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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1378



No. 202 Session of 2003

           STURLA AND TRUE, APRIL 15, 2003

           APRIL 15, 2003

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Honoring the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

     2     WHEREAS, President Thomas Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis to
     3  Lancaster to study with Andrew Ellicott, a renowned astronomer
     4  and surveyor who lived on North Prince Street in a house which
     5  still stands; and
     6     WHEREAS, Lewis spent three weeks there to learn skills vital
     7  for the success of the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Pacific
     8  Ocean; and
     9     WHEREAS, Ellicott was America's foremost surveyor along with
    10  being an accomplished astronomer and mathematician. Meriwether
    11  Lewis visited Ellicott at his Lancaster home in April 1803; and
    12     WHEREAS, Ellicott had already conducted several large surveys
    13  that established state and territorial boundaries, including the
    14  boundary between the United States and Spanish possessions in
    15  Florida and the bounds of the District of Columbia; and
    16     WHEREAS, In 1803 Ellicott published "The Journal of Andrew
    17  Ellicott" which mapped the mouth of the Mississippi River and

     1  fixed the position of the mouth of the Missouri River quite
     2  accurately; and
     3     WHEREAS, Those maps were used in the map of North American
     4  that Nicholas King made specifically for the Lewis and Clark
     5  Expedition; and
     6     WHEREAS, Ellicott was a strong supporter for purchasing
     7  Louisiana; and
     8     WHEREAS, Ellicott taught Lewis how to use a sextant, octant,
     9  chronometer and other surveying equipment during a nearly three-
    10  week visit; and
    11     WHEREAS, Using his own instruments, Thomas Jefferson
    12  personally taught Lewis the basic principles of determining
    13  latitude by observing altitudes of the sun or a star with an
    14  octant and then he sent Lewis away for further study of
    15  astronomical formulas with Robert Patterson, professor of
    16  mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania; and
    17     WHEREAS, The diligent efforts of the founders of the Historic
    18  Preservation Trust of Lancaster County saved the historic
    19  Sehner-Ellicott-von Hess House from demolition; and
    20     WHEREAS, The building, where Lewis trained with Andrew
    21  Ellicott on navigational skills vital to the success of the
    22  Lewis and Clark Expedition now serves as the headquarters of the
    23  trust; therefore be it
    24     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor the
    25  bicentennial commemoration of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
    26  being held April 19, 2003, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Penn
    27  Square in the City and County of Lancaster.

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