See other bills
under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 294                       PRINTER'S NO. 1616



No. 271 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to convey
     2     a portion of a Project 70 tract of land in the Township of
     3     North Newton, Cumberland County, under certain conditions, to
     4     the Township of North Newton, a municipal corporation of the
     5     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and authorizing the
     6     Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to convey a portion of
     7     a Project 70 tract of land in the Township of West Pennsboro,
     8     Cumberland County, under certain conditions, to the Township
     9     of West Pennsboro, a municipal corporation of the
    10     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Township of North Newton, Cumberland County.
    14     (a)  Authorization.--Under the requirements of section 20(b)
    15  of the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.131, No.8), known as
    16  the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act, the General
    17  Assembly hereby authorizes the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
    18  Commission to convey a portion of its Big Spring Creek Property
    19  located in the Township of North Newton, Cumberland County to
    20  the Township of North Newton for inclusion into the right-of-way
    21  of Nealy Road of the Township's roadway system.

     1     (b)  Freedom of restrictions.--The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
     2  Commission is authorized to convey a portion of its Big Spring
     3  Creek Property being a 4,260 Square Feet, more or less, tract of
     4  land, as described in subsection (d), lying adjacent to the
     5  right-of-way of Nealy Road of the Township of North Newton from
     6  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Township of North Newton
     7  free of restrictions on use and alienation prescribed by the
     8  Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act, provided the
     9  conveyance shall be subject to all easements of record and the
    10  following conditions:
    11         (1)  If, at any time, the Township of North Newton shall
    12     abandon the herein described property or restrict its use in
    13     any way that it is not open to free public use and enjoyment,
    14     the said property shall revert to the ownership of the
    15     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for use by the Pennsylvania Fish
    16     and Boat Commission.
    17         (2)  The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission shall
    18     retain at all times the unrestricted right of ingress, egress
    19     and regress over the said property.
    20     (c)  Execution.--The deed of conveyance from the Pennsylvania
    21  Fish and Boat Commission to the Township of North Newton shall
    22  be executed by the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Fish
    23  and Boat Commission in the name of the Commonwealth of
    24  Pennsylvania for use by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
    25  Commission and shall be approved for legality and form by the
    26  Authorized Agency Attorney of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
    27  Commission and the Office of Attorney General. Costs and fees
    28  incidental to the conveyance shall be borne by the Township.
    29     (d)  Description of premise to be conveyed.--The portion of
    30  the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's Big Spring Creek
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     1  Property to be conveyed under this section is described as
     2  follows:
     3     ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the
     4  Township of North Newton, County of Cumberland, Commonwealth of
     5  Pennsylvania, being 55 feet wide and extending 27.5 feet
     6  perpendicular to each side of a line described as follows:
     7  BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Nealy Road, on the
     8  common boundary between the Township of North Newton and the
     9  Township of West Pennsboro, and in Big Spring Creek; THENCE
    10  along the proposed centerline alignment of Nealy Road in a
    11  westerly direction the following 4 courses and distances:
    12         (1)  South 46 degrees 40 minutes 41 seconds West a
    13     distance of 22.35 feet to a point;
    14         (2)  South 44 degrees 23 minutes 19 seconds West a
    15     distance of 51.27 feet to a point;
    16         (3)  South 42 degrees 21 minutes 13 seconds West a
    17     distance of 54.06 feet to a point;
    18         (4)  South 42 degrees 35 minutes 04 seconds West a
    19     distance of 74.68 feet to a point on the western boundary
    20     line of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's Big
    21     Spring Creek Property with the said Commission boundary line
    22     being the western boundary of this parcel being conveyed.
    23  CONTAINING 4,260 Square Feet, more or less, subject to the
    24  existing right-of-way of Nealy Road.
    25     (e)  Conditions.--
    26         (1)  This conveyance shall be made under and subject to
    27     all easements, servitudes and rights of others, including,
    28     but not confined to, streets, roadways and rights of any
    29     telephone, telegraph, water, electric, sewer, gas or pipeline
    30     companies, as well as under the AND subject to any interest,   <--
    20050H0271B1616                  - 3 -     

     1     estates or tenancies vested in third persons, whether or not
     2     appearing of record, for any portion of the land or
     3     improvements erected thereon.
     4         (2)  The property described herein includes and overlays
     5     the existing 33 feet wide right-of-way of Nealy Road.
     6  Section 2.  Township of West Pennsboro, Cumberland County.
     7     (a)  Authorization.--Under the requirements of section 20(b)
     8  of the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.131, No.8), known as
     9  the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act, the General
    10  Assembly hereby authorizes the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
    11  Commission to convey a portion of its Big Spring Creek Property
    12  located in the Township of West Pennsboro, Cumberland County, to
    13  the Township of West Pennsboro for inclusion into the right-of-
    14  way of Nealy Road of the Township's roadway system.
    15     (b)  Freedom of restrictions.--The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
    16  Commission is authorized to convey a portion of its Big Spring
    17  Creek Property being a 5,133 Square Feet, more or less, tract of
    18  land, AS DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION (D), lying adjacent to the       <--
    19  right-of-way of Nealy Road of the Township of West Pennsboro
    20  from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Township of West
    21  Pennsboro free of restrictions on use and alienation prescribed
    22  by the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act, provided
    23  the conveyance shall be subject to all easements of record and
    24  the following conditions:
    25         (1)  If, at any time, the Township of West Pennsboro
    26     shall abandon the herein described property or restrict its
    27     use in any way that it is not open to free public use and
    28     enjoyment, the said property shall revert to the ownership of
    29     the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for use by the Pennsylvania
    30     Fish and Boat Commission.
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     1         (2)  The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission shall
     2     retain at all times the unrestricted right of ingress, egress
     3     and regress over the said property.
     4     (c)  Execution.--The deed of conveyance from the Pennsylvania
     5  Fish and Boat Commission to the Township of West Pennsboro shall
     6  be executed by the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Fish
     7  and Boat Commission in the name of the name of the Commonwealth   <--
     8  of Pennsylvania for use by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
     9  Commission and shall be approved for legality and form by the
    10  Authorized Agency Attorney of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
    11  Commission and the Office of Attorney General. Costs and fees
    12  incidental to the conveyance shall be borne by the Township.
    13     (d)  Description of premise to be conveyed.--The portion of
    14  the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's Big Spring Creek
    15  Property to be conveyed under this section is described as
    16  follows:
    17     ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the
    18  Township of West Pennsboro, Cumberland County, Commonwealth of
    19  Pennsylvania, being 55 feet wide and extending 27.5 feet
    20  perpendicular to each side of a line described as follows:
    21  BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Nealy Road, on the
    22  common boundary between the Township of North Newton and the
    23  Township of West Pennsboro, and in Big Spring Creek; THENCE
    24  along the proposed centerline alignment of Nealy Road in an
    25  easterly direction of the following 4 courses and distances:      <--
    26         (1)  North 46 degrees 40 minutes 41 seconds East a
    27     distance of 83.11 feet to a point;
    28         (2)  along a curve to the left having a radius of 150.00
    29     feet, an arc length of 54.43 feet, a chord bearing of North
    30     37 degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds East, and a chord distance
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     1     of 54.13 feet to a point;
     2         (3)  North 28 degrees 25 minutes 24 seconds East a
     3     distance of 67.75 feet to a point;
     4         (4)  along a curve to the right having a radius of 75.00
     5     feet, an arc length of 22.75 feet, a chord bearing of North
     6     37 degrees 06 minutes 04 seconds East, and a chord distance
     7     of 22.66 feet to a point on the western right-of-way line of
     8     Big Spring Road (SR 3007) with the said of right-of-way line
     9     being the eastern boundary of this parcel being conveyed.
    10  CONTAINING 5,133 Square Feet, more or less, subject to the
    11  existing right-of-way of Nealy Road.
    12     (e)  Conditions.--
    13         (1)  This conveyance shall be made under and subject to
    14     all easements, servitudes and rights of others, including,
    15     but not confined to, streets, roadways and rights of any
    16     telephone, telegraph, water, electric, sewer, gas or pipeline
    17     companies, as well as under the AND subject to any interest,   <--
    18     estates or tenancies vested in third persons, whether or not
    19     appearing of record, for any portion of the land or
    20     improvements erected thereon.
    21         (2)  The property described herein includes and overlays
    22     the existing 33 feet wide right-of-way of Nealy Road.
    23  Section 3.  Effective date.
    24     This act shall take effect immediately.

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