No. 180 Session of 1985


           FEBRUARY 5, 1985

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 7, 1982 (P.L.784, No.225), entitled
     2     "An act relating to dogs, regulating the keeping of dogs;
     3     providing for the licensing of dogs and kennels; providing
     4     for the protection of dogs and the detention and destruction
     5     of dogs in certain cases; regulating the sale and
     6     transportation of dogs; declaring dogs to be personal
     7     property and the subject of theft; providing for the
     8     assessment of damages done to livestock, poultry and domestic
     9     game birds; providing for payment of damages by the
    10     Commonwealth in certain cases and the liability of the owner
    11     or keeper of dogs for such damages; imposing powers and
    12     duties on certain State and local officers and employees;
    13     providing penalties; and creating a Dog Law Restricted
    14     Account," authorizing actions for damages in certain cases;
    15     and imposing penalties.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  Sections 701, 703 and 704 of the act of December
    19  7, 1982 (P.L.784, No.225), known as the Dog Law, are amended to
    20  read:
    21  Section 701.  Damages; complaints; examination of claims;
    22                 liability; quarantines.
    23     (a)  General rule.--Whenever any person sustains any loss by

     1  dogs to livestock or poultry or to game birds raised in
     2  captivity, and while confined within an enclosure, or if any
     3  person sustains loss of livestock from rabies, or if any
     4  livestock or poultry or game bird raised in captivity, and while
     5  confined within an enclosure, is necessarily destroyed because
     6  of having been bitten by a dog, except when such loss,
     7  destruction or damage, with the exception of loss by rabies,
     8  shall have been caused by a dog harbored by the owner of such
     9  livestock or poultry or domestic game bird, such person or his
    10  agent or attorney may, immediately after the damage was done,
    11  complain to a State dog warden or employee of the department and
    12  may make application to the department for reimbursement of such
    13  loss or damage. Such complaint shall be in writing, shall be
    14  signed by the person making such complaint, and shall state
    15  when, where and how such damage was done, and by whose dog or
    16  dogs, if known, or when the animal died from rabies or was
    17  killed because of rabies. Claims covering damage due to rabies
    18  shall be made immediately following the death of the animal, and
    19  shall be supported by a certificate from a licensed and duly
    20  qualified veterinarian and a report from any laboratory approved
    21  by the department, to the effect that such animal was affected
    22  with rabies. It shall not be necessary to prove that an animal
    23  dying from or killed because of rabies was actually bitten by a
    24  dog. The presumption shall exist that such animal was so bitten.
    25  Upon receipt of such notice, the State dog warden shall at once
    26  examine the place where the alleged loss or damage was sustained
    27  and the livestock or poultry or domestic game bird injured or
    28  killed, or in case of rabies where it died or was killed. The
    29  State dog warden may examine under oath or affirmation any
    30  witness called before him. After making diligent inquiry in
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     1  relation to such claim, such investigating officer shall
     2  determine whether any damage has been sustained and the amount
     3  thereof, and, if possible, who was the owner of the dog or dogs
     4  by which such damage was done. After making diligent inquiry in
     5  relation to such claim, such appraiser shall determine whether
     6  any damage has been sustained and the amount thereof, and, if
     7  possible, who was the owner of the dog or dogs by which such
     8  damage was done. If the owner of the dog or the owner of the
     9  livestock or poultry does not agree as to the amount of damage
    10  allowed by the appraiser, the owner requesting the appraisal and
    11  the appraiser may appoint a disinterested qualified citizen to
    12  assist in determining the amount of damage sustained. For such
    13  services, the said disinterested citizens shall receive
    14  appropriate compensation which shall be paid by the owner
    15  requesting the appraisal. Any owner or keeper of such dog or
    16  dogs except in the case of rabies, shall be liable to the
    17  Commonwealth for the damages paid by the Commonwealth and the
    18  costs incurred as hereinafter provided. There shall be a maximum
    19  allowable claim loss on each occurrence of $10,000 per animal;
    20  however, in no instance shall the payment exceed 90% of the
    21  appraised value. The secretary shall promulgate rules and
    22  regulations to enforce the provisions of this section. All
    23  claims shall be paid from the Dog Law Restricted Account.
    24     (b)  Excess damages.--If the owner of the livestock or
    25  poultry or domestic game bird feels that he has sustained
    26  damages, including consequential and future damages, beyond the
    27  amount of damage as finally appraised, or paid by the
    28  Commonwealth, he may commence a civil action for the excess
    29  amount against the owner or keeper of the dog by which such
    30  damage was done. The receipt of payment from the owner of the
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     1  dog of the appraised amount or the receipt of payment from the
     2  Commonwealth shall not preclude such an action, but shall be
     3  considered in determining the total amount of damages sustained
     4  and recoverable.
     5  Section 703.  Payments of claims out of Dog Law Restricted
     6                 Account; rights against dog owners inuring to the
     7                 Commonwealth.
     8     The owner of any dog or dogs known to have caused any damage
     9  to livestock, poultry or domestic game birds shall be liable for
    10  all damages and costs. If the owner cannot be found or is
    11  unknown, then the secretary shall issue a requisition for the
    12  payment of the amount of the allowable claim. All such payments
    13  shall be from funds in the Dog Law Restricted Account. No
    14  payment shall be made for any item which has already been paid
    15  by the claimant's insurance carrier. The claimant shall certify
    16  to the department that he has not received payment for any
    17  damages under section 701(a) by any person. Upon payment by the
    18  State of damages under section 701(a), the rights of the owner
    19  of such livestock, poultry or domestic game bird against the
    20  owner of the dog or dogs causing the damages shall, to the
    21  extent of the damages so paid, inure to the benefit of the
    22  Commonwealth.
    23  Section 704.  Killing of dogs causing damages.
    24     If the identity of the owner of the dog or dogs has been
    25  established under sections 701 and 703, the secretary may notify
    26  the owner or keeper of such dog or dogs to immediately kill it
    27  or them. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this act for
    28  the owner or keeper, after notification by the secretary, to
    29  allow to leave or to remove such dog or dogs from the premises,
    30  while they are alive, except a State dog warden to a
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     1  veterinarian or animal shelter for euthanasia purposes. The
     2  killing of such dogs does not remove the liability of the owner
     3  for damages caused by the dog or dogs. Upon failure, however, of
     4  such owner to comply with such order within a period of ten
     5  days, the secretary may authorize the killing of such dog or
     6  dogs wherever found. In addition, upon failure of such owner or
     7  keeper to comply with such order within a period of ten days,
     8  the owner or keeper shall, upon summary conviction, be sentenced
     9  to pay a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $500.
    10     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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