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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1633



No. 165 Session of 2001

           APRIL 24, 2001


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Authorizing and directing the Subcommittee on Cities, Counties -
     2     First Class of the Urban Affairs Committee to conduct an
     3     investigation into the problems relating to school violence
     4     and possession of weapons in the Philadelphia School
     5     District.

     6     WHEREAS, The House of Representatives adopted House
     7  Resolution 303, during the 1999-2000 session of the General
     8  Assembly, which directed the Subcommittee on Cities, Counties -
     9  First Class of the Urban Affairs Committee to conduct an
    10  investigation into the problems relating to school violence and
    11  the possession of weapons in the Philadelphia School District;
    12  and
    13     WHEREAS, The investigation consisted of over 250 interviews
    14  and seven public hearings and led to the enactment of the safe
    15  schools advocate legislation in Act 91 of 2000; and
    16     WHEREAS, The subcommittee issued a comprehensive report in
    17  November 2000 which set forth its findings; and
    18     WHEREAS, The subcommittee report stated that, "[h]aving
    19  acquired a unique insight and the necessary experience culled

     1  from eleven months of investigating violence in the Philadelphia
     2  School District, this Committee desires to continue this
     3  investigation and have the investigation again placed under its
     4  jurisdiction" and that "[i]t is therefore the intention of this
     5  Committee to request authorization from the full House of
     6  Representatives to continue this investigation"; and
     7     WHEREAS, The subcommittee report also concluded that violence
     8  is a very serious problem in the school district and that this
     9  problem had been heightened by the school district's prior
    10  refusal to recognize the existence and severity of the problem;
    11  and
    12     WHEREAS, There is substantial concern about the school
    13  district's willingness and capacity to institute the reforms
    14  necessary to address the climate of violence in the school
    15  district; and
    16     WHEREAS, A number of other important school violence issues
    17  require additional examination and study, including, but not
    18  limited to, matters related to discipline, expulsion procedures,
    19  the impact of special education and the capacity of Philadelphia
    20  public school officials to adopt and implement necessary
    21  reforms; and
    22     WHEREAS, The most effective way to achieve the purpose of
    23  this resolution is to take advantage of the expertise and
    24  knowledge acquired by members who participated in the
    25  investigation authorized by House Resolution 303 of the prior
    26  session; therefore be it
    27     RESOLVED, That the Subcommittee on Cities, Counties - First
    28  Class of the Urban Affairs Committee be authorized and directed
    29  to examine, investigate and make a complete study of any and all
    30  matters relating to the problems of violence, possession of
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     1  weapons in the Philadelphia School District and the failure of
     2  the Philadelphia School District to effectively deal with the
     3  problem of weapons and violence in its schools; and be it
     4  further
     5     RESOLVED, That the subcommittee may hold hearings, take
     6  testimony and conduct its investigations at such places in this
     7  Commonwealth as it deems necessary. The subcommittee may issue
     8  subpoenas under the hand and seal of the chairman commanding any
     9  person to appear before the subcommittee and to answer questions
    10  touching matters properly being inquired into by the
    11  subcommittee and to produce such books, papers, records and
    12  documents as the subcommittee deems necessary. The subpoenas may
    13  be served upon any person and shall have the same effect as
    14  subpoenas issued out of the courts of this Commonwealth, and any
    15  person who willfully neglects or refuses to testify before the
    16  subcommittee or to produce any books, papers, records or
    17  documents shall be subject to the penalties provided by the laws
    18  of this Commonwealth in such case. Each member of the
    19  subcommittee shall have the power to administer oaths and
    20  affirmations to witnesses appearing before the subcommittee; and
    21  be it further
    22     RESOLVED, That the subcommittee be authorized to hire or
    23  contract for such staff as it deems necessary and that expenses
    24  incurred by the subcommittee be paid from accounts under the
    25  control of the Chief Clerk; and be it further
    26     RESOLVED, That the subcommittee report its findings, together
    27  with its recommendation for remedial legislation or other
    28  appropriate action, at the earliest practicable date to the
    29  House of Representatives.

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