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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 163



No. 148 Session of 2003

           YOUNGBLOOD, FEBRUARY 6, 2003

           FEBRUARY 6, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 23, 1961 (P.L.1068, No.484),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act to provide for the creation and
     3     administration of a Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance
     4     Fund within the Department of Environmental Protection for
     5     the insurance of compensation for damages to subscribers
     6     thereto; declaring false oaths by the subscribers to be
     7     misdemeanors; providing penalties for the violation thereof;
     8     and making an appropriation," further providing for
     9     definitions; establishing a mine subsidence assistance
    10     program; and imposing duties on the Department of
    11     Environmental Protection.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of August 23, 1961
    15  (P.L.1068, No.484), entitled, as amended, "An act to provide for
    16  the creation and administration of a Coal and Clay Mine
    17  Subsidence Insurance Fund within the Department of Environmental
    18  Protection for the insurance of compensation for damages to
    19  subscribers thereto; declaring false oaths by the subscribers to

     1  be misdemeanors; providing penalties for the violation thereof;
     2  and making an appropriation," reenacted and amended November 27,
     3  1972 (P.L.1243, No.278), is amended to read:
     4     Section 2.  [Terms.--The Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence
     5  Insurance Board is hereinafter called the board, the Coal and
     6  Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund is hereinafter called the
     7  fund, and the Department of Environmental Resources is
     8  hereinafter called the department.] Definitions.--The following
     9  words and phrases when used in this act shall have the meanings
    10  given to them in this section unless the context clearly
    11  indicates otherwise:
    12     "Abandoned underground mining area."  An area determined by
    13  the Department of Environmental Protection to be either above or
    14  in close proximity to abandoned underground mine workings and
    15  periodically published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    16     "Board."  The Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Board
    17  established in section 3.
    18     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    19  the Commonwealth.
    20     "Dwelling."  A single-family structure the primary purpose of
    21  which is residential.
    22     "Fund."  The Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund
    23  established in section 4.
    24     "Mine subsidence."  The lateral or vertical movement of the
    25  earth resulting from past or present underground coal or clay
    26  mining operations.
    27     "Mine subsidence emergency."  A condition in which a dwelling
    28  sustains mine subsidence damage sufficient to render the
    29  structure unsafe for human occupancy as determined by the
    30  Department of Environmental Protection.
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     1     "Mine subsidence insurance policy."  An insurance agreement,
     2  as defined by department regulation, which is issued by the
     3  Department of Environmental Protection.
     4     "Owner of structure."  A person, corporation, organization or
     5  association holding title to a structure within the anthracite
     6  or bituminous coal or clay mine regions as defined by the Coal
     7  and Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Board.
     8     "Program."  The Mine Subsidence Assistance Program
     9  established in section 19.1.
    10     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Environmental Protection of
    11  the Commonwealth.
    12     "Structure."  A complete building which contains a roof,
    13  walls and a foundation which firmly attaches the structure to
    14  the earth.
    15     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    16     Section 19.1.  Program.--(a)  If a homeowner believes that
    17  the homeowner's dwelling has sustained mine subsidence damage,
    18  the homeowner may apply to the department for mine subsidence
    19  assistance. The application must be on a form prepared by the
    20  department and must provide for inspection of the dwelling to
    21  determine the nature, extent and time of the damage. Upon a
    22  determination that a dwelling has sustained mine subsidence
    23  damage and that an application for assistance was submitted to
    24  the department within forty-five days of the time when the
    25  dwelling was damaged by such subsidence, the department shall,
    26  to the extent funds are made available, grant assistance, as
    27  follows:
    28     (1)  Grants may be awarded only to persons whose dwellings
    29  are unsafe for occupancy as a result of a mine subsidence
    30  emergency and may be awarded to move and provide temporary
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     1  housing for persons whose dwellings are destroyed or endangered
     2  until the homes are repaired, until there is no further danger
     3  of subsidence or until a new permanent residence is found,
     4  provided that grants shall not be used to pay for temporary
     5  housing for more than one year and the total amount of a grant
     6  shall not exceed twelve thousand dollars ($12,000). A person may
     7  receive grant assistance only one time for a specific damaged
     8  dwelling.
     9     (2)  Loans may be approved at an interest rate equal to the
    10  average rate of return earned by the fund during the previous
    11  five fiscal years or six percent, whichever is lower for the
    12  repair or replacement of dwellings damaged by mine subsidence.
    13  The loan shall be for a period of time not exceeding fifteen
    14  years in duration and shall be in an amount sufficient to cover
    15  the cost of repairing the structural damage to the dwelling, but
    16  in no event shall be more than the market value of the dwelling
    17  as determined by an appraiser, or the maximum amount of coverage
    18  established by the fund, whichever is less, as provided for in
    19  regulations promulgated under this act. Loans shall be
    20  administered by the department pursuant to standard criteria
    21  utilized by the mortgage banking industry in issuing
    22  conventional mortgages, provided that the department may
    23  consider other equity interests in real property available to
    24  the borrower in addition to the equity in the dwelling for which
    25  the loan is applied and shall be secured by a lien upon the
    26  dwelling being repaired or replaced.
    27     (3)  In addition to repairing or replacing structural damage
    28  to a dwelling, loans may also be made to repair or replace
    29  dwelling-related driveways, septic systems, sidewalks, fences,
    30  sewer laterals, water lines, gas lines, wells and inground
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     1  pools, located on the property on which the dwelling is located,
     2  provided that the damage has been caused by the same mine
     3  subsidence event that damaged the dwelling.
     4     (4)  Loans shall be made for only the amount not covered by
     5  insurance or other sources of remuneration, including amounts
     6  for which a mine operator is liable under the act of April 27,
     7  1966 (1st Sp. Sess., P.L.31, No.1), known as "The Bituminous
     8  Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act," unless it is
     9  determined that the operator is unable to meet his obligations
    10  under that act.
    11     (5)  Any homeowner who has carried mine subsidence insurance
    12  in the past on a dwelling for which assistance under this
    13  section is applied shall not be eligible for such assistance if
    14  the homeowner has failed to maintain the insurance and coverage
    15  is not in effect at the time of the mine subsidence event that
    16  caused the damage for which assistance is applied. This
    17  paragraph does not apply to homeowners who may apply for
    18  assistance as a result of the failure of a mine operator to meet
    19  his obligations under "The Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land
    20  Conservation Act."
    21     (b)  If a person receiving assistance under this section does
    22  not have mine subsidence insurance and is not ineligible to
    23  receive such assistance under subsection (a)(5), the person
    24  shall be required to purchase a mine subsidence insurance policy
    25  when the structural damage for which assistance was granted has
    26  been repaired. A person receiving a loan under this section must
    27  maintain mine subsidence insurance coverage for the duration of
    28  the loan in an amount equal to the lesser of eighty percent of
    29  the value of the repaired dwelling or the maximum amount of mine
    30  subsidence insurance available. If a person receiving a loan
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     1  under this section fails to maintain the required mine
     2  subsidence insurance, the person shall immediately pay the fund
     3  the outstanding balance due on the loan.
     4     (c)  Repairs for which loans are provided under this section
     5  must be completed within one year of the receipt of the loan
     6  unless an extension is approved by the department. If the
     7  department determines that repairs have not been made within one
     8  year and that no extension should be granted, the person who
     9  received the loan shall repay the fund for the amount of the
    10  loan not expended on repairs for which the loan was provided.
    11     (d)  Loans provided pursuant to this section are not
    12  transferable. If a person receiving a loan under this section
    13  sells or transfers ownership of the dwelling for which loan
    14  assistance has been provided, the person shall pay the fund the
    15  outstanding balance due on the loan at the time title to the
    16  dwelling is transferred.
    17     (e)  Up to five percent of the money in the fund which is not
    18  committed to reserves, claims or other fund expenses, plus
    19  repayment of principal and interest on loans under this section,
    20  shall be used to fund assistance under this section.
    21     Section 3.  Section 20 of the act, added December 9, 2002,
    22  (P.L., No.155), is amended to read:
    23     Section 20.  Department Report.--The department shall make an
    24  annual report on the program [and on experience with mine
    25  subsidence insurance sales through producers] to the
    26  Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the Senate and
    27  the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee of the House of
    28  Representatives.
    29     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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