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under the
same topic
                                 SENATE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 180, 297, 512,           PRINTER'S NO. 2293
        612, 2025, 2101



No. 200 Session of 2001

           L. I. COHEN, HABAY AND BROWNE, JANUARY 24, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Reenacting and amending the act of December 20, 1996 (P.L.1504,
     2     No.195), entitled "An act providing for the rights and
     3     privileges of taxpayers," further providing for disclosure
     4     statement of rights of taxpayers and for the Taxpayers'
     5     Rights Advocate; providing for innocent spouse relief and for
     6     reports to the General Assembly; and further providing for
     7     the expiration date.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  The title and the act of December 20, 1996
    11  (P.L.1504, No.195), known as the Taxpayers' Bill of Rights, are
    12  reenacted and amended to read:

     1                               AN ACT
     2  Providing for the rights and privileges of taxpayers, FOR         <--
     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
     8  Section 101.  Short title.
     9  Section 102.  Legislative intent.
    10  Section 103.  Definitions.
    11  Chapter 2.  Taxpayers' Rights
    12  Section 201.  Application.
    13  Section 202.  Disclosure statement of rights of taxpayers.
    14  Section 203.  Procedures involving taxpayer interviews.
    15  Section 204.  Abatement of certain interest, penalties and
    16                 additions to tax.
    17  Section 205.  Installment agreements.
    18  Section 206.  Basis for evaluating department employees.
    19  Section 207.  Taxpayers' Rights Advocate.
    20  Section 208.  Taxpayer assistance orders.
    21  Section 209.  Application of payments.
    22  Section 210.  Decisions of Board of Finance and Revenue and
    23                 Department of Revenue.
    24  Section 211.  Authority to remove lien.
    25  Section 212.  Innocent spouse relief.
    26  Chapter 3.  [Interdepartmental] Departmental                      <--
    27                 INTRADEPARTMENTAL Documents and Reports            <--
    28  Section 301.  Rules and regulations.
    29  Section 302.  Technical memoranda.
    30  Section 303.  Advisory opinions.
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     1  Section 304.  Reports to General Assembly.
     2  Chapter 4.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     3  Section 401.  Expiration.
     4  Section 402.  Effective date.
     5                             CHAPTER 1
     6                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Taxpayers'
     9  Bill of Rights.
    10  Section 102.  Legislative intent.
    11     It is the intent of the General Assembly to provide equitable
    12  and uniform procedures for the operation of the Department of
    13  Revenue and for all taxpayers when dealing with the department.
    14  In order to ensure the equitable administration of the tax law,
    15  the relative rights and responsibilities of citizens and of
    16  their State government should be clearly set forth and adhered
    17  to. This act is intended as a minimum procedural code, and the
    18  Department of Revenue may adopt or grant additional procedures
    19  not inconsistent with this act.
    20  Section 103.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Assessment."  An assessment, determination, settlement or
    25  appraisement of tax liability issued by the Department of
    26  Revenue.
    27     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    28     "Fiscal Code."  The act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176),
    29  known as The Fiscal Code.
    30     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
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     1     "Taxpayer."  An individual, partnership, association,
     2  society, company, corporation, estate, trust, trustee, receiver,
     3  liquidator, fiduciary or other entity subject to or claiming
     4  exemption from any tax administered by the Department of Revenue
     5  pursuant to the authority of the laws of this Commonwealth or
     6  under a duty to perform an act for itself or for another under
     7  or pursuant to the authority of such laws.
     8     "Voluntary payment."  A payment of a tax liability made
     9  pursuant to the free will of the taxpayer. The term does not
    10  include a payment made as a result of distraint, levy or
    11  pursuant to a legal proceeding in which the Commonwealth is
    12  seeking to collect its delinquent taxes or file a claim
    13  therefor.
    14                             CHAPTER 2
    15                         TAXPAYERS' RIGHTS
    16  Section 201.  Application.
    17     (a)  Limited to certain taxes.--Except as otherwise provided,
    18  the provisions of this act shall apply to any tax which is
    19  administered by the department. Any reference to a tax or taxes
    20  includes special assessments, fees and other impositions which
    21  are administered by the secretary.
    22     (b)  Strict compliance unnecessary.--Except to the extent
    23  explicitly provided by this act, the failure of the secretary or
    24  an officer or employee of the department to comply with any
    25  provision of this act shall not:
    26         (1)  Excuse a taxpayer from payment of any taxes owed by
    27     the taxpayer.
    28         (2)  Excuse any taxpayer from complying with any other
    29     duty imposed under or pursuant to the laws of this
    30     Commonwealth.
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     1         (3)  Cure any procedural defect in an administrative or
     2     judicial proceeding or case involving a taxpayer with respect
     3     to taxes owed or compliance with any duty imposed under the
     4     laws of this Commonwealth.
     5  Section 202.  Disclosure statement of rights of taxpayers.
     6     (a)  Contents.--The secretary shall[, not later than 180 days
     7  after the effective date of this act,] prepare a statement which
     8  sets forth the following in simple and nontechnical terms:
     9         (1)  The rights of a taxpayer and the [obligation]
    10     jurisdiction of the department during an audit. The taxpayer
    11     shall be informed about the extent of and limits to the
    12     department's jurisdiction in an audit.
    13         (2)  The procedures by which a taxpayer may appeal or
    14     seek review of any adverse decision of the department,
    15     including administrative and judicial appeals.
    16         (3)  The procedure for filing and processing refund
    17     claims and taxpayer complaints and the time frames for
    18     departmental action.
    19         (4)  The procedures which the department may use and the
    20     remedies it may seek in enforcing [taxes] tax law.
    21     (b)  Distribution.--The statements prepared in accordance
    22  with this section shall be distributed by the secretary to all
    23  taxpayers the secretary contacts, other than by providing tax
    24  return forms, with respect to the determination or collection of
    25  any tax, the cancellation, revocation or suspension of a
    26  license, permit or registration or the denial of an application
    27  for a license, permit or registration. The secretary may take
    28  such actions as the secretary deems necessary to assure that
    29  distribution does not result in multiple statements being sent
    30  to any one taxpayer.
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     1  Section 203.  Procedures involving taxpayer interviews.
     2     (a)  Recording of interviews by taxpayer.--Any officer or
     3  employee of the department in connection with any in-person
     4  interview with any taxpayer relating to the determination or
     5  collection of any tax, the cancellation, revocation or
     6  suspension of a license, permit or registration or the denial of
     7  an application for a license, permit or registration shall, upon
     8  advance written request of the taxpayer, make an audio recording
     9  of the interview at the taxpayer's own expense and with the
    10  department's equipment. The taxpayer may also make an audio
    11  recording of the interview with the taxpayer's own equipment if,
    12  prior to commencement of the interview, the taxpayer notifies
    13  all parties present that the interview will be recorded.
    14     (b)  Safeguard.--
    15         (1)  An officer or employee of the department shall,
    16     before or at an initial interview, provide the following to
    17     the taxpayer:
    18             (i)  In the case of an in-person interview with the
    19         taxpayer relating to the determination of any tax, an
    20         explanation of the audit process and the taxpayer's
    21         rights under such process.
    22             (ii)  In the case of an in-person interview with the
    23         taxpayer relating to the collection of any tax, an
    24         explanation of the collection process and the taxpayer's
    25         rights under such process.
    26             (iii)  In the case of an in-person interview with the
    27         taxpayer relating to the cancellation, revocation or
    28         suspension of a license, permit or registration or to the
    29         denial of an application for a license, permit or
    30         registration, an explanation of the administrative
    20010H0200B2293                  - 6 -

     1         hearing and judicial review processes and the taxpayer's
     2         rights under such processes.
     3         (2)  If the taxpayer clearly informs an officer or
     4     employee of the department at any time during an interview,
     5     other than an interview initiated by a subpoena, writ or
     6     other lawful process, that the taxpayer wishes to consult
     7     with an attorney, certified public accountant or any other
     8     person permitted to represent the taxpayer, such officer or
     9     employee shall suspend the interview regardless of whether
    10     the taxpayer may have answered one or more questions.
    11     (c)  Representative holding power of attorney.--Any attorney,
    12  certified public accountant or any other person permitted to
    13  represent the taxpayer who is not disbarred or suspended from
    14  practice and who has a written power of attorney executed by the
    15  taxpayer may be authorized by the taxpayer to represent the
    16  taxpayer in any interview described in subsection (a). An
    17  officer or employee of the department may not require a taxpayer
    18  to accompany the representative in the absence of a subpoena,
    19  writ or other lawful process to examine and inspect the taxpayer
    20  or the taxpayer's books, records or other papers. The officer or
    21  employee, with the consent of the immediate supervisor of the
    22  officer or employee, may notify the taxpayer directly that the
    23  officer or employee believes such representative is responsible
    24  for unreasonable delay or hindrance of a department examination
    25  or investigation of the taxpayer.
    26     (d)  Nonapplicability to certain investigations.--This
    27  section shall not apply to criminal investigations or
    28  investigations relating to the integrity of any officer or
    29  employee of the department.
    30     (e)  Scope.--For purposes of this section, any reference to
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     1  tax shall also include any associated penalty, addition to tax
     2  or interest.
     3  Section 204.  Abatement of certain interest, penalties and
     4                 additions to tax.
     5     (a)  Interest attributable to errors and delays by the
     6  department.--In the case of any assessment or final
     7  determination of interest, the secretary may abate the
     8  assessment or final determination of all or any part of interest
     9  for any period for the following:
    10         (1)  Any deficiency or any tax finally determined to be
    11     due attributable in whole or in part to any error or delay by
    12     an officer or employee of the department acting in his or her
    13     official capacity in performing a ministerial act.
    14         (2)  Any payment of any tax to the extent that any error
    15     or delay in such payment is attributable to such officer or
    16     employee being erroneous or dilatory in performing a
    17     ministerial act.
    18     (b)  Error or delay.--For purposes of subsection (a)(1), an
    19  error or delay shall be taken into account only if no
    20  significant aspect of the error or delay can be attributed to
    21  the taxpayer involved and after the department has contacted the
    22  taxpayer in writing with respect to the deficiency or tax
    23  finally determined to be due or payable. The secretary shall
    24  determine what constitutes timely performance of various
    25  ministerial acts performed under or pursuant to this act.
    26  Administrative and judicial review of abatements under
    27  subsection (a) and this subsection shall be limited to review of
    28  whether failure to abate would be widely perceived as grossly
    29  unfair.
    30     (c)  Abatement of any penalty or addition to tax or excess
    20010H0200B2293                  - 8 -

     1  interest attributable to erroneous written advice by the
     2  department.--
     3         (1)  The secretary shall abate any portion of any penalty
     4     or excess interest attributable to erroneous advice furnished
     5     to the taxpayer in writing by an officer or employee of the
     6     department, acting in the officer's or employee's official
     7     capacity, if:
     8             (i)  the written advice was reasonably relied upon by
     9         the taxpayer and was in response to specific written
    10         request of the taxpayer; and
    11             (ii)  the portion of the penalty or addition to tax
    12         or excess interest did not result from a failure by the
    13         taxpayer to provide adequate or accurate information.
    14         (2)  This subsection shall not be construed to require
    15     the department to provide written advice to taxpayers or
    16     other persons or entities.
    17  Section 205.  Installment agreements.
    18     (a)  Authorization.--The secretary may enter into written
    19  agreements with any taxpayer under which the taxpayer is allowed
    20  to satisfy liability for payment of any tax and any interest,
    21  penalty or addition to tax in installment payments if the
    22  secretary determines that the agreement will facilitate
    23  collection of the liability.
    24     (b)  Extent to which agreements remain in effect.--
    25         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, any
    26     agreement entered into by the secretary under subsection (a)
    27     shall remain in effect for the term of the agreement.
    28         (2)  The secretary may terminate any prior agreement
    29     entered into under subsection (a) if:
    30             (i)  information which the taxpayer provided to the
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     1         secretary prior to the date of the agreement was
     2         inaccurate or incomplete; or
     3             (ii)  the secretary believes that collection of any
     4         liability to which an agreement under this section
     5         relates is in jeopardy.
     6         (3)  If the secretary finds that the financial condition
     7     of the taxpayer has significantly changed, the secretary may
     8     alter, modify or terminate the agreement, but only if:
     9             (i)  notice of the secretary's finding is provided to
    10         the taxpayer no later than 30 days prior to the date of
    11         such action; and
    12             (ii)  the notice contains the reasons why the
    13         secretary believes a significant change has occurred.
    14         (4)  The secretary may alter, modify or terminate an
    15     agreement entered into by the secretary under subsection (a)
    16     if the taxpayer fails to do any of the following:
    17             (i)  Pay any installment at the time the installment
    18         is due under such agreement.
    19             (ii)  Pay any other tax liability at the time the
    20         liability is due.
    21             (iii)  Provide a financial condition update as
    22         requested by the secretary.
    23     (c)  Prepayment permitted.--Nothing in this section should be
    24  construed to prevent a taxpayer from prepaying in whole or in
    25  part any outstanding liability under any agreement the taxpayer
    26  enters into with the secretary.
    27  Section 206.  Basis for evaluating department employees.
    28     (a)  General rule.--The department shall not use records of
    29  tax enforcement results:
    30         (1)  as the primary criterion to evaluate department
    20010H0200B2293                 - 10 -

     1     officers or employees directly involved in collection
     2     activities and their immediate supervisors; or
     3         (2)  to impose or suggest collection or assessment quotas
     4     or goals with respect to department officers or employees
     5     described in this subsection.
     6     (b)  Exceptions.--Forecasts of enforcement results may be
     7  made and communicated for planning purposes. Tax enforcement
     8  results may be accumulated, tabulated, published and used for
     9  management and control of tax administration resources so long
    10  as tax enforcement results tabulations are not used as the
    11  primary criterion to evaluate an officer or employee described
    12  in subsection (a) or to impose or suggest production quotas or
    13  goals. In the discharge of a manager's responsibilities, but
    14  subject to the provisions of subsection (a)(1), a manager may
    15  raise questions with an officer or employee about the number of
    16  cases the officer or employee has processed, the amount of time
    17  the officer or employee has been spending on the individual case
    18  or the [kind of] results the officer or employee has been         <--
    19  obtaining.
    20  Section 207.  Taxpayers' Rights Advocate.
    21     The [department] SECRETARY shall designate a Taxpayers'        <--
    22  Rights Advocate. The Taxpayers' Rights Advocate shall be an
    23  employee of the department and shall report directly to the
    24  secretary. The Taxpayers' Rights Advocate shall facilitate the
    25  resolution of taxpayer complaints and problems in connection
    26  with the audit or collection of a tax imposed under Article III
    27  or XXI of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the
    28  Tax Reform Code of 1971.
    29  Section 208.  Taxpayer assistance orders.
    30     (a)  Authority to issue.--On application filed by a taxpayer
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     1  with the department Taxpayers' Rights Advocate in the form,
     2  manner and time prescribed by the secretary and after thorough
     3  investigation, the Taxpayers' Rights Advocate may issue a
     4  taxpayer assistance order if, in the determination of the
     5  Taxpayers' Rights Advocate, the manner in which the State tax
     6  laws are being administered is creating or will create an unjust
     7  and inequitable result for the taxpayer. A determination by the
     8  Taxpayers' Rights Advocate under this section to issue or to not
     9  issue a taxpayer assistance order is final and cannot be
    10  appealed to any court.
    11     (b)  Terms of a taxpayer assistance order.--A taxpayer
    12  assistance order may require the department to release property
    13  of the taxpayer levied on, cease any action or refrain from
    14  taking any action to enforce the State tax laws against the
    15  taxpayer until the issue or issues giving rise to the order have
    16  been resolved. The running of the period of limitation for such
    17  department action shall be suspended from the date of the
    18  taxpayer assistance order until one of the following:
    19         (1)  The expiration date of the order.
    20         (2)  If an order is modified, the expiration date of the
    21     modification order.
    22         (3)  If an order is rescinded, the date of the rescission
    23     order.
    24     (c)  Authority to modify or rescind.--A taxpayer assistance
    25  order may be modified or rescinded by the secretary.
    26     (d)  Independent action of Taxpayers' Rights Advocate.--This
    27  section shall not prevent the Taxpayers' Rights Advocate from
    28  taking action in the absence of an application being filed under
    29  subsection (a).
    30  Section 209.  Application of payments.
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     1     Unless otherwise specified by the taxpayer, all voluntary
     2  payments with respect to any tax period for any tax administered
     3  by the department shall be allocated within the taxpayer's
     4  account in the following priority:
     5         (1)  Tax.
     6         (2)  Addition to tax.
     7         (3)  Interest.
     8         (4)  Penalty.
     9         (5)  Any other fees or charges.
    10  Section 210.  Decisions of Board of Finance and Revenue and
    11                 Department of Revenue.
    12     (a)  Precedent.--Where the Board of Finance and Revenue has
    13  issued a decision or an order in favor of a taxpayer and the
    14  Commonwealth has not appealed the decision or order, the
    15  department may not make an assessment against the taxpayer that
    16  raises an identical or substantially identical issue.
    17     (b)  Application.--Precedent shall apply to tax periods
    18  following the period to which the decision or order of the Board
    19  of Finance and Revenue applies. It shall not apply where there
    20  has been a change in statute, regulation or material fact
    21  applicable to periods following the period to which the decision
    22  or order of the Board of Finance and Revenue applies.
    23     (c)  Decisions of department.--In the case of a tax imposed
    24  under Article III of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2),
    25  known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, the department may not
    26  assess a taxpayer with respect to an issue for which the
    27  department assessed the same taxpayer in a previous year and the
    28  taxpayer prevailed in removing such assessment based upon
    29  identical or substantially identical facts.
    30     (d)  Exception.--Subsections (a) and (c) shall not apply if
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     1  the department, upon publication of notice, changes its policy
     2  with respect to a discretionary issue, provided that any such
     3  change in policy shall be effective prospectively only.
     4  Section 211.  Authority to remove lien.
     5     The secretary shall remove the lien on any property and shall
     6  promptly notify the property owner that the lien has been
     7  removed if any of the following apply:
     8         (1)  the debt which underlies the lien has been otherwise
     9     satisfied;
    10         (2)  removal of the lien will facilitate the collection
    11     of the outstanding debt; or
    12         (3)  the taxpayer has entered into an agreement under
    13     section 205 to satisfy the outstanding debt by means of
    14     installment payments and such agreement provides for the
    15     removal of the lien.
    16  Section 212.  Innocent spouse relief.
    17     Under regulations promulgated by the secretary, a taxpayer
    18  filing a joint return under Article III of the act of March 4,
    19  1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, for a
    20  taxable year shall be relieved of liability for tax, interest
    21  and penalties for that taxable year to the extent such liability
    22  is attributable to a substantial understatement by the
    23  taxpayer's spouse. This section shall apply only if:
    24         (1)  On such joint return there is a substantial
    25     understatement of tax attributable to grossly erroneous items
    26     of one spouse.
    27         (2)  The other spouse establishes that in signing the
    28     return such spouse did not know, and had no reason to know,
    29     that there was such substantial understatement.
    30         (3)  Taking into account all the facts and circumstances,
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     1     it is inequitable to hold the other spouse liable for any
     2     assessment for such taxable year attributable to such
     3     substantial understatement.
     4                             CHAPTER 3
     6                       DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS
     7  Section 301.  Rules and regulations.
     8     The secretary shall make such reasonable rules and
     9  regulations, not inconsistent with law, as may be necessary for
    10  the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties
    11  under this act, including regulations which shall advise the
    12  public of the following:
    13         (1)  The various methods by which the department
    14     communicates tax policy and interpretations to taxpayers, tax
    15     practitioners, personnel of the department and the general
    16     public.
    17         (2)  The legal force and effect, precedential value and
    18     binding nature of each method of communication.
    19  Section 302.  Technical memoranda.
    20     Technical memoranda issued by the secretary shall be provided
    21  to taxpayers and others of existing interpretations of laws and
    22  regulations by the department or changes to the statutory or
    23  case law of interest to the public. Where and to the extent that
    24  an opinion of the legal counsel of the department is deemed to
    25  be of sufficient significance and general applicability to a
    26  group or group of taxpayers, the opinion shall be likewise
    27  provided.
    28  Section 303.  Advisory opinions.
    29     With respect to taxes administered by the secretary, the
    30  secretary shall be required to render advisory opinions within
    20010H0200B2293                 - 15 -

     1  90 days of the receipt of a petition for such an opinion. This
     2  period may be extended by the secretary, for good cause shown,
     3  for no more than 30 additional days. An advisory opinion shall
     4  be rendered to any person subject to a tax or liability under
     5  this [chapter] ACT or claiming exemption from a tax or            <--
     6  liability. In the discretion of the secretary, they may also be
     7  rendered to any nontaxpayer, including, but not limited to, a
     8  local official, petitioning on behalf of a local jurisdiction or
     9  the head of a State agency petitioning on behalf of the agency.
    10  Advisory opinions, which shall be published and made available
    11  to the public, shall not be binding upon the secretary except
    12  with respect to the person to whom such opinion is rendered. A
    13  subsequent modification by the secretary of an advisory opinion
    14  shall apply prospectively only. A petition for an advisory
    15  opinion shall contain a specific set of facts, be submitted in
    16  the form prescribed by the secretary and be subject to the rules
    17  and regulations as the secretary may promulgate for procedures
    18  for submitting such a petition.
    19  Section 304.  Reports to General Assembly.
    20     The secretary shall provide to the chairman and minority
    21  chairman of the Finance Committee of the Senate and the chairman
    22  and minority chairman of the Finance Committee of the House of
    23  Representatives the reports indicated in paragraphs (1) through
    24  (4):
    25         (1)  A report containing statistical information relating
    26     to the number of cases handled by the Taxpayers' Rights
    27     Advocate, the types of taxes addressed in the cases and the
    28     resolution of the cases. This report shall be submitted by
    29     March 1 of each year for cases handled during the prior
    30     calendar year.
    20010H0200B2293                 - 16 -

     1         (2)  A report containing a summary of the results of any
     2     customer or taxpayer satisfaction survey conducted by the
     3     department. This report shall be submitted by March 1 of each
     4     year for any such survey completed during the prior calendar
     5     year.
     6         (3)  A report containing the department's strategic plan
     7     or any updates thereto. This report shall be submitted by
     8     March 1 of odd-numbered years.
     9         (4)  A report containing the standards of conduct or the
    10     content of any code of ethics for department employees
    11     regarding the improper access and/or disclosure of
    12     confidential taxpayer information. This report shall be
    13     submitted by March 1 of odd-numbered years. The report shall
    14     contain a numeric review of incidents concerning the improper
    15     access and/or disclosure of confidential taxpayer information
    16     by department employees which are referred for investigation
    17     by the Department to the Office of Inspector General and the
    18     status of any such investigations.
    19                             CHAPTER 4
    20                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    21  [Section 401.  Expiration.                                        <--
    22     This act shall expire on December 31, [2000] 2004. 2000.]      <--
    23  Section 402.  Effective date.
    24     This act shall take effect in 60 days.
    25     Section 2.  This act shall be retroactive to January 1, 2001   <--
    26  DECEMBER 30, 2000.                                                <--
    27     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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