No. 208 Session of 1995

           JONES, SEPTEMBER 19, 1995

           SEPTEMBER 19, 1995

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Congratulating the Great Lakes Commission on the occasion of the
     2     40th Anniversary of its establishment.

     3     WHEREAS, On July 1, 1955, the Great Lakes Commission was
     4  established, via the Great Lakes Basin Compact, "to promote the
     5  orderly, integrated and comprehensive development, use and
     6  conservation of the water resources of the Great Lakes Basin";
     7  and
     8     WHEREAS, The Great Lakes Commission, as an interstate compact
     9  agency founded in Federal and State law, provides a forum to
    10  address basinwide issues of environmental protection, resource
    11  management, transportation and economic development; and
    12     WHEREAS, The Great Lakes Commission, through information
    13  sharing, policy development and interjurisdictional
    14  coordination, has long served its member states as an
    15  influential and unified voice at the Federal and Congressional
    16  levels and as a valued advisor to governors, state agencies and
    17  legislatures; and

     1     WHEREAS, Great Lakes Commission programs reflect and embody
     2  the notion of sustainable development and demonstrate a true
     3  integration of environmental protection and economic development
     4  goals; and
     5     WHEREAS, The Great Lakes Commission has long embraced the
     6  principles of an ecosystem approach to resource management and
     7  pioneered techniques for promoting consistency, consensus
     8  building and collective action in a complex binational and
     9  multijurisdictional setting; and
    10     WHEREAS, The Great Lakes Commission has fostered a sense of
    11  community, partnership and shared vision among the many diverse
    12  interests throughout the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Basin; and
    13     WHEREAS, The Great Lakes Commission has distinguished itself
    14  as a leader in other areas, including development of such
    15  regional agreements as the Declaration of Indiana maritime
    16  agreement and the Ecosystem Charter for the Great Lakes-St.
    17  Lawrence Basin; the Great Lakes Information Network and other
    18  communications and information management technology; the Great
    19  Lakes Basin Program for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control and
    20  other basin-specific programs for environmental protection; the
    21  Great Lakes Circle Tour and other water-based tourism and travel
    22  promotion programs; the Great Lakes Regional Water Use Database
    23  and other water quality management programs; and the Great Lakes
    24  Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species and other resource management
    25  programs; and
    26     WHEREAS, Through the outstanding leadership and dedication of
    27  its membership, the Great Lakes Commission approaches the 21st
    28  century well positioned to serve the Great Lakes states as they
    29  address emerging challenges and opportunities; therefore be it
    30     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives congratulate the
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     1  Great Lakes Commission on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary
     2  of its establishment; and be it further
     3     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives applaud the Great
     4  Lakes Commission for its service to this Commonwealth and all
     5  Great Lakes states in advancing their shared interests and goals
     6  for the world's greatest freshwater system; and be it further
     7     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives pledge continuing
     8  support for and involvement in the Great Lakes Commission in its
     9  future endeavors.

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