No. 94 Session of 1977

           APRIL 26, 1977


                         In the House of Representatives, April 26, 1977

     1     WHEREAS, One of the most serious problems facing Allegheny
     2  County and other western Pennsylvania counties is highway
     3  maintenance and the existence of potholes to the extent that
     4  some have called this section of the Commonwealth the "Pothole
     5  Capital of the World"; and
     6     WHEREAS, Potholes and extensive deterioration not only have
     7  developed on State roads after normal wear and tear, but also
     8  shortly after completion of major resurfacing projects on such
     9  roads as Banksville Road, Route 51, McKnight Road and many
    10  others; and
    11     WHEREAS, This extensive deterioration has not been restricted
    12  to State highways but has also occurred on local roads after
    13  resurfacing, particularly within the last three years; and
    14     WHEREAS, Terrain, drainage and weather conditions have
    15  created unusual problems on western Pennsylvania and Allegheny
    16  County roads, thereby creating problems different and far
    17  greater than those experienced in the rest of the State; and

     1     WHEREAS, Serious questions have been raised concerning the
     2  propriety of the Department of Transportation specifications for
     3  asphalt mix particularly the percent by weight of liquid asphalt
     4  used and the thickness required; and
     5     WHEREAS, Local governments are required to follow the
     6  Department of Transportation specifications to be eligible for
     7  reimbursements from liquid fuel tax moneys; and
     8     WHEREAS, Department of Transportation officials have been
     9  aware of the allegations concerning specifications for asphalt
    10  mix and its liquid bituminous content for more than a year but
    11  no changes in the specifications have been made; and
    12     WHEREAS, Approximately $440,000,000 will be spent during the
    13  next fiscal year from the Motor License Fund for highway
    14  maintenance on State and local highways, plus additional local
    15  tax dollars on local roads; and
    16     WHEREAS, Said resurfacing pursuant to existing Department of
    17  Transportation specifications may result in substandard
    18  resurfacing and the future development of more potholes, all of
    19  which will be a waste of tax moneys; therefore be it
    20     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives directs the
    21  Subcommittee on Highways of the House Transportation Committee
    22  to investigate the current Department of Transportation
    23  specifications for road resurfacing with particular attention to
    24  be given to the use of the existing asphalt mix and thickness in
    25  western Pennsylvania; and be it further
    26     RESOLVED, That the Speaker appoint five additional members,
    27  three of whom shall be from Allegheny County, which at the
    28  present has no members on the Transportation Committee with at
    29  least two of the five additional members from the minority
    30  party, to the Subcommittee on Highways to assist in the
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     1  investigation required by this resolution; and be it further
     2     RESOLVED, That the subcommittee shall hold hearings, take
     3  testimony, and make its investigations at such places as it
     4  deems necessary. It may issue subpoenas with the approval of the
     5  House under the hand and seal of its chairman commanding any
     6  person to appear before it and to answer questions touching
     7  matters properly being inquired into by the subcommittee and to
     8  produce such books, papers, records and documents as the
     9  subcommittee deems necessary. Such subpoenas may be served upon
    10  any person and shall have the force and effect of subpoenas
    11  issued out of the courts of this Commonwealth. Any person who
    12  willfully neglects or refuses to testify before the subcommittee
    13  or to produce any books, papers, records or documents, shall be
    14  subject to the penalties provided by the laws of the
    15  Commonwealth in such case. Each member of the subcommittee shall
    16  have power to administer oaths and affirmations to witnesses
    17  appearing before the subcommittee; and be it further
    18     RESOLVED, That within 30 calendar days after the subcommittee
    19  has made its report, the chairman of the subcommittee shall
    20  cause a record of all expenses incurred by the subcommittee, or
    21  the members thereof, which are payable at Commonwealth expense,
    22  to be filed with the Speaker of the House and the Speaker shall
    23  cause the same to be entered in the journal thereof. No expenses
    24  incurred by the subcommittee or any member thereof shall be
    25  reimbursable by the Chief Clerk unless such expense shall first
    26  have been included as an expense item in the record heretofore
    27  required; and be it further
    28     RESOLVED, That the subcommittee report its findings to the
    29  House of Representatives as soon as possible.

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