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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 198



No. 179 Session of 1989

           MICOZZIE AND E. Z. TAYLOR, JANUARY 31, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing a community trust for persons with severe chronic
     2     disabilities.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Community
     7  Trust Fund Act.
     8  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
     9     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds that it is in the
    10  public interest to encourage activities by voluntary
    11  associations and private citizens which will supplement and
    12  augment those services provided by Federal, State and local
    13  government agencies in discharge of their responsibilities
    14  toward individuals with severe chronic disabilities. The General
    15  Assembly further finds that, as a result of changing social,
    16  economic and demographic trends, families of persons with severe

     1  chronic disabilities are increasingly aware of the need for a
     2  means by which they can assure ongoing individualized personal
     3  concern for severely disabled family members who may survive
     4  parents or other family members and can provide for the
     5  efficient management of small legacies or trust funds to be used
     6  for the benefit of such disabled persons. The Community Trust
     7  Fund will pool resources contributed by families or persons with
     8  philanthropic intent and will reserve portions of these funds
     9  for the use and benefit of designated beneficiaries.
    10     (b)  Liberal construction.--This act shall be liberally
    11  construed and applied to promote its underlying purposes and
    12  policies, which are, among others, to:
    13         (1)  encourage the orderly establishment of community
    14     trusts for the benefit of persons with severe chronic
    15     disabilities;
    16         (2)  ensure that community trusts are administered
    17     properly and that the managing boards of the trusts are free
    18     from conflicts of interest;
    19         (3)  facilitate sound administration of trust funds for
    20     persons with severe chronic disabilities by allowing family
    21     members and others to pool resources in order to make
    22     professional management investment more efficient;
    23         (4)  provide parents of persons with severe chronic
    24     disabilities peace of mind in knowing that a means exists to
    25     ensure that the interests of their children who have severe
    26     chronic disabilities are properly looked after and managed
    27     after the parents die or become incapacitated;
    28         (5)  encourage the availability of private resources to
    29     purchase for persons with severe chronic disabilities goods
    30     and services that are not available through any governmental
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     1     or charitable program and to conserve these resources by
     2     limiting purchases to those which are not available from
     3     other sources;
     4         (6)  encourage the inclusion, as beneficiaries of
     5     community trusts, of persons who lack resources and whose
     6     families are indigent, in a way that does not diminish the
     7     resources available to other beneficiaries whose families
     8     have contributed to the trust; and
     9         (7)  remove the disincentives which discourage parents
    10     and others from setting aside funds for the future protection
    11     of persons with severe chronic disabilities by ensuring that
    12     the interest of beneficiaries in community trusts are not
    13     considered assets or income which would disqualify them from
    14     any governmental or charitable entitlement program with an
    15     economic means test.
    16  Section 3.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    18  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    20     "Beneficiary."  A person with a severe chronic disability who
    21  has qualified as a member of the community trust program and who
    22  has the right to receive the services and benefits of the
    23  community trust program as provided in this act.
    24     "Board."  The board of trustees or the group of persons
    25  vested with the management of the business and affairs of a
    26  nonprofit corporation, formed for the purpose of managing a
    27  community trust, irrespective of the name by which the group is
    28  designated.
    29     "Community trust."  A nonprofit organization which offers the
    30  following services:
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     1         (1)  Administration of special trust funds for persons
     2     with severe chronic disabilities.
     3         (2)  Follow-up services.
     4         (3)  Advice and counsel to persons who have been
     5     appointed as individual guardians of the persons or estates
     6     of persons with severe chronic disabilities.
     7     "Follow-up services."  Services purchased or offered by
     8  community trusts which are designed to insure that the needs of
     9  each beneficiary are being met, for as long as may be required,
    10  and may include periodic visits to the beneficiary and to the
    11  places where the beneficiary receives services, participation in
    12  the development of individualized plans being made by service
    13  providers for the beneficiary and other similar services
    14  consistent with the purposes of this act.
    15     "Severe chronic disability."  A physical or mental impairment
    16  which is expected to give rise to a long-term need for
    17  specialized health, social and other services, and which makes
    18  the person with such a disability dependent upon others for
    19  assistance.
    20     "Surplus trust funds."  Funds accumulated in the trust from
    21  contributions made on behalf of an individual beneficiary which,
    22  after the death of the beneficiary, are determined by the board
    23  to be in excess of the actual cost of providing services during
    24  the beneficiary's lifetime, including the beneficiary's share of
    25  administrative costs.
    26     "Trustee."  A member of the board of a corporation, formed
    27  for the purpose of managing a community trust, whether that
    28  member is designated as a trustee, director, manager or
    29  governor, or by any other title.
    30  Section 4.  Organization of community trust.
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     1     (a)  Administration.--Each community trust shall be
     2  administered by a board of trustees, which shall be incorporated
     3  as a nonprofit corporation.
     4     (b)  Board membership.--The board shall be comprised of at
     5  least nine, but not more than 21 members, and at least one-third
     6  of the members shall be parents or other relatives of a person
     7  with severe chronic disabilities. Board members shall be
     8  selected in a manner which gives geographic representation
     9  throughout the area served by the board.
    10     (c)  Limitation on members.--No board member, other than
    11  those who serve in an advisory capacity, may be a provider of
    12  habilitative, health, social or educational services to persons
    13  with severe chronic disabilities, nor may an employee of such a
    14  provider serve as a board member.
    15     (d)  Compensation.--No board member may receive compensation
    16  for services provided as a member of the board. No fees or
    17  commissions may be paid to a board member. A board member may be
    18  reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred as a board member
    19  upon presentation of receipts. A board member may receive
    20  indemnification.
    21  Section 5.  Powers and duties of board.
    22     (a)  Adoption of bylaws.--The board shall adopt bylaws and
    23  shall file them with the Secretary of Public Welfare, in
    24  addition to complying with the provisions of 15 Pa.C.S. Part III
    25  (relating to corporations not-for-profit). The bylaws shall
    26  include a declaration delineating the primary geographic area
    27  served by the trust and the principal services which are
    28  provided.
    29     (b)  Employment of staff.--The board may retain necessary
    30  paid staff to provide follow-up services to the extent required
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     1  by each beneficiary.
     2     (c)  Expenditure of moneys.--
     3         (1)  The board may authorize the following expenditures:
     4             (i)  Payment for goods or services which, in the sole
     5         discretion of the board, will promote the well-being of a
     6         beneficiary of the trust. This shall include recreational
     7         services.
     8             (ii)  Payment for burial of a beneficiary.
     9             (iii)  Payment for the reasonable costs of
    10         administering the community trust.
    11         (2)  The board may not expend or authorize the
    12     expenditure of funds for goods or services of comparable
    13     quality to those available to a particular beneficiary
    14     through a governmental or charitable program, through
    15     insurance or through other sources.
    16     (d)  Acceptance of moneys.--
    17         (1)  The board may accept contributions, bequests and
    18     designations under life insurance policies to the community
    19     trust on behalf of individuals with severe chronic
    20     disabilities for the purpose of qualifying them as
    21     beneficiaries of the trust. When a contribution, bequest or
    22     assignment of insurance proceeds is made, the trustor shall
    23     receive a written statement of the services to be provided to
    24     the beneficiary. The statement shall include a starting date
    25     for delivery of services or the condition precedent which
    26     shall determine the starting date. The statement shall
    27     describe the frequency with which services shall be provided,
    28     the duration of provision and the criteria and procedure for
    29     program modification which assure that services provided are
    30     in the best interest of the beneficiary.
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     1         (2)  The board may accept gifts and use surplus trust
     2     funds for the purpose of qualifying as a beneficiary an
     3     indigent person whose family members lack the financial
     4     resources to make a full contribution on that person's
     5     behalf. The extent and character of the services and
     6     selection of beneficiaries are at the discretion of the
     7     board. The board may accept gifts to meet start-up costs, to
     8     reduce the charges to the trust for the cost of
     9     administration and for any other purpose consistent with this
    10     act. Gifts made to the trust for an unspecified purpose shall
    11     be used by the board either to qualify indigent persons whose
    12     families lack the means to qualify them as beneficiaries of
    13     the trust or to meet any start-up costs that the trust
    14     incurs. The board may not use surplus trust funds to make a
    15     charitable contribution on behalf of a beneficiary or a group
    16     or class of beneficiaries.
    17     (e)  Preparation and filing of annual financial report.--In
    18  addition to reports required to be filed under 15 Pa.C.S. Part
    19  III, the board shall file an annual report with the Secretary of
    20  Public Welfare along with an itemized statement which shows the
    21  funds collected for the year, income earned, salaries paid,
    22  other expenses incurred and the opening and final trust
    23  balances. A copy of this statement shall be available to a
    24  beneficiary, trustor or designee of the trustor, upon request.
    25     (f)  Preparation of annual beneficiary's report.--The board
    26  shall prepare and provide each trustor or the trustor's designee
    27  annually with a detailed individual statement of the services
    28  provided to the trustor's beneficiary during the previous 12
    29  months and of the services to be provided during the following
    30  12 months. The board shall provide a copy of this statement to
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     1  the beneficiary, upon request.
     2     (g)  Provision of services.--
     3         (1)  The board may agree to fulfill any special requests
     4     made on behalf of a beneficiary if the request is consistent
     5     with this act and if an adequate contribution has been made
     6     for this purpose on behalf of a beneficiary.
     7         (2)  The board may agree to serve as trustee for an
     8     individual trust created on behalf of a beneficiary,
     9     regardless of whether the trust is revocable or irrevocable,
    10     has one or more remaindermen or contingent beneficiaries, or
    11     any other condition, as long as the individual trust is
    12     consistent with the purposes of this act.
    13         (3)  The board may offer consultative and professional
    14     assistance to a guardian of a beneficiary of its trust.
    15     (h)  Limitations on provision of services.--
    16         (1)  The board need not provide services to a beneficiary
    17     who is a competent adult who refuses to accept the services.
    18         (2)  The board shall not provide services of a nature or
    19     in a manner which is contrary to the public policy of the
    20     Commonwealth at the time the services would be provided.
    21     (i)  Transmittal of trust moneys.--The board shall transmit
    22  all moneys received by it as trustee to the State Treasurer, for
    23  deposit receipts in the Community Trust Fund which shall be
    24  maintained as a separate account.
    25  Section 6.  Community Trust Fund.
    26     There is hereby created in the Office of State Treasurer the
    27  Community Trust Fund. All moneys received from community trust
    28  boards in this Commonwealth shall be deposited into this
    29  account. Receipts shall be provided to a board at the time of
    30  deposit. Quarterly accounting statements shall be provided to
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     1  each board having moneys deposited in the fund.
     2  Section 7.  Irrevocable nature of trust.
     3     A community trust for persons with severe chronic
     4  disabilities is irrevocable, but the trustees in their sole
     5  discretion may provide compensation for any contribution to the
     6  trust to any trustor who, upon good cause, withdraws a
     7  beneficiary designated by the trustor from the trust, or if it
     8  becomes impossible to fulfill the conditions of the trust with
     9  regard to an individual beneficiary for reasons other than the
    10  death of the beneficiary.
    11  Section 8.  Effect of participation.
    12     Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,
    13  the beneficiary's interest in community trust shall not be
    14  deemed to be an asset for the purpose of determining income
    15  eligibility for a publicly operated program, nor shall that
    16  interest be reached in satisfaction of a claim for support and
    17  maintenance of the beneficiary. No agency shall reduce the
    18  benefits of services available to an individual because that
    19  person is the beneficiary of a community trust.
    20  Section 9.  Rule against perpetuities abrogated.
    21     A community trust shall not be subject to or held to be in
    22  violation of a principle of law against perpetuities or
    23  restraints on alienation or perpetual accumulations of trusts.
    24  Section 10.  Settlement and dissolution.
    25     The board shall settle a community trust by filing a final
    26  accounting in the court of common pleas. In addition, at any
    27  time prior to the settlement of the final account, the board,
    28  the Secretary of Public Welfare or the Attorney General may
    29  bring an action for the dissolution of a nonprofit corporation
    30  in the court of common pleas for the purpose of terminating the
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     1  trust or merging it with another charitable trust. No trustee or
     2  any private individual shall be entitled to share in the
     3  distribution of any of the trust assets upon dissolution, merger
     4  or settlement of the community trust. Upon dissolution, merger
     5  or settlement, the court of common pleas shall distribute all of
     6  the remaining net assets of the community trust in a manner that
     7  is consistent with the purposes of this act.
     8  Section 11.  Applicability.
     9     This act shall apply to community trusts established on or
    10  after the effective date of this act.
    11  Section 12.  Effective date.
    12     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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