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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2603



No. 48 Session of 1999

           WILLIAMS AND WILT, NOVEMBER 8, 1999

           NOVEMBER 8, 1999

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the establishment of a tobacco settlement recovery
     2     fund; designating the tobacco litigation master settlement
     3     agreement funds to be utilized for health-related purposes;
     4     establishing an advisory board; providing for tobacco
     5     litigation master settlement agreement funds to be utilized
     6     for medical research, study and investigation which seeks to
     7     manage and ultimately cure tobacco-related illnesses and
     8     diseases, and toward the funding, creation and promulgation
     9     of programs which seek to aid individuals in the cessation of
    10     smoking or attempt to prevent individuals from ever beginning
    11     to use tobacco products; and improving the delivery of health
    12     care services and containment of costs.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15  Section 1.  Short title.
    16     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Health
    17  Opportunities for Pennsylvanians Enhancement Fund Act.
    18  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
    19     The General Assembly finds and declares that the human
    20  tragedy of tobacco-related disease is enormous in this

     1  Commonwealth, that thousands of Pennsylvanians die each year
     2  from tobacco-related illnesses and, because the immense
     3  resources involved with treating such tobacco-related illnesses,
     4  as well as providing for other health needs in this
     5  Commonwealth, have created a significant and pressing strain on
     6  this Commonwealth's hospitals and health care facilities, the
     7  purpose of this act is to create a State fund with the proceeds
     8  from the Commonwealth's settlement with the tobacco industry in
     9  order to address the issues involving the dangers of tobacco use
    10  and to address other vital health needs. Further purposes of
    11  this act are to use a portion of the proceeds from the
    12  Commonwealth's settlement with the tobacco industry in order to
    13  help with the transformation of the Commonwealth's health care
    14  delivery system into the new millennium and also to use these
    15  funds toward medical research, study and investigation to manage
    16  and ultimately cure tobacco-related illnesses and diseases, and
    17  toward the funding, creation and promulgation of programs to aid
    18  individuals in the cessation of smoking or attempt to prevent
    19  individuals from ever beginning to use tobacco products.
    20  Priority will be given to those initiatives that focus on
    21  children and adolescent health education.
    22  Section 3.  Definitions.
    23     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    24  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    25  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    26     "Advisory board."  The Health Opportunities for
    27  Pennsylvanians Enhancement Fund Advisory Board established to
    28  advise the Governor and the General Assembly on use of the
    29  settlement funds for health-related purposes.
    30     "Health Opportunities for Pennsylvanians Enhancement Fund."
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     1  The tobacco settlement recovery fund which designates the
     2  tobacco litigation master settlement agreement funds to be
     3  utilized for health-related purposes.
     4     "Tobacco litigation master settlement agreement."  The master
     5  settlement agreement relating to tobacco litigation entered into
     6  in 1998 by the Commonwealth and leading United States tobacco
     7  product manufacturers.
     8  Section 4.  Establishment of fund.
     9     (a)  Establishment.--All settlement funds received by the
    10  Commonwealth related to the settlement of the Commonwealth's
    11  civil action against the parties of Philip Morris, Inc., R.J.
    12  Reynolds Tobacco Company, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation
    13  and Lorillard Tobacco Company, or any successor to one of the
    14  above-named settling parties, shall be deposited into a special
    15  fund in the State Treasury to be known as the Health
    16  Opportunities for Pennsylvanians Enhancement Fund, which is
    17  hereby established.
    18     (b)  Trust funds.--All moneys deposited into the fund shall
    19  be held in trust and shall not be considered general revenue of
    20  the Commonwealth but shall be used only to effectuate the
    21  purposes of this act as determined by the Governor with the
    22  advice of the advisory board and shall be subject to audit by
    23  the Auditor General.
    24     (c)  Additional deposits.--All interest, dividends and
    25  capital gains earned from the deposit of moneys accumulated in
    26  the fund shall be deposited in the fund for the same use.
    27     (d)  Statute required.--No moneys shall be appropriated from
    28  the fund without the approval of the General Assembly by
    29  statute.
    30  Section 5.  Advisory board.
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     1     (a)  Establishment of board.--There is hereby established an
     2  advisory board of nine members to be known as the Health
     3  Opportunities for Pennsylvanians Enhancement Fund Advisory
     4  Board.
     5     (b)  Composition.--The board shall be composed of nine
     6  individuals who possess significant experience, knowledge,
     7  education, training, expertise or proficiency in the realm of
     8  health care policy, management or administration. Membership of
     9  the advisory board shall be as follows:
    10         (1)  four members, one each to be appointed by the
    11     President pro tempore of the Senate, the Minority Leader of
    12     the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and
    13     the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. These
    14     members shall have experience in the areas of public health,
    15     health care delivery or medical research;
    16         (2)  the Secretary of Health or his or her designee;
    17         (3)  the Insurance Commissioner or his or her designee;
    18     and
    19         (4)  three additional members to be appointed by the
    20     Governor as follows:
    21             (i)  Two representatives of the public at large, one
    22         of whom shall be appointed for a two-year term and the
    23         other for a one-year term.
    24             (ii)  One member experienced in public health, health
    25         care delivery or health care finance who will be
    26         appointed for a one-year term.
    27     (c)  Terms.--Except where noted, members shall serve for
    28  three-year terms. The Governor may reappoint board members for
    29  successive terms, but no member of the advisory board shall
    30  serve for more than a total of three terms. Advisory board
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     1  members shall remain in office until a successor is appointed
     2  and qualified. Vacancies in the membership of the advisory board
     3  shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term in the
     4  same manner as the original appointment.
     5     (d)  Chairman.--The Governor shall appoint the chairman from
     6  one of his appointees.
     7     (e)  Meetings.--The advisory board shall be established and
     8  have its first meeting no later than 60 days following the
     9  effective date of this act to develop a plan and funding
    10  priorities consistent with this act and ensure that the use of
    11  these funds complement and do not duplicate any similar Federal
    12  or State initiatives. This plan shall be completed and sent to
    13  the Governor, the General Assembly and the State Treasurer by
    14  December 31, 1999. Thereafter, the advisory board shall meet at
    15  least biannually to:
    16         (1)  Evaluate the status of prior fund disbursements.
    17         (2)  Review education and awareness training programs
    18     related to the risks of tobacco usage.
    19         (3)  Recommend priorities for future expenditures and
    20     disbursements from the fund.
    21         (4)  Recommend further legislation that it deems
    22     necessary to further the purposes of this act.
    23         (5)  Prepare an annual report for the Governor and the
    24     General Assembly, including recommendations for legislative
    25     action and regulatory change when needed and appropriate.
    26     (f)  Expenses.--The Department of Health shall reimburse
    27  members of the advisory board for all necessary and reasonable
    28  travel and other expenses incurred in the performance of their
    29  duties under this section.
    30     (g)  Staff support.--The Department of Health shall provide
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     1  staff support and assistance to the advisory board.
     2  Section 6.  Use and expenditure of funds.
     3     Subject to section 4(d), the award and disbursement of moneys
     4  in the fund shall be limited to the following purposes:
     5         (1)  Health care services for the uninsured.
     6         (2)  Medical research.
     7         (3)  Health promotion, preventive health and smoking
     8     cessation programs.
     9         (4)  Improvement in health care delivery.
    10         (5)  Ensuring adequate long-term and hospice care
    11     availability and affordability.
    12  Section 7.  Effective date.
    13     This act shall take effect immediately.

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