See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 57



No. 54 Session of 2003

           AND ZUG, JANUARY 29, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for special and commemorative registration plates, for
     2     criteria for creation of the plates, for the duties of the
     3     Department of Transportation and for fees; establishing funds
     4     related to certain registration plates; and making repeals.

     5                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     6  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8  Section 102.  Definitions.
     9  Section 103.  Publication of notice.
    10  Section 104.  Fees.
    11  Section 105.  Special registration plates generally.
    12  Chapter 3.  Special Fund Registration Plates
    13  Section 301.  Special fund registration plate requirements.
    14  Section 302.  Wild resource conservation plate.
    15  Section 303.  Preserve our heritage registration plate.
    16  Section 304.  Zoological plate.

     1  Section 305.  DARE plate.
     2  Chapter 5.  Personal Special Registration Plates
     3  Section 501.  Personal special registration plates.
     4  Section 502.  Hearing impaired plates.
     5  Chapter 7.  Group Plates
     6  Section 701.  Authorized group plates.
     7  Section 702.  Youth hunter and angler education plate.
     8  Section 703.  Animal protection plate.
     9  Section 704.  Gettysburg Civil War Memorial plate.
    10  Section 705.  Kids first plate.
    11  Section 706.  Cancer research plate.
    12  Section 707.  Coal heritage commemorative registration plate.
    13  Section 708.  Independence National Historical Park plate.
    14  Section 709.  Volunteer firefighter's plate.
    15  Section 710.  Saving children plate.
    16  Section 711.  Emergency services plate.
    17  Section 712.  Breast cancer awareness plate.
    18  Section 713.  Pennsylvania agriculture plate.
    19  Section 714.  Pennsylvania Irish Caucus plate.
    20  Section 715.  Friend for life plate.
    21  Section 716.  Chesapeake Bay commemorative plate.
    22  Section 717.  Pride in America plate.
    23  Section 718.  Steelworkers plate.
    24  Section 719.  Legislative plate.
    25  Section 720.  Library registration plate.
    26  Section 721.  Ruffed grouse plate.
    27  Section 722.  Lighthouse preservation plate.
    28  Section 723.  Choose life plate.
    29  Section 724.  Civilian Conservation Corps worker plate.
    30  Section 725.  Organ donor plate.
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     1  Section 726.  Prostate cancer research plate.
     2  Chapter 9.  Limited Use Special Vehicle Plates
     3  Section 901.  Antique, classic and collectible plates.
     4  Section 902.  Street rod plate.
     5  Chapter 11.  Military and Veterans Plates
     6  Section 1101.  Use of military and veterans plates.
     7  Section 1102.  Expeditionary Forces Medal recipient plate.
     8  Section 1103.  World War II veterans plate.
     9  Section 1104.  Pearl Harbor survivors plate.
    10  Section 1105.  Special plates for veterans of Korean War.
    11  Section 1106.  Special plates for veterans of Persian Gulf War.
    12  Section 1107.  Prisoner of war plate.
    13  Section 1108.  Vietnam Conflict veterans.
    14  Section 1109.  Medal of Honor recipients.
    15  Section 1110.  Purple Heart recipients.
    16  Section 1111.  Distinguished Flying Cross recipients.
    17  Section 1112.  Missing in Action plate.
    18  Section 1113.  Submarine service plate.
    19  Chapter 51.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    20  Section 5101.  Repeals.
    21  Section 5102.  Effective date.
    22     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    23  hereby enacts as follows:
    24                             CHAPTER 1
    25                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    26  Section 101.  Short title.
    27     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Specialty
    28  License Plate Act.
    29  Section 102.  Definitions.
    30     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
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     1  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     2  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     3     "Department."  The Department of Transportation of the
     4  Commonwealth.
     5     "Sponsoring organization."  A government or nonprofit
     6  organization named in this act that has entered into an
     7  agreement with the department regarding plates covered by this
     8  act.
     9  Section 103.  Publication of notice.
    10     The department shall publish notice in the Pennsylvania
    11  Bulletin and otherwise make available to the general public
    12  information that donations to a sponsoring organization are a
    13  qualifying expenditure for the plate identified in the notice.
    14  Section 104.  Fees.
    15     Unless otherwise provided for in this act, annual
    16  registration fees shall be as prescribed under 75 Pa.C.S.
    17  (relating to vehicles).
    18  Section 105.  Special registration plates generally.
    19     (a)  General rule.--Upon request by the applicant, the
    20  department may issue registration plates consisting of any
    21  combination of numbers, letters or numbers and letters. These
    22  special plates may be issued for special groups or for special
    23  purposes and bear an appropriate designation.
    24     (b)  Fee authorized.--Special groups may charge a fee for
    25  authorization to request a registration plate bearing the name
    26  of the group, which plates shall have the same force and effect
    27  as regular registration plates.
    28     (c)  Rules and regulations.--The department may refuse any
    29  combination of letters and numbers for cause and shall adopt
    30  reasonable rules and regulations for the issuance of the plates
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     1  and for carrying out the provisions of this section.
     2     (d)  Applicant obligations.--The applicant shall comply with
     3  all laws and regulations pertaining to registration including
     4  the payment of any additional fees.
     5     (e)  Reissuance.--The department is authorized to reissue a
     6  combination of numbers or letters for a personal plate if:
     7         (1)  The department records reveal that no activity such
     8     as renewal or transfer of the personal registration plate has
     9     occurred for a period of five or more consecutive years.
    10         (2)  The personal registration plate was never reported
    11     as lost or stolen.
    12  Whenever the department reissues an inactive personal plate, the
    13  department may purge its records of all references to the
    14  previous owners of that personal plate. The department shall,
    15  however, note upon its records the reissuance of the personal
    16  plate and to whom the plate was issued.
    17     (f)  Use of special registration plates.--Unless otherwise
    18  stated, a special registration plate may be used only on a
    19  passenger car, motor home, trailer or truck with a registered
    20  gross weight of not more than 9,000 pounds.
    21                             CHAPTER 3
    23  Section 301.  Special fund registration plate requirements.
    24     An organization which sponsors a special registration plate
    25  under this chapter for which a portion of the registration fee
    26  is dedicated to a special fund shall comply with the following:
    27         (1)  The sponsoring organization must submit a letter of
    28     request to the department describing the proposed purpose and
    29     details concerning the recipient of fund moneys. The letter
    30     of request must include a proposed graphic design of the
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     1     special fund registration plate.
     2         (2)  The sponsoring organization must sign a memorandum
     3     of understanding with the department associated with the
     4     initial procurement of special fund registration plates and
     5     any subsequent procurement.
     6         (3)  After ten years all plates may be recalled or
     7     replaced at the discretion of the department.
     8         (4)  The sponsoring organization shall acknowledge in
     9     writing that the proposed graphic design must be approved by
    10     the Pennsylvania State Police and the special fund group tag
    11     committee established on an ad hoc basis by notice in the
    12     Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    13         (5)  The sponsoring organization may elect to retire an
    14     existing design of a special fund registration plate and
    15     replace it with one new design after the department has
    16     issued 200,000 of the initial design. Only one redesign shall
    17     be permitted. Any subsequent plate redesign by a sponsoring
    18     organization must meet the same requirements provided in this
    19     section.
    20         (6)  The department at its discretion may discontinue
    21     issuing a special fund registration plate if within any full
    22     calendar year of issuance fewer than 5,000 special fund
    23     registration plates are issued.
    24         (7)  A sponsoring organization must meet the requirements
    25     of this section within one year of enactment of a law
    26     authorizing the organization's special fund registration
    27     plate.
    28  Section 302.  Wild resource conservation plate.
    29     The department, in consultation with the Wild Resource
    30  Conservation Board, shall design a special wild resource
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     1  conservation registration plate. Upon application of any person,
     2  accompanied by a fee of $35, which shall be in addition to the
     3  annual registration fee the department shall issue the plate.
     4  The Wild Resource Conservation Fund shall receive $15 of each
     5  additional fee for this plate.
     6  Section 303.  Preserve our heritage registration plate.
     7     The department, in consultation with the Pennsylvania
     8  Historical and Museum Commission, shall design a special
     9  preserve our heritage registration plate. Upon receipt of an
    10  application, accompanied by a fee of $35, which shall be in
    11  addition to the annual registration fee, the department shall
    12  issue the plate. The Historical Preservation Fund shall receive
    13  $15 of each additional fee for this plate.
    14  Section 304.  Zoological plate.
    15     (a)  Design and issuance.--The department, in consultation
    16  with the Pennsylvania Zoological Council, shall design a special
    17  zoological registration plate. Upon application of any person,
    18  accompanied by a fee of $35, which shall be in addition to the
    19  annual registration fee, the department shall issue the plate.
    20  The Zoological Enhancement Fund shall receive $15 of each
    21  additional fee for this plate.
    22     (b)  Zoological Enhancement Fund.--Fifteen dollars of each
    23  fee received under this section shall be credited to the
    24  Zoological Enhancement Fund created as follows:
    25         (1)  There is hereby established a special account in the
    26     State Treasury which shall be known as the Zoological
    27     Enhancement Fund. The purpose of the Zoological Enhancement
    28     Fund is to assist Commonwealth nonprofit zoological
    29     institutions accredited by the American Zoo and Aquarium
    30     Association and licensed by the United States Department of
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     1     Agriculture to fulfill their conservation, education and
     2     recreation missions to the citizens of this Commonwealth.
     3         (2)  All moneys in the Zoological Enhancement Fund are
     4     hereby annually appropriated to the Department of Community
     5     and Economic Development and may be expended for the purposes
     6     authorized under this subsection.
     7         (3)  Estimates of amounts to be expended under this
     8     subsection shall be submitted to the Governor by the
     9     Department of Community and Economic Development for his
    10     approval.
    11         (4)  The State Treasurer shall not honor any requisition
    12     for expenditures by the Department of Community and Economic
    13     Development in excess of estimates approved by the Governor
    14     or in excess of the amount available for the purposes for
    15     which the requisition was made, whichever is the lesser
    16     amount.
    17  Section 305.  DARE plate.
    18     (a)  Design and issuance.--The department, in consultation
    19  with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, shall
    20  design a special drug abuse resistance education (DARE)
    21  registration plate which utilizes the DARE logo or slogan in the
    22  design. Upon application of any person, accompanied by a fee of
    23  $35, which shall be in addition to the annual registration fee,
    24  the department shall issue the plate. The Drug Abuse Resistance
    25  Education Program shall receive $15 of each additional fee for
    26  this plate.
    27     (b)  Drug Abuse Resistance Education Fund.--Fifteen dollars
    28  of each fee received under subsection (a) shall be credited to
    29  the Drug Abuse Resistance Education Fund established as follows:
    30         (1)  There is hereby established a special account in the
    20030H0054B0057                  - 8 -     

     1     State Treasury which shall be known as the Drug Abuse
     2     Resistance Education (DARE) Fund. The purpose of the DARE
     3     Fund is to provide moneys for an ongoing educational program
     4     in public schools to prevent drug abuse, utilizing police
     5     agency representatives, school district employees, materials,
     6     supplies and other necessary expenses associated with the
     7     program.
     8         (2)  All moneys in the DARE Fund are hereby annually
     9     appropriated to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
    10     Delinquency and may be expended for the purposes authorized
    11     under this subsection.
    12         (3)  Estimates of amounts to be expended under this
    13     subsection shall be submitted to the Governor by the
    14     Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency for his
    15     approval.
    16         (4)  The State Treasurer shall not honor any requisition
    17     for expenditures by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
    18     Delinquency in excess of estimates approved by the Governor
    19     or in excess of the amount available for the purposes for
    20     which the requisition was made, whichever is the lesser
    21     amount.
    22                             CHAPTER 5
    24  Section 501.  Personal special registration plates.
    25     (a)  General rule.--The department may, upon application of
    26  any person and upon payment of the additional fee under this
    27  section, issue a personal special registration plate to
    28  applicants for special plates authorized in this act.
    29     (b)  Additional fee.--
    30         (1)  Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), the
    20030H0054B0057                  - 9 -     

     1     department shall collect an additional fee of up to $150 for
     2     any personal special registration plate issued under
     3     subsection (a).
     4         (2)  For any personal plate issued under Chapter 3, the
     5     department shall retain one-fourth of the fee and three-
     6     fourths of the fee shall be deposited in the funds as
     7     provided in sections 302, 303, 304 and 305.
     8         (3)  For any personal plate issued under section 502 and
     9     75 Pa.C.S. §§ 1338 (relating to person with disability plate
    10     and placard) and 1342 (relating to veteran plates and
    11     placard), the department shall collect only an additional fee
    12     of $20.
    13  Section 502.  Hearing impaired plates.
    14     On the application of any person with a hearing impairment,
    15  verified by a licensed physician and accompanied by the
    16  appropriate fee, the department shall issue to that person a
    17  special registration plate designating the vehicle as belonging
    18  to a person who has a hearing impairment, which plate shall have
    19  the same effect as a regular registration plate.
    20                             CHAPTER 7
    21                            GROUP PLATES
    22  Section 701.  Authorized group plates.
    23     The department shall develop designs for the plates described
    24  in this chapter in consultation with the sponsoring
    25  organization. An organization which sponsors a special
    26  registration plate authorized in this chapter shall comply with
    27  the following:
    28         (1)  The sponsoring organization or organizations must
    29     submit a letter of request to the department describing the
    30     proposed purpose and details concerning the use of funds
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     1     designated related to compliance with this act. The letter of
     2     request must include a proposed graphic design of the
     3     authorized group plate.
     4         (2)  The sponsoring organization or organizations must
     5     sign a memorandum of understanding with the department
     6     associated with the initial procurement of plates and any
     7     subsequent procurement. The sponsoring organization or
     8     organizations shall be responsible initially for a minimum of
     9     300 plates.
    10         (3)  After ten years all plates may be recalled or
    11     replaced at the discretion of the department.
    12         (4)  The sponsoring organization shall acknowledge in
    13     writing that the proposed graphic design must be approved by
    14     the Pennsylvania State Police and the special fund group tag
    15     committee established on an ad hoc basis by notice in the
    16     Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    17         (5)  The sponsoring organization may elect to retire an
    18     existing design of a plate and replace it with one new design
    19     after the department has issued 200,000 of the initial
    20     design. Only one redesign shall be permitted. Any subsequent
    21     plate redesign by a sponsoring organization must meet the
    22     same requirements provided in this section.
    23         (6)  The department at its discretion may discontinue
    24     issuing an authorized group registration plate if within any
    25     full calendar year of issuance fewer than 300 registration
    26     plates are issued.
    27         (7)  A sponsoring organization must meet the requirements
    28     of this section within one year of enactment of a law
    29     authorizing the organization's group registration plate.
    30  Section 702.  Youth hunter and angler education plate.
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     1     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
     2  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
     3  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
     4  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
     5  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
     6  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
     7  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
     8     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
     9  eligible under this section include, but are not limited to, the
    10  following:
    11         (1)  The Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs.
    12         (2)  The Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania.
    13         (3)  The United Bowhunters of Pennsylvania.
    14         (4)  The National Rifle Association.
    15         (5)  The Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Wild Turkey
    16     Federation.
    17         (6)  The Pennsylvania Chapter of Trout Unlimited.
    18         (7)  The Pennsylvania Sportsmen for Youth.
    19     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
    20  this section shall be used solely to assist this Commonwealth's
    21  nonprofit sportsmen's clubs, Commonwealth natural resource
    22  agencies and other organizations in conducting youth field days,
    23  conservation schools and other related hunter or trapper or
    24  angler youth education programs.
    25  Section 703.  Animal protection plate.
    26     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    27  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    28  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    29  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    30  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
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     1  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
     2  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
     3     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
     4  eligible under this section include:
     5         (1)  Any organization that is dedicated to assist this
     6     Commonwealth's nonprofit organizations that provide low-cost
     7     dog or cat spaying or neutering services.
     8         (2)  A nonprofit organization that maintains a shelter
     9     for unwanted, stray or relinquished animals.
    10         (3)  An organization that provides emergency care for
    11     unwanted, stray or relinquished animals.
    12         (4)  Nonprofit organizations that enforce Pennsylvania's
    13     cruelty to animals law under 18 Pa.C.S. § 5511 (relating to
    14     cruelty to animals).
    15  Section 704.  Gettysburg Civil War Memorial plate.
    16     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    17  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    18  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    19  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    20  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    21  special registration plate which shall have a replica of the
    22  main Pennsylvania monument at the Gettysburg National Military
    23  Park and shall display the words "Gettysburg 1863" designating
    24  the vehicle so licensed as belonging to a person who has so
    25  contributed.
    26     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    27  eligible under this section include, but are not limited to:
    28         (1)  The National Park Service.
    29         (2)  The Pennsylvania Monuments at Gettysburg National
    30     Military Park Fund.
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     1     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
     2  this section shall be used solely to preserve and restore the
     3  Pennsylvania monuments and sites surrounding the monuments.
     4  Section 705.  Kids first plate.
     5     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
     6  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
     7  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
     8  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
     9  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    10  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    11  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
    12     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    13  eligible under this section include, but are not limited to, the
    14  Children's Trust Fund Board, established under the act of
    15  December 15, 1988 (P.L.1235, No.151), known as the Children's
    16  Trust Fund Act.
    17     (c)  Grants.--
    18         (1)  The money collected and credited to the Children's
    19     Trust Fund under this section shall be designated as
    20     demonstration grants to county children and youth programs
    21     for community-based child abuse and neglect prevention
    22     services, except that grants made from funds made available
    23     under this subsection shall not be subject to the usual local
    24     match requirements of the Children's Trust Fund and family
    25     support services. In addition to specific programs identified
    26     as eligible for grants under the Children's Trust Fund Act,
    27     services funded by money collected under this subsection
    28     shall also include the development of court-appointed special
    29     advocate programs for children, otherwise known as CASA.
    30         (2)  In order to qualify for a grant funded by money
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     1     collected under this section, a county children and youth
     2     agency must demonstrate to the Children's Trust Fund Board
     3     that:
     4             (i)  The services reflect the unmet needs of children
     5         and families in the community.
     6             (ii)  The programs contribute to the coordination of
     7         local services for children and families.
     8             (iii)  The program could not be funded through
     9         existing Federal or State programs.
    10         (3)  To the fullest extent possible, the Children's Trust
    11     Fund Board shall ensure the equitable geographic distribution
    12     of the funds to county children and youth programs across
    13     this Commonwealth.
    14  Section 706.  Cancer research plate.
    15     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    16  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    17  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    18  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    19  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    20  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    21  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
    22     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    23  eligible under this section include, but are not limited to:
    24         (1)  The Pennsylvania Cancer Control, Prevention and
    25     Research Advisory Board of the Department of Health.
    26         (2)  The American Cancer Society.
    27     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
    28  this section shall be used solely for purposes of cancer
    29  research.
    30  Section 707.  Coal heritage commemorative registration plate.
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     1     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
     2  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
     3  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
     4  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
     5  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
     6  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
     7  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
     8     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
     9  eligible under this section include the Pennsylvania Historical
    10  and Museum Commission for nonprofit and government-owned coal
    11  mining sites and museums and their affiliate tunnels. The
    12  commission shall administer the funds contributed as follows:
    13             (1)  To promote coal heritage.
    14             (2)  To preserve, maintain and operate nonprofit and
    15         government-owned coal mining sites and museums and their
    16         affiliate tunnels.
    17  Section 708.  Independence National Historical Park plate.
    18     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    19  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    20  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    21  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    22  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    23  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    24  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
    25     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    26  eligible under this section include:
    27         (1)  Eastern National.
    28         (2)  Independence National Historical Park of the United
    29     States National Park Service.
    30     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
    20030H0054B0057                 - 16 -     

     1  this section shall be used solely to assist and support
     2  educational programs sponsored through the Independence National
     3  Historical Park's history education center, known as the
     4  Independence Park Institute, which promotes tourism and educates
     5  visitors on the founding of this nation at Independence Hall in
     6  Philadelphia.
     7  Section 709.  Volunteer firefighter's plate.
     8     Upon application of any person serving as a member in good
     9  standing of a volunteer fire department, accompanied by a fee of
    10  $20 which shall be in addition to the annual registration fee
    11  and documentation as the department shall require, the
    12  department shall issue to the person a special registration
    13  plate designating the vehicle so licensed as belonging to a
    14  person who has so contributed. A qualifying person is limited to
    15  one such plate regardless of the number of vehicles registered.
    16  Section 710.  Saving children plate.
    17     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    18  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    19  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    20  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    21  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    22  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    23  as belonging to a person who has so contributed. The department
    24  shall design a saving children registration plate with
    25  likenesses of children of different races and ethnic
    26  backgrounds.
    27     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    28  eligible under this section include, but are not limited to, any
    29  organization that would assist with the payment for
    30  extracurricular activities in public schools.
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     1  Section 711.  Emergency services plate.
     2     Upon application of any person serving as an emergency
     3  services worker, accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in
     4  addition to the annual registration fee and documentation as the
     5  department shall require, the department shall issue to the
     6  person a special registration plate designating the vehicle so
     7  licensed as belonging to an emergency services worker. A
     8  qualifying person is limited to one such plate regardless of the
     9  number of vehicles registered.
    10  Section 712.  Breast cancer awareness plate.
    11     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    12  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    13  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    14  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    15  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    16  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    17  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
    18     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    19  eligible under this section include, but are not limited to, the
    20  Susan G. Komen Foundation.
    21     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
    22  this section shall be used solely for research, education,
    23  screening and treatment of breast cancer.
    24  Section 713.  Pennsylvania agriculture plate.
    25     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    26  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    27  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    28  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    29  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    30  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    20030H0054B0057                 - 18 -     

     1  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
     2     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
     3  eligible under this section include the Department of
     4  Agriculture for:
     5         (1)  Agricultural education programs.
     6         (2)  Transfer to the Agricultural Conservation Easement
     7     Purchase Fund established pursuant to the act of June 30,
     8     1981 (P.L.128, No.43), known as the Agricultural Area
     9     Security Law.
    10  No funds allocated from proceeds shall be used for
    11  administrative or general government expenses.
    12  Section 714.  Pennsylvania Irish Caucus plate.
    13     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    14  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    15  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    16  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    17  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    18  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    19  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
    20     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    21  eligible under this section include, but are not limited to, the
    22  Pennsylvania Irish Caucus.
    23     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
    24  this section shall be used solely for a Irish Famine Memorial.
    25  Section 715.  Friend for life plate.
    26     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    27  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    28  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    29  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    30  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    20030H0054B0057                 - 19 -     

     1  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
     2  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
     3     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
     4  eligible under this section include nonprofit adoption agencies
     5  that do not promote abortion as an alternative.
     6  Section 716.  Chesapeake Bay commemorative plate.
     7     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
     8  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
     9  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    10  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    11  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    12  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    13  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
    14     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    15  eligible under this section include, but are not limited to:
    16         (1)  The Chesapeake Bay Commission.
    17         (2)  The Department of Environmental Protection.
    18     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
    19  this section shall be used solely to assist with stream
    20  restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay watershed in this
    21  Commonwealth.
    22  Section 717.  Pride in America plate.
    23     Upon application of any person who has contributed at least
    24  $50 to a sponsoring organization or relief fund which benefits
    25  victims of terrorism or war, served as a rescue or recovery
    26  worker for victims of terrorism or war any time beginning
    27  September 11, 2001, or thereafter, or contributed to the Rewards
    28  for Justice Fund of the Department of State, accompanied by a
    29  fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the annual registration
    30  fee and documentation as the department shall require, the
    20030H0054B0057                 - 20 -     

     1  department shall issue to the person a special registration
     2  plate designating the vehicle so licensed as belonging to a
     3  person who has so contributed or served.
     4  Section 718.  Steelworkers plate.
     5     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who is a
     6  steelworker, accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in
     7  addition to the annual registration fee and by documentation as
     8  the department shall require, the department shall issue to the
     9  person a special registration plate designating the vehicle so
    10  licensed as belonging to a person who is a steelworker. The
    11  plate shall bear the likeness of the official emblem of the
    12  American Iron and Steel Institute.
    13     (b)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
    14  "steelworker" means a person currently or formerly employed in
    15  the manufacture of steel or a surviving member of the
    16  steelworker's family.
    17  Section 719.  Legislative plate.
    18     Upon application by a member or retired member of the
    19  Congress of the United States, the General Assembly of the
    20  Commonwealth or the department may issue special registration
    21  plates indicating that the vehicle is owned by a member or
    22  retired member of the United States Senate or Pennsylvania
    23  Senate or House of Representatives, as appropriate.
    24  Section 720.  Library registration plate.
    25     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    26  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    27  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    28  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    29  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    30  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    20030H0054B0057                 - 21 -     

     1  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
     2     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
     3  eligible under this section include, but are not limited to:
     4         (1)  Public libraries.
     5         (2)  The Department of Education.
     6         (3)  District library centers' advisory councils.
     7  Section 721.  Ruffed grouse plate.
     8     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
     9  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    10  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    11  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    12  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    13  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    14  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
    15     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    16  eligible under this section include the Pennsylvania Game
    17  Commission.
    18     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
    19  this section shall only be used by the commission for forest
    20  habitat management and educational programs relating to the
    21  ruffed grouse.
    22  Section 722.  Lighthouse preservation plate.
    23     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    24  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    25  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    26  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    27  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    28  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    29  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
    30     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    20030H0054B0057                 - 22 -     

     1  eligible under this section include the Pennsylvania Historical
     2  and Museum Commission.
     3     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
     4  this section shall only be used by the commission.
     5  Section 723.  Choose life plate.
     6     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
     7  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
     8  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
     9  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    10  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    11  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    12  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
    13     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    14  eligible under this section include, but are not limited to,
    15  Choose Life, Inc.
    16     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
    17  this section shall only be used to pay for programs offered by
    18  certain crisis pregnancy centers.
    19  Section 724.  Civilian Conservation Corps worker plate.
    20     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has served
    21  in the Civilian Conservation Corps, accompanied by a fee of $20
    22  which shall be in addition to the annual registration fee and
    23  documentation as the department shall require, the department
    24  shall issue to the person a special registration plate
    25  designating the vehicle so licensed as belonging to a person who
    26  has so contributed.
    27     (b)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "Civilian
    28  Conservation Corps worker" means a person currently or formerly
    29  employed by the Civilian Conservation Corps or Pennsylvania
    30  Conservation Corps or a surviving member of the person's family.
    20030H0054B0057                 - 23 -     

     1  Section 725.  Organ donor plate.
     2     Upon application of any person who has contributed at least
     3  $20 to the Organ Donation Awareness Trust Fund accompanied by a
     4  fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the annual registration
     5  fee and documentation as the department shall require, the
     6  department shall issue to the person a special registration
     7  plate designating the vehicle so licensed as belonging to a
     8  person who has so contributed.
     9  Section 726.  Prostate cancer research plate.
    10     (a)  Issuance.--Upon application of any person who has
    11  contributed at least $20 to an eligible sponsoring organization,
    12  accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to the
    13  annual registration fee and documentation as the department
    14  shall require, the department shall issue to the person a
    15  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    16  as belonging to a person who has so contributed.
    17     (b)  Eligible organizations.--Sponsoring organizations
    18  eligible under this section include the American Cancer Society.
    19     (c)  Authorized use of fees.--Additional fees collected under
    20  this section shall be used solely for purposes of prostate
    21  cancer research.
    22                             CHAPTER 9
    24  Section 901.  Antique, classic and collectible plates.
    25     Upon submission by a vehicle owner of information
    26  satisfactory to the department that a motorcycle or motor
    27  vehicle is an antique motorcycle or motor vehicle or classic
    28  motorcycle or motor vehicle or collectible motorcycle or motor
    29  vehicle, accompanied by the appropriate fee, the department may
    30  issue special plates for the motorcycle or vehicle. The
    20030H0054B0057                 - 24 -     

     1  applicant shall provide photographic proof in a manner specified
     2  by the department to demonstrate the condition of the motor
     3  vehicle. No annual registration fee may be charged for antique,
     4  collectible or classic motorcycles or motor vehicles.
     5  Section 902.  Street rod plate.
     6     Upon submission by a vehicle owner of information
     7  satisfactory to the department that a motor vehicle is a street
     8  rod, accompanied by the appropriate fee, the department shall
     9  issue special plates for the vehicle, which shall have the same
    10  force and effect as regular registration plates. The applicant
    11  shall comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to
    12  registration, including the payment of any additional fees.
    13                             CHAPTER 11
    14                    MILITARY AND VETERANS PLATES
    15  Section 1101.  Use of military and veterans plates.
    16     Special registration plates issued under this chapter may be
    17  used on a motorcycle or other authorized vehicles specified in
    18  section 105(f).
    19  Section 1102.  Expeditionary Forces Medal recipient plate.
    20     Upon application of any person who is a recipient of the
    21  Expeditionary Forces Medal, accompanied by a fee of $20 which
    22  shall be in addition to the annual registration fee and by
    23  documentation as the department shall require, the department
    24  shall issue to the person a special registration plate
    25  designating the vehicle so registered as belonging to a person
    26  who is a recipient of the Expeditionary Forces Medal.
    27  Section 1103.  World War II veterans plate.
    28     Upon application of any person who is a veteran of World War
    29  II, accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to
    30  the annual registration fee and by documentation as the
    20030H0054B0057                 - 25 -     

     1  department shall require, the department shall issue to the
     2  person a special registration plate carrying the symbol of a
     3  ruptured duck designating the vehicle so registered as belonging
     4  to a person who is a veteran of World War II.
     5  Section 1104.  Pearl Harbor survivors plate.
     6     Upon application of any person who is a survivor of Pearl
     7  Harbor, accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition
     8  to the annual registration fee and by documentation as the
     9  department shall require, the department shall issue to the
    10  person a special registration plate designating the vehicle so
    11  licensed as belonging to a person who is a survivor of Pearl
    12  Harbor.
    13  Section 1105.  Special plates for veterans of Korean War.
    14     Upon application of any person who is a veteran of the Korean
    15  War, accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to
    16  the annual registration fee and by documentation as the
    17  department shall require, the department shall issue to the
    18  person a special registration plate designating the vehicle so
    19  licensed as belonging to a person who is a veteran of the Korean
    20  War.
    21  Section 1106.  Special plates for veterans of Persian Gulf War.
    22     Upon application of any person who is a veteran of the
    23  Persian Gulf War, accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in
    24  addition to the annual registration fee and by documentation as
    25  the department shall require, the department shall issue to the
    26  person a special registration plate designating the vehicle so
    27  licensed as belonging to a person who is a veteran of the
    28  Persian Gulf War.
    29  Section 1107.  Prisoner of war plate.
    30     On the application of an ex-prisoner of war whose
    20030H0054B0057                 - 26 -     

     1  imprisonment while in the service of the armed forces of the
     2  United States is certified by the appropriate branch of the
     3  armed forces, the department shall issue a special registration
     4  plate designating the vehicle as belonging to an ex-prisoner of
     5  war. The registration plate shall contain the letters "POW" and
     6  such other numbers or letters as the department may determine
     7  and shall have the words "prisoner of war" in at least ten-point
     8  bold type inscribed at the bottom of the plate. Only one special
     9  registration plate shall be issued to an ex-prisoner of war
    10  under this section.
    11  Section 1108.  Vietnam Conflict veterans.
    12     Upon application of any person who is a veteran of the
    13  Vietnam Conflict as that term is defined for the awarding of the
    14  Vietnam Service Medal, accompanied by a fee of $20 in addition
    15  to the annual registration fee and by documentation as the
    16  department shall require, the department shall issue to the
    17  person a special registration plate designating the vehicle so
    18  licensed as belonging to a person who is a veteran of the
    19  Vietnam Conflict.
    20  Section 1109.  Medal of Honor recipients.
    21     Upon application of any person who is a recipient of the
    22  Medal of Honor, the department shall issue to the person a
    23  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    24  as belonging to a person who is a recipient of the Medal of
    25  Honor. The plate shall have a light blue background interspersed
    26  with 13 white stars. The center of the plate shall bear a golden
    27  bronze replica of the appropriate medal. The initials of each
    28  recipient shall be embossed in red to the left of the medal and
    29  the letters "CMH" (for Congressional Medal of Honor) shall be
    30  embossed in red to the right of the medal.
    20030H0054B0057                 - 27 -     

     1  Section 1110.  Purple Heart recipients.
     2     Upon application of any person who is a recipient of the
     3  Purple Heart, the department shall issue to the person a special
     4  registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed as
     5  belonging to a person who is a recipient of the Purple Heart. A
     6  severely disabled veteran, as described in 75 Pa.C.S. § 1342(b)
     7  (relating to veteran plates and placard), who is qualified to
     8  receive a plate under this section may also elect to receive a
     9  placard under 75 Pa.C.S. § 1342(b).
    10  Section 1111.  Distinguished Flying Cross recipients.
    11     Upon application of any person who is a recipient of the
    12  Distinguished Flying Cross, accompanied by a fee of $20 which
    13  shall be in addition to the annual registration fee and
    14  documentation as the department shall require, the department
    15  shall issue to the person a special registration plate
    16  designating the vehicle so licensed as belonging to a person who
    17  has so contributed.
    18  Section 1112.  Missing in Action plate.
    19     Upon application of any person, accompanied by a fee of $20,
    20  which shall be in addition to the annual registration fee, the
    21  department shall issue to the person a special registration
    22  plate honoring those members of the United States Armed Forces
    23  who the Department of Defense has determined to be missing in
    24  action. The plate shall have a black background with white
    25  letters and/or numbers. The registration plate shall contain the
    26  letters "MIA" and other numbers or letters as the department may
    27  determine and shall have the words "YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN" in at
    28  least ten-point bold type inscribed at the bottom of the plate.
    29  Section 1113.  Submarine service plate.
    30     Upon application of any person who is a veteran of a
    20030H0054B0057                 - 28 -     

     1  submarine crew, accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in
     2  addition to the annual registration fee and by documentation as
     3  the department shall require, the department shall issue to the
     4  person a special registration plate designating the vehicle so
     5  licensed as belonging to a person who is a veteran of a United
     6  States submarine crew.
     7                             CHAPTER 51
     8                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
     9  Section 5101.  Repeals.
    10     The following acts and parts of acts are repealed:
    11     75 Pa.C.S. § 1339.
    12     75 Pa.C.S. § 1340.
    13     75 Pa.C.S. § 1340.1.
    14     75 Pa.C.S. § 1341.
    15     75 Pa.C.S. § 1342.
    16     75 Pa.C.S. § 1345.
    17     75 Pa.C.S. § 1346.
    18     75 Pa.C.S. § 1347.
    19     75 Pa.C.S. § 1348.
    20     75 Pa.C.S. § 1350.
    21     75 Pa.C.S. § 1351.
    22     75 Pa.C.S. § 1352.
    23     75 Pa.C.S. § 1353.
    24     75 Pa.C.S. § 1354.
    25     75 Pa.C.S. § 1355.
    26     75 Pa.C.S. § 1356.
    27     75 Pa.C.S. § 1357.
    28     75 Pa.C.S. § 1358.
    29     75 Pa.C.S. § 1359.
    30     75 Pa.C.S. § 1360.
    20030H0054B0057                 - 29 -     

     1     75 Pa.C.S. § 1905(b) and (c).
     2  Section 5102.  Effective date.
     3     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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