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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 81                       PRINTER'S NO.  1073



No. 96 Session of 2001

           AND BOYES, JANUARY 23, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     advance directives for health care definitions and emergency
     4     medical services; and providing for out-of-hospital
     5     nonresuscitation.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  The definition of "declarant" in section 5403 of
     9  Title 20 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes is amended to
    10  read:
    11  § 5403.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    13  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     * * *

     1     "Declarant."  A person who makes a declaration in accordance
     2  with this chapter. The term includes an emancipated minor.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 2.  Section 5413 of Title 20 is amended to read:
     5  § 5413.  Emergency medical services.
     6     [(a)  Care given prior to declaration taking effect.--Nothing
     7  in this chapter shall be construed to make the provisions of a
     8  declaration apply to care given to a patient by emergency
     9  medical services personnel prior to the declaration's becoming
    10  operative under sections 5405 (relating to when declaration
    11  becomes operative) and 5408 (relating to duty of physician to
    12  confirm terminal condition).
    13     (b)  Care given after declaration takes effect.--The
    14  provisions of a declaration shall apply to care given to a
    15  patient by emergency medical services personnel after the
    16  declaration becomes operative under sections 5405 and 5408 only
    17  if:
    18         (1)  an original declaration, signed by the declarant or
    19     other authorized person, is presented to the emergency
    20     medical services personnel. The emergency medical services
    21     personnel must immediately notify the medical command
    22     physician of the presence of the declaration; or
    23         (2)  the medical command physician, based on prior
    24     notification by the attending physician or other health care
    25     provider that a valid and operative declaration exists,
    26     directs the emergency medical service personnel according to
    27     the provisions of the declaration.
    28     (c)  Uncertainty regarding validity of declaration.--
    29  Emergency medical services personnel confronted with any
    30  conflicting information regarding the patient's wishes for life-
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     1  sustaining treatment shall act according to the accepted
     2  treatment protocols and standards appropriate to their level of
     3  certification.]
     4     (a)  General rule.--An emergency medical services provider
     5  shall, in the course of providing care to a declarant, at all
     6  times comply with the instructions of an authorized medical
     7  command physician to withhold or discontinue cardiopulmonary
     8  resuscitation.
     9     (b)  Applicability.--This section is applicable only in those
    10  instances where an out-of-hospital DNR order is not in effect
    11  under section 5404-A(a) (relating to orders, bracelets and
    12  necklaces).
    13     Section 3.  Title 20 is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    14                            CHAPTER 54-A
    16  Sec.
    17  5401-A.  Short title of chapter.
    18  5402-A.  Legislative findings and intent.
    19  5403-A.  Definitions.
    20  5404-A.  Orders, bracelets and necklaces.
    21  5405-A.  Revocation.
    22  5406-A.  Liability.
    23  5407-A.  Effect on suicide and life insurance.
    24  5408-A.  Order optional.
    25  5409-A.  Preservation of existing rights.
    26  5410-A.  Emergency medical services.
    27  5411-A.  Pregnancy.
    28  5412-A.  Penalties.
    29  5413-A.  Severability.
    30  § 5401-A.  Short title of chapter.
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     1     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Do-Not-
     2  Resuscitate Act.
     3  § 5402-A.  Legislative findings and intent.
     4     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     5         (1)  Although cardiopulmonary resuscitation has saved the
     6     lives of individuals about to experience sudden, unexpected
     7     death, present medical data indicates that cardiopulmonary
     8     resuscitation rarely leads to prolonged survival in
     9     individuals with terminal illnesses in whom death is
    10     expected.
    11         (2)  In many circumstances, the performance of
    12     cardiopulmonary resuscitation may cause infliction of
    13     unwanted and unnecessary pain and suffering.
    14         (3)  Existing emergency medical services protocols may
    15     require emergency medical services personnel to proceed to
    16     cardiopulmonary resuscitation when an individual is found in
    17     a cardiac or respiratory arrest even if the individual has
    18     completed a living will or advance directive indicating that
    19     the individual does not wish to receive cardiopulmonary
    20     resuscitation.
    21         (4)  The administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    22     by emergency medical services personnel to an individual with
    23     an out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate order offends the
    24     dignity of the individual and conflicts with standards of
    25     accepted medical practice.
    26         (5)  This chapter provides clear direction to emergency
    27     medical services personnel and other health care providers in
    28     regard to the performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
    29         (6)  Nothing in this chapter is intended to condone,
    30     authorize or approve mercy killing, euthanasia or aided
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     1     suicide or to permit any affirmative or deliberate act or
     2     omission to end life other than as defined in this chapter.
     3  § 5403-A.  Definitions.
     4     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     5  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     6  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     7     "Attending physician."  The physician who has primary
     8  responsibility for the treatment and care of the patient.
     9     "Bracelet."  An out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate bracelet.
    10     "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation."  Cardiac compression,
    11  invasive airway techniques, artificial ventilation,
    12  defibrillation and other related procedures.
    13     "Declarant."  As defined in section 5403 (relating to
    14  definitions).
    15     "Declaration."  As defined in section 5403 (relating to
    16  definitions).
    17     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    18     "DNR."  Do not resuscitate.
    19     "Emergency medical services provider."  A health care
    20  provider recognized under the act of July 3, 1985 (P.L.164,
    21  No.45), known as the Emergency Medical Services Act. The term
    22  includes those individuals recognized under 42 Pa.C.S. § 8331.2
    23  (relating to good Samaritan civil immunity for use of automated
    24  external defibrillator).
    25     "EMS."  Emergency medical services.
    26     "Health care provider."  A person who is licensed or
    27  certified by the laws of this Commonwealth to administer health
    28  care in the ordinary course of business or practice of a
    29  profession. The term includes personnel recognized under the act
    30  of July 3, 1985 (P.L.164, No.45), known as the Emergency Medical
    20010H0096B1073                  - 5 -

     1  Services Act. The term includes those individuals recognized
     2  under 42 Pa.C.S. § 8331.2 (relating to good Samaritan civil
     3  immunity for use of automated external defibrillator).
     4     "Incompetent."  The lack of sufficient capacity for a person
     5  to make or communicate decisions concerning himself.
     6     "Invasive airway technique."  Any advanced airway technique,
     7  including endotracheal intubation.
     8     "Life-sustaining treatment."  Any medical procedure or
     9  intervention that, when administered to a patient, will serve
    10  only to prolong the process of dying or to maintain the patient
    11  in a state of permanent unconsciousness. Life-sustaining
    12  treatment shall include nutrition and hydration administered by
    13  gastric tube or intravenously or any other artificial or
    14  invasive means if the order of the patient so specifically
    15  provides.
    16     "Medical command physician."  A licensed physician who is
    17  authorized to give medical command under the act of July 3, 1985
    18  (P.L.164, No.45), known as the Emergency Medical Services Act.
    19     "Necklace."  An out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate necklace.
    20     "Order."  An out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate order.
    21     "Out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate bracelet."  A bracelet in
    22  the standard format set forth in section 5404-A (relating to
    23  orders, bracelets and necklaces), supplied by the department and
    24  issued by the attending physician, which may be worn, at the
    25  patient's option, to notify emergency medical services providers
    26  of the presence of an order.
    27     "Out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate necklace."  A necklace in
    28  the standard format set forth in section 5404-A (relating to
    29  orders, bracelets and necklaces), supplied by the department and
    30  issued by the attending physician, which may be worn, at the
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     1  patient's option, to notify emergency medical services providers
     2  of the presence of an order.
     3     "Out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate order."  An order in the
     4  standard format set forth in section 5404-A (relating to orders,
     5  bracelets and necklaces), supplied by the department and issued
     6  by the attending physician, directing emergency medical services
     7  providers to withhold cardiopulmonary resuscitation from the
     8  patient in the event of respiratory or cardiac arrest.
     9     "Out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate patient."  Any of the
    10  following:
    11         (1)  An individual:
    12             (i)  who is in a terminal condition; and
    13             (ii)  who, pursuant to section 5404-A(a) (relating to
    14         orders, bracelets and necklaces), possesses and in any
    15         manner displays or causes to be displayed for emergency
    16         medical services providers an apparently valid order,
    17         bracelet or necklace.
    18         (2)  A declarant:
    19             (i)  whose declaration has become operative under
    20         section 5405(2) (relating to when declaration becomes
    21         operative); and
    22             (ii)  who, pursuant to section 5404-A(a), possesses
    23         and in any manner displays or causes to be displayed for
    24         emergency medical services providers an apparently valid
    25         order, bracelet or necklace.
    26     "Patient."  An out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate patient.
    27     "Permanently unconscious."  A medical condition that has been
    28  diagnosed in accordance with currently accepted medical
    29  standards and with reasonable medical certainty as total and
    30  irreversible loss of consciousness and capacity for interaction
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     1  with the environment. The term includes, without limitation, a
     2  persistent vegetative state or irreversible coma.
     3     "Person."  An individual, corporation, partnership,
     4  association or Federal, State or local government or
     5  governmental agency.
     6     "Terminal condition."  An incurable and irreversible medical
     7  condition in an advanced state caused by injury, disease or
     8  physical illness which will, in the opinion of the attending
     9  physician, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, result
    10  in death regardless of the continued application of life-
    11  sustaining treatment.
    12  § 5404-A.  Orders, bracelets and necklaces.
    13     (a)  Issuance.--An attending physician, upon the request of
    14  an individual who is at least 18 years of age, has graduated
    15  from high school or has married, or the individual's surrogate
    16  if the surrogate is so authorized, shall issue to the individual
    17  an order, and may issue at the request of the patient or the
    18  patient's surrogate a bracelet or necklace supplied by the
    19  department. The patient may, at the patient's option, wear the
    20  bracelet or display the order or necklace to notify emergency
    21  medical services providers of the patient's do-not-resuscitate
    22  status.
    23     (b)  Format of order.--The department shall, with the advice
    24  of the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council and with
    25  the assistance of the regional emergency medical services
    26  councils, make available within 180 days of the effective date
    27  of this subsection standard orders for issuance to patients by
    28  attending physicians of this Commonwealth. The form of the order
    29  shall contain, but not be limited to, the following:
    30                       PENNSYLVANIA OUT-OF-HOSPITAL
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     1                         DO-NOT-RESUSCITATE ORDER
     2         Patient's full legal name:
     3             I, the undersigned, state that I am the attending
     4         physician of the patient named above. The above-named
     5         patient has requested this order and I have made the
     6         determination that this patient is in a terminal
     7         condition and eligible for an order.
     8             I direct any and all emergency medical services
     9         personnel, commencing on the effective date of this
    10         order, to withhold cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cardiac
    11         compression, invasive airway techniques, artificial
    12         ventilation, defibrillation and other related procedures)
    13         from the patient in the event of the patient's
    14         respiratory or cardiac arrest. I further direct such
    15         personnel to provide to the patient other medical
    16         interventions, such as intravenous fluids, oxygen or
    17         other therapies necessary to provide comfort care or to
    18         alleviate pain, unless directed otherwise by the patient
    19         or the emergency medical services provider's authorized
    20         medical command physician.
    21             Signature of attending physician:
    22             Printed name of attending physician:
    23             Dated:
    24             Attending physician's emergency telephone number:
    25             Signature of patient (if capable of making informed
    26         decisions):
    27             I, the undersigned, hereby direct that in the event
    28         of my cardiac and/or respiratory arrest, efforts at
    29         cardiopulmonary resuscitation not be initiated. I
    30         understand that I may revoke these directions at any time
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     1         by giving verbal instructions to the emergency medical
     2         services providers, by physical cancellation or
     3         destruction of this form or my bracelet or necklace, or
     4         by simply not displaying this form or the bracelet or
     5         necklace for my EMS caregivers.
     6             Signature of surrogate (if patient is incapable of
     7         making informed decisions):
     8             I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am
     9         authorized to execute this order on the patient's behalf
    10         by virtue of having been designated as the patient's
    11         surrogate and/or by virtue of my relationship to the
    12         patient (specify relationship: _________________). I
    13         hereby direct that in the event of the patient's cardiac
    14         and/or respiratory arrest, efforts at cardiopulmonary
    15         resuscitation not be initiated.
    16     (c)  Format of bracelet.--The department shall, with the
    17  advice of the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council and
    18  with the assistance of the regional emergency medical services
    19  councils, make available within 180 days of the effective date
    20  of this subsection standard bracelets for issuance to patients
    21  by attending physicians. The bracelets shall be uniform in
    22  design and shall, at a minimum, on the face clearly indicate
    23  OUT-OF-HOSPITAL DNR and the name of the patient and attending
    24  physician, as well as the dated signature of the attending
    25  physician.
    26     (d)  Format of necklace.--The department shall, with the
    27  advice of the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council and
    28  with the assistance of the regional emergency medical services
    29  councils, make available within 180 days of the effective date
    30  of this subsection standard necklaces for issuance to patients
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     1  by attending physicians. The necklaces shall be uniform in
     2  design and shall, at a minimum, on the face clearly indicate
     3  OUT-OF-HOSPITAL DNR and the name of the patient and attending
     4  physician, as well as the dated signature of the attending
     5  physician.
     6  § 5405-A.  Revocation.
     7     (a)  Patient.--If a patient has obtained an order, only the
     8  patient may revoke the patient's DNR status.
     9     (b)  Surrogate.--If a surrogate has obtained an order, the
    10  patient or the surrogate may revoke the patient's status.
    11     (c)  Manner.--Revocation under this section may be done at
    12  any time without regard to the patient's physical or mental
    13  condition and in any manner, including verbally or by destroying
    14  or not displaying the order, bracelet or necklace.
    15  § 5406-A.  Liability.
    16     (a)  General rule.--No physician, emergency medical services
    17  provider or other health care provider who, consistent with this
    18  chapter, causes or participates in the initiating, continuing,
    19  withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment or
    20  cardiopulmonary resuscitation from a patient shall, as a result
    21  of such action, be subject to criminal or civil liability or be
    22  found to have committed an act of unprofessional conduct if the
    23  attending physician, health care provider or emergency medical
    24  services provider has followed the patient's EXPRESSED wishes as  <--
    25  expressed earlier by the patient in the form of a declaration
    26  or, order OR REVOCATION, executed pursuant to this chapter.       <--
    27     (b)  Absence of order, bracelet or necklace.--The absence of
    28  an order, bracelet or necklace by a patient shall not give rise
    29  to any presumption as to the intent of the patient to consent to
    30  or to refuse the initiation, continuation or termination of
    20010H0096B1073                 - 11 -

     1  life-sustaining treatment.
     2  § 5407-A.  Effect on suicide and life insurance.
     3     (a)  Criminal effect.--The withholding or withdrawal of life-
     4  sustaining treatment from a patient in accordance with the
     5  provisions of this chapter shall not, for any purpose,
     6  constitute suicide or homicide.
     7     (b)  Life insurance.--The making of or failure to make an
     8  order in accordance with this chapter shall not affect in any
     9  manner the sale, procurement or issuance of any policy of life
    10  insurance nor shall it be deemed to modify the terms of an
    11  existing policy of life insurance. No policy of life insurance
    12  shall be legally impaired or invalidated in any manner by the
    13  withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment from an
    14  insured patient, notwithstanding any term of the policy to the
    15  contrary.
    16  § 5408-A.  Order optional.
    17     No physician or other health care provider and no health care
    18  service plan, health maintenance organization, insurer issuing
    19  disability insurance, self-insured employee welfare benefit
    20  plan, nonprofit hospital plan or Federal, State or local
    21  government sponsored or operated program may:
    22         (1)  require any person to execute an order as a
    23     condition for being insured for or receiving health care
    24     services; or
    25         (2)  charge any person a different rate or fee whether or
    26     not the person executes or has executed an order.
    27  § 5409-A.  Preservation of existing rights.
    28     The provisions of this chapter shall not impair or supersede
    29  any existing rights or responsibilities not addressed in this
    30  chapter.
    20010H0096B1073                 - 12 -

     1  § 5410-A.  Emergency medical services.
     2     (a)  Medical command instructions.--Notwithstanding the
     3  absence of an order, bracelet or necklace pursuant to this
     4  section, emergency medical services providers shall at all times
     5  comply with the instructions of an authorized medical command
     6  physician to withhold or discontinue resuscitation.
     7     (b)  Effect of order, bracelet or necklace.--
     8         (1)  Emergency medical services providers are authorized
     9     to, and shall, comply with an order if made aware of the
    10     order by examining a bracelet, a necklace or the order
    11     itself.
    12         (2)  Emergency medical services providers shall provide
    13     other medical interventions necessary and appropriate to
    14     provide comfort and alleviate pain, including intravenous
    15     fluids, medications, oxygen and any other intervention
    16     appropriate to the level of the certification of the
    17     provider, unless otherwise directed by the patient or the
    18     emergency medical services provider's authorized medical
    19     command physician.
    20         (3)  As used in this subsection, the term "comply" means:
    21             (i)  to withhold cardiopulmonary resuscitation from
    22         the patient in the event of respiratory or cardiac
    23         arrest; or
    24             (ii)  to discontinue and cease cardiopulmonary
    25         resuscitation in the event the emergency medical services
    26         provider is presented with an order or discovers a
    27         necklace or bracelet after initiating cardiopulmonary
    28         resuscitation.
    29     (c)  Uncertainty regarding validity or applicability of
    30  order, bracelet or necklace.--
    20010H0096B1073                 - 13 -

     1         (1)  Emergency medical services providers who in good
     2     faith are uncertain about the validity or applicability of an
     3     order, bracelet or necklace shall render care in accordance
     4     with their level of certification.
     5         (2)  Emergency medical services providers who act under
     6     paragraph (1) shall not be subject to civil or criminal
     7     liability or administrative sanction for failure to comply
     8     with an order under this section.
     9     (d)  Recognition of other states' orders.--Emergency medical
    10  services or out-of-hospital DNR orders, bracelets or necklaces
    11  valid in states other than this Commonwealth shall be recognized
    12  in this Commonwealth to the extent that these orders, bracelets
    13  or necklaces are consistent with the laws of this Commonwealth.
    14  Emergency medical services providers shall act in accordance
    15  with the provisions of this section when encountering a patient
    16  with an apparently valid EMS or out-of-hospital DNR form,
    17  bracelet or necklace issued by another state. Emergency medical
    18  services providers acting in good faith under this section shall
    19  be entitled to the same immunities and protections that would
    20  otherwise be applicable.
    21  § 5411-A.  Pregnancy.
    22     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding the existence of an order
    23  or direction to the contrary, life-sustaining treatment,
    24  cardiopulmonary resuscitation, nutrition and hydration must be
    25  provided to a pregnant patient unless, to a reasonable degree of
    26  medical certainty as certified on the patient's medical record
    27  by the attending physician and an obstetrician who has examined
    28  the patient, life-sustaining treatment, nutrition and hydration:
    29         (1)  will not maintain the pregnant patient in such a way
    30     as to permit the continuing development and live birth of the
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     1     unborn child;
     2         (2)  will be physically harmful to the pregnant patient;
     3     or
     4         (3)  would cause pain to the pregnant patient which
     5     cannot be alleviated by medication.
     6     (b)  Pregnancy test.--Nothing in this section shall require a
     7  physician to perform a pregnancy test unless the physician has
     8  reason to believe that the patient may be pregnant.
     9     (c)  Payment of expenses by Commonwealth.--
    10         (1)  In the event that treatment, cardiopulmonary
    11     resuscitation, nutrition or hydration are provided to a
    12     pregnant patient, notwithstanding the existence of an order
    13     or direction to the contrary, the Commonwealth shall pay all
    14     usual, customary and reasonable expenses directly and
    15     indirectly incurred by the pregnant patient to whom such
    16     treatment, nutrition and hydration are provided.
    17         (2)  The Commonwealth shall have the right of subrogation
    18     against all moneys paid by any third-party health insurer on
    19     behalf of the pregnant patient.
    20         (3)  The expenditures incurred on behalf of the pregnant
    21     patient shall constitute a grant and no lien shall be placed
    22     upon the property of the pregnant patient, her estate or her
    23     heirs.
    24  § 5412-A.  Penalties.
    25     Any person who intentionally conceals, cancels, defaces,
    26  obliterates or damages the order, bracelet or necklace of
    27  another without the consent of the patient commits a felony of
    28  the third degree. Any person who falsifies or forges the order,
    29  bracelet or necklace of another, or conceals or withholds
    30  personal knowledge of a revocation as provided in section 5405-A
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     1  (relating to revocation), with the intent to cause a withholding
     2  or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment contrary to the
     3  wishes of the patient and, because of such an act, directly
     4  causes life-sustaining treatment to be withheld or withdrawn and
     5  death to be hastened shall be subject to prosecution for
     6  criminal homicide as provided in 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 25 (relating to
     7  criminal homicide). Any person who intentionally, by undue
     8  influence, fraud or duress, causes a person to execute an order
     9  pursuant to this chapter commits a felony of the third degree.
    10  § 5413-A.  Severability.
    11     The provisions of this chapter are severable, and, if any
    12  word, phrase, clause, sentence, section or provision of this
    13  chapter is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, the
    14  decision of the court shall not affect or impair any of the
    15  remaining provisions of this chapter. It is hereby declared as
    16  the legislative intent that this chapter would have been adopted
    17  had such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence,
    18  section or provision thereof not been included herein.
    19     Section 4.  The Department of Health shall, with the advice
    20  of the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council and with
    21  the assistance of the regional emergency medical services
    22  councils, develop and make available to health care providers
    23  recognized under the act of July 3, 1985 (P.L.164, No.45), known
    24  as the Emergency Medical Services Act, including those
    25  individuals recognized under 42 Pa.C.S. § 8331.2, within 180
    26  days of the effective date of this act, educational materials
    27  relating to the implementation of the provisions of this act.
    28  The department shall also cause the requirements of this act to
    29  be included as part of the curricula for health care providers
    30  recognized under the Emergency Medical Services Act.
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     1     Section 5.  The Department of Health may contract with any
     2  public or private entity to facilitate all or part of its
     3  responsibilities under 20 Pa.C.S. Ch. 54 or 54-A.
     4     Section 6.  The Department of Health, upon the conclusion of
     5  at least one public hearing, shall publish interim regulations
     6  in the Pennsylvania Bulletin within 120 days of the effective
     7  date of this act. The interim regulations shall not be subject
     8  to the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as
     9  the Commonwealth Documents Law, or to the act of June 25, 1982
    10  (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act. The
    11  interim regulations shall be effective until final regulations
    12  are promulgated by the department. Final regulations shall be
    13  promulgated no later than 18 months following the effective date
    14  of this act.
    15     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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