H0006B3763A08675        RZ:CDM 07/03/08    #90             A08675
                         AMENDMENTS TO HOUSE BILL NO. 6
                                    Sponsor:  SENATOR PILEGGI
                                           Printer's No. 3763

     1       Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1), page 2, line 11, by inserting after
     2    "board"
     3               and any other paroling entity
     4       Amend Sec. 1 (Sec. 1), page 2, line 12, by inserting after
     5    "board"
     6               and any other paroling entity

     7       Amend Sec. 4 (Sec. 17), page 5, line 24, by inserting after
     8    "9762(B)(2)."
     9    Prior to making a decision to parole a person committed to
    10    county confinement within the jurisdiction of the court pursuant
    11    to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9762(b)(2) from a sentence of imprisonment
    12    imposed following conviction for a personal injury crime, each
    13    victim who has registered to receive victim services in
    14    connection with the personal injury crime shall be given an
    15    opportunity by the court to submit a preparole statement to the
    16    court expressing concerns or recommendations regarding the
    17    parole or parole supervision of the person. The district
    18    attorney shall, immediately following sentence in cases where a
    19    sentence of confinement has been imposed and the sentenced
    20    person remains within the jurisdiction of the court pursuant to
    21    section 9762(b)(2), notify each registered victim that they
    22    shall have the opportunity to submit a preparole statement to
    23    the court. Each victim shall have the responsibility of
    24    notifying the court of their intention to submit a preparole
    25    statement and shall provide and keep current an appropriate
    26    mailing address. Preparole statements submitted pursuant to this
    27    subsection shall be subject to the confidentiality provisions
    28    contained in section 22.1 applicable to preparole statements
    29    submitted to the board, shall be considered by the court prior
    30    to any parole decision, and each victim submitting a preparole
    31    statement shall be given notice of the court's parole decision.

    32       Amend Sec. 4 (Sec. 17), page 5, line 25, by inserting after
    33    "shall"

     1               also

     2       Amend Sec. 4 (Sec. 17), page 5, line 27, by inserting after
     3    "duties)."
     4    For purposes of this subsection, the phrase "personal injury
     5    crime" shall have the meaning set forth in section 11.103 of the
     6    act of November 24, 1998 (P.L.882, No.111), known as the "Crime
     7    Victims Act," and the term "victim" shall mean, in addition to
     8    the meaning set forth in section 11.103 of the "Crime Victims
     9    Act," a member of the victim's family if the victim is incapable
    10    of communicating or has died.

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