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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 671



No. 13 Session of 2001

           AND C. WILLIAMS, FEBRUARY 12, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 23 (Domestic Relations) and 42 (Judiciary and
     2     Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     3     Statutes, further providing for procedures in domestic
     4     relations litigation; conferring powers and duties on the
     5     unified judicial system, the Secretary of the Commonwealth
     6     and the Legislative Reference Bureau; establishing the Family
     7     Justice Account; and making editorial changes.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Sections 3303(a), 3308, 3321, 3322, 3323, 3502(a)
    11  and (e), 3505, 3506, 3507(a), 3508, 3701(a), (d) and (e), 3702,
    12  3703, 3705(a), 3901, 3902, 3903, 3904, 4324, 4341(a), 4342(a)
    13  and (b), 4344, 4345(a), 4347, 4349 and 4350 of Title 23 of the
    14  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
    15  § 3303.  Annulment of void and voidable marriages.
    16     (a)  General rule.--In all cases where a supposed or alleged
    17  marriage has been contracted which is void or voidable under
    18  this title or under applicable law, either party to the supposed
    19  or alleged marriage may bring an action in annulment to have it

     1  declared void in accordance with the procedures provided by
     2  [this part and prescribed by general rules.] 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72
     3  (relating to family law and justice).
     4     * * *
     5  § 3308.  Action where defendant suffering from mental disorder.
     6     If a spouse is insane or suffering from serious mental
     7  disorder, an action may be commenced [under this part] in
     8  accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 (relating to family law and
     9  justice) against that spouse upon any ground for divorce or
    10  annulment.
    11  [§ 3321.  Hearing by master.
    12     The court may appoint a master to hear testimony on all or
    13  some issues, except issues of custody and paternity, and return
    14  the record and a transcript of the testimony together with a
    15  report and recommendation as prescribed by general rules, or a
    16  judge of the court in chambers may appoint a master to hold a
    17  nonrecord hearing and to make recommendations and return the
    18  same to the court, in which case either party may demand a
    19  hearing de novo before the court.
    20  § 3322.  Jury trial.
    21     (a)  Application for jury trial.--After service of the
    22  complaint in divorce or annulment on the defendant in the manner
    23  prescribed by general rules or entry of a general appearance for
    24  the defendant, if either of the parties desires any matter of
    25  fact that is affirmed by one and denied by the other to be tried
    26  by a jury, that party may take a rule upon the opposite party,
    27  to be allowed by a judge of the court, to show cause why the
    28  issues of fact set forth in the rule should not be tried by a
    29  jury, which rule shall be served upon the opposite party or
    30  counsel for the opposite party.
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     1     (b)  Disposition of application.--Upon the return of the
     2  rule, after hearing, the court may discharge it, make it
     3  absolute or frame issues itself. Only the issues ordered by the
     4  court shall be tried. The rule shall not be made absolute when,
     5  in the opinion of the court, a trial by jury cannot be had
     6  without prejudice to the public morals.]
     7  § 3323.  Decree of court.
     8     (a)  General rule.--In accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72
     9  (relating to family law and justice), in all matrimonial causes,
    10  the court may either dismiss the complaint or enter a decree of
    11  divorce or annulment of the marriage.
    12     (b)  Contents of decree.--[A] In accordance with 42 Pa.C.S.
    13  Ch. 72, a decree granting a divorce or an annulment shall
    14  include, [after a full hearing,] where these matters are raised
    15  in any pleadings, an order determining and disposing of existing
    16  property rights and interests between the parties, custody,
    17  partial custody and visitation rights, child support, alimony,
    18  reasonable attorney fees, costs and expenses and any other
    19  related matters, including the enforcement of agreements
    20  voluntarily entered into between the parties. In the enforcement
    21  of the rights of any party to any of these matters, the court
    22  shall have all necessary powers, including, but not limited to,
    23  the power of contempt and the power to attach wages.
    24     [(c)  Bifurcation.--In the event that the court is unable for
    25  any reason to determine and dispose of the matters provided for
    26  in subsection (b) within 30 days after the report of the master
    27  has been filed, it may enter a decree of divorce or annulment.
    28  Upon the request of either party and after a hearing, the court
    29  may order alimony pendente lite, reasonable counsel fees, costs
    30  and expenses and may make a temporary order necessary to protect
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     1  the interests of the parties pending final disposition of the
     2  matters in subsection (b).]
     3     (d)  Substitution for deceased party.--[If] In accordance
     4  with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72, if one of the parties dies after the
     5  decree of divorce has been entered, but prior to the final
     6  determination in such proceeding of the property rights and
     7  interests of the parties [under this part], the personal
     8  representative of the deceased party shall be substituted as a
     9  party as provided by law and the action shall proceed.
    10     (e)  Costs.--[The] Subject to 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72, the court
    11  may award costs to the party in whose favor the order or decree
    12  shall be entered or may order that each party shall pay their
    13  own costs or may order that costs be divided equitably as it
    14  shall appear just and reasonable.
    15     (f)  Equity power and jurisdiction of the court.--In
    16  accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72, in all matrimonial causes,
    17  the court shall have full equity power and jurisdiction and may
    18  issue injunctions or other orders which are necessary to protect
    19  the interests of the parties or to effectuate the purposes of
    20  this part and may grant such other relief or remedy as equity
    21  and justice require against either party or against any third
    22  person over whom the court has jurisdiction and who is involved
    23  in or concerned with the disposition of the cause.
    24  § 3502.  Equitable division of marital property.
    25     (a)  General rule.--In accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72
    26  (relating to family law and justice), in an action for divorce
    27  or annulment, the court shall, upon request of either party,
    28  equitably divide, distribute or assign, in kind or otherwise,
    29  the marital property between the parties without regard to
    30  marital misconduct in such proportions and in such manner as the
    20010H0013B0671                  - 4 -

     1  court deems just after considering all relevant factors,
     2  including:
     3         (1)  The length of the marriage.
     4         (2)  Any prior marriage of either party.
     5         (3)  The age, health, station, amount and sources of
     6     income, vocational skills, employability, estate, liabilities
     7     and needs of each of the parties.
     8         (4)  The contribution by one party to the education,
     9     training or increased earning power of the other party.
    10         (5)  The opportunity of each party for future
    11     acquisitions of capital assets and income.
    12         (6)  The sources of income of both parties, including,
    13     but not limited to, medical, retirement, insurance or other
    14     benefits.
    15         (7)  The contribution or dissipation of each party in the
    16     acquisition, preservation, depreciation or appreciation of
    17     the marital property, including the contribution of a party
    18     as homemaker.
    19         (8)  The value of the property set apart to each party.
    20         (9)  The standard of living of the parties established
    21     during the marriage.
    22         (10)  The economic circumstances of each party, including
    23     Federal, State and local tax ramifications, at the time the
    24     division of property is to become effective.
    25         (11)  Whether the party will be serving as the custodian
    26     of any dependent minor children.
    27     * * *
    28     (e)  Powers of the court.--If, at any time, a party has
    29  failed to comply with an order of equitable distribution, as
    30  provided for in this chapter or with the terms of an agreement
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     1  as entered into between the parties, after hearing, the court
     2  may, in addition to any other remedy [available under this part]
     3  provided by statute, in order to effect compliance with its
     4  order:
     5         (1)  enter judgment;
     6         (2)  authorize the taking and seizure of the goods and
     7     chattels and collection of the rents and profits of the real
     8     and personal, tangible and intangible property of the party;
     9         (3)  award interest on unpaid installments;
    10         (4)  order and direct the transfer or sale of any
    11     property required in order to comply with the court's order;
    12         (5)  require security to insure future payments in
    13     compliance with the court's order;
    14         (6)  issue attachment proceedings, directed to the
    15     sheriff or other proper officer of the county, directing that
    16     the person named as having failed to comply with the court
    17     order be brought before the court, at such time as the court
    18     may direct. If the court finds, after hearing, that the
    19     person willfully failed to comply with the court order, it
    20     may deem the person in civil contempt of court and, in its
    21     discretion, make an appropriate order, including, but not
    22     limited to, commitment of the person to the county jail for a
    23     period not to exceed six months;
    24         (7)  award counsel fees and costs;
    25         (8)  attach wages; or
    26         (9)  find the party in contempt.
    27  § 3505.  Disposition of property to defeat obligations.
    28     (a)  Preliminary relief.--Where it appears to the court that
    29  a party is about to leave the jurisdiction of the court or is
    30  about to remove property of that party from the jurisdiction of
    20010H0013B0671                  - 6 -

     1  the court or is about to dispose of, alienate or encumber
     2  property in order to defeat equitable distribution, alimony
     3  pendente lite, alimony, child and spousal support or a similar
     4  award, an injunction may issue to prevent the removal or
     5  disposition and the property may be attached as prescribed by
     6  general rules. The court may also issue a writ of ne exeat to
     7  preclude the removal.
     8     [(b)  Inventory of property.--Both parties shall submit to
     9  the court an inventory and appraisement, which shall contain all
    10  of the following:
    11         (1)  A list of the property owned or possessed by either
    12     or both of them as of:
    13             (i)  the date of separation; and
    14             (ii)  thirty days prior to the date of hearing on
    15         equitable distribution.
    16         (2)  A list of the value of the property owned or
    17     possessed by either or both of them as of:
    18             (i)  the date of acquisition;
    19             (ii)  the date of separation; and
    20             (iii)  thirty days prior to the date of hearing on
    21         equitable distribution.
    22         (3)  A list of the liabilities of either or both of them
    23     as of 30 days prior to the date of hearing on equitable
    24     distribution, whether or not the liabilities are related to
    25     the property set forth in the inventory and appraisement.]
    26     (c)  Discovery.--Discovery [under this part] shall be as
    27  provided for [all other civil actions under] in 42 Pa.C.S. Ch.
    28  72 (relating to family law and justice) and the Pennsylvania
    29  Rules of Civil Procedure.
    30     (d)  Constructive trust for undisclosed assets.--If a party
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     1  fails to disclose information required by [subsection (b)] the
     2  family information statement as provided in 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72
     3  and in consequence thereof an asset or assets with a fair market
     4  value of $500 or more is omitted from the final distribution of
     5  property, the party aggrieved by the nondisclosure may at any
     6  time petition the court granting the award to declare the
     7  creation of a constructive trust as to all undisclosed assets
     8  for the benefit of the parties and their minor or dependent
     9  children, if any. The party in whose name the assets are held
    10  shall be declared the constructive trustee, and the trust may
    11  include any terms and conditions the court may determine. The
    12  court shall grant the petition upon a finding of a failure to
    13  disclose the assets as required [under subsection (b)] by the
    14  family information statement.
    15     (e)  Encumbrance or disposition to third parties.--An
    16  encumbrance or disposition of marital property to third persons
    17  who paid wholly inadequate consideration for the property may be
    18  deemed fraudulent and declared void.
    19  § 3506.  Statement of reasons for distribution.
    20     In an order made [under this chapter] in accordance with 42
    21  Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 (relating to family law and justice) for the
    22  distribution of property, the court shall set forth the reason
    23  for the distribution ordered.
    24  § 3507.  Division of entireties property between divorced
    25             persons.
    26     (a)  General rule.--Whenever married persons holding property
    27  as tenants by entireties are divorced, they shall, except as
    28  otherwise provided by an order [made under this chapter] issued
    29  in accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 (relating to family law and
    30  justice), thereafter hold the property as tenants in common of
    20010H0013B0671                  - 8 -

     1  equal one-half shares in value, and either of them may bring an
     2  action against the other to have the property sold and the
     3  proceeds divided between them.
     4     * * *
     5  § 3508.  Conveyance of entireties property to divorced spouse.
     6     Whenever married persons have acquired real estate as tenants
     7  by entireties and thereafter are divorced, either former spouse,
     8  except as otherwise provided by an order [made under this
     9  chapter] issued in accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 (relating
    10  to family law and justice), may convey to the other, without the
    11  joinder of the other, the grantor's interest in the real estate
    12  so that the grantee holds the real estate in fee simple, freed
    13  from all right, title and interest which the grantor had in the
    14  real estate as a tenant by the entireties.
    15  § 3701.  Alimony.
    16     (a)  General rule.--Where a divorce decree has been entered
    17  in accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 (relating to family law and
    18  justice), the court may allow alimony, as it deems reasonable,
    19  to either party only if it finds that alimony is necessary.
    20     * * *
    21     (d)  Statement of reasons.--In an order made [under this
    22  section] in accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72, the court shall
    23  set forth the reason for its denial or award of alimony and the
    24  amount thereof.
    25     (e)  Modification and termination.--An order entered pursuant
    26  to this section is subject to further order of the court upon
    27  changed circumstances of either party of a substantial and
    28  continuing nature whereupon the order may be modified,
    29  suspended, terminated or reinstituted or a new order made in
    30  accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72. Any further order shall apply
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     1  only to payments accruing subsequent to the petition for the
     2  requested relief. Remarriage of the party receiving alimony
     3  shall terminate the award of alimony.
     4  § 3702.  Alimony pendente lite, counsel fees and expenses.
     5     In proper cases in accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72
     6  (relating to family law and justice), upon petition, the court
     7  may allow a spouse reasonable alimony pendente lite, spousal
     8  support and reasonable counsel fees and expenses. Reasonable
     9  counsel fees and expenses may be allowed pendente lite, and the
    10  court shall also have authority to direct that adequate health
    11  and hospitalization insurance coverage be maintained for the
    12  dependent spouse pendente lite.
    13  § 3703.  Enforcement of arrearages.
    14     If at any time a party is in arrears in the payment of
    15  alimony or alimony pendente lite as provided for in sections
    16  3701 (relating to alimony) and 3702 (relating to alimony
    17  pendente lite, counsel fees and expenses), the court may, in
    18  accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 (relating to family law and
    19  justice), after hearing, in order to effect payment of the
    20  arrearages:
    21         (1)  Enter judgment.
    22         (2)  Authorize the taking and seizure of the goods and
    23     chattels and the collection of the rents and profits of the
    24     real estate of the party.
    25         (3)  Attach no more than 50% of the wages of the party.
    26         (4)  Award interest on unpaid installments.
    27         (5)  Require security to insure future payments.
    28         (6)  Issue attachment proceedings, directed to the
    29     sheriff or other proper officer of the county, directing that
    30     the person named as having failed to comply with the court
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     1     order be brought before the court at such time as the court
     2     may direct. If the court finds, after hearing, that the named
     3     person willfully failed to comply with the court order, it
     4     may declare the person in civil contempt of court and in its
     5     discretion make an appropriate order, including, but not
     6     limited to, commitment of the person to prison for a period
     7     not to exceed six months.
     8         (7)  Award counsel fees and costs.
     9  § 3705.  Enforcement of foreign decrees.
    10     (a)  General rule.--Whenever a person subject to a valid
    11  decree of a sister state or territory for the distribution of
    12  marital property or for the payment of alimony, temporary
    13  alimony or alimony pendente lite, or the property of that person
    14  is found within this Commonwealth, the obligee of the decree
    15  may, in accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 (relating to family
    16  law and justice), petition the court where the obligor or the
    17  property of the obligor is found to register, adopt as its own
    18  and enforce the decree as a properly issued and authenticated
    19  decree of a sister state or territory. Upon registration and
    20  adoption, such relief and process for enforcement as is provided
    21  or prescribed by law in similar cases originally commenced in
    22  this Commonwealth shall be available. A copy of the decree and
    23  order shall be forwarded to the court of the state or territory
    24  which issued the original decree. The obligor shall have
    25  whatever defenses and relief are available to the obligor in the
    26  state or territory which issued the original decree and may
    27  question the jurisdiction of that court if not otherwise barred.
    28  Interest may be awarded on unpaid installments and security may
    29  be required to insure future payments as in cases originally
    30  commenced in this Commonwealth. Where property of the obligor,
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     1  but not the person of the obligor, is found within this
     2  Commonwealth, there shall be jurisdiction quasi in rem, and,
     3  upon registration and adoption of the decree of the sister state
     4  or territory, relief and enforcement of the decree shall be
     5  available as in other proceedings which are quasi in rem.
     6     * * *
     7  [§ 3901.  Mediation programs.
     8     (a)  Establishment.--A court may establish a mediation
     9  program for actions brought under this part or Chapter 53
    10  (relating to custody).
    11     (b)  Issues subject to mediation.--When a program has been
    12  established pursuant to subsection (a), the court may order the
    13  parties to attend an orientation session to explain the
    14  mediation process. Thereafter, should the parties consent to
    15  mediation, the court may order them to mediate such issues as it
    16  may specify.
    17     (c)  Local rules.--
    18         (1)  The court shall adopt local rules for the
    19     administration of the mediation program to include rules
    20     regarding qualifications of mediators, confidentiality and
    21     any other matter deemed appropriate by the court.
    22         (2)  The court shall not order an orientation session or
    23     mediation in a case where either party or child of either
    24     party is or has been a subject of domestic violence or child
    25     abuse at any time during the pendency of an action under this
    26     part or within 24 months preceding the filing of any action
    27     under this part.
    28     (d)  Model guidelines.--The Supreme Court shall develop model
    29  guidelines for implementation of this section and shall consult
    30  with experts on mediation and domestic violence in this
    20010H0013B0671                 - 12 -

     1  Commonwealth in the development thereof. The effective date of
     2  this chapter shall not be delayed by virtue of this subsection.
     3  § 3902.  Fees and costs.
     4     (a)  Imposition of fee.--A county in which the court has
     5  established a mediation program may impose an additional filing
     6  fee of up to $20 on divorce and custody complaints to be used to
     7  fund the mediation program.
     8     (b)  Assessment of additional costs.--The court may assess
     9  additional costs of mediation on either party.
    10  § 3903.  Review of programs.
    11     The Supreme Court shall monitor mediation programs
    12  established by courts of common pleas. The Supreme Court shall
    13  establish procedures for the evaluation of the effectiveness of
    14  the program.
    15  § 3904.  Existing programs.
    16     This chapter shall not affect any existing mediation program
    17  established in any judicial district pursuant to local rule.]
    18  § 4324.  Inclusion of spousal medical support.
    19     In addition to periodic support payments, the court may, in
    20  accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 (relating to family law and
    21  justice), require that an obligor pay a designated percentage of
    22  a spouse's reasonable and necessary health care expenses. If
    23  health care coverage is available through an obligor or obligee
    24  at no cost as a benefit of employment or at a reasonable cost,
    25  the court shall order an obligor or obligee to provide or extend
    26  health care coverage to a spouse. Upon failure of the obligor to
    27  make this payment or reimburse the spouse and after compliance
    28  with procedural due process requirement, the court shall treat
    29  the amount as arrearages.
    30  § 4341.  Commencement of support actions or proceedings.
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     1     (a)  Procedure.--A support action or proceeding under this
     2  chapter shall be commenced in accordance with 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72
     3  (relating to family law and justice) in the manner prescribed by
     4  the Rules of Civil Procedure governing actions of support.
     5     * * *
     6  § 4342.  Expedited procedure.
     7     (a)  General rule.--The Supreme Court shall by general rule
     8  provide for expedited procedures for the determination of
     9  paternity and the [determination and] enforcement of support.
    10  [The procedures shall include an office conference; a conference
    11  summary to the court by the hearing officer; an opportunity for
    12  the court to enter an order without hearing the parties; and an
    13  opportunity for the parties to demand a full hearing by the
    14  court.
    15     (b)  Alternate procedure.--The Supreme Court shall also
    16  provide an alternate expedited procedure which may be adopted by
    17  local rule of the courts of common pleas. The procedure shall
    18  include an office conference; an evidentiary hearing before a
    19  hearing officer who shall be an attorney; a transcript of the
    20  testimony; a report and recommendation to the court by the
    21  hearing officer; and an opportunity for the filing of exceptions
    22  with and argument before the court.]
    23     * * *
    24  § 4344.  Contempt for failure of obligor to appear.
    25     A person who willfully fails or refuses to appear in response
    26  to a duly served order or other process [under this chapter]
    27  relating to support may, as prescribed by general rule, be
    28  adjudged in contempt. Contempt shall be punishable by any one or
    29  more of the following:
    30         (1)  Imprisonment for a period not to exceed six months.
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     1         (2)  A fine not to exceed $500.
     2         (3)  Probation for a period not to exceed six months.
     3  § 4345.  Contempt for noncompliance with support order.
     4     (a)  General rule.--A person who willfully fails to comply
     5  with any order [under this chapter] of support, except an order
     6  subject to section 4344 (relating to contempt for failure of
     7  obligor to appear), may, as prescribed by general rule, be
     8  adjudged in contempt. Contempt shall be punishable by any one or
     9  more of the following:
    10         (1)  Imprisonment for a period not to exceed six months.
    11         (2)  A fine not to exceed $1,000.
    12         (3)  Probation for a period not to exceed one year.
    13     * * *
    14  § 4347.  Security for attendance or performance.
    15     At any stage of the proceedings [under this chapter] relating
    16  to support, upon affidavit filed that the obligor is about to
    17  leave this Commonwealth or the judicial district or, where in
    18  the judgment of the court, the obligor has habitually failed to
    19  comply with court orders [under this chapter] relating to
    20  support, the court may, as prescribed by general rule, issue
    21  appropriate process directing that the obligor be brought before
    22  the court and may direct that the obligor give security to
    23  appear when directed by the court or to comply with any order of
    24  the court.
    25  [§ 4349.  Consolidation of proceedings.
    26     In order to facilitate frequent and unimpeded contact between
    27  children and parents, a judge may consolidate with a support
    28  action or proceeding any proceeding commenced for visitation
    29  rights, sole or shared custody, temporary or permanent custody
    30  or any other matters pertaining to support authorized by law
    20010H0013B0671                 - 15 -

     1  which fairly and expeditiously may be determined and disposed of
     2  in the support action or proceeding.]
     3  § 4350.  Effect of appeal.
     4     An appeal from an order of support [entered pursuant to this
     5  chapter] shall not operate as a supersedeas unless so ordered by
     6  the court.
     7     Section 2.  Title 42 is amended by adding a chapter to read:
     8                             CHAPTER 72
     9                       FAMILY LAW AND JUSTICE
    10  Sec.
    11  7201.  Short title of chapter.
    12  7202.  Declaration of policy.
    13  7203.  Legislative intent.
    14  7204.  Definitions.
    15  7205.  Scope.
    16  7206.  Judicial districts.
    17  7207.  Annual report.
    18  7208.  Weighted caseload study.
    19  7209.  Intake and screening.
    20  7210.  Hearings may be private.
    21  7211.  Testimony of minor child.
    22  7212.  Commencement of family action.
    23  7213.  Differentiated case management.
    24  7214.  Case management conference.
    25  7215.  Consolidation.
    26  7216.  Bifurcation.
    27  7217.  Continuous trials.
    28  7218.  Tentative decisions for motions.
    29  7219.  Motions day.
    30  7220.  Case management teams.
    20010H0013B0671                 - 16 -

     1  7221.  Family law masters.
     2  7222.  Alternate dispute resolution.
     3  7223.  Appeals.
     4  7224.  Separating parents seminar.
     5  7225.  Seminar for children of separating parents.
     6  7226.  Family Justice Account.
     7  7227.  Appointment of representation for child.
     8  7228.  Family resource center.
     9  7229.  Family law manual.
    10  7230.  Volunteer lawyers.
    11  7231.  Judicial education seminar.
    12  7232.  Continuing judicial education.
    13  § 7201.  Short title of chapter.
    14     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Family
    15  Law and Justice Act.
    16  § 7202.  Declaration of policy.
    17     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    18         (1)  The current procedure in the Commonwealth for
    19     litigating family law cases involving divorce, annulment,
    20     child support, spousal support, custody, alimony and
    21     equitable division of marital property has created undue
    22     hardship for children and families.
    23         (2)  Pennsylvania's current procedure is largely based on
    24     the traditional adversarial process; is multilayered,
    25     segmented, overly lengthy and costly; and only serves to
    26     deepen the wounds caused by family break-up.
    27         (3)  The 60 judicial districts deciding family litigation
    28     have been denied the necessary oversight from the
    29     Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. As a result of
    30     this lack of oversight and varying level of available
    20010H0013B0671                 - 17 -

     1     resources, there is no uniform system for the resolution of
     2     family law cases. This has resulted in unnecessary delay in
     3     the disposition of cases, increased cost to litigants and
     4     unnecessary stress on the part of litigants and their
     5     families.
     6         (4)  Family break-up invariably hurts every member but is
     7     especially harmful to children. Divorce and family separation
     8     have been shown to contribute to increased levels of teen
     9     violence, suicide and depression and to impede learning and
    10     emotional growth.
    11         (5)  The best interests of children and the safety of all
    12     family members must be a matter of paramount concern in the
    13     court processes which resolve family conflict.
    14  § 7203.  Legislative intent.
    15     It is declared to be the intention of the General Assembly to
    16  create a procedure for family litigation which complies with all
    17  of the following:
    18         (1)  Protects and assures the present and long-term
    19     safety of children and victims of domestic violence.
    20         (2)  Eliminates barriers to meaningful dispute resolution
    21     by enabling family members to deal with the same court
    22     officers and staff each time they need the court's dispute
    23     resolution services and by reducing duplication and
    24     fragmentation of court events.
    25         (3)  Is accountable to all family members in need of
    26     protection and promotes public trust and confidence.
    27         (4)  Treats each member of a family with courtesy,
    28     civility and respect.
    29         (5)  Speedily, efficiently, fairly and cost-effectively
    30     decides family litigation cases, with the goal of resolving
    20010H0013B0671                 - 18 -

     1     all aspects of a case within six months of filing.
     2         (6)  Recognizes the realities of family break-up,
     3     including the emotional trauma experienced by the parties and
     4     their children.
     5         (7)  Assures adequate access to all those who need the
     6     court's help, including parties unable to afford lawyers.
     7         (8)  Sufficiently trains judges and family law masters in
     8     applicable substantive law and subjects needed to make the
     9     best decisions for children and families, such as mental and
    10     behavioral health, mediation, child abuse and neglect, child
    11     sexual abuse and exploitation, domestic violence and child
    12     development.
    13  § 7204.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    15  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Account."  The Family Justice Account established in section
    18  7226 (relating to Family Justice Account).
    19     "Alternate dispute resolution."  Includes mediation and
    20  conciliation.
    21     "Case management team."  The employees within the domestic
    22  relations section of a court of common pleas who are supervised
    23  by a judge in accordance with section 7220 (relating to case
    24  management teams) and whose responsibility is to manage and
    25  process family actions in a manner consistent with this chapter.
    26     "Case management team leader."  The designated manager of a
    27  case management team.
    28     "Court."  A judge of a court of common pleas or a family law
    29  master appointed by a judge to hear family litigation.
    30     "Differentiated case management system."  The multitrack
    20010H0013B0671                 - 19 -

     1  system for the management and timely disposition of family
     2  litigation established in section 7214 (relating to case
     3  management conference).
     4     "Family action."  An action filed with the court of common
     5  pleas which is comprised of one or more matters of family
     6  litigation.
     7     "Family information statement."  A printed form which
     8  includes information about family history, employment, assets,
     9  income, debts and liabilities, and insurance provided to the
    10  court by each party required under section 7212(a) (relating to
    11  commencement of family action).
    12     "Family law adjudication system."  The system within the
    13  court of common pleas established to receive family actions, to
    14  hear and decide family litigation and to help families negotiate
    15  the court processes involved with family litigation. This term
    16  includes court resources dedicated to providing information to
    17  families regarding substantive and procedural aspects of family
    18  litigation, court resources dedicated to helping self litigants
    19  and court resources necessary to effectuate judicial education
    20  and all other requirements of this chapter.
    21     "Family law master."  An attorney appointed by a judge to
    22  hear family litigation. The term does not include a mediator or
    23  conciliator.
    24     "Family litigation."  All matters involving divorce,
    25  annulment, custody, child support, spousal support, alimony,
    26  alimony pendente lite, counsel fees and costs, equitable
    27  division of marital property and related matters. The term does
    28  not include matters regarding:
    29         (1)  adoption, delinquency, dependency or protection from
    30     abuse;
    20010H0013B0671                 - 20 -

     1         (2)  establishment of paternity or child support
     2     enforcement or collection under 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 43 (relating
     3     to support matters generally);
     4         (3)  23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 56 (relating to standby
     5     guardianship);
     6         (4)  23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 53 Subch. B (relating to child
     7     custody jurisdiction);
     8         (5)  23 Pa.C.S. Pt. VIII (relating to uniform interstate
     9     family support); or
    10         (6)  23 Pa.C.S. Pt. VIII-A (relating to intrastate family
    11     support).
    12     "Family resource center."  The facility required under
    13  section 7228 (relating to family resource center).
    14     "Judge."  A judge of a court of common pleas. The term
    15  includes a senior judge.
    16  § 7205.  Scope.
    17     (a)  General rule.--Except as set forth in subsection (b),
    18  this chapter applies exclusively to and governs the procedure
    19  for hearing and deciding all matters involving family
    20  litigation.
    21     (b)  Limitation.--This chapter does not apply to matters
    22  excluded from the definition of "family litigation" in section
    23  7304 (relating to definitions). This chapter is not intended to
    24  affect the child support collection or enforcement operations of
    25  the Department of Public Welfare.
    26     (c)  Purpose.--This chapter shall be construed liberally to
    27  promote justice, to ensure the safety of children and to provide
    28  families with a fair, timely and cost-efficient method for
    29  hearing and deciding family litigation.
    30  § 7206.  Judicial districts.
    20010H0013B0671                 - 21 -

     1     (a)  Requirements.--Each judicial district in this
     2  Commonwealth shall do all of the following:
     3         (1)  provide courtrooms, chambers, facilities, equipment,
     4     legal and educational materials and supplies in accordance
     5     with this chapter;
     6         (2)  provide employees necessary for the operation,
     7     management and recordkeeping necessary to implement the
     8     family law adjudication system in accordance with this
     9     chapter; and
    10         (3)  establish the procedure for receiving family actions
    11     and for hearing and deciding family litigation in accordance
    12     with this chapter.
    13     (b)  Penalty.--If a judicial district fails to comply with
    14  this chapter, the county or counties which comprise that
    15  judicial district shall be responsible for all administrative
    16  costs related to the receiving of family actions and for the
    17  hearing and deciding of family litigation until the judicial
    18  district complies with this chapter.
    19  § 7207.  Annual report.
    20     (a)  Preparation.--Each judicial district shall prepare and
    21  submit to the Court Administrator of Pennsylvania information
    22  and statistics for the previous fiscal year concerning the
    23  operation of the family law adjudication system. This section
    24  includes:
    25         (1)  The number of family actions filed and disposed of.
    26         (2)  The types of family actions filed and disposed of.
    27         (3)  The length of time necessary to dispose of family
    28     actions.
    29         (4)  The number of family actions pending for more than
    30     six months from the date of commencement and the reason for
    20010H0013B0671                 - 22 -

     1     the pendency.
     2         (5)  The length of time necessary to hear and decide
     3     family litigation.
     4         (6)  The number of family actions pending in the family
     5     law adjudication system.
     6         (7)  The number of family actions not tried continuously
     7     and the reason for this treatment.
     8         (8)  The compliance by judges and family law masters with
     9     judicial educational requirements.
    10         (9)  The number of self-litigants and the services
    11     provided to self-litigants.
    12     (b)  Submission.--The Court Administrator of Pennsylvania
    13  shall compile and prepare this information and submit it in an
    14  annual report to the Governor, the Chief Justice of the Supreme
    15  Court of Pennsylvania, the President of the Pennsylvania Senate,
    16  the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the members of
    17  the Judiciary Committee of the Senate and the Judiciary
    18  Committee of the House of Representatives.
    19     (c)  Public access.--The Court Administrator of Pennsylvania
    20  shall make the annual report available to the public. This
    21  subsection includes access over the Internet or other electronic
    22  format readily accessible to the public.
    23  § 7208.  Weighted caseload study.
    24     Within two years of the effective date of this section, the
    25  Court Administrator of Pennsylvania shall undertake a weighted
    26  caseload study to determine efficient allocation of judicial and
    27  case management team resources.
    28  § 7209.  Intake and screening.
    29     Each judicial district shall establish a family action intake
    30  service within the domestic relations section of the court of
    20010H0013B0671                 - 23 -

     1  common pleas. The service shall be located within the family
     2  resource center and shall have among its responsibilities the
     3  screening of family actions for allegations or evidence of
     4  substance abuse, child abuse, child neglect, child sexual abuse
     5  and exploitation and domestic violence. This service shall
     6  assist litigants by making referrals and providing information
     7  regarding community-based and government services designed to
     8  provide treatment for substance abuse and to help victims of
     9  child abuse and neglect, child sexual abuse and exploitation and
    10  domestic violence.
    11  § 7210.  Hearings may be private.
    12     In a family action, upon demand of a party, or the court's
    13  own motion, the court shall direct that:
    14         (1)  the trial or proceedings regarding family litigation
    15     be private; and
    16         (2)  all persons except officers of the court, parties,
    17     witnesses and counsel be excluded from the place where the
    18     matter is being heard.
    19  § 7211.  Testimony of minor child.
    20     Except upon prior approval of the judge on a case-by-case
    21  basis:
    22         (1)  testimony of a minor child shall not be permitted;
    23     and
    24         (2)  no minor child shall be subpoenaed to appear at a
    25     hearing.
    26  § 7212.  Commencement of family action.
    27     (a)  Family information statement.--
    28         (1)  At the time of filing a complaint or cross-complaint
    29     regarding family litigation, each party shall complete and
    30     file a family information statement on a form prescribed by
    20010H0013B0671                 - 24 -

     1     the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. The family
     2     information statement shall provide information including:
     3             (i)  Name, address and telephone number of the
     4         party's employer.
     5             (ii)  Residential and mailing addresses of the party
     6         and the party's children.
     7             (iii)  Party's social security number.
     8             (iv)  Party's driver's license number.
     9             (v)  Itemization and identification of party's
    10         assets, whether held jointly or individually.
    11             (vi)  Party's income, debts and liabilities.
    12             (vii)  Party's medical, homeowners, life and
    13         automobile insurance coverage.
    14             (viii)  Family history. This subparagraph includes
    15         all of the following:
    16                 (A)  Physical, emotional or sexual abuse of a
    17             family member.
    18                 (B)  Physical, emotional or educational neglect
    19             of a family member.
    20                 (C)  Alcohol or drug abuse on the part of a
    21             family member.
    22                 (D)  Contact with the juvenile justice system by
    23             a minor in the family.
    24         (2)  The information provided by a party pursuant to
    25     subparagraph (viii) shall be confidential. Disclosure shall
    26     not be permitted to any other individual other than the
    27     judge, the family law master, the mediator or conciliator,
    28     the members of the case management team, members of the
    29     intake and screening service or other court employees.
    30         (3)  Information required by the family information
    20010H0013B0671                 - 25 -

     1     statement shall, to the extent known to the party, be fully
     2     completed and be current to within 60 days. Parties have a
     3     continuing duty to inform the court of any changes in the
     4     information required in the family information statement and
     5     to file a statement with the most current information
     6     available at the time of filing a petition to modify a
     7     support order. The statement shall provide that furnishing
     8     information which the party does not believe to be true shall
     9     subject the party to possible prosecution for a violation of
    10     18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to
    11     authorities).
    12         (4)  A party shall comply with the requirements of 23
    13     Pa.C.S. § 4353 (relating to duty to report).
    14         (5)  If a party fails to provide a family information
    15     statement, the other party shall supply the information in
    16     the statement to the best of the party's knowledge.
    17     (b)  Sanctions.--If a party intentionally fails to file a
    18  family information statement, the judge may impose sanctions or
    19  dismiss a party's pleadings subject to reinstatement upon
    20  conditions imposed by the judge.
    21     (c)  Custody.--If the complaint includes the issue of
    22  custody, the complaint and cross-complaint shall be accompanied
    23  by a written statement regarding the proposed custody
    24  arrangement or supervision of children. Nothing in this
    25  subsection shall be construed to limit the court's ability to
    26  require the parties to develop a parenting plan.
    27  § 7213.  Differentiated case management.
    28     (a)  Establishment.--Each judicial district shall establish a
    29  differentiated case management system for the handling of family
    30  actions in accordance with this section.
    20010H0013B0671                 - 26 -

     1     (b)  Assignment.--A family action shall be assigned to one of
     2  the following tracks as follows:
     3         (1)  If the family action includes a child custody
     4     dispute, it shall be assigned to the priority track.
     5         (2)  A family action shall be assigned to the complex
     6     track if it appears likely that this action will require a
     7     disproportionate expenditure of a court's and a party's
     8     resources in preparation for trial and at trial due to any of
     9     the following:
    10             (i)  Number of claims and defenses raised.
    11             (ii)  Legal difficulty of the issues presented.
    12             (iii)  Factual difficulty of the subject matter.
    13             (iv)  Length and complexity of discovery.
    14             (v)  A combination of these and other factors.
    15         (3)  If the family action appears to be capable of being
    16     tried promptly with minimal pretrial proceedings, it shall be
    17     assigned to the expedited track.
    18         (4)  If the family action is not qualified to be placed
    19     on the priority track, the complex track or the expedited
    20     track, it shall be assigned to the standard track.
    21     (c)  Expedited track assignment.--Subject to subsection (e),
    22  a family action shall be assigned to the expedited track if any
    23  of the following apply:
    24         (1)  There is no dispute as to the income or assets of
    25     the parties and custody of minor children is not at issue.
    26         (2)  The parties have been married less than five years
    27     and have no children.
    28         (3)  The parties have entered into a property settlement
    29     agreement and custody of minor children is not an issue.
    30         (4)  The divorce is uncontested and custody of minor
    20010H0013B0671                 - 27 -

     1     children is not an issue.
     2         (5)  The petition alleges facts supporting a conclusion
     3     that there is an emergency.
     4     (d)  Procedure.--The judge shall make the track assignment as
     5  soon as practicable after the case management conference
     6  required by section 7214 (relating to case management
     7  conference). In making the track assignment, the judge shall
     8  consider a party's request for track assignment. If all the
     9  parties agree on a track assignment, the case shall not be
    10  assigned a different track except for good cause shown, after
    11  giving all parties the opportunity to be heard either orally or
    12  in writing. If it is not clear from an examination of the
    13  information provided by the parties which track assignment is
    14  appropriate, the family action shall be assigned to the track
    15  which affords the greatest degree of management. The parties
    16  shall be promptly advised of the track assignment.
    17     (e)  Reassignment.--A judge may reassign a family action to a
    18  track other than that specified in the original notice to the
    19  parties either on the judge's own motion or upon a party's
    20  application. Unless the court otherwise directs, a party's
    21  application shall be made in the form of an affidavit to the
    22  judge and shall state with specificity the reasons for
    23  reassignment. Upon reassignment, the parties are not required to
    24  refile court documents. The case management team shall continue
    25  to use the original docket or file number.
    26  § 7214.  Case management conference.
    27     (a)  General rule.--After the filing of the family
    28  information statement, in any family action, the judge shall
    29  direct the parties to participate in a case management
    30  conference, which may be conducted in person or by telephone, to
    20010H0013B0671                 - 28 -

     1  consider the following matters before the family action is
     2  assigned to a differentiated case management track:
     3         (1)  Identification and simplification of the issues.
     4         (2)  Necessity or desirability of amending the pleadings.
     5         (3)  Possibility of obtaining admissions of fact and
     6     documents which will avoid unnecessary proof or discovery.
     7         (4)  Participation in the program of alternate dispute
     8     resolution and the separating parents seminar.
     9         (5)  Limitation of expert witnesses.
    10         (6)  Appointment of a court-appointed special advocate, a
    11     guardian ad litem or an attorney for a minor child.
    12         (7)  Establishment of a discovery schedule and
    13     determination of its scope.
    14         (8)  Such other matters as the judge deems appropriate.
    15     (b)  Order.--
    16         (1)  The judge shall issue an order which recites the
    17     action taken at the case management conference. This
    18     paragraph includes:
    19             (i)  Amendments allowed to the pleadings.
    20             (ii)  Agreements made by the parties as to any of the
    21         matters considered.
    22             (iii)  Discovery schedule.
    23             (iv)  A court-appointed special advocate, a guardian
    24         ad litem or an attorney for a minor.
    25             (v)  Participation in the program of alternate
    26         dispute resolution and the separating parents seminar.
    27             (vi)  Dates for any additional case management
    28         conferences.
    29             (vii)  Firm trial date.
    30             (viii)  Any other matter the judge deems appropriate.
    20010H0013B0671                 - 29 -

     1         (2)  The order shall control the subsequent course of the
     2     family action up to the time of trial before the judge. If
     3     the parties proceed to trial, the order may be modified by
     4     the judge at his discretion.
     5  § 7215.  Consolidation.
     6     (a)  Family law master.--In the absence of a judge's order to
     7  the contrary, if a family action is placed on the expedited
     8  track or the standard track and if custody is not an issue which
     9  the family law master will hear, a family law master may
    10  consolidate as much of the family litigation as practicable and
    11  dispose of it at one proceeding.
    12     (b)  Judge.--With the exception of custody, at the case
    13  management conference, a judge may order consolidation of family
    14  litigation.
    15  § 7216.  Bifurcation.
    16     (a)  General rule.--Except as set forth in subsection (b), in
    17  a family action where a complaint for divorce is filed, a decree
    18  of divorce shall not be granted prior to entry of an order
    19  resolving all pending claims for equitable division of marital
    20  property, alimony, counsel fees, costs and expenses.
    21     (b)  Exception.--In a family action in which a complaint for
    22  divorce is filed, if a party can show exceptional circumstances,
    23  a decree of divorce may be granted prior to entry of an order
    24  resolving all pending claims for equitable division of marital
    25  property, alimony, counsel fees, costs and expenses upon the
    26  approval of the:
    27         (1)  president judge of the court of common pleas in a
    28     judicial district in which there is no family division; or
    29         (2)  administrative judge of the family division of the
    30     court of common pleas in a judicial district in which there
    20010H0013B0671                 - 30 -

     1     is a family division.
     2  § 7217.  Continuous trials.
     3     Insofar as is practicable, court calendars shall be designed
     4  to allow family actions to be tried continuously to conclusion.
     5  If a family action is not tried continuously, the record at each
     6  day's proceedings shall document the reason for the
     7  fragmentation.
     8  § 7218.  Tentative decisions for motions.
     9     The judge may, prior to the scheduled date of oral argument
    10  on a motion involving family litigation, decide the motion on
    11  the basis of the papers filed of record or such briefs as may be
    12  filed by the parties, subsequently posting the tentative
    13  decision and making it available to the parties. Unless a party
    14  objects, with notice to the opposing party, the request for oral
    15  argument on the motion shall be deemed withdrawn; and the
    16  tentative decision shall become final and shall be set forth in
    17  an appropriate order. If a party renews the request for oral
    18  argument on the motion, with notice to the opposing party, the
    19  motion shall be argued as scheduled.
    20  § 7219.  Motions day.
    21     (a)  Establishment.--Each judicial district shall designate
    22  one or more days each week for the hearing and disposing of
    23  motions.
    24     (b)  Procedure.--Motions not disposed of in accordance with
    25  section 7218 (relating to tentative decisions for motions) shall
    26  be scheduled for oral argument, which shall be staggered
    27  throughout the day. The court may conduct an oral argument by
    28  telephone.
    29  § 7220.  Case management teams.
    30     (a)  Establishment.--Each judicial district shall establish
    20010H0013B0671                 - 31 -

     1  one or more case management teams within the domestic relations
     2  section of the court of common pleas, to be headed by a case
     3  management team leader, to effectively manage and process family
     4  litigation from filing to final disposition. The team shall be
     5  supervised by a judge. Insofar as practicable, each time a party
     6  seeks modification of an order involving family litigation, the
     7  family action shall be assigned to the same case management
     8  team.
     9     (b)  Duties.--The case management team shall be responsible
    10  for the timely management and processing of family actions and
    11  shall, subject to supervision and orders of the judge, do all of
    12  the following:
    13         (1)  Coordinate the timely filing of reports,
    14     recommendations, evaluations and other writings necessary to
    15     the disposition of family litigation.
    16         (2)  Participate, as necessary, in case management
    17     conferences.
    18         (3)  Implement the judge's decision regarding assignment
    19     of a family action to a differentiated case management track.
    20         (4)  Notify parents of the separating parents seminar.
    21         (5)  Assign that portion of family litigation involving
    22     custody to alternate dispute resolution.
    23         (6)  Cooperate with other employees of the domestic
    24     relations section or the Department of Public Welfare, as
    25     needed, pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 43 (relating to support
    26     matters generally).
    27         (7)  Perform other duties as the judge may direct in
    28     order to effectuate the timely, fair and cost-efficient
    29     disposition of family actions.
    30  § 7221.  Family law masters.
    20010H0013B0671                 - 32 -

     1     (a)  Appointment.--Subject to section 7222(h) (relating to
     2  alternate dispute resolution), a judge may appoint a family law
     3  master to hear any aspect of family litigation except custody.
     4  The family law master shall hold a record proceeding which shall
     5  be recorded by stenographer, tape recorder or other electronic
     6  means.
     7     (b)  Qualifications.--A family law master must be an attorney
     8  at law and must comply with judicial education requirements as
     9  provided in section 7231 (relating to judicial education
    10  seminar).
    11     (c)  Requirements.--The family law master shall comply with
    12  orders issued by the judge and decisions made by the judge,
    13  including differentiated case management systems track
    14  assignment, and shall cooperate with the case management team
    15  with regard to the timely filing of reports, recommendations and
    16  other writings.
    17     (d)  Powers and duties.--The family law master has the
    18  following powers and duties:
    19         (1)  Receive evidence, take testimony and establish a
    20     record.
    21         (2)  Make findings of fact, conclusions of law and
    22     recommendations to the judge for the issuance and enforcement
    23     of a final order disposing of family litigation.
    24         (3)  Other powers and duties as provided by the judge's
    25     order.
    26     (e)  Prohibition.--Notwithstanding any statutory provision of
    27  law to the contrary, a person who is not a judge or family law
    28  master may not hear or decide matters which establish or modify
    29  the amount of child or spousal support.
    30  § 7222.  Alternate dispute resolution.
    20010H0013B0671                 - 33 -

     1     (a)  Program established.--Each judicial district shall
     2  establish a program of alternate dispute resolution which:
     3         (1)  Facilitates and encourages the parties to resolve
     4     custody disputes with the help of a neutral third party.
     5         (2)  Contains an orientation program for the parties.
     6         (3)  Is closed to the public and is confidential.
     7     (b)  Requirement.--Subject to subsection (c), the parties
     8  shall be referred to the program of alternate dispute resolution
     9  for the resolution of a custody dispute in accordance with the
    10  child's best interests. Upon referral, the parties shall be
    11  required to attend an orientation program.
    12     (c)  Exception.--A party may be excused from the program of
    13  alternate dispute resolution or the orientation program for good
    14  cause shown. This subsection includes:
    15         (1)  A history of child abuse or neglect, child sexual
    16     abuse or exploitation or domestic violence by a party.
    17         (2)  Evidence that parties are currently participating in
    18     private mediation or some other form of alternate dispute
    19     resolution.
    20     (d)  Standards.--The Supreme Court shall, by general rule,
    21  provide standards for the hiring and training of mediators and
    22  conciliators. This subsection includes:
    23         (1)  Minimum qualifications, which shall not be
    24     restricted to any particular professional or educational
    25     training.
    26         (2)  Minimum requirements for training in the procedural
    27     aspects of mediation and conciliation and the interpersonal
    28     skills necessary to act as an effective mediator or
    29     conciliator.
    30         (3)  A minimum period of apprenticeship for individuals
    20010H0013B0671                 - 34 -

     1     who have not previously acted as mediators or conciliators.
     2         (4)  Procedures to ensure that potential mediators and
     3     conciliators understand the high standard of ethics and
     4     confidentiality related to their participation in the program
     5     of alternate dispute resolution.
     6     (e)  Mandatory education.--
     7         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), a mediator and
     8     a conciliator must successfully complete a program of
     9     education appropriate for mediators or conciliators in
    10     custody disputes approved by the Academy of Family Mediators
    11     within six months of the later of:
    12             (i)  the date of appointment; or
    13             (ii)  the effective date of this section.
    14         (2)  Paragraph (1) does not apply to a mediator or
    15     conciliator who has already attended and successfully
    16     completed such a program prior to the appropriate date.
    17         (3)  Failure to fulfill this educational requirement
    18     shall cause the mediator or conciliator to forfeit the
    19     position.
    20     (f)  Cooperation with case management team.--A mediator or
    21  conciliator shall cooperate with the case management team with
    22  regard to the timely filing of reports, recommendations and
    23  other writings and shall comply with any orders issued or
    24  decisions made by a judge.
    25     (g)  Fees.--Each judicial district shall establish a sliding
    26  schedule of fees for participation in the alternate dispute
    27  resolution program, based on a party's ability to pay. Unless
    28  the judge issues an order to the contrary, the fee for alternate
    29  dispute resolution services shall be borne equally by the
    30  parties.
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     1     (h)  Excuse.--If a party is excused from the program of
     2  alternate dispute resolution pursuant to subsection (b), a
     3  family law master shall hear that part of a family action
     4  involving custody.
     5     (i)  Custody evaluation.--A mediator or conciliator or family
     6  law master may refer the parties to custody evaluation. A
     7  mediator or conciliator may not act as a custody evaluator for
     8  the parties who appear before the mediator or conciliator
     9  without the express written consent of the parties and approval
    10  by the judge. No individual who has provided therapy or
    11  counseling services to a party or a member of a party's family
    12  shall serve as an evaluator.
    13  § 7223.  Appeals.
    14     (a)  General rule.--A party may appeal a ruling or decision
    15  other than those incorporated in a final order disposing of
    16  family litigation made by a family law master to a judge.
    17     (b)  Appeal.--All final orders disposing of family litigation
    18  not resolved to a party's satisfaction issued by a family law
    19  master shall be heard by a judge at one proceeding in accordance
    20  with section 7217 (relating to continuous trials). The standard
    21  of review shall be de novo.
    22     (c)  Custody.--If the parties do not resolve a custody
    23  dispute during participation in the program of alternate dispute
    24  resolution, that part of the family action involving custody
    25  shall be consolidated with any appeals brought under subsection
    26  (b).
    27  § 7224.  Separating parents seminar.
    28     Each judicial district shall establish a seminar for
    29  separating parents. The seminar shall include the following
    30  topics and others as the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania
    20010H0013B0671                 - 36 -

     1  Courts may designate:
     2         (1)  The procedural aspects of family litigation.
     3         (2)  The availability of court services to aid self
     4     litigants and represented parties.
     5         (3)  The availability of community and government
     6     services to treat drug or alcohol abuse and to help victims
     7     of domestic violence, child sexual abuse and exploitation and
     8     child abuse and neglect.
     9         (4)  Basic child psychology and strategies to minimize
    10     the adverse effects of separation or divorce on children.
    11         (5)  The potential benefits of alternate dispute
    12     resolution services.
    13  § 7225.  Seminar for children of separating parents.
    14     (a)  Option.--A judicial district may establish a program for
    15  children of separating parents for children eight years of age
    16  and older.
    17     (b)  Establishment.--If a judicial district establishes the
    18  program under subsection (a), the judicial district shall do so
    19  in cooperation with and at the direction of the Administrative
    20  Office of Pennsylvania Courts. In designing a seminar, the
    21  Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts shall consult with
    22  experts in the fields of child psychology, child abuse and
    23  neglect, family pathology and similar fields to ensure that the
    24  content of the seminar is suited to children and will not serve
    25  to further traumatize children of separating parents.
    26  § 7226.  Family Justice Account.
    27     (a)  Establishment.--There is established within the General
    28  Fund a restricted account, called the Family Justice Account.
    29     (b)  Purpose.--The purpose of the account is to fund the cost
    30  of court-ordered participation in the program of alternate
    20010H0013B0671                 - 37 -

     1  dispute resolution, custody evaluation, proceedings before
     2  family law masters, and other costs or fees associated with
     3  family litigation when a party is unable to pay such costs or
     4  fees by reason of poverty or financial hardship.
     5     (c)  Procedure.--
     6         (1)  Each judicial district may, through the
     7     Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, make
     8     application for payment by the account. Money received from
     9     the account shall only be used to reimburse expenses
    10     enumerated in subsection (b).
    11         (2)  A party may seek relief from costs and fees
    12     enumerated in subsection (b) upon application to the judge by
    13     submitting a sworn or affirmed statement regarding poverty or
    14     financial hardship. The statement should be filed along with
    15     the family information statement, but it may be filed at any
    16     time prior to final disposition of the family action.
    17  § 7227.  Appointment of representation for child.
    18     (a)  General rule.--In a family action where custody of a
    19  child is an issue, the judge may appoint a guardian ad litem,
    20  who must be an attorney at law, an attorney or a court-appointed
    21  special advocate for the child. If an attorney is appointed, the
    22  attorney may not represent a party to the same family action.
    23     (b)  Exception.--In any family action in which custody of a
    24  child is an issue and there is history of or an allegation of
    25  child abuse or neglect, child sexual abuse or exploitation by a
    26  party or a member of a party's household or history of or an
    27  allegation of domestic violence against one party by the other,
    28  the judge shall appoint a guardian ad litem or court-appointed
    29  special advocate for the child. The duties of the guardian ad
    30  litem shall be as set forth in section 6311(b) (relating to
    20010H0013B0671                 - 38 -

     1  guardian ad litem for child in court proceedings). The duties of
     2  the court-appointed special advocate shall be as set forth in
     3  section 6342(d) (relating to court-appointed special advocates).
     4     (c)  Fees and costs.--Subject to section 7226 (relating to
     5  Family Justice Account), the judge may impose attorney fees and
     6  other fees and costs under this section upon either party.
     7  § 7228.  Family resource center.
     8     (a)  Establishment.--Each judicial district shall establish a
     9  family resource center to be located in the courthouse or
    10  another centralized location where family litigation is heard
    11  and decided.
    12     (b)  Purpose.--The purpose of the family resource center is
    13  to provide parties and other interested persons a central
    14  location where they may do all of the following:
    15         (1)  Gain access to easily understandable information
    16     regarding the substantive and procedural aspects of family
    17     litigation.
    18         (2)  Gain access to easily understandable information
    19     regarding protection from abuse orders, shelters and other
    20     government and community services designed to help victims of
    21     domestic violence and child abuse and neglect.
    22         (3)  Direct inquiries regarding the family law
    23     adjudication system.
    24         (4)  Find a suitable place to leave children during court
    25     proceedings, mediation or other court-ordered activities.
    26         (5)  Find a suitable place to meet with volunteer
    27     lawyers.
    28     (c)  Services.--A family resource center shall provide all of
    29  the following:
    30         (1)  An appropriate, supervised place for children to
    20010H0013B0671                 - 39 -

     1     wait while a party is taking part in court proceedings, the
     2     program of alternate dispute resolution or other court-
     3     ordered activity.
     4         (2)  Easily understandable information and other
     5     materials and legal books regarding the substantive law of
     6     family litigation. This paragraph includes forms.
     7         (3)  The family law manual under section 7229 (relating
     8     to family law manual).
     9         (4)  At least one employee shall be responsible for
    10     answering, during the entire court day, general questions
    11     from parties and other interested persons regarding the
    12     family law adjudication system, the procedural aspects of
    13     family litigation and the substantive law of family
    14     litigation. The employee shall also make referrals to
    15     appropriate government and community resources. The
    16     information provided by the employee shall not be construed
    17     as legal advice. The employee shall be absolutely immune from
    18     suit when performing duties under this paragraph.
    19  § 7229.  Family law manual.
    20     (a)  Development.--Each judicial district, in cooperation
    21  with the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, shall
    22  develop a family law manual, which does all of the following:
    23         (1)  Explains in basic terms Pennsylvania substantive law
    24     regarding family litigation.
    25         (2)  Explains in basic terms the procedural aspects of
    26     family litigation.
    27         (3)  Explains in basic terms the substantive and
    28     procedural law regarding protection from abuse.
    29         (4)  Provides a basic guide to family litigation motions
    30     practice.
    20010H0013B0671                 - 40 -

     1         (5)  Provides phone numbers and addresses within that
     2     judicial district for government and community services
     3     designed to:
     4             (i)  provide treatment and prevention services for
     5         drug or alcohol abuse;
     6             (ii)  protect children from sexual abuse and
     7         exploitation, child abuse and neglect;
     8             (iii)  assist victims of domestic violence;
     9             (iv)  provide free or low-cost legal assistance; and
    10             (v)  provide free or low-cost psychological services.
    11     (b)  Availability.--
    12         (1)  A party must receive the manual at no cost after
    13     initiating or responding to a family action and no later than
    14     the date of attending the separating parents seminar.
    15         (2)  The manual shall be available without cost to any
    16     person upon request. The manual shall be available over the
    17     Internet or through other electronic means readily accessible
    18     to the general public.
    19  § 7230.  Volunteer lawyers.
    20     It is the intent of the General Assembly to encourage
    21  attorneys at law to volunteer their time to help self-
    22  represented litigants by providing a suitable place within the
    23  family resource center for volunteer lawyers to meet with
    24  parties who cannot afford lawyers. The Administrative Office of
    25  Pennsylvania Courts shall work with State and county bar
    26  associations to develop policies and procedures to encourage
    27  attorneys to join the volunteer lawyers program.
    28  § 7231.  Judicial education seminar.
    29     (a)  General rule.--
    30         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), each judge and
    20010H0013B0671                 - 41 -

     1     family law master who hears family litigation must
     2     successfully complete courses of instruction at the National
     3     Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges within six months
     4     of the later of:
     5             (i)  the date of first assignment to family
     6         litigation; or
     7             (ii)  the effective date of this section.
     8         (2)  Paragraph (1) does not apply to a judge or family
     9     law master who has already successfully completed such a
    10     program prior to the appropriate date.
    11         (3)  Every two years, the judge or family law master must
    12     successfully complete courses at the National Council of
    13     Juvenile and Family Court Judges.
    14     (b)  Continuing education in family law.--Every two years,
    15  each judge and family law master must successfully complete the
    16  program established in section 7232 (relating to continuing
    17  judicial education).
    18     (c)  Penalty.--Failure to comply with this section shall
    19  result in the judge or family law master being subject to
    20  disciplinary action pursuant to section 18 of Article V of the
    21  Constitution of Pennsylvania.
    22     (d)  Monitoring.--The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania
    23  Courts shall monitor compliance with this section by judges and
    24  family law masters and shall notify the Judicial Conduct Board
    25  of noncompliance by any judge or family law master.
    26  § 7232.  Continuing judicial education.
    27     (a)  Establishment.--There is established a continuing
    28  judicial education program. The program shall be designed and
    29  administered by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania
    30  Courts.
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     1     (b)  Functions.--The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania
     2  Courts has the following powers and duties:
     3         (1)  Design and administer a course of study and training
     4     for judges and family law masters who hear family litigation
     5     to be at least 20 hours in length on the following topics:
     6             (i)  The substantive law of family litigation.
     7             (ii)  The procedural aspects of family litigation.
     8             (iii)  Child development and child psychology.
     9             (iv)  Child sexual abuse and exploitation, child
    10         abuse and neglect, domestic violence and other family
    11         pathologies, and Pennsylvania law relating to these
    12         topics.
    13             (v)  Mental and behavioral health and alcohol and
    14         drug abuse.
    15             (vi)  Alternate dispute resolution.
    16             (vii)  Financial aspects of family litigation,
    17         including the law of taxation, trusts and estates,
    18         employee benefits, workers' compensation and business
    19         valuation.
    20         (2)  Establish minimum qualifications for instructors.
    21         (3)  Consult, cooperate and contract with universities,
    22     colleges, law schools and mental health and health care
    23     professionals regarding the development of courses in the
    24     program and the teaching of those courses.
    25     Section 3.  This act shall apply to all family actions filed
    26  on or after the effective date of this section.
    27     Section 4.  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall transmit
    28  to the Legislative Reference Bureau, for publication in the
    29  Pennsylvania Bulletin, notice of adoption of an amendment to the
    30  Constitution of Pennsylvania which deals with all of the
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     1  following:
     2         (1)  The procedure in each judicial district for family
     3     litigation.
     4         (2)  The establishment in each judicial district of a
     5     family resource center.
     6         (3)  The Judicial Conduct Board having jurisdiction over
     7     family law masters with respect to ethics.
     8         (4)  The establishment of judicial education
     9     requirements.
    10     Section 5.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    11         (1)  Section 4 and this section shall take effect
    12     immediately.
    13         (2)  The addition of 42 Pa.C.S. §§ 7201, 7202, 7203,
    14     7204, 7205, 7207, 7208 and 7226 shall take effect upon
    15     publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin of the notice under
    16     section 4.
    17         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect 180 days
    18     after publication of the notice under section 4.

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