See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1773



No. 167 Session of 1997



                            A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

     1  Requiring creation of a task force to study the cost,
     2     effectiveness and equity of alternative means of providing
     3     law enforcement within Commonwealth municipalities.

     4     WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has in excess of
     5  2,000 municipalities; and
     6     WHEREAS, There exists a great diversity among these
     7  municipalities with regard to the many influences which impact
     8  on the provision of local law enforcement needs, including
     9  population density, rural vs. urban or suburban locale and tax
    10  base; and
    11     WHEREAS, Among Pennsylvania's municipalities there are those
    12  which have and those which do not have a municipal police force;
    13  and
    14     WHEREAS, A variety of existing or potential options exist
    15  which are or may be used to provide law enforcement and police
    16  protection within Pennsylvania's various municipalities; and
    17     WHEREAS, The need to promote equity, cost-effectiveness and
    18  quality in the provision of law enforcement and police

     1  protection within Pennsylvania's municipalities constitutes a
     2  serious public policy issue; therefore be it
     3     RESOLVED (the Senate concurring), That the General Assembly
     4  empower the Local Government Commission to appoint the
     5  membership and assemble a Local Law Enforcement Task Force to
     6  conduct an investigation and prepare a report to the General
     7  Assembly concerning the alternative means by which law
     8  enforcement and police protection are being or may be provided
     9  to municipalities; and be it further
    10     RESOLVED, That, in addition to any members of the General
    11  Assembly appointed to the task force by the Local Government
    12  Commission, there shall be four other members of the General
    13  Assembly appointed to the task force, one to be appointed by the
    14  President pro tempore of the Senate, one by the Minority Leader
    15  of the Senate, one by the Speaker of the House of
    16  Representatives and one by the Minority Leader of the House of
    17  Representatives; and be it further
    18     RESOLVED, That the task force investigation and report
    19  consider the respective cost, availability and efficiency of the
    20  alternative means by which law enforcement and police protection
    21  are being or may be provided to municipalities; and be it
    22  further
    23     RESOLVED, That, in furtherance of the task force
    24  investigation and report, the Local Government Commission may
    25  conduct hearings, take testimony and hire consultants, as
    26  needed; and be it further
    27     RESOLVED, That the task force investigation and report
    28  utilize and incorporate, where appropriate and relative to its
    29  inquiry, the findings and conclusions of existing reports and
    30  studies prepared by other legislative, executive, governmental
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     1  or private agencies, organizations or persons; and be it further
     2     RESOLVED, That it is the intent of the General Assembly, by
     3  this resolution, that State agencies and offices, including, but
     4  not limited to, the Pennsylvania State Police and the Attorney
     5  General, counties, district attorneys, municipal corporations
     6  and all municipal police forces, county sheriffs, constables,
     7  all other local agencies and associations of local governments,
     8  fully cooperate with the Local Government Commission during the
     9  course of its investigation; and be it further
    10     RESOLVED, That the Local Law Enforcement Task Force report
    11  its findings to the General Assembly as soon as may be possible
    12  as determined by the Local Government Commission.

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