See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 31



No. 28 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing and directing the Department of General Services,
     2     with the approval of the Governor and the Department of
     3     Transportation, to grant and convey to the City of
     4     Philadelphia and to the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority
     5     a tract of land situate in the City of Philadelphia,
     6     Philadelphia County.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1.  Chinatown Community Center.
    10     (a)  Conveyance authorized.--The Department of General
    11  Services, with the approval of the Governor and the Department
    12  of Transportation, is hereby authorized and directed on behalf
    13  of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to the
    14  City of Philadelphia and to the Philadelphia Redevelopment
    15  Authority, certain lands situate in the 5th Ward of Philadelphia
    16  at 1001-05 Vine Street described in subsection (b) for less than
    17  the fair market value as determined by an independent appraisal.
    18     (b)  Property description.--The property to be conveyed
    19  pursuant to this section consists of 78 feet by 131 feet 4

     1  inches of land bounded and described as follows:
     2  ALL THOSE FOUR CERTAIN lots or pieces of ground with the
     3  buildings and improvements thereon erected, Situate in the 5th
     4  Ward of the City of Philadelphia and described as follows, to
     5  wit: ONE THEREOF SITUATE at the Northwest corner of Vine and
     6  10th Streets, CONTAINING in front or breadth on said Vine Street
     7  18 feet and extending in depth Northward along the West side of
     8  said 10th Street, 131 feet 3 inches to Pearl Street, ANOTHER
     9  THEREOF SITUATE on the North side of Vine Street at the distance
    10  of 18 feet Westward from the West side of 10th Street.
    11  CONTAINING in front or breadth on said Vine Street 20 feet and
    12  extending in length or depth Northward of that width at right
    13  angles parallel with the said 10th Street 131 feet 3 inches to
    14  Pearl Street. ANOTHER THEREOF SITUATE on the North side of Vine
    15  Street at the distance of 38 feet Westward from the West side of
    16  10th Street. CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said Vine
    17  Street 20 feet and extending of that width between lines
    18  parallel with the said 10th Street in length or depth
    19  Northwardly 131 feet 3 inches to Pearl Street. BOUNDED Northward
    20  by said Pearl Street, Eastward by ground now or late of I.
    21  Fassett, Deceased, Westward by ground now or late of Jacob
    22  Schmitt, Deceased, and Southward by Vine Street. No. 1003 Vine
    23  Street. AND THE REMAINING ONE THEREOF SITUATE on the North side
    24  of Vine Street at the distance of 58 feet Westward from the West
    25  side of 10th Street. CONTAINING in front or breadth on the said
    26  Vine Street 20 feet and extending of that width in length or
    27  depth Northward 131 feet 4 inches to Pearl Street. BOUNDED
    28  Northward by said Pearl Street, Eastward by other ground now or
    29  late of Jacob Schmitt, and now or late of Frank A. Schmitt,
    30  Southward by said Vine Street and Westward by ground formerly of
    20050H0028B0031                  - 2 -     

     1  Hannah Sanson. No. 1005 Vine Street.
     2     (c)  Conditions.--The conveyance shall be made under and
     3  subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
     4  rights of others, including but not confined to streets,
     5  roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
     6  electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
     7  subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
     8  vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
     9  the land or improvements erected thereon.
    10     (d)  Deed.--The deed of conveyance shall be by Special
    11  Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of General
    12  Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    13     (e)  Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to this
    14  conveyance shall be borne by the grantee.
    15     (f)  Alternative disposition.--In the event that this
    16  conveyance is not executed within 12 months of the effective
    17  date of this act, the property may be disposed of in accordance
    18  with section 2406-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
    19  No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.
    20     (g)  Right of reverter.--This conveyance shall revert to the
    21  grantor if either of the following conditions occurs:
    22         (1)  The property is not, within five years of this
    23     conveyance, put to use as the Chinatown Community Center to
    24     enhance the lives of the residents of the neighborhood and
    25     enrich the culture of the City of Philadelphia.
    26         (2)  The property ceases to be so used at any time.
    27  Section 2.  Effective date.
    28     This act shall take effect immediately.

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