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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 134



No. 125 Session of 1997

           JANUARY 29, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing school district property tax exemption to certain
     2     senior citizens, widows, widowers and permanently disabled
     3     persons with limited incomes; providing for in-lieu-of-tax
     4     payments; and providing for State reimbursement.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Senior
     9  Citizen School Real Property Tax Exemption Act.
    10  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
    11     In recognition of the severe economic plight of senior
    12  citizens, widows, widowers and permanently disabled persons who
    13  are real property owners with fixed and limited incomes and who
    14  are faced with rising living costs and constantly increasing
    15  taxes which threaten their homesteads and self-sufficiency, the
    16  General Assembly, pursuant to section 2(b)(iii) of Article VIII
    17  of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, considers it to be a matter

     1  of sound public policy to exempt such property owners from
     2  certain school district taxes to enable them to remain in
     3  peaceable possession of their homes and relieve their economic
     4  burdens.
     5  Section 3.  Definitions.
     6     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     7  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     8  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     9     "Claimant."  A person who files a claim for real property tax
    10  exemption and was 65 years of age or older, or whose spouse, if
    11  a member of the household, was 65 years of age or older, during
    12  a calendar year in which real property taxes were due and
    13  payable or was a widow or widower and was 50 years of age or
    14  older during a calendar year in which real property taxes were
    15  due and payable, or was a permanently disabled person 18 years
    16  of age or older during a calendar year in which real property
    17  taxes were due and payable.
    18     "Homestead."  An owned dwelling and as much of the land
    19  surrounding it as is reasonably necessary for use of the
    20  dwelling as a home occupied by a claimant. A homestead shall
    21  also include premises occupied by reason of ownership in a
    22  cooperative housing corporation, mobile homes which are assessed
    23  as realty for local real property tax purposes and the land, if
    24  owned by the claimant, upon which the mobile home is situated
    25  and other similar living accommodations, as well as a part of a
    26  multidwelling or multipurpose building and a part of the land
    27  upon which it is built. The term includes premises occupied by
    28  reason of the claimant's ownership of a dwelling located on land
    29  owned by a nonprofit incorporated association, of which the
    30  claimant is a member, if the claimant is required to pay a pro
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     1  rata share of the real property taxes levied against the
     2  association's land. The term also includes premises occupied by
     3  a claimant if the claimant is required by law to pay a real
     4  property tax by reason of his ownership, including a possessory
     5  interest, in the dwelling, the land or both. An owner includes a
     6  person in possession under a contract of sale, deed of trust,
     7  life, estate, joint tenancy or tenancy in common or by reason of
     8  statutes of descent and distribution.
     9     "Household income."  Household income defined in the act of
    10  March 11, 1971 (P.L.104, No.3), known as the Senior Citizens
    11  Rebate and Assistance Act.
    12     "Permanently disabled person."  A person who is unable to
    13  engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any
    14  medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can
    15  be expected to continue indefinitely.
    16     "Real property taxes."  All school district taxes on a
    17  homestead, exclusive of municipal assessments, delinquent
    18  charges and interest, due and payable during a calendar year.
    19     "Widow" or "widower."  The surviving wife or the surviving
    20  husband, as the case may be, of a deceased individual and who
    21  has not remarried.
    22  Section 4.  Property tax exemption.
    23     (a)  Amount of exemption.--The amount of any claim for real
    24  property tax exemption shall be determined in accordance with
    25  the following schedule:
    26  Household Income       Percentage of Real Estate Tax Exemption
    27  $     0 - $14,999                     100%
    28   15,000 -  19,999                      90%
    29   20,000 -  24,999                      75%
    30   25,000 -  29,999                      60%
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     1   30,000 -  34,999                      40%
     2   35,000 -  39,999                      20%
     3     (b)  Time period for filing.--The claimant must file claim
     4  for exemption with the taxing school district within two months
     5  of receipt of a real property tax bill.
     6     (c)  Income basis.--Income for a claim of exemption shall be
     7  the income of the prior calendar year.
     8     (d)  Partial occupation of homestead.--If a homestead is
     9  owned and occupied by an eligible claimant for only a portion of
    10  a year, the school district shall apportion the real estate
    11  taxes in accordance with the period for which the claimant was
    12  eligible.
    13  Section 5.  In-lieu-of-tax payment.
    14     All claimants filing a claim for exemption shall include an
    15  in-lieu-of-tax payment of 1% of the household income used in
    16  making such claim.
    17  Section 6.  Proof of claim.
    18     School districts may require proof of claim as required in
    19  the act of March 11, 1971 (P.L.104, No.3), known as the Senior
    20  Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act.
    21  Section 7.  Incorrect claim.
    22     Whenever a school district finds a claim to be incorrectly
    23  determined, the school district shall redetermine the correct
    24  amount of the claim and notify the claimant of the reason for
    25  the redetermination and the amount of the correct claim.
    26  Section 8.  Fraudulent claim.
    27     (a)  Claim rejection.--In any case in which a claim is
    28  excessive and was filed with fraudulent intent, the claim shall
    29  be disallowed in full and a penalty of 25% of the amount claimed
    30  shall be imposed. The penalty and the amount of the disallowed
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     1  claim, if the claim has been paid, shall bear interest at the
     2  rate of 1/2 of 1% per month from the date of the claim until
     3  repaid.
     4     (b)  Penalty.--The preparation of or filing of a fraudulent
     5  claim shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more
     6  than $1,000 or a term of imprisonment of not more than one year,
     7  or both.
     8     (c)  Disallowance of claim.--A claim shall be disallowed if
     9  the claimant received title to the homestead primarily for the
    10  purpose of receiving a real property tax exemption.
    11  Section 9.  State reimbursement.
    12     All school districts shall report to the Department of
    13  Revenue the amount of exemptions granted under this act, within
    14  three months of granting such exemptions. The State shall pay
    15  the full amount of such exemptions to the school district within
    16  60 days of the report. The State payment shall be for real
    17  property tax exemption only. No administrative costs shall be
    18  reimbursed.
    19  Section 10.  Regulations.
    20     The Secretary of Revenue may promulgate such rules and
    21  regulations as necessary to administer this act.
    22  Section 11.  Application.
    23     Exemption shall begin with the school district real estate
    24  taxes due on or after July 1 next succeeding the effective date
    25  of this act.
    26  Section 12.  Effective date.
    27     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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