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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 198



No. 196 Session of 2005

           WANSACZ AND WILT, FEBRUARY 1, 2005

           PREPAREDNESS, FEBRUARY 1, 2005

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for civil service preference for members of volunteer
     2     emergency service organizations.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Volunteer
     7  Emergency Service Provider Employment Preference Hiring Act.
     8  Section 2.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Commission."  The body or person charged by law with the
    13  administration and enforcement of civil service provisions in a
    14  municipality.
    15     "Emergency service organization duties."  Performance of acts
    16  related to the provision or maintenance of emergency services,

     1  including training and drills, by a member of a volunteer
     2  emergency service organization.
     3     "Volunteer ambulance service."  A nonprofit chartered
     4  corporation, association or organization located in this
     5  Commonwealth that is regularly engaged in the service of
     6  providing emergency medical care and transportation of patients.
     7     "Volunteer emergency service organization."  An organization
     8  that is a volunteer fire company, volunteer ambulance service,
     9  volunteer rescue squad or volunteer hazardous material response
    10  team.
    11     "Volunteer emergency service provider."  A person who:
    12         (1)  has made himself available for emergency service
    13     organization duties as a member of a volunteer emergency
    14     service organization for at least three consecutive years;
    15     and
    16         (2)  has responded to at least 25% of the calls received
    17     by the volunteer emergency service organization of which the
    18     person was a member during the last three years of
    19     consecutive service as a member of one or more volunteer
    20     emergency service organizations.
    21     "Volunteer fire company."  A nonprofit chartered corporation,
    22  association or organization located in this Commonwealth that
    23  provides fire protection services and other voluntary emergency
    24  service in this Commonwealth. Voluntary emergency service
    25  provided by a volunteer fire company may include voluntary
    26  ambulance and volunteer rescue service.
    27     "Volunteer hazardous material response team."  A nonprofit
    28  chartered corporation, association or organization located in
    29  this Commonwealth whose members are specially trained to respond
    30  to accidents or situations where hazardous or toxic materials
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     1  are released into the environment.
     2     "Volunteer rescue service."  A nonprofit chartered
     3  corporation, association or organization located in this
     4  Commonwealth that provides rescue service in this Commonwealth.
     5  Section 3.  Preference in employment hiring.
     6     (a)  Commonwealth examinations.--If a volunteer emergency
     7  service provider successfully passes a civil service appointment
     8  examination for a paid emergency organization position under
     9  this Commonwealth, or any political subdivision thereof, and
    10  establishes the qualifications required by law for appointment
    11  to the position, he shall be marked or graded an additional five
    12  points above the mark or grade credited for the examinations,
    13  and the total mark or grade thus obtained shall represent the
    14  final mark or grade of the volunteer emergency service provider,
    15  and determine his standing on any eligible list, certified or
    16  furnished to the appointing power.
    17     (b)  Municipal examinations.--If a volunteer emergency
    18  service provider takes any examination for appointment in the
    19  civil service of any of the various municipal agencies within
    20  this Commonwealth, as required by any existing law or any law
    21  which may hereafter be enacted, his examination shall be marked
    22  or graded 10% perfect before the quality or contents of the
    23  examination shall be considered. When the examination of the
    24  volunteer emergency service provider is completed and graded,
    25  such grading or percentage as the examination merits shall be
    26  added to the 10%, and such total mark or grade shall represent
    27  the final grade or classification of the volunteer emergency
    28  service provider and determine his order of standing on the
    29  eligible list.
    30     (c)  Exceptions.--No volunteer emergency service provider
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     1  shall receive a preference under subsection (a) if any of the
     2  following applies:
     3         (1)  The provider performed no emergency service
     4     organization duties for a period of two years or more prior
     5     to taking the civil service examination.
     6         (2)  The provider discontinued emergency service
     7     organization duties for any of the following reasons:
     8             (i)  Neglect or violation of any official duties.
     9             (ii)  Inefficiency, negligence, intemperance,
    10         disobedience of orders or conduct unbecoming an officer.
    11             (iii)  Intoxication while on duty.
    12  Section 4.  Documentation.
    13     The commission shall require an emergency service provider to
    14  produce certification from each volunteer emergency service
    15  organization with which the provider served during the last
    16  three years of consecutive service prior to taking the civil
    17  service examination. The certification shall state whether the
    18  provider consistently made himself available for emergency
    19  service organization duties, whether the provider actually
    20  performed emergency service organization duties during the
    21  relevant period and the percentage of calls the provider
    22  responded to during that period. The commission may require the
    23  provider to produce such documentation as it deems sufficient to
    24  establish eligibility for the preference granted under section
    25  3.
    26  Section 5.  Effective date.
    27     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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