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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 281



No. 253 Session of 1989

           LaGROTTA AND DALEY, FEBRUARY 6, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317), entitled,
     2     as reenacted and amended, "An act relating to cities of the
     3     third class; and amending, revising, and consolidating the
     4     law relating thereto," permitting interests in police pension
     5     funds to vest after 12 years under certain conditions;
     6     providing for the amount of the retirement allowance benefit
     7     vested; and adding a definition.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  The act of June 23, 1931 (P.L.932, No.317), known
    11  as The Third Class City Code, reenacted and amended June 28,
    12  1951 (P.L.662, No.164), is amended by adding a section to read:
    13     Section 4302.1.  Limited Vested Benefit.--(a)  The ordinance
    14  may provide for a limited vested benefit if such would conform
    15  to section 305 of the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005,
    16  No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard
    17  and Recovery Act." Under the provisions of the benefit, should a
    18  member of the police pension fund, before completing the minimum
    19  age and minimum period of continuous service requirements but
    20  after having completed twelve years of full-time service, the

     1  member shall be entitled to vest his or her retirement benefits
     2  subject to the following conditions:
     3     (1)  the member must file with the management board of the
     4  police pension fund a written notice of his or her intention to
     5  vest;
     6     (2)  the member must include in the notice, the date the
     7  member intends to terminate his or her service as a full-time
     8  police officer;
     9     (3)  the termination date shall be at least thirty days later
    10  than the date of notice to vest;
    11     (4)  the member must be in good standing with the police
    12  department on the date of notice to vest; and
    13     (5)  the board shall indicate on the notice to vest the rate
    14  of the monthly pay of the member as of the date of said notice
    15  to vest or the highest average annual salary which the member
    16  received during any five years of service preceding said date,
    17  whichever is the higher.
    18     (b)  Upon reaching the date which would have been the
    19  member's retirement date had the member continued his or her
    20  full-time employment with the police department, the member
    21  shall notify the board, in writing, that the member desires to
    22  collect his or her pension. The amount of retirement benefits
    23  the member is entitled to receive under this section shall be
    24  computed as follows:
    25     (1)  the initial determination of the member's base
    26  retirement benefits shall be computed on the salary indicated on
    27  the notice to vest; and
    28     (2)  the portion of the base retirement benefits due the
    29  member shall be determined by applying to the base amount the
    30  percentage that his or her years of service actually rendered
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     1  bears to the years of service which would have been rendered had
     2  the member continued to be employed by the department until his
     3  or her minimum retirement date.
     4     Section 2.  Section 4303(a) of the act, amended May 9, 1961
     5  (P.L.178, No.88), is amended to read:
     6     Section 4303.  Allowances and Service Increments.--(a)
     7  Payments for allowances shall not be a charge on any other fund
     8  in the treasury of the city or under its control save the police
     9  pension fund herein provided for. The basis of the apportionment
    10  of the pension shall be determined by the rate of the monthly
    11  pay of the member at the date of injury, death, honorable
    12  discharge, vesting under section 4302.1 or retirement, or the
    13  highest average annual salary which the member received during
    14  any five years of service preceding injury, death, honorable
    15  discharge, vesting under section 4302.1 or retirement, whichever
    16  is the higher, and except as to service increments provided for
    17  in subsection (b) of this section, shall not in any case exceed
    18  in any year one-half the annual pay of such member computed at
    19  such monthly or average annual rate, whichever is the higher.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    22     Section 4309.  Definitions.--As used in this subdivision the
    23  term "salary" is defined as the total income paid to the member
    24  by the city from which pension contributions have been deducted.
    25     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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