systems.
    13           (3)  Evidence shall be provided by the grantee to
    14       document to the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency that the
    15       alternative energy generating system was properly designed
    16       and installed to maximize the energy output or energy savings
    17       potential of the system.
    18           (4)  The grant shall be a separate product attached to
    19       other mortgage products to assist with offsetting the closing
    20       costs or down payment assistance for the grant.
    21    Section 502.  Grant repayment.
    22       (a)  General rule.--A grant issued under this chapter may not
    23    be required to be repaid to the Pennsylvania Housing Finance
    24    Agency if the home is owned by the grantee for a minimum period
    25    of five years after the closing date on the home.
    26       (b)  Recapture.--In the event the grantee relinquishes the
    27    home in less than five years from the closing date on the home,
    28    the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency shall recapture one-
    29    fifth of the grant for each succeeding year up to the five-year
    30    minimum.
    31    Section 503.  Eligibility.
    32       In order to be eligible for a grant under this chapter:
    33           (1)  The home must be the primary residence of the
    34       grantee.
    35           (2)  The home must be new construction with no prior
    36       occupants.
    37           (3)  The maximum income of the grantee may not exceed
    38       150% of the Statewide median income for one-member households
    39       or 200% of the Statewide median income for two or more member
    40       households.
    41    Section 504.  Participating lenders.
    42       The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency shall offer the grant
    43    through participating lenders of the agency as well as other
    44    independent lending institutions.
    45    Section 505.  Program guidelines.
    46       Within 60 days of the effective date of this section, the
    47    Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency shall adopt initial program
    48    guidelines for the implementation of this chapter and may revise
    49    the guidelines whenever appropriate.
    50    Section 506.  Report to General Assembly.
    51       The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency shall, within 60 days
    52    of the conclusion of the pilot program, submit a written report
    53    to the General Assembly on the implementation of the program.
    54    The report shall include, at a minimum:
    55           (1)  The number of new home buyers assisted through the
    56       program.
    57           (2)  The number and type of financial assistance
    58       provided, including a breakdown of the grants issued pursuant
    59       to section 501(b).

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     1           (3)  The agency's overall assessment of the program and a
     2       recommendation to continue the program, continue the program
     3       with modifications or discontinue the program.
     4                               CHAPTER 7
     6    Section 701.  Scope of chapter.
     7       This chapter authorizes a small business energy savings loan
     8    program.
     9    Section 702.  Definitions.
    10       The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    11    shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12    context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13       "Boiler."  A self-contained, fuel-burning appliance of less
    14    than 300,000 BTUs per hour energy input, for supplying low-
    15    pressure steam or hot water for space heating applications that
    16    provide hot water for domestic use that has an Annual Fuel
    17    Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating of 85 or higher.
    18       "Building envelope improvements."  The term includes the
    19    following items or combination of items:
    20           (1)  Compact fluorescent lighting.
    21           (2)  Door of an entry or exit system, including the door
    22       leaf and frame, where applicable, and which is Energy Star
    23       rated.
    24           (3)  Insulation which has the primary purpose of
    25       insulating, including floor, ceiling, wall or duct insulation
    26       used to retrofit an existing building.
    27           (4)  Lighting controls which include an occupancy sensor,
    28       photocell or timer.
    29           (5)  Reflective white roof coating consisting of a white,
    30       acrylic elastometric roof coating applied to the roof of a
    31       building and used to deflect solar radiation and aid in
    32       reducing indoor air temperature.
    33           (6)  Window or skylight designed for installation in an
    34       external wall of a building to allow for views and natural
    35       daylighting and that is Energy Star rated, regardless of
    36       whether it is fixed or operable.
    37       "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
    38    Development of the Commonwealth.
    39       "Eligible expense."  The cost of an air-source heat pump,
    40    which is an air-source unitary heat pump model consisting of one
    41    or more factory-made assemblies which include an indoor
    42    conditioning coil, compressor and outdoor coil, including a
    43    means to provide a heating function and that:
    44           (1)  provides the function of air heating with controlled
    45       temperature;
    46           (2)  may include the functions of air cooling, air
    47       circulation, air cleaning, dehumidifying or humidifying;
    48           (3)  may be a single packaged system, where there is only
    49       one assembly or, for a split system, where there are two; and
    50           (4)  at a minimum contains an Energy Star rating of:
    51       Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF), 7.6; Energy
    52       Efficiency Ratio (EER), 10.5; and a Seasonal Energy
    53       Efficiency Ratio (SEER), 12 or higher; and for a split
    54       system, Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF), 8.
    55       "Employee" or "employees."  An individual or group of
    56    individuals employed by a small business. The term also includes
    57    a sole proprietor.
    58       "Furnace."  A heating unit which has as its function the
    59    combustion of fossil fuel for space heating with forced hot air

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     1    that:
     2           (1)  includes a burner, heat exchanger, blower and
     3       connection to a heating duct;
     4           (2)  provides hot water for domestic use; and
     5           (3)  at a minimum, contains an Annual Fuel Utilization
     6       Efficiency (AFUE) of 90 or higher.
     7       "Geothermal heat pump."  Equipment that uses the thermal
     8    energy of the ground or groundwater as the heat source and heat
     9    sink for residential space heating or cooling, or both, that may
    10    provide both space heating and cooling, cooling only or heating
    11    only functions and that:
    12           (1)  consists of one or more factory-made assemblies that
    13       normally include an indoor conditioning coil with air-moving
    14       means, compressor and refrigerant to fluid a heat exchanger;
    15           (2)  provides a partial or all of the domestic water
    16       heating through the use of a desuperheater, integrated demand
    17       water heater or a separately installed compressor that
    18       provides demand water heating;
    19           (3)  includes all the equipment and connections from the
    20       point at which the ground heat exchanger enters the house,
    21       except for indoor equipment that was installed by someone not
    22       representing the manufacturer or manufacturer's
    23       representative, such as the ground heat exchanger installer;
    24       and
    25           (4)  at a minimum, contains an Energy Star rating of:
    26       Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), 14.1; Coefficient of
    27       Performance (COP), 3.3 for Closed Loop Systems; Energy
    28       Efficiency Ratio (EER) 16.2, Coefficient of Performance
    29       (COP), 3.6 for Open Loop Systems; and Energy Efficiency Ratio
    30       (EER) 15, Coefficient of Performance (COP), 3.5 for Direct
    31       Expansion Systems.
    32       "Program."  The small business energy savings loan program.
    33       "Small business."  An employer who, on at least 50% of its
    34    working days during the taxable year, employed fewer than 100
    35    employees.
    36    Section 703.  Small business energy savings loan program.
    37       A small business energy savings loan program is established
    38    and shall be administered by the department. The program shall
    39    provide loans to eligible small businesses for energy efficiency
    40    projects.
    41    Section 704.  Qualified businesses.
    42       (a)  Eligibility.--In order to qualify for an energy savings
    43    loan under this chapter, a business must meet the criteria for a
    44    small business.
    45       (b)  Applications.--An individual may submit an application
    46    to the department requesting a loan. The application shall be on
    47    the form required by the department and shall include or
    48    demonstrate all of the following:
    49           (1)  The applicant's name and address.
    50           (2)  The identity of the approved contractor who will
    51       complete the energy efficiency project.
    52           (3)  A description of the energy efficiency project and
    53       an estimate of the cost of the project, including an itemized
    54       list of project costs, prepared by the approved contractor
    55       identified under paragraph (2).
    56           (4)  The amount of the loan sought.
    57           (5)  A statement authorizing the agency to conduct a
    58       credit history check.
    59           (6)  Any other information required by the department.

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     1       (c)  Review of project financing applications.--The
     2    department shall review the application to determine if:
     3           (1)  The project is eligible for financing under this
     4       program.
     5           (2)  The applicant is eligible to receive a loan under
     6       this program.
     7           (3)  The value of the proposed collateral and the
     8       financial resources of the applicant are sufficient to repay
     9       the loan.
    10           (4)  The statement of the estimated cost of the project
    11       is accurate and reasonable.
    12           (5)  The applicant complied with all other criteria
    13       established by the department.
    14       (d)  Approval of loan applications.--Once the application is
    15    deemed complete, the department may approve the application. The
    16    department shall have complete discretion in determining whether
    17    a proposed energy efficiency project is eligible for a loan.
    18       (e)  Security.--All loans awarded under this chapter shall be
    19    secured by a lien on the property for which the loan was
    20    approved and other sufficient collateral as determined by the
    21    department.
    22       (f)  Limitations.--
    23           (1)  An applicant may not apply for a loan in an amount
    24       less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000.
    25           (2)  The department shall not require a loan to be repaid
    26       in full within any period up to six months of the loan
    27       closing date.
    28           (3)  The interest rate shall be a below-market, fixed
    29       interest rate, as determined by the department.
    30           (4)  The loan repayment period may not exceed ten years
    31       with no prepayment penalty.
    32    Section 705.  Approved contractors.
    33       (a)  General rule.--No contractor may undertake, offer to
    34    undertake or agree to perform any energy efficiency project to
    35    be financed by a loan issued under this program unless the
    36    contractor is approved by the department.
    37       (b)  Application for enrollment.--A contractor may apply to
    38    become an approved contractor by filing an application with the
    39    department. The application shall be on the form prescribed by
    40    the department and shall include or demonstrate all of the
    41    following:
    42           (1)  For an individual applicant, the name, home address,
    43       home telephone number and driver's license identification
    44       number of the applicant or an identification card issued by
    45       the Department of Transportation, as well as the individual's
    46       business name, address and telephone number if different, and
    47       all prior business names and addresses of the businesses.
    48           (2)  For a partnership applicant, the name, home address,
    49       home telephone number and driver's license identification
    50       number of each partner, as well as the partnership name,
    51       address and telephone number.
    52           (3)  For a corporation, limited liability company or
    53       limited partnership applicant, the name, home address, home
    54       telephone number and driver's license identification number
    55       of each officer, director or individual holding greater than
    56       a 5% share in the business, as well as the entity's business
    57       name, address and telephone number.
    58           (4)  For an out-of-State corporation, limited liability
    59       company or limited partnership, the name and address of the

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     1       entity's resident agent or registered office provider within
     2       this Commonwealth and any registration number or license
     3       number issued to the entity by its state of incorporation or
     4       political subdivision of the other state, if applicable.
     5           (5)  For a joint venture applicant, the name, address and
     6       telephone number of the joint venture, as well as the name,
     7       address and telephone number of each party to the joint
     8       venture. If the parties to a joint venture include business
     9       entities, the information required from the entities under
    10       this subsection shall also be provided.
    11           (6)  A complete description of the nature of the
    12       contracting business of the applicant, including a statement
    13       defining the service area of the business.
    14           (7)  A statement whether any of the following apply:
    15               (i)  The individual or individuals making
    16           application, even if doing so as part of a business
    17           entity application, have ever been convicted of a
    18           criminal offense related to a construction transaction,
    19           fraud, theft, a crime of deception or a crime involving
    20           fraudulent business practices.
    21               (ii)  The applicant has ever filed a petition in
    22           bankruptcy or, within the last ten years, received a
    23           final civil judgment entered against the applicant or
    24           businesses in which the applicant held an interest that
    25           was related to a home improvement transaction.
    26               (iii)  The applicant's certificate or the certificate
    27           of a business with which the person making application
    28           held an interest has ever been revoked or suspended
    29           pursuant to an order issued by a court of competent
    30           jurisdiction in this Commonwealth or any other state or
    31           political subdivision thereof and, if so, the current
    32           status of the certificate.
    33               (iv)  Whether within the last ten years the applicant
    34           has been suspended or debarred from participating in any
    35           Federal, state or local program through which public
    36           funding or other assistance is provided to consumers for
    37           home improvements.
    38           (8)  Proof of liability insurance covering personal
    39       injury in an amount not less than $50,000 and insurance
    40       covering property damage caused by the work of the contractor
    41       in an amount not less than $50,000.
    42       (c)  Approval of application.--If satisfied that all
    43    requirements have been met, the department may approve the
    44    application and, if approved, designate the applicant as an
    45    approved contractor. The agency shall not approve an application
    46    if any of the following conditions exist:
    47           (1)  The individual or individuals making application as
    48       part of a business entity application have ever been
    49       convicted of a criminal offense related to a construction
    50       transaction, fraud, theft, a crime of deception or a crime
    51       involving fraudulent business practices.
    52           (2)  The applicant has ever been suspended or debarred
    53       from participating in any Federal, state or local program
    54       through which public funding or other assistance is provided
    55       to small businesses.
    56    Section 706.  Allocation.
    57       The Governor shall allocate the sum of $5,000,000 annually
    58    from the fund and shall transfer the allocation to the Small
    59    Business Energy Savings Loan Fund established under section 707.

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     1    Section 707.  Small Business Energy Savings Loan Fund.
     2       (a)  Establishment.--The Small Business Energy Savings Loan
     3    Fund is established as a restricted receipts account in the
     4    State Treasury and shall be used in association with loans
     5    awarded by the department under this program. The moneys of this
     6    fund are hereby appropriated to the department on a continuing
     7    basis to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
     8       (b)  Revolving loan fund.--
     9           (1)  Proceeds of any bonds issued to fund the loans
    10       authorized under this chapter and any moneys received as loan
    11       repayments or moneys otherwise made available to the Small
    12       Business Energy Savings Loan Fund shall be deposited in this
    13       fund and made available for additional loans.
    14           (2)  No more than 1% of the funds may be used for
    15       reasonable administrative costs.
    16    Section 708.  Annual report.
    17       (a)  Contents.--On or before December 1 of each year, the
    18    department shall prepare a report evaluating the loans awarded
    19    under this chapter during the previous fiscal year. The report
    20    shall be submitted to the chairman and minority chairman of the
    21    Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the chairman and
    22    minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House
    23    of Representatives and shall include the following, listed by
    24    county where appropriate:
    25           (1)  The total number of applications received and loans
    26       awarded.
    27           (2)  The date of approval of each loan, including the
    28       original principal balance, the interest rate and the
    29       repayment period.
    30           (3)  A brief description of the energy efficiency project
    31       for which the loan was made.
    32           (4)  Any recommendation to the General Assembly for
    33       improvements in the program.
    34           (5)  Any other information deemed by the department to be
    35       relevant or necessary to complete a comprehensive review of
    36       the program, provided that personal information of individual
    37       loan recipients shall be considered confidential and not
    38       subject to disclosure under the act of June 21, 1957
    39       (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    40           (6)  A description of the energy savings resulting from
    41       the project.
    42       (b)  Publication.--The department shall post and maintain the
    43    report on the department's Internet website.
    44    Section 709.  Department guidelines.
    45       The department shall promulgate guidelines necessary for the
    46    administration and enforcement of this chapter, which shall be
    47    published by the department in the Pennsylvania Bulletin within
    48    90 days of the effective date of this section.
    49                               CHAPTER 9
    51    Section 901.  Definitions.
    52       The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    53    shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    54    context clearly indicates otherwise:
    55       "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
    56       "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
    57    Development of the Commonwealth.
    58       "Eligible household."  The term includes a household with
    59    income at or below 200% of the Federal poverty level.

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     1       "Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program" or "program."
     2    The program established by Title XXVI of The Omnibus Budget
     3    Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35, 42 U.S.C. § 8621
     4    et seq.) and administered by the Department of Community and
     5    Economic Development with funds received through the Department
     6    of Public Welfare and the Department of Energy.
     7    Section 902.  Administration of Low-Income Weatherization
     8                   Assistance Program.
     9       (a)  Revisions to current program guidelines.--The department
    10    shall develop revisions to the current program guidelines so
    11    that the program is positioned to take advantage of the greatest
    12    possible savings in terms of energy and energy costs and shall
    13    expand the list of eligible energy conservation measures to
    14    include new measures that are shown to be cost effective.
    15       (b)  Independent evaluation.--The department shall undertake
    16    an independent evaluation of the program for the purpose of
    17    improving the quality and effectiveness of the program. The
    18    evaluation shall, at a minimum, include:
    19           (1)  A determination of the overall effectiveness in
    20       terms of the cost versus the benefits of the program.
    21           (2)  A determination of the level of energy savings
    22       achieved by each grantee or subgrantee and on a per-home
    23       basis by each grantee or subgrantee.
    24           (3)  The effectiveness of the energy conservation
    25       measures being installed.
    26           (4)  Other improvements, including, but not limited to:
    27               (i)  Jobs created.
    28               (ii)  Peak load reductions.
    29               (iii)  Any recommendations to improve the program's
    30           effectiveness, especially in service delivery and in
    31           increasing the types of energy conservation measures to
    32           be installed.
    33       (c)  Increased program promotion.--The department shall
    34    develop methods to increase awareness of the program and shall
    35    work with local program providers to ensure that the broadest
    36    possible form of public awareness campaign is implemented to
    37    provide information about the availability and purpose of the
    38    program to eligible residents.
    39       (d)  Final inspections.--
    40           (1)  The department shall adopt procedures to ensure that
    41       local program providers verify and inspect that the
    42       weatherization work is performed according to appropriate
    43       standards on all homes receiving weatherization services.
    44           (2)  The department shall ensure that all local program
    45       providers are sufficiently trained on proper inspection and
    46       verification procedures and shall conduct a program of
    47       continuing education as necessary to ensure compliance with
    48       this subsection.
    49       (e)  Schedule for ongoing evaluations.--The department shall
    50    develop a schedule for conducting ongoing evaluations of the
    51    program. The department shall submit copies of the evaluation
    52    report to the Public Health and Welfare Committee of the Senate,
    53    the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the Senate,
    54    the Health and Human Services Committee of the House of
    55    Representatives and the Environmental Resources and Energy
    56    Committee of the House of Representatives.
    57       (f)  Joint study.--The department and the commission shall
    58    jointly conduct an annual review of the program and the
    59    universal service and energy conservation policies, protections

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     1    and services defined in 66 Pa.C.S. § 2803 (relating to
     2    definitions), specifically low-income usage reduction programs
     3    conducted by public utilities. The review shall include, but not
     4    be limited to:
     5           (1)  Methods to improve the coordination and
     6       effectiveness between the program and those programs.
     7           (2)  Opportunities to increase the energy savings
     8       resulting from activities of the program and those programs.
     9       Any written report or evaluation of the review shall be a
    10       public record open to public inspection under the act of June
    11       21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know
    12       Law.
    13    Section 903.  Allocation.
    14       The Governor shall allocate $9,000,000 annually from the fund
    15    and transfer that amount to the Emergency Energy Assistance Fund
    16    administered by the Department of Public Welfare and used
    17    exclusively for providing supplemental funding to the Low-Income
    18    Weatherization Assistance Program administered by the
    19    department.
    20    Section 904.  Report to General Assembly.
    21       On or before June 30, 2009, the department and the Department
    22    of Public Welfare shall jointly submit a report to the
    23    Appropriations Committee of the Senate, the Public Health and
    24    Welfare Committee of the Senate, the Environmental Resources and
    25    Energy Committee of the Senate, the Appropriations Committee of
    26    the House of Representatives, the Health and Human Services
    27    Committee of the House of Representatives and the Environmental
    28    Resources and Energy Committee of the House of Representatives
    29    providing an overall evaluation of the program to date.
    30                               CHAPTER 11
    32    Section 1101.  General authority.
    33       The conservation districts shall work in close cooperation
    34    with the agricultural community to deliver a system of technical
    35    assistance designed to assist with conservation planning
    36    requirements and in the production of biofuels, feedstocks and
    37    appropriate energy efficiency applications.
    38    Section 1102.  Energy Efficiency and Energy Resources Program.
    39       The conservation districts shall engage in the development of
    40    energy efficiency and energy resources which shall include, but
    41    may not be limited to, delivering technical assistance to
    42    producers to improve the energy efficiency of farming operations
    43    and to provide technical assistance in the development and
    44    implementation of best management practices related to cropping
    45    systems to be used as feedstock for the production of biofuels.
    46    Section 1103.  Conservation planning.
    47       The conservation districts shall develop and implement an
    48    electronic-based system of providing technical assistance to the
    49    agricultural sector in meeting Federal and State natural
    50    resources planning requirements, including the development of
    51    appropriate training programs and materials.
    52    Section 1104.  Allocation.
    53       The Governor shall allocate $2,000,000 annually from the fund
    54    and shall transfer that amount to the Conservation District
    55    Fund. The amount shall be distributed to the conservation
    56    districts to carry out the activities identified in sections
    57    1102 and 1103.
    58                               CHAPTER 13
    59                        MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

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     1    Section 1301.  Effective date.
     2       This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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