No. 250 Session of 1990

           JANUARY 31, 1990


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Memorializing the Congress of the United States to protect the
     2     environmental, economic and health and safety interests of
     3     the people of Pennsylvania in regard to the Clean Air Act
     4     Amendments of 1989 now before the United States Senate.

     5     WHEREAS, On December 20, 1989, the United States Senate
     6  Committee on Environment and Public Works reported Senate Bill
     7  1630 and report number 101-228; and
     8     WHEREAS, Section 303 of Senate Bill 1630, known as the Clean
     9  Air Act Amendments of 1989, includes a new provision which would
    10  prohibit state and local governments from controlling forms of
    11  radioactive air pollution; and
    12     WHEREAS, If adopted, section 303 would transfer the power to
    13  regulate radioactive air emissions from the Environmental
    14  Protection Agency, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and local
    15  governments, where it now resides, to the Nuclear Regulatory
    16  Commission and give the commission exclusive authority to
    17  regulate the health hazards from the materials which it
    18  licenses; and

     1     WHEREAS, Section 303 would exempt all radioactive substances
     2  regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission from the legal
     3  definition of "air pollutant" in the Clean Air Act; and
     4     WHEREAS, When the United States Congress in the Clean Air Act
     5  of 1977 transferred authority to regulate radioactive air
     6  emissions from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the
     7  Environmental Protection Agency, Congress expressly stated that
     8  it did not intend to deny the right of any state or political
     9  subdivision thereof to adopt or enforce any standard or
    10  limitation respecting emissions of air pollutants; and
    11     WHEREAS, Passage of this section may result in an increase in
    12  the number of applications for the siting of radioactive
    13  incinerators and compacting stations in this Commonwealth; and
    14     WHEREAS, Any air emissions ordinances in existence or
    15  proposed in this Commonwealth with respect to radioactive air
    16  emissions standards would be rendered invalid; and
    17     WHEREAS, The section 303 will have a direct negative impact
    18  on the ability of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
    19  Resources to protect the health and welfare of the citizens of
    20  this Commonwealth; and
    21     WHEREAS, If the enforcement power of the Environmental
    22  Protection Agency is removed pursuant to the Clean Air Act of
    23  1977, the states will lose the authority to enforce standards
    24  set by the Environmental Protection Agency; therefore be it
    25     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the
    26  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania memorialize the President and the
    27  Congress of the United States to:
    28         (1)  amend the United States Senate Bill 1630, known as
    29     the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1989, to allow the continued
    30     control of radioactive air emissions by the Commonwealth of
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     1     Pennsylvania and its political subdivisions;
     2         (2)  reaffirm the action taken by Congress in the Clean
     3     Air Act of 1977 which expressly disavowed any intent to
     4     preempt state and local authority in the matter of
     5     radioactive air emissions;
     6         (3)  support an amendment to Senate Bill 1630 which
     7     allows state and local regulation of radioactive emissions
     8     from Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulated facilities;
     9         (4)  not allow any duties currently in the hands of the
    10     Environmental Protection Agency to be transferred to the
    11     Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
    12         (5)  specifically protect the traditional rights of state
    13     and local governments to protect against health hazards by
    14     expressly not preempting state and local laws that provide
    15     for the protection from and control of hazards of any form of
    16     radioactive emissions;
    17         (6)  protect the environmental, economic and health and
    18     safety interests of the citizens of the Commonwealth of
    19     Pennsylvania by protecting and expanding the rights of our
    20     citizens under the Clean Air Amendments of 1989; and be it
    21     further
    22     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    23  the President, the presiding officers of the Congress and each
    24  member of Congress.

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