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                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 40



No. 35 Special Session No. 1 of 2007-2008

           YOUNGBLOOD, OCTOBER 25, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, establishing a consumer energy
     3     educational program; requiring certain utilities to implement
     4     consumer education plans; and providing for commission review
     5     and evaluation of consumer education plans.

     6     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     7         (1)  It is essential that consumers have a good
     8     understanding of energy use and costs because energy is so
     9     prevelant in daily life.
    10         (2)  Energy education is essential if consumers are to
    11     make informed choices about how to conserve energy and reduce
    12     the amount that energy costs play in the family budget.
    13         (3)  Energy education programs need to be designed to
    14     provide information to help Pennsylvanians evaluate their
    15     best energy options.
    16         (4)  A well-designed Statewide energy conservation
    17     education campaign is in the best interests of all
    18     Pennsylvanians if the price of energy is to be affordable.

     1     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     2  hereby enacts as follows:
     3     Section 1.  Chapter 15 of Title 66 of the Pennsylvania
     4  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a subchapter to read:
     5                            SUBCHAPTER C
     6                      CONSUMER EDUCATION PLANS
     7  Sec.
     8  1541.  Definitions.
     9  1542.  Consumer education.
    10  1543.  Commission review of plans.
    11  1544.  Statewide education campaign.
    12  1545.  Consumer education plan evaluation.
    13  1546.  Reporting.
    14  § 1541.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    16  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     "Consumer education plan."  A plan designed to educate retail
    19  customers and to increase ratepayer knowledge about a variety of
    20  energy issues.
    21     "Electric distribution company."  The term shall have the
    22  same meaning given to it in Chapter 28 (relating to
    23  restructuring of electric utility industry).
    24  § 1542.  Consumer education.
    25     (a)  General rule.--The commission shall require each
    26  electric distribution company to file an initial consumer
    27  education plan for its service territory for approval by
    28  December 31, 2007. Each plan shall be designed to increase
    29  ratepayer knowledge about a variety of energy issues and
    30  structured to provide consumers practical advice about preparing
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     1  for the eventual elimination of electric utility rate caps and
     2  options for reducing their electricity costs.
     3     (b)  Contents.--The electric distribution company's plan at a
     4  minimum shall include the following elements:
     5         (1)  An explanation that the generation component of
     6     retail electric rates charged to customers by electric
     7     utilities has been capped since 1996 and when the cap for
     8     that customer's service territory will expire.
     9         (2)  A statement that the rate charged for generation
    10     service will change after the rate cap expires and that this
    11     may result in an increase in consumer electricity costs.
    12         (3)  An explanation that consumers can take certain steps
    13     before and at the time rate caps expire that can be used to
    14     help control electric costs such as energy efficiency,
    15     conservation and demand-side response opportunities. The
    16     explanation shall also include information about cost-
    17     effective technologies and information about these
    18     technologies and how to take advantage of them.
    19         (4)  Information that competitive choice options are
    20     communicated to retail customers.
    21         (5)  Information about the availability of programs for
    22     those with limited incomes is included.
    23     (c)  Implementation.--Once final approval is attained, the
    24  electric distribution company shall implement consumer education
    25  plans tailored to their service territories that will help
    26  retail customers mitigate the effect of wholesale energy price
    27  increases.
    28  § 1543.  Commission review of plans.
    29     (a)  General rule.--The commission shall review and approve,
    30  disapprove or modify the consumer education plan submitted by
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     1  the electric distribution company and in performing that duty
     2  the commission shall:
     3         (1)  Ensure that consumer education plans and the
     4     Statewide education campaign are complementary in achieving
     5     these standards. The commission shall allow, as needed,
     6     consumer education plans to be tailored to the particular
     7     circumstances of an electric distribution company service
     8     territory.
     9         (2)  Encourage electric distribution companies to
    10     consider long-term education strategies and to propose
    11     consumer education plans that will be in effect for at least
    12     five years.
    13         (3)  Permit each electric distribution company to propose
    14     a budget that will adequately address the consumer education
    15     plan development and implementation and shall allow a
    16     specific cost-recovery mechanism to be proposed as an element
    17     of each plan filing.
    18     (b)  Rate cap expiration in service territories.--The
    19  commission shall work with electric distribution companies to
    20  modify consumer education plan requirements where customers pay
    21  market based rates. The commission shall assist these companies
    22  to focus their consumer education plans on practical steps
    23  customers can take to reduce the size of their electric bills
    24  through energy conservation and retail choice.
    25  § 1544.  Statewide education campaign.
    26     (a)  General rule.--The commission shall implement a
    27  Statewide education campaign to supplement the individual
    28  consumer education plans of electric distribution companies and
    29  shall seek to address the same types of energy information
    30  identified for the consumer education plans.
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     1     (b)  Nature of campaign.--The Statewide campaign shall be
     2  designed to provide opportunities to use various types of media
     3  and to ensure that there is an emphasis on providing information
     4  to low-income residents of this Commonwealth.
     5  § 1545.  Consumer education plan evaluation.
     6     (a)  Standards for annual reporting.--The commission shall
     7  establish standards by which each electric distribution company
     8  submits to the commission an annual report that provides
     9  information relating to the actions and results associated with
    10  the implementation of their approved consumer education plans.
    11  The reports shall include, but not be limited to:
    12         (1)  Documentation of program expenditures.
    13         (2)  Measurement and success of programs.
    14         (3)  Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of
    15     expenditures.
    16         (4)  Any other information the commission may require
    17     pursuant to its rulemaking authority.
    18     (b)  Modification of plans.--The commission may direct an
    19  electric distribution company to modify or terminate particular
    20  portions of its consumer education plan if, after an adequate
    21  period for implementation of the program, the commission
    22  determines the program is not sufficiently meeting its goals and
    23  purposes.
    24     (c)  Termination.--
    25         (1)  Termination of any portion of a consumer education
    26     plan shall be accomplished in a manner that allows the
    27     utility to fully recover its reasonable and prudent program
    28     costs.
    29         (2)  In the event any portion of an approved consumer
    30     education plan is terminated by the commission, the electric
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     1     distribution company shall submit a revised consumer
     2     education plan to the commission describing the actions the
     3     electric distribution company will undertake to either offer
     4     a substitute program or to increase the availability of
     5     existing programs to make up for the effect of the terminated
     6     program on its overall program goals.
     7  § 1546.  Reporting.
     8     The commission shall submit an annual report to the General
     9  Assembly describing the results of consumer education plans
    10  implemented by each of the electric distribution companies and
    11  the Statewide campaign, including, but not limited to:
    12         (1)  The costs and benefits.
    13         (2)  Use of the information by customer class within this
    14     Commonwealth.
    15         (3)  Any potential energy savings resulting from the
    16     information provided to retail customers.
    17         (4)  Information regarding the need to modify or alter
    18     any aspects of either the electric distribution companies
    19     energy education plans or the Statewide education campaign.
    20     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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