See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                        PRINTER'S NO. 81



No. 72 Session of 1997

           JANUARY 28, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), entitled, as
     2     reenacted, "An act relating to alcoholic liquors, alcohol and
     3     malt and brewed beverages; amending, revising, consolidating
     4     and changing the laws relating thereto; regulating and
     5     restricting the manufacture, purchase, sale, possession,
     6     consumption, importation, transportation, furnishing, holding
     7     in bond, holding in storage, traffic in and use of alcoholic
     8     liquors, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages and the
     9     persons engaged or employed therein; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; providing
    11     for the establishment and operation of State liquor stores,
    12     for the payment of certain license fees to the respective
    13     municipalities and townships, for the abatement of certain
    14     nuisances and, in certain cases, for search and seizure
    15     without warrant; prescribing penalties and forfeitures;
    16     providing for local option, and repealing existing laws,"
    17     further providing for license transfers.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  Section 461(a) of the act of April 12, 1951
    21  (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, reenacted and amended
    22  June 29, 1987 (P.L.32, No.14) and amended October 5, 1994
    23  (P.L.522, No.77), is amended to read:
    24     Section 461.  Limiting Number of Retail Licenses To Be Issued
    25  In Each Municipality.--(a)  No licenses shall hereafter be

     1  granted by the board for the retail sale of malt or brewed
     2  beverages or the retail sale of liquor and malt or brewed
     3  beverages in excess of one of such licenses of any class for
     4  each three thousand inhabitants in any municipality, exclusive
     5  of licenses granted to airport restaurants, municipal golf
     6  courses, hotels, privately-owned public golf courses and units
     7  of nonprofit nationally chartered clubs, as defined in this
     8  section, whose applications are filed on or before December 31,
     9  1994, and except those units falling under section 461.1, and
    10  clubs; but at least one such license may be granted in each
    11  municipality and in each part of a municipality where such
    12  municipality is split so that each part thereof is separated by
    13  another municipality, except in municipalities where the
    14  electors have voted against the granting of any retail licenses
    15  and except in that part of a split municipality where the
    16  electors have voted against the granting of any retail licenses.
    17  Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as denying
    18  the right to the board to renew or to transfer existing retail
    19  licenses of any class notwithstanding that the number of such
    20  licensed places in a municipality shall exceed the limitation
    21  hereinbefore prescribed; but where such number exceeds the
    22  limitation prescribed by this section, no new license, except
    23  for hotels, municipal golf courses, airport restaurants,
    24  privately-owned public golf courses, privately-owned private
    25  golf course licensees and units of nonprofit nationally
    26  chartered clubs, as defined in this section, whose applications
    27  are filed on or before December 31, 1994, and except those units
    28  falling under section 461.1, shall be granted so long as said
    29  limitation is exceeded; and in the case of transfers, no license
    30  shall be transferred from one municipality to another
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     1  municipality in which the number of licenses of the class
     2  proposed to be transferred exceeds the license quota for such
     3  municipality by more than twenty per centum.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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