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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 916



No. 120 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," further providing for the imposition and rate of
    11     the sales and use tax and for transfers to the Public
    12     Transportation Assistance Fund; designating certain sales and
    13     use tax revenue for transfer to the Education Operating Fund;
    14     and further providing for the imposition and rate of the
    15     State Real Estate Transfer Tax and for the disposition of
    16     certain moneys raised by the Local Real Estate Transfer Tax.

    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    18  hereby enacts as follows:
    19     Section 1.  Section 201(k)(4) and (o)(4) and (8) of the act
    20  of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of
    21  1971, amended May 7, 1997 (P.L.85, No.7) and April 23, 1998
    22  (P.L.239, No.45), are amended to read:

     1     Section 201.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
     2  phrases when used in this Article II shall have the meaning
     3  ascribed to them in this section, except where the context
     4  clearly indicates a different meaning:
     5     * * *
     6     (k)  "Sale at retail."
     7     * * *
     8     (4)  The rendition for a consideration of the service of
     9  repairing, altering, mending, pressing, fitting, dyeing,
    10  laundering, drycleaning or cleaning tangible personal property
    11  [other than] including, but not limited to, wearing apparel or
    12  shoes, or applying or installing tangible personal property as a
    13  repair or replacement part of other tangible personal property
    14  [except] including, but not limited to, wearing apparel or shoes
    15  for a consideration, whether or not the services are performed
    16  directly or by any means other than by coin-operated self-
    17  service laundry equipment for wearing apparel or household goods
    18  and whether or not any tangible personal property is transferred
    19  in conjunction therewith.[, except such services as are rendered
    20  in the construction, reconstruction, remodeling, repair or
    21  maintenance of real estate: Provided, however, That this
    22  subclause shall not be deemed to impose tax upon such services
    23  in the preparation for sale of new items which are excluded from
    24  the tax under clause (26) of section 204, or upon diaper
    25  service.]
    26     * * *
    27     (o)  "Use."
    28     * * *
    29     (4)  The obtaining by a purchaser of the service of
    30  repairing, altering, mending, pressing, fitting, dyeing,
    20050H0120B0916                  - 2 -     

     1  laundering, drycleaning or cleaning tangible personal property
     2  [other than] including, but not limited to, wearing apparel or
     3  shoes or applying or installing tangible personal property as a
     4  repair or replacement part of other tangible personal property
     5  [other than] including, but not limited to, wearing apparel or
     6  shoes, whether or not the services are performed directly or by
     7  any means other than by means of coin-operated self-service
     8  laundry equipment for wearing apparel or household goods, and
     9  whether or not any tangible personal property is transferred to
    10  the purchaser in conjunction therewith[, except such services as
    11  are obtained in the construction, reconstruction, remodeling,
    12  repair or maintenance of real estate: Provided, however, That
    13  this subclause shall not be deemed to impose tax upon such
    14  services in the preparation for sale of new items which are
    15  excluded from the tax under clause (26) of section 204, or upon
    16  diaper service: And provided further, That the]. The term "use"
    17  shall not include--
    18     (A)  Any tangible personal property acquired and kept,
    19  retained or over which power is exercised within this
    20  Commonwealth on which the taxing of the storage, use or other
    21  consumption thereof is expressly prohibited by the Constitution
    22  of the United States or which is excluded from tax under other
    23  provisions of this article.
    24     (B)  The use or consumption of tangible personal property,
    25  including but not limited to machinery and equipment and parts
    26  therefor, and supplies or the obtaining of the services
    27  described in subclauses (2), (3) and (4) of this clause directly
    28  in the operations of--
    29     (i)  The manufacture of tangible personal property.
    30     (ii)  Farming, dairying, agriculture, horticulture or
    20050H0120B0916                  - 3 -     

     1  floriculture when engaged in as a business enterprise. The term
     2  "farming" shall include the propagation and raising of ranch-
     3  raised furbearing animals and the propagation of game birds for
     4  commercial purposes by holders of propagation permits issued
     5  under 34 Pa.C.S. (relating to game) and the propagation and
     6  raising of horses to be used exclusively for commercial racing
     7  activities.
     8     (iii)  The producing, delivering or rendering of a public
     9  utility service, or in constructing, reconstructing, remodeling,
    10  repairing or maintaining the facilities which are directly used
    11  in producing, delivering or rendering such service.
    12     (iv)  Processing as defined in subclause (d) of this section.
    13     The exclusions provided in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and
    14  (iv) shall not apply to any vehicle required to be registered
    15  under The Vehicle Code except those vehicles directly used by a
    16  public utility engaged in the business as a common carrier; to
    17  maintenance facilities; or to materials, supplies or equipment
    18  to be used or consumed in the construction, reconstruction,
    19  remodeling, repair or maintenance of real estate other than
    20  directly used machinery, equipment, parts or foundations
    21  therefor that may be affixed to such real estate. The exclusions
    22  provided in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) shall not
    23  apply to tangible personal property or services to be used or
    24  consumed in managerial sales or other nonoperational activities,
    25  nor to the purchase or use of tangible personal property or
    26  services by any person other than the person directly using the
    27  same in the operations described in subparagraphs (i), (ii),
    28  (iii) and (iv).
    29     The exclusion provided in subparagraph (iii) shall not apply
    30  to (A) construction materials, supplies or equipment used to
    20050H0120B0916                  - 4 -     

     1  construct, reconstruct, remodel, repair or maintain facilities
     2  not used directly by the purchaser in the production, delivering
     3  or rendition of public utility service or (B) tools and
     4  equipment used but not installed in the maintenance of
     5  facilities used directly in the production, delivering or
     6  rendition of a public utility service.
     7     The exclusion provided in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and
     8  (iv) shall not apply to the services enumerated in clauses
     9  (o)(9) through (16) and (w) through (kk), except that the
    10  exclusion provided in subparagraph (ii) for farming, dairying
    11  and agriculture shall apply to the service enumerated in clause
    12  (z).
    13     * * *
    14     [(8)  The term "use" shall not include the providing of a
    15  motor vehicle to a nonprofit private or public school to be used
    16  by such a school for the sole purpose of driver education.]
    17     * * *
    18     Section 2.  Section 202 of the act, amended or added
    19  September 9, 1971 (P.L.437, No.105), October 4, 1978 (P.L.987,
    20  No.201), April 23, 1998 (P.L.239, No.45), May 24, 2000 (P.L.106,
    21  No.23) and June 29, 2002 (P.L.559, No.89), is amended to read:
    22     Section 202.  Imposition of Tax.--(a)  There is hereby
    23  imposed upon each separate sale at retail of tangible personal
    24  property or services, as defined herein, within this
    25  Commonwealth a tax of [six] five per cent of the purchase price,
    26  which tax shall be collected by the vendor from the purchaser,
    27  and shall be paid over to the Commonwealth as herein provided.
    28     (b)  There is hereby imposed upon the use[, on and after the
    29  effective date of this article,] within this Commonwealth of
    30  tangible personal property purchased at retail [on or after the
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     1  effective date of this article,] and on those services described
     2  herein purchased at retail on and after [the effective date of
     3  this article] January 1, 2006, a tax of [six] five per cent of
     4  the purchase price, which tax shall be paid to the Commonwealth
     5  by the person who makes such use as herein provided, except that
     6  such tax shall not be paid to the Commonwealth by such person
     7  where he has paid the tax imposed by subsection (a) of this
     8  section or has paid the tax imposed by this subsection (b) to
     9  the vendor with respect to such use. [The tax at the rate of six
    10  per cent imposed by this subsection shall not be deemed
    11  applicable where the tax has been incurred under the provisions
    12  of the "Tax Act of 1963 for Education."]
    13     (c)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article,
    14  the tax with respect to telecommunications service within the
    15  meaning of clause (m) of section 201 of this article shall[,
    16  except for telegrams paid for in cash at telegraph offices,] be
    17  computed at the rate of [six] five per cent upon the total
    18  amount charged to customers for such services, irrespective of
    19  whether such charge is based upon a flat rate or upon a message
    20  unit charge[, but in no event shall charges for telephone calls
    21  paid for by inserting money into a telephone accepting direct
    22  deposits of money to operate be subject to this tax]. A
    23  telecommunications service provider shall have no responsibility
    24  or liability to the Commonwealth for billing, collecting or
    25  remitting taxes that apply to services, products or other
    26  commerce sold over telecommunications lines by third-party
    27  vendors. To prevent actual multistate taxation of interstate
    28  telecommunications service, any taxpayer, upon proof that the
    29  taxpayer has paid a similar tax to another state on the same
    30  interstate telecommunications service, shall be allowed a credit
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     1  against the tax imposed by this section on the same interstate
     2  telecommunications service to the extent of the amount of such
     3  tax properly due and paid to such other state.
     4     (d)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article,
     5  the sale or use of food and beverages dispensed by means of coin
     6  operated vending machines shall be taxed at the rate of [six]
     7  five per cent of the receipts collected from any such machine
     8  which dispenses food and beverages heretofore taxable.
     9     (e)  (1)  Notwithstanding any provisions of this article, the
    10  sale or use of prepaid telecommunications evidenced by the
    11  transfer of tangible personal property shall be subject to the
    12  tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b).
    13     (2)  The sale or use of prepaid telecommunications not
    14  evidenced by the transfer of tangible personal property shall be
    15  subject to the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) and shall
    16  be deemed to occur at the purchaser's billing address.
    17     (3)  Notwithstanding clause (2), the sale or use of prepaid
    18  telecommunications service not evidenced by the transfer of
    19  tangible personal property shall be taxed at the rate of [six]
    20  five per cent of the receipts collected on each sale if the
    21  service provider elects to collect the tax imposed by this
    22  article on receipts of each sale. The service provider shall
    23  notify the department of its election and shall collect the tax
    24  on receipts of each sale until the service provider notifies the
    25  department otherwise.
    26     (e.1)  (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
    27  article, the sale or use of prepaid mobile telecommunications
    28  service evidenced by the transfer of tangible personal property
    29  shall be subject to the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b).
    30     (2)  The sale or use of prepaid mobile telecommunications
    20050H0120B0916                  - 7 -     

     1  service not evidenced by the transfer of tangible personal
     2  property shall be subject to the tax imposed by subsections (a)
     3  and (b) and shall be deemed to occur at the purchaser's billing
     4  address or the location associated with the mobile telephone
     5  number or the point of sale, whichever is applicable.
     6     (3)  Notwithstanding clause (2), the sale or use of prepaid
     7  mobile telecommunications service not evidenced by the transfer
     8  of tangible personal property shall be taxed at the rate of
     9  [six] five per cent of the receipts collected on each sale if
    10  the service provider elects to collect the tax imposed by this
    11  article on receipts of each sale. The service provider shall
    12  notify the department of its election and shall collect the tax
    13  on receipts of each sale until the service provider notifies the
    14  department otherwise.
    15     (f)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, tax
    16  with respect to sales of prebuilt housing shall be imposed on
    17  the prebuilt housing builder at the time of the prebuilt housing
    18  sale within this Commonwealth and shall be paid and reported by
    19  the prebuilt housing builder to the department in the time and
    20  manner provided in this article: Provided, however, That a
    21  manufacturer of prebuilt housing may, at its option, precollect
    22  the tax from the prebuilt housing builder at the time of sale to
    23  the prebuilt housing builder. In any case where prebuilt housing
    24  is purchased and the tax is not paid by the prebuilt housing
    25  builder or precollected by the manufacturer, the prebuilt
    26  housing purchaser shall remit tax directly to the department if
    27  the prebuilt housing is used in this Commonwealth without regard
    28  to whether the prebuilt housing becomes a real estate structure.
    29     (g)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article and
    30  in accordance with the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act (4
    20050H0120B0916                  - 8 -     

     1  U.S.C. § 116), the sale or use of mobile telecommunications
     2  services which are deemed to be provided to a customer by a home
     3  service provider under section 117(a) and (b) of the Mobile
     4  Telecommunications Sourcing Act shall be subject to the tax of
     5  [six] five per cent of the purchase price, which tax shall be
     6  collected by the home service provider from the customer, and
     7  shall be paid over to the Commonwealth as herein provided if the
     8  customer's place of primary use is located within this
     9  Commonwealth, regardless of where the mobile telecommunications
    10  services originate, terminate or pass through. For purposes of
    11  this subsection, words and phrases used in this subsection shall
    12  have the same meanings given to them in the Mobile
    13  Telecommunications Sourcing Act.
    14     Section 3.  Section 203 of the act is amended to read:
    15     Section 203.  Computation of Tax.--The amount of tax imposed
    16  by section 202 of this article shall be computed as follows:
    17     [(a)  If the purchase price is ten cents (10c/) or less, no
    18  tax shall be collected.
    19     (b)  If the purchase price is eleven cents (11c/) or more
    20  but less than eighteen cents (18c/), one cent (1c/) shall be
    21  collected.
    22     (c)  If the purchase price is eighteen cents (18c/) or more
    23  but less than thirty-five cents (35c/), two cents (2c/) shall
    24  be collected.
    25     (d)  If the purchase price is thirty-five cents (35c/) or
    26  more but less than fifty-one cents (51c/), three cents (3c/)
    27  shall be collected.
    28     (e)  If the purchase price is fifty-one cents (51c/) or more
    29  but less than sixty-eight cents (68c/), four cents (4c/) shall
    30  be collected.
    20050H0120B0916                  - 9 -     

     1     (f)  If the purchase price is sixty-eight cents (68c/) or
     2  more but less than eighty-five cents (85c/), five cents (5c/)
     3  shall be collected.
     4     (g)  If the purchase price is eighty-five cents (85c/) or
     5  more but less than one dollar and one cent ($1.01), six cents
     6  (6c/) shall be collected.
     7     (h)  If the purchase price is more than one dollar ($1.00),
     8  six per centum of each dollar of purchase price plus the above
     9  bracket charges upon any fractional part of a dollar in excess
    10  of even dollars shall be collected.]
    11     (a)  If the purchase price is seventeen cents (17¢) or less,
    12  no tax shall be collected.
    13     (b)  If the purchase price is eighteen cents (18¢) or more
    14  but less than thirty-three cents (33¢), one cent (1¢) shall be
    15  collected.
    16     (c)  If the purchase price is thirty-three cents (33¢) or
    17  more but less than forty-nine cents (49¢), two cents (2¢) shall
    18  be collected.
    19     (d)  If the purchase price is forty-nine cents (49¢) or more
    20  but less than sixty-five cents (65¢), three cents (3¢) shall be
    21  collected.
    22     (e)  If the purchase price is sixty-five cents (65¢) or more
    23  but less than eighty-one cents (81¢), four cents (4¢) shall be
    24  collected.
    25     (f)  If the purchase price is more than eighty-one cents
    26  (81¢) but less than one dollar and one cent ($1.01), five per
    27  cent shall be collected.
    28     (g)  If the purchase price is more than one dollar ($1.00),
    29  five per cent of each dollar of purchase price plus the above
    30  bracket charges upon any fractional part of a dollar in excess
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     1  of even dollars shall be collected.
     2     (h)  The tax collected under section 202 shall be deposited
     3  into the Education Operating Fund.
     4     Section 4.  Section 204 of the act, amended, added or
     5  repealed August 31, 1971 (P.L.362, No.93), July 20, 1974
     6  (P.L.535, No.183), October 17, 1974 (P.L.756, No.255), December
     7  14, 1977 (P.L.322, No.93), October 27, 1979 (P.L.242, No.79),
     8  December 8, 1980 (P.L.1117, No.195), December 16, 1980
     9  (P.L.1240, No.223), October 22, 1981 (P.L.314, No.109), June 23,
    10  1982 (P.L.610, No.172), December 9, 1982 (P.L.1047, No.246),
    11  July 21, 1983 (P.L.63, No.29), December 19, 1985 (P.L.354,
    12  No.100), July 13, 1987 (P.L.317, No.58), August 4, 1991 (P.L.97,
    13  No.22), December 13, 1991 (P.L.373, No.40), June 16, 1994
    14  (P.L.279, No.48), June 30, 1995 (P.L.139, No.21), May 7, 1997
    15  (P.L.85, No.7), April 23, 1998 (P.L.239, No.45), May 12, 1999
    16  (P.L.26, No.4), May 24, 2000 (P.L.106, No.23), December 20, 2000
    17  (P.L.841, No.119), June 22, 2001 (P.L.353, No.23), June 29, 2002
    18  (P.L.559, No.89) and December 23, 2003 (P.L.250, No.46), is
    19  amended to read:
    20     Section 204.  Exclusions from Tax.--The tax imposed by
    21  section 202 shall not be imposed upon any of the following:
    22     (1)  The sale at retail or use of tangible personal property
    23  (other than motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers, motor
    24  boats, aircraft or other similar tangible personal property
    25  required under either Federal law or laws of this Commonwealth
    26  to be registered or licensed) or services sold by or purchased
    27  from a person not a vendor in an isolated transaction or sold by
    28  or purchased from a person who is a vendor but is not a vendor
    29  with respect to the tangible personal property or services sold
    30  or purchased in such transaction: Provided, That inventory and
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     1  stock in trade so sold or purchased, shall not be excluded from
     2  the tax by the provisions of this subsection.
     3     (2)  The use of tangible personal property purchased by a
     4  nonresident person outside of, and brought into this
     5  Commonwealth for use therein for a period not to exceed seven
     6  days, or for any period of time when such nonresident is a
     7  tourist or vacationer and, in either case not consumed within
     8  the Commonwealth.
     9     (3)  The use of tangible personal property purchased outside
    10  this Commonwealth for use outside this Commonwealth by a then
    11  nonresident natural person or a business entity not actually
    12  doing business within this Commonwealth, who later brings such
    13  tangible personal property into this Commonwealth in connection
    14  with his establishment of a permanent business or residence in
    15  this Commonwealth: Provided, That such property was purchased
    16  more than six months prior to the date it was first brought into
    17  this Commonwealth or prior to the establishment of such business
    18  or residence, whichever first occurs. This exclusion shall not
    19  apply to tangible personal property temporarily brought into
    20  Pennsylvania for the performance of contracts for the
    21  construction, reconstruction, remodeling, repairing and
    22  maintenance of real estate.
    23     [(4)  The sale at retail or use of disposable diapers; pre-
    24  moistened wipes; incontinence products; colostomy deodorants;
    25  toilet paper; sanitary napkins, tampons or similar items used
    26  for feminine hygiene; or toothpaste, toothbrushes or dental
    27  floss.
    28     (5)  The sale at retail or use of steam, natural and
    29  manufactured and bottled gas, fuel oil, electricity or
    30  intrastate subscriber line charges, basic local telephone
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     1  service or telegraph service when purchased directly by the user
     2  thereof solely for his own residential use and charges for
     3  telephone calls paid for by inserting money into a telephone
     4  accepting direct deposits of money to operate.]
     5     (10)  The sale at retail [to or use] by (i) any charitable
     6  organization, volunteer firemen's organization or nonprofit
     7  educational institution, or (ii) a religious organization for
     8  religious purposes of tangible personal property or services
     9  other than pursuant to a construction contract: Provided,
    10  however, That the exclusion of this clause shall not apply with
    11  respect to any tangible personal property or services used in
    12  any unrelated trade or business carried on by such organization
    13  or institution or with respect to any materials, supplies and
    14  equipment used and transferred to such organization or
    15  institution in the construction, reconstruction, remodeling,
    16  renovation, repairs and maintenance of any real estate
    17  structure, other than building machinery and equipment, except
    18  materials and supplies when purchased by such organizations or
    19  institutions for routine maintenance and repairs.
    20     (11)  The sale at retail, or use of gasoline and other motor
    21  fuels, the sales of which are otherwise subject to excise taxes
    22  under [the act of May 21, 1931 (P.L.194), known as the "Liquid
    23  Fuels Tax Act," and the act of January 14, 1952 (P.L.1965),
    24  known as the "Fuel Use Tax Act."] 75 Pa.C.S. Ch. 90 (relating to
    25  Liquid Fuels and Fuels Tax).
    26     (12)  The sale at retail to, or use by the United States,
    27  this Commonwealth or its instrumentalities or political
    28  subdivisions or private schools or parochial schools of tangible
    29  personal property or services. The clause includes the sale at
    30  retail to persons who operate a home education program of
    20050H0120B0916                 - 13 -     

     1  tangible personal property or services exclusively for the home
     2  education program.
     3     [(13)  The sale at retail, or use of wrapping paper, wrapping
     4  twine, bags, cartons, tape, rope, labels, nonreturnable
     5  containers and all other wrapping supplies, when such use is
     6  incidental to the delivery of any personal property, except that
     7  any charge for wrapping or packaging shall be subject to tax at
     8  the rate imposed by section 202.
     9     (14)  Sale at retail or use of vessels designed for
    10  commercial use of registered tonnage of fifty tons or more when
    11  produced by the builders thereof upon special order of the
    12  purchaser.
    13     (15)  Sale at retail of tangible personal property or
    14  services used or consumed in building, rebuilding, repairing and
    15  making additions to or replacements in and upon vessels designed
    16  for commercial use of registered tonnage of fifty tons or more
    17  upon special order of the purchaser, or when rebuilt, repaired
    18  or enlarged, or when replacements are made upon order of or for
    19  the account of the owner.
    20     (16)  The sale at retail or use of tangible personal property
    21  or services to be used or consumed for ship cleaning or
    22  maintenance or as fuel, supplies, ships' equipment, ships'
    23  stores or sea stores on vessels designed for commercial use of
    24  registered tonnage of fifty tons or more to be operated
    25  principally outside the limits of the Commonwealth.]
    26     (17)  The sale at retail or use of prescription [or non-
    27  prescription] medicines.[, drugs or medical supplies, crutches
    28  and wheelchairs for the use of cripples and invalids, artificial
    29  limbs, artificial eyes and artificial hearing devices when
    30  designed to be worn on the person of the purchaser or user,
    20050H0120B0916                 - 14 -     

     1  false teeth and materials used by a dentist in dental treatment,
     2  eyeglasses when especially designed or prescribed by an
     3  ophthalmologist, oculist or optometrist for the personal use of
     4  the owner or purchaser and artificial braces and supports
     5  designed solely for the use of crippled persons or any other
     6  therapeutic, prosthetic or artificial device designed for the
     7  use of a particular individual to correct or alleviate a
     8  physical incapacity, including but not limited to hospital beds,
     9  iron lungs, and kidney machines.
    10     (18)  The sale at retail or use of coal.
    11     (24)  The sale at retail or use of motor vehicles, trailers
    12  and semi-trailers, or bodies attached to the chassis thereof,
    13  sold to a nonresident of Pennsylvania to be used outside of
    14  Pennsylvania and which are registered in a state other than
    15  Pennsylvania within twenty days after delivery to the vendee.
    16     (25)  The sale at retail or use of water.
    17     (26)  The sale at retail or use of all vesture, wearing
    18  apparel, raiments, garments, footwear and other articles of
    19  clothing, including clothing patterns and items that are to be a
    20  component part of clothing, worn or carried on or about the
    21  human body but all accessories, ornamental wear, formal day or
    22  evening apparel, and articles made of fur on the hide or pelt or
    23  any material imitative of fur and articles of which such fur,
    24  real, imitation or synthetic, is the component material of chief
    25  value, but only if such value is more than three times the value
    26  of the next most valuable component material, and sporting goods
    27  and clothing not normally used or worn when not engaged in
    28  sports shall not be excluded from the tax.
    29     (28)  The sale at retail or use of religious publications
    30  sold by religious groups and Bibles and religious articles.
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     1     (29)  The sale at retail or use of food and beverages for
     2  human consumption, except that this exclusion shall not apply
     3  with respect to--
     4     (i)  Soft drinks;
     5     (ii)  Malt and brewed beverages and spirituous and vinous
     6  liquors;
     7     (iii)  Food or beverages, whether sold for consumption on or
     8  off the premises or on a "take-out" or "to go" basis or
     9  delivered to the purchaser or consumer, when purchased (A) from
    10  persons engaged in the business of catering; or (B) from persons
    11  engaged in the business of operating establishments from which
    12  ready-to-eat food and beverages are sold, including, but not
    13  limited to, restaurants, cafes, lunch counters, private and
    14  social clubs, taverns, dining cars, hotels, night clubs, fast
    15  food operations, pizzerias, fairs, carnivals, lunch carts, ice
    16  cream stands, snack bars, cafeterias, employe cafeterias,
    17  theaters, stadiums, arenas, amusement parks, carryout shops,
    18  coffee shops and other establishments whether mobile or
    19  immobile. For purposes of this clause, a bakery, a pastry shop,
    20  a donut shop, a delicatessen, a grocery store, a supermarket, a
    21  farmer's market, a convenience store or a vending machine shall
    22  not be considered an establishment from which food or beverages
    23  ready to eat are sold except for the sale of meals, sandwiches,
    24  food from salad bars, hand-dipped or hand-served iced based
    25  products including ice cream and yogurt, hot soup, hot pizza and
    26  other hot food items, brewed coffee and hot beverages. For
    27  purposes of this subclause, beverages shall not include malt and
    28  brewed beverages and spirituous and vinous liquors but shall
    29  include soft drinks.]
    30     (29)  The sale at retail of food and beverages at or from a
    20050H0120B0916                 - 16 -     

     1  school, whether public or private, or church in the ordinary
     2  course of the activities of such organization is not subject to
     3  tax.
     4     (30)  The sale at retail or use of [newspapers. For purposes
     5  of this section, the term "newspaper" shall mean a "legal
     6  newspaper" or a publication containing matters of general
     7  interest and reports of current events which qualifies as a
     8  "newspaper of general circulation" qualified to carry a "legal
     9  advertisement" as those terms are defined in 45 Pa.C.S. § 101
    10  (relating to definitions), not including magazines. This
    11  exclusion shall also include] any printed or other form of
    12  advertising materials [circulated with such newspaper]
    13  regardless of where or by whom such [printed] advertising
    14  material was produced.
    15     [(31)  The sale at retail or use of caskets and burial vaults
    16  for human remains and markers and tombstones for human graves.
    17     (32)  The sale at retail or use of flags of the United States
    18  of America and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    19     (33)  The sale at retail or use of textbooks for use in
    20  schools, colleges and universities, either public or private
    21  when purchased in behalf of or through such schools, colleges or
    22  universities provided such institutions of learning are
    23  recognized by the Department of Education.
    24     (34)  The sale at retail, or use of motion picture film
    25  rented or licensed from a distributor for the purpose of
    26  commercial exhibition.
    27     (35)  The sale at retail or use of mail order catalogs and
    28  direct mail advertising literature or materials, including
    29  electoral literature or materials, such as envelopes, address
    30  labels and a one-time license to use a list of names and mailing
    20050H0120B0916                 - 17 -     

     1  addresses for each delivery of direct mail advertising
     2  literature or materials, including electoral literature or
     3  materials, through the United States Postal Service.]
     4     (36)  The sale at retail or use of rail transportation
     5  equipment used in the movement of personalty.
     6     [(37)  The sale at retail of buses to be used under contract
     7  with school districts that are replacements for buses destroyed
     8  or lost in the flood of 1977 for a period ending December 31,
     9  1977 in the counties of Armstrong, Bedford, Cambria, Indiana,
    10  Jefferson, Somerset and Westmoreland, or the use of such buses.
    11     (38)  The sale at retail of horses, if at the time of
    12  purchase, the seller is directed to ship or deliver the horse to
    13  an out-of-State location, whether or not the charges for
    14  shipment are paid for by the seller or the purchaser; the seller
    15  shall obtain a bill of lading, either from the carrier or from
    16  the purchaser, who, in turn has obtained the bill of lading from
    17  the carrier, reflecting delivery to the out-of-State address to
    18  which the horse has been shipped. The seller shall execute a
    19  "Certificate of Delivery to Destination Outside of the
    20  Commonwealth" for each bill of lading reflecting out-of-State
    21  delivery. The seller shall be required to retain the certificate
    22  of delivery form to justify the noncollection of sales tax with
    23  respect to the transaction to which the form relates.
    24     In transactions where a horse is sold by the seller and
    25  delivered to a domiciled person, agent or corporation prior to
    26  its being delivered to an out-of-State location, the
    27  "Certificate of Delivery to Destination Outside of the
    28  Commonwealth" form must have attached to it bills of lading both
    29  for the transfer to the domiciled person, agent or corporation
    30  and from the aforementioned to the out-of-State location.
    20050H0120B0916                 - 18 -     

     1     (39)  The sale at retail or use of fish feed purchased by or
     2  on behalf of sportsmen's clubs, fish cooperatives or nurseries
     3  approved by the Pennsylvania Fish Commission.
     4     (40)  The sale at retail of supplies and materials to tourist
     5  promotion agencies, which receive grants from the Commonwealth,
     6  for distribution to the public as promotional material or the
     7  use of such supplies and materials by said agencies for said
     8  purposes.
     9     (41)  The sale at retail of supplies and materials to tourist
    10  promotion agencies, which receive grants from the Commonwealth,
    11  for distribution to the public as promotional material or the
    12  use of such supplies and materials by said agencies for said
    13  purposes.
    14     (42)  The sale or use of brook trout (salvelinus fontinalis),
    15  brown trout (Salmo trutta) or rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri).
    16     (43)  The sale at retail or use of buses to be used
    17  exclusively for the transportation of children for school
    18  purposes.
    19     (44)  The sale at retail or use of firewood. For the purpose
    20  of this clause, firewood shall mean the product of trees when
    21  severed from the land and cut into proper lengths for burning
    22  and pellets made from pure wood sawdust if used for fuel for
    23  cooking, hot water production or to heat residential dwellings.
    24     (45)  The sale at retail or use of materials used in the
    25  construction and erection of objects purchased by not-for-profit
    26  organizations for purposes of commemoration and memorialization
    27  of historical events, provided that the object is erected upon
    28  publicly owned property or property to be conveyed to a public
    29  entity upon the commemoration or memorialization of the
    30  historical event.]
    20050H0120B0916                 - 19 -     

     1     (46)  The sale at retail or use of tangible personal property
     2  purchased in accordance with the Food Stamp Act of 1977, as
     3  amended (Public Law 95-113, 7 U.S.C. §§ 2011-2029).
     4     [(47)  The net purchase price of the sale at retail or use of
     5  electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and zero emission
     6  vehicles as defined in 75 Pa.C.S. § 102 (relating to
     7  definitions). "Net purchase price" shall mean the difference
     8  between the purchase price of an electric vehicle, hybrid
     9  electric vehicle or zero emission vehicle and the average retail
    10  list price of a comparable vehicle. "Comparable vehicle" shall
    11  mean, in the case of a passenger car, the overall average list
    12  price of a passenger car in the United States; in the case of a
    13  passenger truck, the overall average list price of a passenger
    14  truck in the United States; and, in the case of a van, the
    15  overall average retail list price of a van in the United States.
    16  The Department of Revenue shall promulgate rules and regulations
    17  to enforce this exemption and determine the average retail list
    18  price as defined under "comparable vehicle" on an annual basis.
    19  In the event that a qualified motor vehicle is something other
    20  than a passenger car, passenger truck or van, the Department of
    21  Revenue shall determine the average list price of a comparable
    22  vehicle classification. This clause shall expire December 31,
    23  1999.
    24     (48)  The sale at retail or use of power units for vehicles
    25  that are exempt under clause (47). This clause shall expire
    26  December 31, 1999.]
    27     (49)  The sale at retail or use of food and beverages by
    28  nonprofit associations which support sports programs. For
    29  purposes of this clause, the phrases:
    30     (i)  "nonprofit association" means an entity which is
    20050H0120B0916                 - 20 -     

     1  organized as a nonprofit corporation or nonprofit unincorporated
     2  association under the laws of this Commonwealth or the United
     3  States or any entity which is authorized to do business in this
     4  Commonwealth as a nonprofit corporation or unincorporated
     5  association under the laws of this Commonwealth, including, but
     6  not limited to, youth or athletic associations, volunteer fire,
     7  ambulance, religious, charitable, fraternal, veterans, civic, or
     8  any separately chartered auxiliary of the foregoing, if
     9  organized and operated on a nonprofit basis;
    10     (iv)  "sports program" means baseball (including softball),
    11  football, basketball, soccer and any other competitive sport
    12  formally recognized as a sport by the United States Olympic
    13  Committee as specified by and under the jurisdiction of the
    14  Amateur Sports Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-606, 36 U.S.C. § 371
    15  et seq.), the Amateur Athletic Union or the National Collegiate
    16  Athletic Association. The term shall be limited to a program or
    17  that portion of a program that is organized for recreational
    18  purposes and whose activities are substantially for such
    19  purposes and which is primarily for participants who are 18
    20  years of age or younger or whose 19th birthday occurs during the
    21  year of participation or the competitive season, whichever is
    22  longer. There shall, however, be no age limitation for programs
    23  operated for persons with physical handicaps or persons with
    24  mental retardation;
    25     (v)  "support" means the funds raised from sales are used to
    26  pay the expenses of a sports program or the nonprofit
    27  association sells the food and beverages at a location where a
    28  sports program is being conducted under this act.
    29     [(50)  The sale at retail or use of subscriptions for
    30  magazines. The term "magazine" refers to a periodical published
    20050H0120B0916                 - 21 -     

     1  at regular intervals not exceeding three months and which are
     2  circulated among the general public, containing matters of
     3  general interest and reports of current events published for the
     4  purpose of disseminating information of a public character or
     5  devoted to literature, the sciences, art or some special
     6  industry. This exclusion shall also include any printed
     7  advertising material circulated with the periodical or
     8  publication regardless of where or by whom the printed
     9  advertising material was produced.
    10     (51)  The sale at retail or use of interior office building
    11  cleaning services but only as relates to the costs of the
    12  supplied employe, which costs are wages, salaries, bonuses and
    13  commissions, employment benefits, expense reimbursements, and
    14  payroll and withholding taxes, to the extent that these costs
    15  are specifically itemized or that these costs in aggregate are
    16  stated in billings from the vender or supplying entity.
    17     (53)  The sale at retail or use of candy or gum regardless of
    18  the location from which the candy or gum is sold.
    19     (54)  The sale at retail to or use by a producer of
    20  commercial motion pictures of any tangible personal property
    21  directly used in the production of a feature-length commercial
    22  motion picture distributed to a national audience: Provided,
    23  however, That the production of any motion picture for which the
    24  property will be used does not violate any Federal or State law;
    25  and Provided further That the purchaser shall furnish to the
    26  vendor a certificate substantially in the form as the Department
    27  of Community and Economic Development may, by regulation,
    28  prescribe, stating that the sale is exempt from tax pursuant to
    29  this clause.
    30     (55)  The sale at retail or use of horses to be used
    20050H0120B0916                 - 22 -     

     1  exclusively for commercial racing activities and the sale at
     2  retail and use of feed, bedding, grooming supplies, riding tack,
     3  farrier services, portable stalls and sulkies for horses used
     4  exclusively for commercial racing activities.
     5     (56)  The sale at retail or use of tangible personal property
     6  or services used, transferred or consumed in installing or
     7  repairing equipment or devices designed to assist persons in
     8  ascending or descending a stairway when:
     9     (i)  The equipment or devices are used by a person who, by
    10  virtue of a physical disability, is unable to ascend or descend
    11  stairs without the aid of such equipment or device.
    12     (ii)  The equipment or device is installed or used in such
    13  person's place of residence.
    14     (iii)  A physician has certified the physical disability of
    15  the person in whose residence the equipment or device is
    16  installed or used.
    17     (57)  The sale at retail to or use by a construction
    18  contractor of building machinery and equipment and services
    19  thereto that are:
    20     (i)  transferred pursuant to a construction contract for any
    21  charitable organization, volunteer firemen's organization,
    22  nonprofit educational institution or religious organization for
    23  religious purposes, provided that the building machinery and
    24  equipment and services thereto are not used in any unrelated
    25  trade or business;
    26     (ii)  transferred to the United States or the Commonwealth or
    27  its instrumentalities or political subdivisions; or
    28     (58)  The sale at retail or use of a personal computer, a
    29  peripheral device or an Internet access device, or a service
    30  contract or single-user licensed software purchased in
    20050H0120B0916                 - 23 -     

     1  conjunction with a personal computer, peripheral device or
     2  Internet access device, during the exclusion period by an
     3  individual purchaser for nonbusiness use. The exclusion does not
     4  include a sale at retail or use of, leasing, rental or repair of
     5  a personal computer, peripheral device or Internet access
     6  device; mainframe computers; network servers; local area network
     7  hubs; routers and network cabling; network operating systems;
     8  multiple-user licensed software; minicomputers; hand-held
     9  computers; personal digital assistants without Internet access;
    10  hardware word processors; graphical calculators; video game
    11  consoles; telephones; digital cameras; pagers; compact discs
    12  encoded with music or movies; and digital versatile discs
    13  encoded with music or movies. For purposes of this clause, the
    14  phrase "exclusion period" means the period of time from August
    15  5, 2001, to and including August 12, 2001, and from February 17,
    16  2002, to and including February 24, 2002. For purposes of this
    17  clause, "purchaser" means an individual who places an order and
    18  pays the purchase price by cash or credit during the exclusion
    19  period even if delivery takes place after the exclusion period.]
    20     (59)  The sale at retail or use of molds and related mold
    21  equipment used directly and predominantly in the manufacture of
    22  products, regardless of whether the person that holds title to
    23  the equipment manufactures a product.
    24     [(60)  The sale or use of used prebuilt housing.
    25     (61)  The sale at retail to or use of food and nonalcoholic
    26  beverages by an airline which will transfer the food or
    27  nonalcoholic beverages to passengers in connection with the
    28  rendering of the airline service.]
    29     (62)  The sale at retail or use of tangible personal property
    30  or services which are directly used in farming, dairying or
    20050H0120B0916                 - 24 -     

     1  agriculture when engaged in as a business enterprise whether or
     2  not the sale is made to the person directly engaged in the
     3  business enterprise or to a person contracting with the person
     4  directly engaged in the business enterprise for the production
     5  of food.
     6     [(63)  The sale at retail or use of separately stated fees
     7  paid pursuant to 13 Pa.C.S. § 9525 (relating to fees).]
     8     (64)  The sale at retail to or use by a construction
     9  contractor, employed by a public school district pursuant to a
    10  construction contract, of any materials and building supplies
    11  which, during construction or reconstruction, are made part of
    12  any public school building utilized for instructional classroom
    13  education within this Commonwealth, if the construction or
    14  reconstruction:
    15     (i)  is necessitated by a disaster emergency, as defined in
    16  35 Pa.C.S. § 7102 (relating to definitions); and
    17     (ii)  takes place during the period when there is a
    18  declaration of disaster emergency under 35 Pa.C.S. § 7301(c)
    19  (relating to general authority of Governor).
    20     (65)  The sale at retail of medical goods or services by a
    21  hospital.
    22     (66)  The sale at retail of medical or dental services,
    23  including charges for office visits.
    24     (67)  The sale at retail or use of goods or services
    25  involving Medicare Part B transactions.
    26     (68)  The sale at retail or use of transportation provided or
    27  funded by the Federal, State or local government.
    28     (69)  The sale at retail or use of cigarettes.
    29     (70)  The sale at retail of insurance premiums.
    30     Section 5.  Section 205 of the act, amended June 9, 1978
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     1  (P.L.463, No.62) and August 4, 1991 (P.L.97, No.22), is amended
     2  to read:
     3     Section 205.  Alternate Imposition of Tax; Credits.--(a)  If
     4  any person actively and principally engaged in the business of
     5  selling new or used motor vehicles, trailers or semi-trailers,
     6  and registered with the department in the "dealer's class,"
     7  acquires a motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer for the
     8  purpose of resale, and prior to such resale, uses the motor
     9  vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer for a taxable use under this
    10  act during a period not exceeding one year from the date of
    11  acquisition to the date of resale, such person may within ten
    12  days of the commencement of such use, elect to pay a tax equal
    13  to [six] five per cent of the fair rental value of the motor
    14  vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer during such use. Should such
    15  motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer be used for a taxable use
    16  after a period of one year, the taxpayer shall be liable for a
    17  tax on the fair market value of such motor vehicle, trailer or
    18  semi-trailer at the time of acquisition, but shall be allowed a
    19  credit equal to the tax paid pursuant to the election provided
    20  for in this section. This section shall not apply to the use of
    21  a vehicle as a wrecker, parts truck, delivery truck or courtesy
    22  car.
    23     (b)  A commercial aircraft operator who acquires an aircraft
    24  for the purpose of resale, or lease, or is entitled to claim
    25  another valid exemption at the time of purchase, and subsequent
    26  to such purchase, periodically uses the same aircraft for a
    27  taxable use under this act, may elect to pay a tax equal to
    28  [six] five per cent of the fair rental value of the aircraft
    29  during such use.
    30     Section 6.  Section 281.2 of the act, amended or added
    20050H0120B0916                 - 26 -     

     1  December 13, 1991 (P.L.373, No.40) and June 16, 1994 (P.L.279,
     2  No.48), is amended to read:
     3     Section 281.2.  Transfers to Public Transportation Assistance
     4  Fund.--(a)  All revenues received on or after July 1, 1992, from
     5  the imposition of the tax on periodicals shall be transferred to
     6  the Public Transportation Assistance Fund according to the
     7  formula set forth in subsection (b).
     8     (b)  Within 30 days of the close of any calendar month, [.44
     9  per cent (.0044)] .36 per cent (.0036) of the taxes received in
    10  the previous month under this article, less any amounts
    11  collected in that previous calendar month under former 74
    12  Pa.C.S. § 1314(d) (relating to Public Assistance Transportation
    13  Fund), shall be transferred to the Public Transportation
    14  Assistance Fund established under Article XXIII.
    15     [(c)  In fiscal year 1991-1992, the Secretary of Revenue will
    16  ensure that ten million dollars ($10,000,000) is deposited in
    17  the Public Assistance Transportation Fund from the combination
    18  of revenues received under former 74 Pa.C.S. § 1314(d) and
    19  transfers of periodical taxes received under this article.]
    20     (d)  Within 30 days of the close of any calendar month, [.09
    21  per cent (.0009)] .075 per cent (.00075) of the taxes received
    22  in the previous month under this article shall be transferred to
    23  the Public Transportation Assistance Fund established under
    24  Article XXIII.
    25     Section 7.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    26     Section 281.3.  Transfers to Education Operating Fund.--(a)
    27  It is the intent of the General Assembly to broaden the sales
    28  and use tax base and reduce the rate of that tax in order to
    29  provide funds for the operating expenses of school districts.
    30     (b)  All revenues received on or after January 1, 2006, from
    20050H0120B0916                 - 27 -     

     1  the tax imposed by this article shall be transferred to the
     2  Education Operating Fund.
     3     Section 8.  Section 1102-C of the act, amended July 2, 1986
     4  (P.L.318, No.77), is amended to read:
     5     Section 1102-C.  Imposition of Tax.--Every person who makes,
     6  executes, delivers, accepts or presents for recording any
     7  document or in whose behalf any document is made, executed,
     8  delivered, accepted or presented for recording, shall be subject
     9  to pay for and in respect to the transaction or any part
    10  thereof, or for or in respect of the vellum parchment or paper
    11  upon which such document is written or printed, a State tax [at
    12  the rate of one per cent of] based on the value of the real
    13  estate represented by such document, which State tax shall be
    14  payable at the earlier of the time the document is presented for
    15  recording or within thirty days of acceptance of such document
    16  or within thirty days of becoming an acquired company. The rate
    17  of the State tax shall be as follows:
    18     (1)  One per cent on all transactions under this section.
    19     (2)  After December 31, 2005, an additional two per cent on
    20  all transactions under this section.
    21     Section 9.  Section 1106-C(c) of the act, amended June 29,
    22  2002 (P.L.559, No.89), is amended to read:
    23     Section 1106-C.  Stamps, Commissions, Payments and
    24  Transfers.--* * *
    25     (c)  [All] (1)  Except as provided in clause (2), all moneys
    26  paid in accordance with this article shall be credited to the
    27  General Fund.
    28     (2)  All moneys paid in accordance with section 1102-C(2)
    29  shall be credited to and deposited into the Education Operating
    30  Fund.
    20050H0120B0916                 - 28 -     

     1     * * *
     2     Section 10.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     3     Section 1103-D.  Disposition of Revenue Raised by School
     4  Districts.--Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, all moneys
     5  paid under this article to school districts imposing the Local
     6  Real Estate Transfer Tax after December 31, 2005, shall be
     7  forwarded to the Department of Revenue and shall be credited to
     8  and deposited into the Education Operating Fund.
     9     Section 11.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2005, or
    10  immediately, whichever is later.

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