H0001B0072A05841   SS1 MSP:DM  02/11/08    #90            A05841
                         AMENDMENTS TO HOUSE BILL NO. 1
                                (SP.SESS. NO. 1)
                                    Sponsor:  REPRESENTATIVE GEORGE
                                           Printer's No. 72

     1       Amend Sec. 3 (Sec. 1801), page 8, by inserting between lines 
     2    4 and 5
     3       "Pollution control technology project."  The acquisition,
     4    construction or installation of pollution control technology and
     5    equipment that enables an electric generating unit or
     6    cogeneration unit to meet any of the following requirements:
     7           (1)  Mercury emission reductions under 25 Pa. Code Ch.
     8       123 (relating to standards for contaminants).
     9           (2)  The regulations adopted by the United States
    10       Environmental Protection Agency known as the Clean Air
    11       Mercury Rule codified at 40 CFR Pts. 60 (relating to
    12       standards of performance for new stationary sources), 72
    13       (relating to permits regulation) and 75 (relating to
    14       continuous emission monitoring).
    15           (3)  Nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide emission
    16       reduction under 25 Pa. Code Chs. 121 (relating to general
    17       provisions), 129 (relating to standards for sources) and 145
    18       (relating to interstate pollution transport reduction).
    19           (4)  The Clean Air Interstate Rule in 40 CFR (relating to
    20       protection of environment).

    21       Amend Sec. 3 (Sec. 1806), page 18, by inserting between lines 
    22    10 and 11
    23               (vi)  An amount up to 3% of the revenues in the fund,
    24           but no more than $25,000,000, to provide for pollution
    25           control technology projects which shall be utilized for
    26           grants to electric generating units or cogeneration
    27           units, as defined under 25 Pa. Code § 123.202 (relating
    28           to definitions), that utilize coal, as defined under 25
    29           Pa. Code § 123.202, as their primary fuel source, and
    30           that have an installed capacity of less than 500
    31           megawatts, located in this Commonwealth. Each electric
    32           generating unit or cogeneration unit shall be eligible to
    33           receive a pro rata share of moneys allocated for
    34           pollution control technology projects based on criteria
    35           developed by the department.
