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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 730



No. 107 Session of 2007


           MARCH 9, 2007

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Calling for the holding of a conference on the use of alternate
     2     energy sources in honor of Benjamin Franklin.

     3     WHEREAS, Benjamin Franklin first named and demonstrated
     4  practical uses for an electrical battery in Philadelphia in
     5  1748; and
     6     WHEREAS, Benjamin Franklin developed and promoted a stove
     7  that heated homes more efficiently than existing fireplaces,
     8  and, to encourage its use, he did not patent his invention; and
     9     WHEREAS, The Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary was celebrated
    10  last year in Philadelphia; and
    11     WHEREAS, The United States is facing the problem of rising
    12  gasoline prices and overwhelming dependence on an uncertain
    13  future supply of imported petroleum; and
    14     WHEREAS, Today's hybrid vehicles are more efficient than
    15  nonhybrid vehicles: they do not idle, use smaller engines and
    16  recapture braking energy into a battery for later use; and
    17     WHEREAS, Most hybrid vehicles presently available are 100%

     1  gasoline-fueled; and
     2     WHEREAS, Additional technological advances could tap the full
     3  potential of hybrid vehicles, saving much more gasoline and
     4  providing many other benefits; and
     5     WHEREAS, Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) simply add
     6  electricity, a cleaner and cheaper domestic energy source for
     7  passenger vehicles; and
     8     WHEREAS, PHEVs allow consumers to have the equivalent of a
     9  second small fuel tank which is always used first and can be
    10  filled at home with electricity from an ordinary 120 volt
    11  socket, at a cost equivalent to less than $1 per gallon; and
    12     WHEREAS, PHEVs have demonstrated that electricity can be
    13  successfully substituted for gasoline for the first 5 to 30
    14  miles of driving each day; and
    15     WHEREAS, Although PHEVs usually charge at night, the
    16  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania currently has an ample surplus of
    17  electric generation capacity during daylight hours and exports
    18  electricity to neighboring states; and
    19     WHEREAS, When a PHEV's battery has been discharged, it still
    20  has the same extended range available from a gasoline engine
    21  while remaining relatively clean and efficient; and
    22     WHEREAS, Energy experts have concluded that widespread
    23  adoption of PHEVs could result in significant reduction of our
    24  dependence on foreign petroleum supplies; and
    25     WHEREAS, Three hundred years after Ben Franklin was born,
    26  students and teachers at West Philadelphia's High School are
    27  working on hybrid vehicles and other energy-efficient vehicles
    28  powered by alternative fuels; and
    29     WHEREAS, It is fitting, useful and prudent to hold a
    30  conference of experts in batteries, hybrids and electric
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     1  generation as well as automobile manufacturers,
     2  environmentalists, utility representatives, plug-in advocates,
     3  first responders and representatives of Federal, State and local
     4  government in Ben Franklin's adopted hometown to discuss how
     5  PHEVs could impact our economy, environment and society; and
     6     WHEREAS, Conferees should discuss how government and the
     7  private sector can encourage the adoption of PHEV technology and
     8  how to change traditional models of automobiles, electricity use
     9  and car and battery utilization and disposal along with
    10  traditional first responder rescue techniques as necessary;
    11  therefore be it
    12     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the
    13  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania call for a conference on PHEVs to
    14  be held in Philadelphia in honor of Benjamin Franklin, the
    15  city's most renowned resident and inventor of the electric
    16  battery; and be it further
    17     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives urge that the
    18  conference serve as a building block for the development of the
    19  PHEV industry and that participants include, but not be limited
    20  to, automakers, battery companies, public utilities,
    21  environmentalists and hybrid advocates in order to develop,
    22  discuss, promote and deliver the possibilities of these
    23  technologies and seek consensus without bringing in other
    24  controversial energy issues like nuclear power or drilling in
    25  the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; and be it further
    26     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be delivered to the
    27  President of the United States, to the Governor of Pennsylvania,
    28  to the Mayor of Philadelphia, to the Pennsylvania Congressional
    29  Delegation, to the United States Secretary of Energy, to the
    30  United States Secretary of Transportation, to the Pennsylvania
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     1  Secretary of Environmental Protection, to the Pennsylvania
     2  Secretary of Transportation, to the Federal Energy Regulatory
     3  Commission, to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, to
     4  The Franklin Institute and to the American Philosophical
     5  Society.

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