No. 269 Session of 1981

           JANUARY 27, 1981

           JANUARY 27, 1981

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for a job creation economic expansion program.

     2     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     3  hereby enacts as follows:
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Job Creation
     6  Economic Expansion Act."
     7  Section 2.  Policy.
     8     (a)  It is hereby the declared public policy of the General
     9  Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that a maximum
    10  Statewide effort be directed toward the creation of jobs and the
    11  expansion of business investment in the private sector.
    12     (b)  To encourage this economic growth, the General Assembly
    13  by this act intends to provide a stimulus to business and
    14  industry in the form of rebates related directly to the hiring
    15  and rehiring of employees to fill either new or recreated

     1  positions and tax credits related to the amount of new capital
     2  investment in the Commonwealth.
     3  Section 3.  Definitions.
     4     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     5  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
     6  meanings given to them in this section:
     7     "Average yearly employment."  The number of employees
     8  determined by dividing the total number of employees reported to
     9  the Bureau of Labor and Industry on form UC-2 for each calendar
    10  quarter, by four.
    11     "Base year."  The calendar year 1981.
    12     "Base year index."  The amount of unemployment compensation
    13  contributions an employer made for calendar year 1981.
    14     "Business."  An individual proprietorship, partnership or
    15  corporation.
    16     "Department."  The Department of Revenue.
    17     "Employer."  An individual proprietorship, partnership or
    18  corporation employing one or more persons for a salary, wage,
    19  commission or other compensation and subject to the act of
    20  December 5, 1936 (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as
    21  the "Unemployment Compensation Law."
    22     "Individual."  A natural person who operates a business
    23  either as a sole proprietor or as a partner in a partnership and
    24  is subject to tax under Article III of the act of March 4, 1971
    25  (P.L.6, No.2), known as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971."
    26     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Revenue.
    27  Section 4.  Rebate for the creation of jobs.
    28     There shall be allowed as an incentive for the creation of
    29  jobs, a rebate to all employers, of their unemployment
    30  compensation contribution in excess of the calculated base year
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     1  index made to the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Fund
     2  because of their establishing or increasing employment in the
     3  Commonwealth. The rebate shall be allowed and calculated as
     4  follows:
     5         (1)  Calculation of the base year index shall be made by
     6     each employer seeking to claim a job rebate under this act.
     7         (2)  For calendar year 1982 and any year thereafter in
     8     which a rebate is allowed pursuant to paragraphs (3) and (4),
     9     an employer shall be eligible for a rebate under this act if:
    10             (i)  such employer's yearly average employment for
    11         the current year exceeds by at least five, the average
    12         yearly employment for the base year; and
    13             (ii)  such employer's contributions to the
    14         unemployment compensation fund for the current year
    15         exceeds the base year index.
    16  The rebate for any calendar year shall be the amount by which
    17  the current year's contribution exceeds the employer's
    18  calculated base year index. Such rebates shall be payable from
    19  the General Fund.
    20         (3)  If the jobs so created were:
    21             (i)  Established in conjunction with capital
    22         investment in a new business facility or an expanded
    23         business facility such employer shall be entitled to a
    24         rebate, as long as qualified, with respect to the number
    25         of employees in excess of the base year average, for five
    26         consecutive calendar years. In the event an employer,
    27         initially qualifies hereunder but for any reason fails to
    28         qualify in any of the succeeding years of eligibility,
    29         such nonqualification shall terminate the right to any
    30         future rebate.
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     1             (ii)  Established without concurrent capital
     2         investment in any new or expanded business facility then
     3         such employer shall be entitled to a rebate for two
     4         consecutive calendar years. In the event such employer,
     5         for any reason, does not qualify in the second year, such
     6         nonqualification shall terminate the right to any future
     7         rebate.
     8         (4) (i)  Eligibility for initial claims for rebates under
     9         this act shall terminate with claims for calendar year
    10         1985.
    11             (ii)  Any employer who has made an initial claim
    12         within the above period shall be entitled the full number
    13         of years of eligibility set out in paragraph (3) and
    14         shall be entitled use of the carry over provision of
    15         paragraph (6).
    16         (5)  In order to minimize the administrative costs in
    17     affecting these rebates, the amount or allowable portion
    18     thereof shall be returned to the employer in conjunction with
    19     the personal or corporate income tax return of such employer
    20     due next after the end of the calendar year of rebate
    21     eligibility by reducing the amount of additional payment
    22     required or by increasing the amount of refund otherwise due:
    23     Provided, however, That any such rebate is not and shall not
    24     be construed as affecting the tax liability of any taxpayer.
    25     The Department of Revenue is hereby authorized to pay the
    26     rebates provided for herein.
    27         (6) (i)  The claim for any rebate in any year shall not
    28         exceed one-half of the amount of tax liability on the tax
    29         return used to affect the rebate.
    30             (ii)  In the event the full rebate cannot be claimed
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     1         in any year, the unused portion of any year's entitlement
     2         shall carry over and is hereby specifically allowed
     3         without limit to be claimed in future years until the
     4         full amount of the allowable rebate is received.
     5  Section 5.  Investment and plant expansion credits.
     6     (a)  Plant expansion credit:
     7         (1)  Beginning with the taxable year which commences in
     8     the calendar year 1982 and each year thereafter, there shall
     9     be allowed for all businesses, a credit against the tax
    10     imposed by sections 302, 402 and 502 of the "Tax Reform Code
    11     of 1971," for qualified investment in new or expanded plant
    12     facilities within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    13         (2)  (i)  The credit for corporations subject to tax
    14         under section 402 or 502 of the "Tax Reform Code of
    15         1971," shall be $100 for each $100,000 or a major
    16         fraction thereof invested in a new or expanded business
    17         facility.
    18             (ii)  The credit for individuals subject to tax under
    19         section 302 of the "Tax Reform Code of 1971," shall be in
    20         an amount for each $100,000 or major fraction thereof
    21         invested in a new or expanded business facility
    22         determined by multiplying $100 times the ratio that the
    23         tax rate imposed by section 302 of the "Tax Reform Code
    24         of 1971" bears to the tax rate imposed by section 402 of
    25         the "Tax Reform Code of 1971."
    26         (3)  A new business facility shall mean a structure
    27     including but not limited to a factory, mill, plant, refiner,
    28     warehouse or other building within which people are
    29     customarily employed or which is customarily used to house
    30     machinery or equipment. In order to qualify as a new business
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     1     facility, such facility shall meet the following
     2     requirements:
     3             (i)  The facility must be used by the taxpayer in the
     4         operation of a revenue-producing enterprise. A taxpayer
     5         whose only activity respecting the facility is to lease
     6         it cannot qualify the facility as a revenue-producing
     7         enterprise. If the taxpayer uses a portion of the
     8         facility in a qualifying manner and leases the remainder
     9         to others, the taxpayer may claim only that portion of
    10         the facility which qualifies.
    11             (ii)  The facility shall be acquired by or leased to
    12         the taxpayer after December 31, 1981.
    13             (iii)  The facility cannot have been used immediately
    14         prior to acquisition by the taxpayer as a revenue-
    15         producing enterprise of the same or substantially
    16         identical type. If the preceding owner or lessor of the
    17         premises operated a revenue-producing enterprise of the
    18         same or substantially the same type as that to be
    19         operated by the taxpayer, then the taxpayer cannot claim
    20         a credit.
    21             (iv)  The facility must not be used as a replacement
    22         business facility.
    23         (4)  The expansion of an existing facility may qualify
    24     for a credit under this section if, in addition to meeting
    25     requirements of subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iv) of paragraph
    26     (3):
    27             (i)  the investment made to expand the facility
    28         exceeds $1,000,000; or
    29             (ii)  the investment made to expand the facility is
    30         in excess of 100% of the taxpayer's original investment
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     1         in the facility being so expanded.
     2         (5) (i)  No credit shall be allowed for investment in a
     3         replacement facility unless the investment exceeds
     4         $3,000,000 or 300% of the taxpayer's original investment
     5         in the old facility. In such case, the replacement
     6         facility shall be considered an expanded business
     7         facility for purposes of receiving this credit.
     8             (ii)  A replacement business facility is one which
     9         replaces a facility which previously had been located
    10         within the Commonwealth. It shall be presumed that a new
    11         facility is a replacement for an old facility if either
    12         of the following conditions are met:
    13                 (A)  The old facility had been operated by the
    14             taxpayer or a related taxpayer for three of the
    15             preceding five years before the taxable year in which
    16             commercial operations were commenced at the new
    17             facility.
    18                 (B)  The old facility was used by the taxpayer or
    19             a related taxpayer in the operation of a revenue-
    20             producing enterprise and the taxpayer continues to
    21             operate the same or substantially the same type of
    22             revenue-producing enterprise at the new facility.
    23         (6) (i)  In no case shall the credit granted in any year
    24         exceed:
    25                 (A)  For corporations the tax imposed pursuant to
    26             section 402 or 502 of the "Tax Reform Code of 1971."
    27                 (B)  For individuals that portion of the entire
    28             tax imposed pursuant to section 302 of the "Tax
    29             Reform Code of 1971" attributable to income from net
    30             profits as defined by section 303(a)(2) of the "Tax
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     1             Reform Code of 1971."
     2             (ii)  In the event the entire credit allowable cannot
     3         be taken in the initial year of eligibility, the unused
     4         portion may be carried over into the two succeeding
     5         taxable years: Provided, however, That if the business in
     6         the initial year of eligibility had a net loss from
     7         operations, the allowable credit shall carry over and
     8         shall be available initially in the first year in which
     9         such business shows a net profit.
    10     (b)  Investment credit:
    11         (1)  Beginning with the taxable year which commences in
    12     the calendar year 1982 and each year thereafter, there shall
    13     be allowed for all businesses a credit against the tax
    14     imposed by sections 302, 402 and 502 of the "Tax Reform Code
    15     of 1971" for qualified investment in tangible personal
    16     property predominantly used within the Commonwealth.
    17         (2) (i)  The credit for corporations subject to tax under
    18         sections 402 and 502 of the "Tax Reform Code of 1971"
    19         shall equal 5% of the qualifying investment placed in
    20         service during the current taxable year. If the tax
    21         liability of the corporation computed before any credits
    22         exceeds $25,000 the credit may not exceed $25,000 plus
    23         50% of the tax liability over that amount.
    24             (ii)  In no case shall the credit for a corporation
    25         in any year exceed its tax liability for that year
    26         imposed pursuant to section 402 or 502 of the "Tax Reform
    27         Code of l971."
    28             (iii)  The credit for individuals subject to tax
    29         under section 302 of the "Tax Reform Code of 1971" shall
    30         equal such percent of the qualified investment found by
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     1         multiplying 5% by the ratio that the tax rate imposed by
     2         section 302 of the "Tax Reform Code of 1971" bears to the
     3         tax rate imposed by section 402 of the "Tax Reform Code
     4         of 1971," placed in service during the current taxable
     5         year.
     6             (iv)  In no case shall the credit for an individual
     7         in any year exceed that portion of the entire tax
     8         liability for said year imposed by section 302 of the
     9         "Tax Reform Code of 1971" attributable to income from net
    10         profits as defined by section 303(a)(2) of the "Tax
    11         Reform Code of 1971."
    12         (3)  The amount of qualifying investment is the sum of
    13     the basis of new qualifying property and up to $100,000 of
    14     the cost of used qualifying property. If the qualifying
    15     property has a useful life of less than seven, but at least
    16     five years, the amount of qualifying investment shall be only
    17     two-thirds of the basis or cost. If the qualifying property
    18     has a useful life of less than five, but at least three
    19     years, the amount of the qualifying investment shall be only
    20     one-third of the basis or cost. No credit shall be allowed
    21     for property with a useful life less than three years.
    22         (4)  A qualifying investment is one made in depreciable
    23     or amortizable tangible personal property, or tangible
    24     property, other than a building or its components, used as an
    25     integral part of manufacturing, extraction, or production, or
    26     elevators and escalators, or research and development
    27     facilities, or facilities for the bulk storage of fungible
    28     commodities. Property used predominately to furnish lodging
    29     is not qualifying property except for investment in a hotel
    30     or motel furnishing accommodations predominately to
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     1     transients, and vending machines, washing machines and dryers
     2     in lodging facilities. Livestock, except for horses, is
     3     qualifying property if, within a one-year period starting six
     4     months before the date of acquisition, substantially
     5     identical livestock is disposed of without any credit
     6     recapture, provided that the amount of the credit will be
     7     allowed only on the excess of the cost of the acquired
     8     livestock over the amount realized on the disposition. No
     9     credit shall be allowed for investment for movie and
    10     television films and tape, or for property used by a tax
    11     exempt organization, or used by or leased to or by a
    12     governmental unit. Lessors are eligible for the credit only
    13     if the leased property has been manufactured or produced by
    14     the lessor or if the term of the lease is less than 50% of
    15     the useful life of the leased property and the lessor's
    16     business expense deductions, other than rental payments are
    17     reimbursed expenses, related to the property are more than
    18     15% of the rental income from the property for the first year
    19     of the lease.
    20         (5)  Where property is disposed of before the end of its
    21     estimated useful life, the tax for the year of disposal shall
    22     be increased by the difference between the credit originally
    23     allowed and the credit that would have been allowed if the
    24     computation had been based on the actual period of use.
    25     Property is disposed of if it is transferred to a
    26     nonqualifying use.
    27  Section 6.  Procedure and enforcement.
    28     (a)  The secretary shall provide appropriate forms to
    29  calculate and allow the rebate and credits authorized by this
    30  act and the secretary may require the submission of copies of
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     1  Federal Form 940, UC-2's or other data as he determines.
     2     (b)  The department shall enforce the provisions of this act
     3  and is hereby empowered to prescribe, adopt, promulgate and
     4  enforce rules and regulations relating to any matter or thing
     5  pertaining to the administration and enforcement of the
     6  provisions of this act and the allowance or rebate credits and
     7  penalties imposed by this act. The Department of Labor and
     8  Industry shall fully cooperate with the Department of Revenue in
     9  setting up procedures for necessary exchanges of information
    10  necessitated by provisions of this act.
    11     (c)  The Secretaries of Revenue and Labor and Industry or any
    12  agent authorized in writing by them, are hereby authorized to
    13  examine the books, papers and records and to investigate the
    14  character of any business in order to verify the accuracy of any
    15  report made. Every such business is hereby directed and required
    16  to give to these departments, or their duly authorized agent,
    17  the means, facilities and opportunity for such examination and
    18  investigations, as are hereby provided and authorized.
    19  Section 7.  Penalty.
    20     Any person who shall willfully make a false and fraudulent
    21  return shall be guilty of willful and corrupt perjury, and in
    22  addition to any other punishment, shall be liable to pay to the
    23  department three times the amount of the fraudulent claim.
    24  Section 8.  Effective date.
    25     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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