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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1310



No. 207 Session of 2005

           MARCH 29, 2005


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Urging the Council of the City of Philadelphia to authorize the
     2     council's Committee on Public Safety to conduct public
     3     hearings to examine and analyze the community reentry process
     4     of ex-offenders and persons under authority of the criminal
     5     justice system, hear testimony and collect data on related
     6     public, private and community-based programs and policy
     7     efforts so as to determine what actions council may take to
     8     help deliver the resources and support required to operate
     9     and promote such programs and policies.

    10     WHEREAS, Incarceration rates in America--an estimated 680 per
    11  100,000, second highest in the world--and the United States
    12  prison population--now more than 2 million--have experienced
    13  massive increases and have reached record levels continuously
    14  over the last 20 years according to numerous studies and
    15  reports, resulting in devastating economic and social impact and
    16  consequences for millions of individuals and families, hundreds
    17  of communities and municipalities and countless public and
    18  private entities; and
    19     WHEREAS, National figures report corrections and associated
    20  criminal justice expenditures exceeding $50 billion a year, and
    21  in 2003 a record 6.9 million adults in the United States were

     1  incarcerated, on parole or probation, comprising 3.2% of the
     2  total population or 1 out of every 32 United States citizens,
     3  along with a record 4.8 million adults under some form of
     4  criminal justice supervision, representing a per annum release
     5  rate of more than 774,500 persons; and
     6     WHEREAS, Released offenders/prisoners head for and back to a
     7  concentrated number of large states, like Pennsylvania, and
     8  specific concentrated counties within those states, like
     9  Philadelphia, that are already suffering economic and social
    10  stress and strain with dwindling budget dollars and mounting
    11  public safety, health, education and employment concerns; and
    12     WHEREAS, These populations are primarily comprised of
    13  economically and socially disadvantaged or depressed
    14  individuals, the realities being that at midyear 2003 there were
    15  4,834 black male prisoners per 100,000 black males in the United
    16  States in prison or jail, compared to 1,778 Hispanic male
    17  inmates per 100,000 Hispanic males, and 681 white male inmates
    18  per 100,000 white males; the overall rate for males was 1,309
    19  per 100,000 and for females was 113 per 100,000, with
    20  approximately 120,000 females in prison and with females
    21  comprising 13% of all persons in the criminal justice system;
    22  and
    23     WHEREAS, Nationwide more than half of all incarcerated adults
    24  and two-thirds of all adults involved in the criminal justice
    25  system are parents to more than 100 million minor children, and
    26  58% of those minor children of incarcerated parents are ten
    27  years of age or under; and
    28     WHEREAS, Conservative estimates report more than 78,000 men
    29  and women are incarcerated in Pennsylvania State and county
    30  prisons, and the latest available estimates report the average
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     1  expenditure for incarceration in the Philadelphia Prison System
     2  per person is over $75 a day, with an average head count of over
     3  7,600 per day--amounting to nearly $573,000 per day in
     4  corrections costs and climbing to an approximate total of $44
     5  million for the average 76.1-day stay of inmates in the
     6  Philadelphia Prison System population; and
     7     WHEREAS, When the estimated 35,000 prisoners who are rotating
     8  through the Philadelphia Prison System every year are added to
     9  the 75 people released by the Philadelphia Prison System each
    10  day and that total is combined with the numbers of others
    11  already in Philadelphia communities under correctional
    12  constraint or supervision, on any given day 51,000 individuals
    13  are circulating in Philadelphia with active connection to the
    14  criminal justice system; and
    15     WHEREAS, These factors and other findings make the mission to
    16  establish effective ways and means to facilitate long-term
    17  successful reentry and reintegration of prisoners and offenders
    18  into our communities a critical government priority; and
    19     WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States has recently
    20  allocated approximately $100 million toward reentry program
    21  strategy and development through some 23 governmental
    22  departments and agencies, reflecting a national trend in many
    23  areas around the country to seek innovative methods for meeting
    24  the challenge and reaping the benefits of reentry program
    25  management; and
    26     WHEREAS, The Re-entry Oversight Board and Committee of the
    27  Philadelphia Prison System and the Philadelphia Consensus Group
    28  on Re-entry--both groups comprised of over 30 public/private
    29  agency and organizational reentry stakeholders--along with the
    30  Philadelphia Prison Society and numerous other groups and
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     1  programs involved in educational, vocational and other essential
     2  social services delivery have taken initiatives to focus
     3  attention, garner advocacy and coordinate efforts around this
     4  tremendously important issue; therefore be it
     5     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives urge the Council
     6  of the City of Philadelphia to authorize the council's Committee
     7  on Public Safety to conduct public hearings to examine and
     8  analyze the community reentry process of ex-offenders and
     9  persons under authority of the criminal justice system, hear
    10  testimony and collect data on related public, private and
    11  community-based programs and policy efforts so as to determine
    12  what actions council may take to help deliver the resources and
    13  support required to operate and promote such programs and
    14  policies.

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