See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 264



No. 238 Session of 2005


           FEBRUARY 8, 2005

                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring host municipality agreements for certain municipal and
     2     residual waste facilities; and providing for proximity to
     3     State parks.

     4                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6  Section 2.  Legislative findings and declaration of policy.
     7  Section 3.  Definitions.
     8  Section 4.  Construction of act.
     9  Section 5.  Host municipality agreements.
    10  Section 6.  Proximity to State parks.
    11  Section 7.  Enforcement.
    12  Section 8.  Civil penalties.
    13  Section 9.  Regulations.
    14  Section 10.  Severability.
    15  Section 11.  Repeals.
    16  Section 12.  Effective date.
    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2  Section 1.  Short title.
     3     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Host
     4  Municipality Agreement Act.
     5  Section 2.  Legislative findings and declaration of policy.
     6     (a)  Legislative findings.--The General Assembly hereby
     7  determines, declares and finds that:
     8         (1)  Solid waste practices create public health hazards,
     9     environmental pollution and nuisances and can cause
    10     irreparable harm to the public health, safety and welfare.
    11         (2)  All aspects of solid waste management, particularly
    12     the disposal of solid waste, pose a critical threat to the
    13     health, safety and welfare of the residents of this
    14     Commonwealth when solid waste is improperly managed.
    15         (3)  The Commonwealth is responsible for the protection
    16     of the health, safety and welfare of its residents concerning
    17     solid waste management.
    18         (4)  The construction and expansion of commercial solid
    19     waste landfills and resource recovery facilities usually
    20     consumes natural lands, thereby impinging upon wildlife
    21     habitat and the public's use and enjoyment of the natural
    22     resources, including air, water and natural scenic, historic
    23     and esthetic values of the environment.
    24         (5)  Concentrated traffic in the vicinity of commercial
    25     solid waste landfills and resource recovery facilities can
    26     contribute to and cause substantial harm to this
    27     Commonwealth's roadways and environment and to the health and
    28     safety of the residents of this Commonwealth.
    29         (6)  Communities in the areas located near and along the
    30     approach routes to commercial solid waste landfills and
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     1     resource recovery facilities experience traffic problems,
     2     litter, odors, noise, dust and other nuisances that are
     3     threats to public health and safety resulting from the
     4     operation of the facilities and from the transportation of
     5     waste to these facilities.
     6     (b)  Purposes and goals.--The purposes and goals of this act
     7  are to:
     8         (1)  Provide municipalities across this Commonwealth with
     9     the ability to control the disposal of solid waste in their
    10     communities.
    11         (2)  Enhance the protection of the public health, safety
    12     and welfare from the short-term and long-term dangers
    13     associated with the disposal of solid waste.
    14         (3)  Implement section 27 of Article I of the
    15     Constitution of Pennsylvania.
    16         (4)  Conserve the environment and the natural resources
    17     of this Commonwealth.
    18         (5)  Limit the magnitude of environmental and
    19     transportation problems in and around communities which host
    20     commercial solid waste landfills or resource recovery
    21     facilities.
    22         (6)  Provide for greater local input from affected
    23     residents and communities in the planning of commercial solid
    24     waste landfills and resource recovery facilities.
    25         (7)  Protect residents of the communities affected by
    26     commercial solid waste landfills and resource recovery
    27     facilities from unnecessary traffic problems, litter, odors,
    28     noise, dust and other nuisances that are threats to public
    29     health and safety which may result from the operation of the
    30     facilities and from the transportation of waste to these
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     1     facilities.
     2  Section 3.  Definitions.
     3     (a)  General rule.--Unless specifically defined in this
     4  section, the terms in this act have the same meaning as provided
     5  in the act of July 7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid
     6  Waste Management Act, or the act of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556,
     7  No.101), known as the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and
     8  Waste Reduction Act, or regulations of the Department of
     9  Environmental Protection promulgated thereunder.
    10     (b)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    11  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    12  subsection:
    13     "Commercial solid waste landfill."  A landfill permitted or
    14  proposed for permitting under the act of July 7, 1980 (P.L.380,
    15  No.97), known as the Solid Waste Management Act, for the
    16  disposal of municipal waste, residual waste, construction and
    17  demolition waste or mixed municipal and residual waste,
    18  including mixed municipal or residual waste and construction and
    19  demolition debris. The term does not include a captive residual
    20  waste facility.
    21     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    22  the Commonwealth and its authorized representatives.
    23     "Expansion modification."  An application for permit
    24  modification filed by an owner or operator of a commercial solid
    25  waste landfill or resource recovery facility which requests an
    26  expansion, either laterally or vertically, of a permit area.
    27     "Host municipality."  A municipality other than the county
    28  which meets one of the following criteria:
    29         (1)  a commercial solid waste landfill or resource
    30     recovery facility or any portion of a permit area is located
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     1     or proposed to be located within the municipality; or
     2         (2)  the municipality is located within one mile of the
     3     footprint of a permit area of a proposed or operating
     4     commercial solid waste landfill or resource recovery
     5     facility.
     6     "Host municipality agreement."  A written, legally binding
     7  document or documents executed by authorized officials of each
     8  host municipality and an owner or operator of a commercial solid
     9  waste landfill or resource recovery facility.
    10     "Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction
    11  Act."  The act of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556, No.101), known as the
    12  Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act.
    13     "Permit."  A permit issued pursuant to the act of July 7,
    14  1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste Management Act.
    15     "Solid Waste Management Act."  The act of July 7, 1980
    16  (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste Management Act.
    17     "Volume modification."  An application for permit
    18  modification filed by an owner or operator of a commercial solid
    19  waste landfill or resource recovery facility which requests an
    20  increased in average or maximum daily waste volume.
    21  Section 4.  Construction of act.
    22     (a)  Liberal construction.--This act shall be liberally
    23  construed so as best to achieve and effectuate the goals and
    24  purposes of this act.
    25     (b)  Pari materia.--This act shall be construed in pari
    26  materia with the Solid Waste Management Act, the Municipal Waste
    27  Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act and sections 1935-A
    28  and 1936-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known
    29  as The Administrative Code of 1929.
    30  Section 5.  Host municipality agreements.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--Each host municipality may enter into
     2  negotiations for the development of a host municipality
     3  agreement. If a host municipality agreement is developed, the
     4  governing body of each host municipality shall vote to adopt or
     5  reject the agreement.
     6     (b)  Public notice and public involvement requirements.--
     7         (1)  If negotiations are entered into, each host
     8     municipality shall publish notice that discussions for
     9     developing a host municipality agreement with the commercial
    10     solid waste landfill or resource recovery facility have
    11     begun. The notice also shall describe the public involvement
    12     process that the host municipality will use to develop the
    13     agreement. The notice shall be published once a week for
    14     three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation
    15     in the municipality where the facility or proposed facility
    16     is located. The public involvement process shall, at a
    17     minimum, include the following:
    18             (i)  The host municipality shall hold a special
    19         public hearing at which a proposed host municipality
    20         agreement is presented to the public and at which the
    21         public is provided an opportunity to provide oral and
    22         written testimony. Notice of the hearing shall be
    23         published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
    24         municipality not less than ten days nor more than 30 days
    25         prior to the hearing. A public comment period of no less
    26         than 30 calendar days shall be provided after the public
    27         hearing to accept written comments on the proposed host
    28         municipality agreement.
    29             (ii)  The host municipality shall hold a special
    30         public meeting at which revisions to the proposed host
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     1         municipality agreement are presented to the public by the
     2         municipality, including changes to the proposed host
     3         municipality agreement that were adopted after the public
     4         hearing and public comment period. The public shall be
     5         provided a reasonable opportunity to ask questions to the
     6         host municipality on the host municipality agreement and
     7         to provide public comment. Notice of the hearing shall be
     8         published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
     9         municipality not less than ten days nor more than 30 days
    10         prior to the hearing.
    11             (iii)  The host municipality shall publish the
    12         decision on adopting or rejecting the final agreement
    13         within 30 calendar days of acting.
    14         (2)  The public involvement process may contain
    15     additional public notice and involvement in a manner
    16     determined by the municipality.
    17     (c)  Contents of agreement.--
    18         (1)  A host municipality agreement agreed to and executed
    19     by the parties shall address the following:
    20             (i)  The nature of the proposed facility.
    21             (ii)  The site of the proposed facility or expansion
    22         of the existing facility.
    23             (iii)  Measures to alleviate local issues, such as
    24         haul routes, traffic problems, litter, odors, noise, dust
    25         and any other nuisances that might result from the
    26         operation of the facility. Such local issues shall be
    27         identified by the host municipality.
    28             (iv)  The host benefit fee to be paid by the owner or
    29         operator of the facility to the host municipality, which
    30         fee shall not be less than the statutory minimum fee
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     1         established under the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling
     2         and Waste Reduction Act and any other financial and in-
     3         kind contributions.
     4             (v)  The maximum and daily average waste volume to be
     5         received at the facility.
     6             (vi)  The days and hours of operation of the
     7         facility.
     8             (vii)  The availability of capacity at the facility
     9         for the disposal of solid waste generated within the host
    10         municipality.
    11             (viii)  Activities to promote recycling, waste
    12         reduction and the proper management and disposal of solid
    13         waste generated within the host municipality.
    14             (ix)  The process for resolution in a cooperative and
    15         nonbinding manner of complaints and other grievances
    16         concerning the construction and operation of the
    17         facility.
    18             (x)  Provision for access to the facility and its
    19         records by the host municipality inspector.
    20             (xi)  A statement that if Congress enacts a law that
    21         places restrictions on out-of-State waste, the host
    22         municipality may renegotiate its host municipality
    23         agreement in regard to out-of-State waste.
    24         (2)  A host municipality agreement agreed to and executed
    25     by the parties may address any other terms or conditions to
    26     which the parties agree should be included in the agreement.
    27     (d)  Requirement for host municipality agreement.--
    28         (1)  The department shall revoke the permit of any
    29     currently permitted commercial solid waste landfill or
    30     resource recovery facility that does not execute a host
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     1     municipality agreement in accordance with the schedule
     2     established in this section.
     3         (2)  For a commercial solid waste landfill or resource
     4     recovery facility for which a host municipality agreement was
     5     executed prior to or on the effective date of this act,
     6     except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4), a new host
     7     municipality agreement shall be:
     8             (i)  executed by the owner or operator and the host
     9         municipality or municipalities on the date the existing
    10         host municipality agreement expires or five years after
    11         the effective date of this act, whichever occurs first;
    12         and
    13             (ii)  submitted to the department for review within
    14         30 days of execution.
    15         (3)  For a commercial solid waste landfill or resource
    16     recovery facility for which:
    17             (i)  no host municipality agreement has been executed
    18         as of the effective date of this act; or
    19             (ii)  a host municipality agreement was executed on
    20         or before the effective date of this act but which
    21         agreement expires within two years of the effective date
    22         of this act,
    23     a host municipality agreement shall be executed by the owner
    24     or operator and the host municipality or municipalities
    25     within two years of the effective date of this act and
    26     submitted to the department for review within 30 days of
    27     execution.
    28         (4)  For any commercial solid waste landfill or resource
    29     recovery facility for which a host municipality agreement was
    30     executed prior to or on the effective date of this act but
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     1     which has not begun to accept solid waste as of the effective
     2     date of this act, a new host municipality agreement shall be
     3     executed by the owner or operator and the host municipality
     4     or municipalities within two years of the effective date of
     5     this act and submitted to the department for approval within
     6     30 days of execution.
     7         (5)  A new host municipality agreement for each host
     8     municipality shall be executed in accordance with this
     9     section and submitted to the department for review for any
    10     expansion modification or volume modification filed by an
    11     owner or operator of a commercial solid waste landfill or
    12     resource recovery facility after the effective date of this
    13     act.
    14         (6)  A host municipality agreement shall be executed in
    15     accordance with this section by an owner or operator and the
    16     host municipality or municipalities and shall be submitted to
    17     the department for review for any new commercial solid waste
    18     landfill or resource recovery facility.
    19     (e)  Relationship to permit applications.--
    20         (1)  An application for a permit, volume modification or
    21     expansion modification for a commercial solid waste landfill
    22     or resource recovery facility which is submitted to the
    23     department for review after the effective date of this act
    24     shall only be accepted as administratively complete under
    25     section 512(a) of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and
    26     Waste Reduction Act and the regulations promulgated
    27     thereunder if it includes written evidence that a host
    28     municipality agreement complies with the requirements of this
    29     section and has been executed by the applicant and each host
    30     municipality. Such written evidence shall be contained as
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     1     part of the application.
     2         (2)  An application for a permit, volume modification or
     3     expansion modification for a commercial solid waste landfill
     4     or resource recovery facility which is submitted to the
     5     department for review on, before or after the effective date
     6     of this act shall be issued by the department only if a host
     7     municipality agreement that complies with this section has
     8     been executed by the applicant and each host municipality.
     9     The department shall not issue the permit or permit
    10     modification until an executed host municipality agreement
    11     has been submitted to the department.
    12     (f)  Department review of host municipality agreements.--
    13         (1)  For all host municipality agreements submitted to
    14     the department for review under this section, the department
    15     shall review each executed host municipality agreement to
    16     ensure that the agreement addresses the requirements of
    17     subsection (c)(1) and also to ensure that there has been
    18     compliance with the public notice and public comment
    19     requirements of subsection (b).
    20         (2)  The department shall review the terms and conditions
    21     of the host municipality agreement that address subsection
    22     (c)(1)(iii), (v), (vi), (vii) and (viii) to ensure the terms
    23     and conditions of the host municipality agreement are not in
    24     conflict with the terms and conditions of the existing or
    25     proposed permit and applicable regulations. Where the
    26     department determines there is a conflict between the terms
    27     and conditions of the host municipality agreement and the
    28     terms and conditions of the regulations or existing or
    29     proposed permit, the more stringent or restrictive
    30     requirement or condition as determined by the department
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     1     shall apply. In making its determination, the department
     2     shall consider any comments submitted by any affected or
     3     potentially affected party. The department shall modify the
     4     permit to incorporate any such term or condition, including
     5     any term or condition that is not addressed in the proposed
     6     or existing permit.
     7     (g)  Enforcement of host municipality agreement.--
     8         (1)  The terms of a host municipality agreement shall be
     9     enforceable by the parties to the agreement. The courts of
    10     common pleas are hereby given jurisdiction over disputes
    11     between the host municipality and the facility owner or
    12     operator regarding the enforcement of a host municipality
    13     agreement.
    14         (2)  A host municipality which is successful in an action
    15     brought under this subsection to enforce an agreement
    16     involving a facility owner or operator shall be awarded
    17     reasonable attorney fees and costs of litigation.
    18     (h)  Reimbursement of host municipality costs.--At the
    19  request of a host municipality, the department shall reimburse
    20  the host municipality for costs incurred in negotiating a host
    21  municipality agreement under this section. Costs covered shall
    22  be limited to costs incurred for professional fees for lawyers,
    23  engineers and other professionals used in the efforts to reach
    24  an agreement. Any reimbursement shall be provided from funds in
    25  the recycling fund established by section 706 of the Municipal
    26  Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act or in the
    27  Solid Waste Abatement Fund established under section 701 of the
    28  Solid Waste Management Act, upon approval by the Governor.
    29  Reimbursement shall not exceed $50,000 for each host
    30  municipality agreement. The combined total reimbursement from
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     1  the two funds shall not exceed $750,000 annually or $2,500,000
     2  over a five-year period from the effective date of this act.
     3     (i)  Relationship to other laws.--
     4         (1)  To the extent the terms of a host municipality
     5     agreement differ from any existing ordinance adopted pursuant
     6     to section 304(b) of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling
     7     and Waste Reduction Act and concerning:
     8             (i)  the hours and days during which vehicles may
     9         deliver waste to the commercial solid waste facility or
    10         resource recovery facility; or
    11             (ii)  the routing of traffic to and from the
    12         commercial solid waste landfill or resource recovery
    13         facility,
    14     the host municipality shall amend the ordinance to comply
    15     with the agreement within 90 days of the adoption of the host
    16     municipality agreement.
    17         (2)  Host municipality agreements shall be executed by
    18     the parties in the manner provided for in this act and shall
    19     not be subject to competitive bidding or other competitive
    20     procurement requirements.
    21         (3)  The provisions of section 1305 of the Municipal
    22     Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act shall be
    23     applicable to any host benefit fee set forth in any host
    24     municipality agreement executed pursuant to this act.
    25         (4)  Except as required by this section, the discussions
    26     for developing a host municipality agreement shall not be
    27     subject to the requirements of 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to
    28     open meetings).
    29  Section 6.  Proximity to State parks.
    30     No new municipal waste or residual waste landfill or resource
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     1  recovery facility may be permitted to operate within 2,500 feet
     2  of a Pennsylvania State park.
     3  Section 7.  Enforcement.
     4     (a)  Orders.--
     5         (1)  The department may issue orders to persons and
     6     municipalities as it deems necessary to aid in the
     7     enforcement of this act. An order issued under this act shall
     8     take effect upon notice unless the order specifies otherwise.
     9         (2)  An appeal to the Environmental Hearing Board shall
    10     not act as a supersedeas.
    11         (3)  The power of the department to issue an order under
    12     this act is in addition to any other remedy which may be
    13     afforded to the department pursuant to this act or any other
    14     act.
    15     (b)  Duty to comply with orders of department.--It shall be
    16  the duty of any person and municipality to proceed diligently to
    17  comply with any order issued pursuant to this section. If the
    18  person or municipality fails to proceed diligently or fails to
    19  comply with the order within the time, if any, as may be
    20  specified, the person or municipality shall be guilty of
    21  contempt and shall be punished by the court in an appropriate
    22  manner and, for this purpose, application may be made by the
    23  department to the court.
    24  Section 8.  Civil penalties.
    25     (a)  Authority.--
    26         (1)  In addition to proceeding under any other remedy
    27     available at law or in equity for a violation of any
    28     provision of this act, any rule or regulation of the
    29     department or order of the department, the department may
    30     assess a civil penalty upon a person for the violation. The
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     1     penalty may be assessed whether or not the violation was
     2     willful or negligent.
     3         (2)  In determining the amount of the penalty, the
     4     department shall consider the willfulness of the violation,
     5     damage to air, water, land or other natural resources of this
     6     Commonwealth or their uses, cost or restoration and
     7     abatement, savings resulting to the person in consequence of
     8     the violation and other relevant factors.
     9         (3)  The maximum civil penalty that may be assessed
    10     pursuant to this section is $25,000 per offense. Each
    11     violation for each separate day and each violation of any
    12     provision of this act, any rule or regulation under this act,
    13     any order of the department or any term or condition of a
    14     permit or permits shall constitute a separate and distinct
    15     offense under this section.
    16     (b)  Procedure.--
    17         (1)  When the department proposes to assess a civil
    18     penalty, it shall inform the person of the proposed amount of
    19     the penalty. The person charged with the penalty shall then
    20     have 30 calendar days to pay the proposed penalty in full or,
    21     if the person wishes to contest the amount of the penalty or
    22     the fact of the violation to the extent not already
    23     established, the person shall forward the proposed amount of
    24     the penalty to the Environmental Hearing Board within the 30-
    25     calendar day period for placement in an escrow account with
    26     the State Treasurer or any Commonwealth bank or post an
    27     appeal bond to the hearing board within 30 calendar days in
    28     the amount of the proposed penalty if the bond is executed by
    29     a surety licensed to do business in this Commonwealth and is
    30     satisfactory to the department.
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     1         (2)  If through administrative or final judicial review
     2     of the proposed penalty it is determined that no violation
     3     occurred or that the amount of the penalty shall be reduced,
     4     the hearing board shall within 30 calendar days remit the
     5     appropriate amount to the person with any interest
     6     accumulated by the escrow deposit.
     7         (3)  Failure to forward the money or the appeal bond at
     8     the time of the appeal shall result in a waiver of all legal
     9     rights to contest the violation or the amount of the civil
    10     penalty unless the appellant alleges financial inability to
    11     prepay the penalty or to post the appeal bond. The hearing
    12     board shall conduct a hearing to consider the appellant's
    13     alleged inability to pay within 30 calendar days of the date
    14     of the appeal.
    15         (4)  The hearing board may waive the requirement to
    16     prepay the civil penalty or to post an appeal bond if the
    17     appellant demonstrates and the hearing board finds that the
    18     appellant is financially unable to pay. The hearing board
    19     shall issue an order within 30 calendar days of the date of
    20     the hearing to consider the appellant's alleged inability to
    21     pay.
    22         (5)  The amount assessed after administrative hearing or
    23     after waiver of administrative hearing shall be payable to
    24     the Commonwealth and shall be collectible in any manner
    25     provided by law for the collection of debts, including the
    26     collection of interest at the legal rate, which shall run
    27     from the date of assessment of the penalty.
    28         (6)  If any person liable to pay a penalty neglects or
    29     refuses to pay the same after demand, the amount, together
    30     with interest and any costs that may accrue, shall constitute
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     1     a debt of the person, as may be appropriate, to the Solid
     2     Waste Abatement Fund. The debt shall constitute a lien on all
     3     property owned by the person when a notice of lien
     4     incorporating a description of the property of the person
     5     subject to the action is filed with the prothonotary of the
     6     court of common pleas where the property is located.
     7         (7)  The prothonotary shall promptly enter upon the civil
     8     judgment or order docket, at no cost to the department, the
     9     name and address of the person, as may be appropriate, and
    10     the amount of the lien as set forth in the notice of lien.
    11     Upon entry by the prothonotary, the lien shall attach to the
    12     revenues and all real and personal property of the person,
    13     whether or not the person is solvent.
    14         (8)  The notice of lien, filed pursuant to this
    15     subsection, which affects the property of the person shall
    16     create a lien with priority over all subsequent claims or
    17     liens which are filed against the person, but it shall not
    18     affect any valid lien, right or interest in the property
    19     filed in accordance with established procedure prior to the
    20     filing of a notice of lien under this subsection.
    21  Section 9.  Regulations.
    22     The Environmental Quality Board shall have the power and its
    23  duty shall be to adopt the regulations of the department to
    24  accomplish the purposes and to carry out the provisions of this
    25  act.
    26  Section 10.  Severability.
    27     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
    28  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
    29  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    30  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
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     1  the invalid provision or application.
     2  Section 11.  Repeals.
     3     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
     4  inconsistent with this act.
     5  Section 12.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect immediately.

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