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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2652



No. 2 Session of 1997



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Amending House Resolution No. 207, adopted June 11, 1997,
     2     entitled "A resolution calling for the Legislative Budget and
     3     Finance Committee to conduct an immediate study of the
     4     physical health component of the HealthChoices program
     5     administered by the Department of Public Welfare in order to
     6     evaluate the adequacy of rates for managed care organizations
     7     under HealthChoices," further providing for the report of the
     8     committee.

     9     RESOLVED, That House Resolution No. 207, adopted June 11,
    10  1997, be amended to read:
    11                            A RESOLUTION
    12  Calling for the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to
    13     conduct an immediate study of the physical health component
    14     of the HealthChoices program administered by the Department
    15     of Public Welfare in order to evaluate the adequacy of rates
    16     for managed care organizations under HealthChoices.
    17     WHEREAS, The Department of Public Welfare has contracted with
    18  managed care organizations to provide physical health managed
    19  care services to eligible medical assistance recipients in
    20  southeastern Pennsylvania, with initial program implementation

     1  on February 1, 1997; and
     2     WHEREAS, The mandatory enrollment of medical assistance
     3  eligibles has continued throughout 1997 with the last remaining
     4  population groups, Supplemental Security Income and general
     5  assistance eligibles, required to be enrolled in a managed care
     6  organization plan by September 1, 1997; and
     7     WHEREAS, The HealthChoices program represents a policy shift
     8  in the delivery of health care services for the medical
     9  assistance population from fee-for-service to managed care to
    10  improve the overall quality of health care services; and
    11     WHEREAS, The enrollees in HealthChoices, the providers of
    12  services under HealthChoices and the managed care organizations
    13  share the physical health program goals of maintaining adequate
    14  funding levels necessary to provide all of the medical services
    15  to the enrollees in HealthChoices; therefore be it
    16     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives call for the
    17  Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct an immediate
    18  study of the physical health component of the HealthChoices
    19  program in southeastern Pennsylvania in order to ascertain the
    20  adequacy of the rates contained in contracts between the
    21  Department of Public Welfare and managed care organizations; and
    22  be it further
    23     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives believe that the
    24  Legislative Budget and Finance Committee's report should include
    25  an evaluation of the adequacy of the physical health rate
    26  categories under HealthChoices conducted by an independent
    27  actuary with experience in evaluating Medicaid managed care; and
    28  be it further
    29     RESOLVED, That the actuarial study should include an
    30  evaluation of all of the rate categories under HealthChoices and
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     1  include specific evaluations of the following issues:
     2         (1)  A comparison of the methodology and assumptions used
     3     by the Department of Public Welfare with relationship to the
     4     fee-for-service adjustments, managed care adjustment factors
     5     and other assumptions made in determining the rates for the
     6     managed care organizations under HealthChoices.
     7         (2)  An evaluation of the assumed utilization, average
     8     unit cost and cost per member per month of special needs
     9     populations, including children with disabilities,
    10     Supplemental Security Income eligibles and individuals with
    11     HIV/AIDS.
    12         (3)  An evaluation of the Department of Public Welfare's
    13     range of assumptions on adjustment factors for
    14     disproportionate share and medical education costs to
    15     determine whether those assumptions are accurate within the
    16     marketplace.
    17         (4)  An analysis of whether the Department of Public
    18     Welfare's interpretation of medically necessary services
    19     under HealthChoices has resulted in an expansion of managed
    20     care organization responsibility under HealthChoices and
    21     whether the rates accurately reflect the service level.
    22         (5)  An evaluation of the recovery of the full range of
    23     administrative costs associated with implementation of the
    24     physical health HealthChoices program.
    25         (6)  An analysis of whether the risk adjustments properly
    26     account for demographics and health status in establishing
    27     the rates;
    28  and be it further
    29     RESOLVED, That the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee
    30  report its findings to the House of Representatives by [December
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     1  1, 1997] February 13, 1998.

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