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                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 58



No. 55 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to the finances of the State
     3     government; providing for the settlement, assessment,
     4     collection, and lien of taxes, bonus, and all other accounts
     5     due the Commonwealth, the collection and recovery of fees and
     6     other money or property due or belonging to the Commonwealth,
     7     or any agency thereof, including escheated property and the
     8     proceeds of its sale, the custody and disbursement or other
     9     disposition of funds and securities belonging to or in the
    10     possession of the Commonwealth, and the settlement of claims
    11     against the Commonwealth, the resettlement of accounts and
    12     appeals to the courts, refunds of moneys erroneously paid to
    13     the Commonwealth, auditing the accounts of the Commonwealth
    14     and all agencies thereof, of all public officers collecting
    15     moneys payable to the Commonwealth, or any agency thereof,
    16     and all receipts of appropriations from the Commonwealth,
    17     authorizing the Commonwealth to issue tax anticipation notes
    18     to defray current expenses, implementing the provisions of
    19     section 7(a) of Article VIII of the Constitution of
    20     Pennsylvania authorizing and restricting the incurring of
    21     certain debt and imposing penalties; affecting every
    22     department, board, commission, and officer of the State
    23     government, every political subdivision of the State, and
    24     certain officers of such subdivisions, every person,
    25     association, and corporation required to pay, assess, or
    26     collect taxes, or to make returns or reports under the laws
    27     imposing taxes for State purposes, or to pay license fees or
    28     other moneys to the Commonwealth, or any agency thereof,
    29     every State depository and every debtor or creditor of the
    30     Commonwealth," further providing for deposit of funds from
    31     the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property; providing for
    32     the Public School Capital Projects and Technology Fund; and
    33     providing for an annual appropriation to the Department of

     1     Education.

     2     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     3  hereby enacts as follows:
     4     Section 1.  Section 1301.18 of the act of April 9, 1929
     5  (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, amended June 29,
     6  2002 (P.L.614, No.91), is amended to read:
     7     Section 1301.18.  Deposit of Funds.--(a)  [All] Except as
     8  otherwise provided in section 1301.18a, all funds received under
     9  this article, including the proceeds from the sale of property
    10  under section 1301.17, shall forthwith be deposited by the State
    11  Treasurer in the General Fund of the Commonwealth except that
    12  the State Treasurer shall retain in a separate trust fund an
    13  amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) plus
    14  twenty per centum of deposits and sums paid to the State
    15  Treasurer under subsection (c) of section 1301.13 during the
    16  preceding twelve (12) months from which the State Treasurer
    17  shall make reimbursements under section 1301.14 and prompt
    18  payment of claims duly allowed under section 1301.19. Before
    19  making the deposit, the State Treasurer shall record the name
    20  and last known address of each person appearing from the
    21  holders' reports to be entitled to the property and of the name
    22  and last known address of each insured person or annuitant, and
    23  with respect to each policy or contract listed in the report of
    24  an insurer, its number, the name of the insurer and the amount
    25  due. The record with respect to any specific claim shall be
    26  available to the claimant at all regular business hours.
    27     (b)  The General Assembly shall annually appropriate to the
    28  State Treasurer such funds as it deems necessary and appropriate
    29  to administer this article.
    30     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
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     1     Section 1301.18a.  Public School Capital Projects and
     2  Technology Fund.--(a)  The Public School Capital Projects and
     3  Technology Fund is established in the State Treasury. The moneys
     4  of the fund shall be invested in accordance with law and shall
     5  be used exclusively for the purposes set forth in this section.
     6     (b) (1)  Except for the amount required to be deposited into
     7  the separate trust fund designated under section 1301.18(a),
     8  fifteen per centum of all funds received by the State Treasurer
     9  under this article including the proceeds from the sale of
    10  property under section 1301.17 shall annually be deposited into
    11  the Public School Capital Projects and Technology Fund. These
    12  moneys shall be designated as the principal of the fund.
    13     (2)  An owner who is entitled to make a claim for property
    14  that has been transferred to the Public School Capital Projects
    15  and Technology Fund may waive the owner's right, title and
    16  interest in the property and make a gift of the property to the
    17  fund. The identity of an owner who makes such a donation to the
    18  fund shall remain anonymous unless the owner agrees in writing
    19  to the release of the owner's name.
    20     (3)  The fund may accept donations from any person.
    21     (c)  If the owner of property that has been transferred to
    22  the Public School Capital Projects and Technology Fund makes a
    23  claim to the State Treasurer under this article and the amount
    24  in the separate trust fund designated under section 1301.18(a)
    25  is insufficient to pay the claim, the State Treasurer shall pay
    26  the claim from the interest or, if the interest is insufficient,
    27  the principal of the Public School Capital Projects and
    28  Technology Fund.
    29     (d)  On an annual basis, the interest earned on the moneys of
    30  the Public School Capital Projects and Technology Fund and the
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     1  amount transferred to the fund are hereby appropriated on a
     2  continuing basis to the Department of Education for the purpose
     3  of making grants to public schools for capital projects and for
     4  enhancing technology. The Department of Education shall develop
     5  an equitable means for making grants under this section.
     6     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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