See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1201



No. 60 Session of 1989

           DONATUCCI, APRIL 5, 1989


                            A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

     1  Opposing proposed Federal regulations on the permissible
     2     activities of state-chartered banks.

     3     WHEREAS, The strength and vitality of this country's
     4  financial marketplace has depended in large part upon the
     5  separate state and Federal regulation of this country's state-
     6  chartered and federally chartered banks, respectively; and
     7     WHEREAS, The General Assembly and regulatory officers acting
     8  in accordance with State law have historically had authority
     9  over the activities of banks and other financial institutions
    10  organized under the laws of this Commonwealth; and
    11     WHEREAS, In exercising their responsibility pursuant to such
    12  authority, the General Assembly and State banking regulators
    13  have always acted to promote the safety and soundness of the
    14  Commonwealth's financial institutions while simultaneously
    15  recognizing that such institutions must evolve to meet the needs
    16  of a dynamic, rapidly changing marketplace for financial
    17  services; and

     1     WHEREAS, The General Assembly and State banking regulators
     2  have balanced the competing goals of bank regulation with great
     3  success, as evidenced by the tremendous growth in this
     4  Commonwealth of safe and sound financial institutions which
     5  provide the public with a wide array of needed financial
     6  services; and
     7     WHEREAS, Under our nation's "dual banking system," the
     8  President, Congress and Federal regulatory officials have
     9  traditionally limited their direct regulation of financial
    10  institutions to those organized under Federal law; and
    11     WHEREAS, In recognition of the primacy of state legislatures
    12  and bank regulators with respect to the regulation of state-
    13  chartered financial institutions, Federal law has historically
    14  been drafted and interpreted so as not to intrude upon the
    15  regulatory authority of state legislatures and bank regulators;
    16  and
    17     WHEREAS, The Federal Reserve Board has recently proposed to
    18  amend the provisions of its Regulation Y, enacted pursuant to
    19  the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (70 Stat. 133, 12 U.S.C. §
    20  1841 et seq.), to prohibit state-chartered financial
    21  institutions from engaging in various activities otherwise
    22  permissible under state law; and
    23     WHEREAS, The amendments to Regulation Y proposed by the
    24  Federal Reserve Board would directly interfere with and usurp
    25  the historic authority of the states to determine the range of
    26  activities in which state-chartered financial institutions may
    27  engage; and
    28     WHEREAS, The amendments to Regulation Y proposed by the
    29  Federal Reserve Board wrongly presume that the states are
    30  incapable of monitoring the continued safety and soundness of
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     1  state-chartered financial institutions; and
     2     WHEREAS, The amendments to Regulation Y proposed by the
     3  Federal Reserve Board wrongly presume that the Federal Reserve
     4  Board is better able to assess the financial service needs of
     5  the citizens of this Commonwealth than the General Assembly; and
     6     WHEREAS, The amendments to Regulation Y proposed by the
     7  Federal Reserve Board threaten the continued viability of our
     8  nation's dual Federal and state banking systems; and
     9     WHEREAS, The amendments to Regulation Y proposed by the
    10  Federal Reserve Board threaten the continued ability of the
    11  Commonwealth to ensure the provision of financial services in a
    12  prudent manner within a procompetitive environment; and
    13     WHEREAS, The Federal Reserve Board has provided parties that
    14  would be affected by its proposed amendments to Regulation Y
    15  with the opportunity to comment on these proposed amendments;
    16  therefore be it
    17     RESOLVED (the Senate concurring), That the amendments to
    18  Regulation Y proposed by the Federal Reserve Board constitute a
    19  legally and historically unjustifiable interference with the
    20  prerogatives of the General Assembly to determine the range of
    21  activities in which financial institutions organized under the
    22  laws of this Commonwealth may engage consistent with safe and
    23  sound banking practices; and be it further
    24     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
    25  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and to each
    26  member of Congress from Pennsylvania as an expression of
    27  Pennsylvania's opposition to the Federal Reserve Board's
    28  proposed amendments to Regulation Y.

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