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                                 SENATE AMENDED
            19990H0295B4177   01809 JS:SH  01/20/99    #24 02/02/99
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 292, 2346                PRINTER'S NO. 4177



No. 295 Session of 1999

           HORNE, FEBRUARY 2, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 24 (Education) and 71 (State Government) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for
     3     contributions for creditable State service, for nonschool
     4     service, for incomplete payments, for annuity termination,
     5     for membership of the Public School Employees' Retirement
     6     Board and the State Employees' Retirement Board, for
     7     regulations and procedures, for member contributions, for
     8     payroll deductions, for elections of members, for multiple
     9     service status, for management of fund and accounts, for
    10     duties of employers, for creditable non-State service, for
    11     purchase of credit, for incomplete payments, for termination
    12     of annuities, for regulations and procedures, for member
    13     contributions, for duties of board and heads of departments
    14     and for election as multiple service member.

    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  Sections 8323(d), 8324(b) and (d), 8325, 8346,
    18  8501(a) and (b), 8502(m) and 8504(b) of Title 24 of the
    19  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
    20  § 8323.  Member contributions for creditable school service.

     1     * * *
     2     (d)  Certification and payment of contributions.--
     3         (1)  In all cases other than for the purchase of credit
     4     for sabbatical leave and activated military service leave
     5     beginning before the effective date of paragraph (2), the
     6     amount payable shall be certified by the board in accordance
     7     with methods approved by the actuary and may be paid in a
     8     lump sum within 90 days or, in the case of an active member
     9     or eligible State employee who is an active member of the
    10     State Employees' Retirement System, may be amortized with
    11     statutory interest through salary deductions or by personal
    12     checks in amounts agreed upon by the member and the board. In
    13     the case of an eligible State employee who is an active
    14     member of the State Employees' Retirement System, the agreed
    15     upon salary deductions shall be remitted to the State
    16     Employees' Retirement Board, which shall certify and transfer
    17     to the board the amounts paid.
    18         (2)  In the case of activated military service leave
    19     beginning before the effective date of this paragraph, the
    20     amount payable may be paid according to this subsection or
    21     subsection (c.1), but all lump sum payments must be made and
    22     all amortization payments commenced within one year of the
    23     termination of activated military service leave.
    24  § 8324.  Contributions for purchase of credit for creditable
    25             nonschool service.
    26     * * *
    27     (b)  Nonintervening military service.--The amount due for the
    28  purchase of credit for military service other than intervening
    29  military service shall be determined by applying the member's
    30  basic contribution rate plus the normal contribution rate as
    19990H0295B4177                  - 2 -

     1  provided in section 8328 (relating to actuarial cost method) at
     2  the time of entry of the member into school service subsequent
     3  to such military service to one-third of his total compensation
     4  received during the first three years of such subsequent
     5  credited school service and multiplying the product by the
     6  number of years and fractional part of a year of creditable
     7  nonintervening military service being purchased together with
     8  statutory interest during all periods of subsequent school and
     9  State service to date of purchase. Upon certification of the
    10  amount due, payment may be made in a lump sum within 90 days or
    11  in the case of an active member or eligible State employee who
    12  is an active member of the State Employees' Retirement System it
    13  may be amortized with statutory interest through salary
    14  deductions or by personal checks in amounts agreed upon by the
    15  member and the board. In the case of an eligible State employee
    16  who is an active member of the State Employees' Retirement
    17  System, the agreed upon salary deductions shall be remitted to
    18  the State Employees' Retirement Board, which shall certify and
    19  transfer to the board the amounts paid. Application may be filed
    20  for all such military service credit upon completion of three
    21  years of subsequent credited school service and shall be
    22  credited as Class T-C service.
    23     * * *
    24     (d)  Other creditable nonschool service.--Contributions on
    25  account of Class T-C credit for creditable nonschool service
    26  other than military service shall be determined by applying the
    27  member's basic contribution rate plus the normal contribution
    28  rate as provided in section 8328 at the time of the member's
    29  entry into school service subsequent to such creditable
    30  nonschool service to his total compensation received during the
    19990H0295B4177                  - 3 -

     1  first year of subsequent credited school service and multiplying
     2  the product by the number of years and fractional part of a year
     3  of creditable nonschool service being purchased together with
     4  statutory interest during all periods of subsequent school or
     5  State service to the date of purchase, except that in the case
     6  of purchase of credit for creditable nonschool service as set
     7  forth in section 8304(b)(5) (relating to creditable nonschool
     8  service) the member shall pay only the employee's share unless
     9  otherwise provided by law. Upon certification of the amount due,
    10  payment may be made in a lump sum within 90 days or in the case
    11  of an active member or eligible State employee who is an active
    12  member of the State Employees' Retirement System it may be
    13  amortized with statutory interest through salary deductions or
    14  by personal checks in amounts agreed upon by the member and the
    15  board. In the case of an eligible State employee who is an
    16  active member of the State Employees' Retirement System, the
    17  agreed upon salary deductions shall be remitted to the State
    18  Employees' Retirement Board, which shall certify and transfer to
    19  the board the amounts paid.
    20     * * *
    21  § 8325.  Incomplete payments.
    22     In the event that a member terminates school service or a
    23  multiple service member who is an active member of the State
    24  Employees' Retirement System terminates State service before any
    25  agreed upon payments or return of benefits on account of
    26  returning to school service or entering State service and
    27  electing multiple service have been completed the member or
    28  multiple service member who is an active member of the State
    29  Employees' Retirement System shall have the right to pay within
    30  30 days of termination of school service or State service the
    19990H0295B4177                  - 4 -

     1  balance due, including interest, in a lump sum and the annuity
     2  shall be calculated including full credit for the previous
     3  school service, creditable nonschool service, or full-coverage
     4  membership. In the event a member does not pay the balance due
     5  within 30 days of termination of school service or in the event
     6  a member dies in school service or within 30 days of termination
     7  of school service or in the case of a multiple service member
     8  who is an active member of the State Employees' Retirement
     9  System, does not pay the balance due within 30 days of
    10  termination of State service or dies in State service or within
    11  30 days of termination of State service and before the agreed
    12  upon payments have been completed, the present value of the
    13  benefit otherwise payable shall be reduced by the balance due,
    14  including interest, and the benefit payable shall be calculated
    15  as the actuarial equivalent of such reduced present value.
    16  § 8346.  Termination of annuities.
    17     (a)  General rule.--If an annuitant returns to school service
    18  or enters or has entered State service and elects multiple
    19  service membership, any annuity payable to him under this part
    20  shall cease effective upon the date of his return to school
    21  service or entering State service and in the case of an annuity
    22  other than a disability annuity the present value of such
    23  annuity, adjusted for full coverage in the case of a joint
    24  coverage member who makes the appropriate back contributions for
    25  full coverage, shall be frozen as of the date such annuity
    26  ceases. An annuitant who is credited with an additional 10% of
    27  membership service as provided in section 8302(b.2) (relating to
    28  credited school service) and who returns to school service,
    29  except as provided in subsection (b), shall forfeit such
    30  credited service and shall have his frozen present value
    19990H0295B4177                  - 5 -

     1  adjusted as if his 10% retirement incentive had not been applied
     2  to his account. In the event that the cost-of-living increase
     3  enacted December 18, 1979, occurred during the period of such
     4  State or school employment, the frozen present value shall be
     5  increased, on or after the member attains superannuation age, by
     6  the percent applicable had he not returned to service.
     7     (a.1)  Return of benefits.--In the event an annuitant whose
     8  annuity ceases pursuant to this section receives any annuity
     9  payment, including a lump sum payment pursuant to section 8345
    10  (relating to member's options) on or after the date of his
    11  return to school service or entering State service, he shall
    12  return to the board the amount so received plus statutory
    13  interest. The amount payable shall be certified in each case by
    14  the board in accordance with methods approved by the actuary and
    15  shall be paid in a lump sum within 90 days or in the case of an
    16  active member or State employee who is an active member of the
    17  State Employees' Retirement System may be amortized with
    18  statutory interest through salary deductions in amounts agreed
    19  upon by the member and the board. In the case of a State
    20  employee who is an active member of the State Employees'
    21  Retirement System, the agreed upon salary deductions shall be
    22  remitted to the State Employees' Retirement Board, which shall
    23  certify and transfer to the board the amounts paid.
    24     (b)  Return to school service during emergency.--When, in the
    25  judgment of the employer, an emergency creates an increase in
    26  the work load such that there is serious impairment of service
    27  to the public or in the event of a shortage of appropriate
    28  subject certified teachers, an annuitant may be returned to
    29  school service for a period not to exceed 95 full-day sessions
    30  in any school year without loss of his annuity. In computing the
    19990H0295B4177                  - 6 -

     1  number of days an annuitant has returned to school service, any
     2  amount of time less than one-half of a day shall be counted as
     3  one-half of a day.
     4     (c)  Subsequent discontinuance of service.--Upon subsequent
     5  discontinuance of service, such member other than a former
     6  annuitant who had the effect of his frozen present value
     7  eliminated in accordance with subsection (d) or a former
     8  disability annuitant shall be entitled to an annuity which is
     9  actuarially equivalent to the sum of the present value as
    10  determined under subsection (a) and the present value of a
    11  maximum single life annuity based on years of service credited
    12  subsequent to reentry in the system and his final average salary
    13  computed by reference to his compensation during his entire
    14  period of school and State service.
    15     (d)  Elimination of the effect of frozen present value.--
    16         (1)  An annuitant who returns to school service and earns
    17     three eligibility points by performing credited school
    18     service following the most recent period of receipt of an
    19     annuity under this part, or an annuitant who enters State
    20     service and:
    21             (i)  is a multiple service member; or
    22             (ii)  who elects multiple service membership, and
    23     earns three eligibility points by performing credited State
    24     service or credited school service following the most recent
    25     period of receipt of an annuity under this part, and who had
    26     the present value of his annuity frozen in accordance with
    27     subsection (a), shall qualify to have the effect of the
    28     frozen present value resulting from all previous periods of
    29     retirement eliminated, provided that all payments under
    30     Option 4 and annuity payments payable during previous periods
    19990H0295B4177                  - 7 -

     1     of retirement plus interest as set forth in paragraph (3)
     2     shall be returned to the fund in the form of an actuarial
     3     adjustment to his subsequent benefits or in such form as the
     4     board may otherwise direct.
     5         (2)  Upon subsequent discontinuance of service and the
     6     filing of an application for an annuity, a former annuitant
     7     who qualifies to have the effect of a frozen present value
     8     eliminated under this subsection shall be entitled to receive
     9     the higher of either:
    10             (i)  an annuity (prior to optional modification)
    11         calculated as if the freezing of the former annuitant's
    12         account pursuant to subsection (a) had not occurred,
    13         adjusted according to paragraph (3), provided that a
    14         former annuitant of the system or a former annuitant of
    15         the State Employees' Retirement System who retired under
    16         a provision of law granting additional service credit if
    17         termination of school or State service or retirement
    18         occurred during a specific period of time shall not be
    19         permitted to retain the additional service credit under
    20         the prior law when the annuity is computed for his most
    21         recent retirement; or
    22             (ii)  an annuity (prior to optional modification)
    23         calculated as if the former annuitant did not qualify to
    24         have the effect on the frozen present value eliminated,
    25     unless the former annuitant notifies the board in writing by
    26     the later of the date the application for annuity is filed or
    27     the effective date of retirement that the former annuitant
    28     wishes to receive the lower annuity.
    29         (3)  In addition to any other adjustment to the present
    30     value of the maximum single life annuity that a member may be
    19990H0295B4177                  - 8 -

     1     entitled to receive that occurs as a result of any other
     2     provision of law, the present value of the maximum single
     3     life annuity shall be reduced by all amounts paid or payable
     4     to him during all previous periods of retirement plus
     5     interest on these amounts until the date of subsequent
     6     retirement. The interest for each year shall be calculated
     7     based upon the annual interest rate adopted for that school
     8     year by the board for the calculation of the normal
     9     contribution rate pursuant to section 8328(b) (relating to
    10     actuarial cost method).
    11  § 8501.  Public School Employees' Retirement Board.
    12     (a)  Status and membership.--The board shall be an
    13  independent administrative board and shall consist of 15
    14  members: the Secretary of Education, ex officio; the State
    15  Treasurer, ex officio; two Senators; two members of the House of
    16  Representatives; the executive secretary of the Pennsylvania
    17  School Boards Association, ex officio; two to be appointed by
    18  the Governor, at least one of whom shall not be a school
    19  employee or an officer or employee of the State; three to be
    20  elected by the active professional members of the system from
    21  among their number; one to be elected by annuitants from among
    22  their number; one to be elected by the active nonprofessional
    23  members of the system from among their number; and one to be
    24  elected by members of Pennsylvania public school boards from
    25  among their number. The appointments made by the Governor shall
    26  be confirmed by the Senate and each election shall be conducted
    27  in a manner approved by the board. The terms of the appointed
    28  and nonlegislative elected members shall be three years. The
    29  members from the Senate shall be appointed by the President pro
    30  tempore of the Senate and shall consist of one member from the
    19990H0295B4177                  - 9 -

     1  majority and one member from the minority. The members from the
     2  House of Representatives shall be appointed by the Speaker of
     3  the House of Representatives and shall consist of one member
     4  from the majority and one member from the minority. [The          <--
     5  legislative members shall serve on the board for the duration of
     6  [the terms for which they were elected] The term of each          <--
     7  legislative member shall run from the date of his respective
     9  until 30 days after the convening of the next regular session of
    10  the General Assembly in odd numbered years or until his           <--
    11  successor is appointed and qualified AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF      <--
    14  of the board shall be elected by the board members. Each ex
    15  officio member of the board and each legislative member of the
    16  board may appoint a duly authorized designee to act in his
    17  stead.
    18     (b)  [Appointment and terms of initial members.--For the
    19  purposes of securing an orderly transition and staggered terms,
    20  the elected members of the board serving on the effective date
    21  of this part shall serve until the expiration of their
    22  respective terms. The board member initially elected by members
    23  of Pennsylvania public school boards shall serve until January
    24  1, 1976. The board member initially elected by the active
    25  nonprofessional members of the system shall serve until January
    26  1, 1977. One of the initial board members appointed by the
    27  Governor after the effective date of this part shall serve until
    28  January 1, 1976 and the second appointed board member shall
    29  serve until January 1, 1977.] Vacancies.--A vacancy occurring
    30  during the term of any member shall be filled for the unexpired
    19990H0295B4177                 - 10 -

     1  term by a successor appointed or elected as the case may be in
     2  the same manner as his predecessor.
     3     * * *
     4  § 8502.  Administrative duties of board.
     5     * * *
     6     (m)  Member contributions and interest.--The board shall
     7  cause each member's contributions, including payroll deductions,
     8  pickup contributions and all other payments, including, but not
     9  limited to, amounts collected by the State Employees' Retirement
    10  System for the reinstatement of previous school service or
    11  creditable nonschool service, and amounts paid to return
    12  benefits paid after the date of return to school service or
    13  entering State service representing lump sum payments made
    14  pursuant to section 8345(a)(4)(iii) (relating to member's
    15  options) and member's annuity payments, but not including other
    16  benefits returned pursuant to section 8346(a.1) (relating to
    17  termination of annuities) to be credited to the account of such
    18  member and shall pay all such amounts into the fund. Such
    19  contributions shall be credited with statutory interest until
    20  date of termination of service, except in the case of a vestee,
    21  who shall have such interest credited until the effective date
    22  of retirement or until the return of his accumulated deductions,
    23  if he so elects; and in the case of a multiple service member
    24  who shall have such interest credited until termination of
    25  service in both the school and the State systems.
    26     * * *
    27  § 8504.  Duties of board to report to State Employees'
    28             Retirement Board.
    29     * * *
    30     (b)  Multiple service membership of State employees.--Upon
    19990H0295B4177                 - 11 -

     1  receipt of notification from the State Employees' Retirement
     2  Board that a former school employee has become an active member
     3  in the State Employees' Retirement System and has elected to
     4  receive credit for multiple service, the board shall certify to
     5  the State Employees' Retirement Board and concurrently to the
     6  member:
     7         (1)  The total credited service in the system and the
     8     number of years and fractional part of a year of service
     9     credited in each class of service.
    10         (2)  The annual compensation received each school year by
    11     the member for credited school service.
    12         (3)  If the member has elected payroll deductions
    13     pursuant to section 8323 (relating to member contributions
    14     for creditable school service) or 8324 (relating to
    15     contributions for purchase of credit for creditable nonschool
    16     service), the amount of the deductions and the period over
    17     which they are to be made.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 2.  Section 8505(b) of Title 24 is amended and the
    20  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    21  § 8505.  Duties of board regarding applications and elections of
    22             members.
    23     * * *
    24     (b)  State employees electing multiple service status.--Upon
    25  receipt of notification from the State Employees' Retirement
    26  Board that a former school employee has become an active member
    27  in the State Employees' Retirement System and has elected to
    28  become a member with multiple service status, the board shall:
    29         (1)  In case of a member who is receiving an annuity from
    30     the system, discontinue payments, transfer the present
    19990H0295B4177                 - 12 -

     1     value[, at that time,] of the member's annuity at the time of
     2     entering State service, plus the amount withdrawn in a lump
     3     sum payment, on or after the date of entering State service,
     4     pursuant to section 8345 (relating to member's options), with
     5     statutory interest to date of transfer, minus the amount to
     6     be returned to the board on account of return to service that
     7     the board has determined is to be credited in the member's
     8     savings account, from the annuity reserve account to the
     9     [members'] member's savings account and resume crediting of
    10     statutory interest on the amount restored to his credit
    11     [and], transfer the balance of the present value of the total
    12     annuity, minus the amount to be returned to the board on
    13     account of return to service that the board has determined is
    14     to be credited in the State accumulation account, from the
    15     annuity reserve account to the State accumulation account,
    16     and certify to the member the amount of lump sum and annuity
    17     payments with statutory interest to be returned to the board
    18     by him, and of those amounts, which amount shall be credited
    19     to the member's savings account and credited with statutory
    20     interest as such payments are returned and which amount shall
    21     be credited to the State accumulation account.
    22         (2)  In case of a member who is not receiving an annuity
    23     from the system and who has not withdrawn his accumulated
    24     deductions, continue or resume the crediting of statutory
    25     interest on his accumulated deductions.
    26         (3)  In case of a member who is not receiving an annuity
    27     from the system and his accumulated deductions were
    28     withdrawn, certify to the member the accumulated deductions
    29     as they would have been at the time of his separation had he
    30     been a full coverage member together with statutory interest
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     1     for all periods of subsequent State and school service to the
     2     date of repayment. Such amount shall be restored by him and
     3     shall be credited with statutory interest as such payments
     4     are restored.
     5     * * *
     6     (k)  School employees electing multiple service status.--Upon
     7  receipt of notification from the State Employees' Retirement
     8  Board that a member who has elected multiple service membership
     9  has elected to restore State service or purchase creditable non-
    10  State service in the State Employees' Retirement System or is
    11  obligated to return benefits to the State Employees' Retirement
    12  Board on account of electing multiple service membership has
    13  elected to pay all or part of the amount due to the State
    14  Employees' Retirement Board by salary deductions, the board
    15  shall collect from the employee the amounts certified by the
    16  State Employees' Retirement Board as due and owing by the member
    17  and certify and transfer to the State Employees' Retirement
    18  Board the amounts so collected.
    19     Section 3.  Sections 8506(c), (g) and (h), 8507(c) and
    20  8521(i) of Title 24 are amended to read:
    21  § 8506.  Duties of employers.
    22     * * *
    23     (c)  Member and employer contributions.--The employer shall
    24  certify to its treasurer the required member contributions
    25  picked up and any other contributions, including, but not
    26  limited to, amounts collected for the State Employees'
    27  Retirement Board for the reinstatement of previous State service
    28  or creditable non-State service and amounts paid to return
    29  benefits paid after the date of return to State service or
    30  entering school service, deducted from each payroll. On July 1,
    19990H0295B4177                 - 14 -

     1  1996, and upon any later effective date of employment of any
     2  noneligible member to whom limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17)
     3  applies or is expected to apply, the employer shall identify to
     4  its treasurer or other payroll administrator the member or
     5  members to whom such limit applies or may apply and shall cause
     6  any such member's contributions deducted from payroll and the
     7  employer's contribution on his behalf to cease at the limitation
     8  under IRC § 401(a)(17) on the payroll date if and when such
     9  limit shall be reached. The treasurer shall remit to the
    10  secretary of the board each month the total of the member
    11  contributions and the amount due from the employer determined in
    12  accordance with section 8327 (relating to payments by
    13  employers). If, upon crediting the remittance of a noneligible
    14  member's contributions to the member's savings account, the
    15  board shall determine that such account shall have been credited
    16  with pickup contributions attributable to compensation which is
    17  in excess of the annual compensation limit under IRC §
    18  401(a)(17), or with total member contributions for such member
    19  which would cause such member's contributions or benefits to
    20  exceed any applicable limitation on contributions or benefits
    21  under IRC § 401(a)(17), the board shall as soon as practicable
    22  refund to the member from his individual member account such
    23  amount, together with the statutory interest thereon, as will
    24  cause the member's total member contributions not to exceed the
    25  applicable limit. The payment of any such refund to the member
    26  shall be charged to the member's savings account.
    27     * * *
    28     (g)  Former State employee contributors.--The employer shall,
    29  upon the employment of a former member of the State Employees'
    30  Retirement System who is not an annuitant of the State
    19990H0295B4177                 - 15 -

     1  Employees' Retirement System, advise such employee of his right
     2  to elect multiple service membership within [30] 365 days of
     3  entry into the system and, in the case any such employee who so
     4  elects has withdrawn his accumulated deductions, require him to
     5  restore his accumulated deductions as they would have been at
     6  the time of his separation had he been a full coverage member,
     7  together with statutory interest for all periods of subsequent
     8  State and school service to date of repayment. The employer
     9  shall advise the board of such election.
    10     (h)  Former State employee annuitants.--The employer shall,
    11  upon the employment of an annuitant of the State Employees'
    12  Retirement System who applies for membership in the system,
    13  advise such employee that he may elect multiple service
    14  membership within [30] 365 days of entry into the system and
    15  that if he so elects his annuity from the State Employees'
    16  Retirement System will be discontinued effective upon the date
    17  of his return to school service and, upon termination of school
    18  service and application for an annuity, the annuity will be
    19  adjusted in accordance with section 8346 (relating to
    20  termination of annuities). The employer shall advise the board
    21  of such election.
    22     * * *
    23  § 8507.  Rights and duties of school employees and members.
    24     * * *
    25     (c)  Multiple service membership.--Any active member who was
    26  formerly an active member in the State Employees' Retirement
    27  System may elect to become a multiple service member. Such
    28  election shall occur no later than [30] 365 days after becoming
    29  an active member in this system.
    30     * * *
    19990H0295B4177                 - 16 -

     1  § 8521.  Management of fund and accounts.
     2     * * *
     3     (i)  Vehicles for authorized investments.--The board in its
     4  prudent discretion may make any investments which meet the
     5  standard of prudence set forth in subsection (a) by [becoming a
     6  limited partner in partnerships that will hold such investments,
     7  or by acquiring shares or units of participation or otherwise
     8  participating beneficially in bank collective trusts or in the
     9  separate accounts of any insurance company authorized to do
    10  business in this Commonwealth, or by acquiring stocks or shares
    11  or units of participation or otherwise participating
    12  beneficially in the fund of any corporation or trust organized
    13  or created and existing under the laws of the United States or
    14  of any state, district or territory thereof which fund is
    15  maintained for and consists of assets of employees' benefit
    16  trusts, including governmental plans as defined in IRC § 414(d)
    17  or which meet the requirements for qualification under IRC §
    18  401] acquiring any type of interest in a business organization
    19  existing under the laws of any jurisdiction, provided that, in
    20  any such case, the liability of the Public School Employees'
    21  Retirement Fund shall be limited to the amount of its
    22  investment.
    23     * * *
    24     Section 4.  Sections 5304(a), 5504(b), 5505(b) and (d), 5506,
    25  5706, 5901(b), 5902(l) and 5904(b) of Title 71 are amended to
    26  read:
    27  § 5304.  Creditable nonstate service.
    28     (a)  Eligibility.--An active member or a multiple service
    29  member who is a school employee and an active member of the
    30  Public School Employees' Retirement System shall be eligible for
    19990H0295B4177                 - 17 -

     1  Class A service credit for creditable nonstate service as set
     2  forth in subsections (b) and (c) except that intervening
     3  military service shall be credited in the class of service for
     4  which the member was eligible at the time of entering into
     5  military service and for which he makes the required
     6  contributions and except that a multiple service member who is a
     7  school employee and an active member of the Public School
     8  Employees' Retirement System shall not be eligible to purchase
     9  service credit for creditable nonstate service set forth in
    10  subsection (c)(5).
    11     * * *
    12  § 5504.  Member contributions for the purchase of credit for
    13             previous State service or to become a full coverage
    14             member.
    15     * * *
    16     (b)  Certification and method of payment.--The amount payable
    17  shall be certified in each case by the board in accordance with
    18  methods approved by the actuary and shall be paid in a lump sum
    19  within 30 days or in the case of an active member or eligible
    20  school employee who is an active member of the Public School
    21  Employees' Retirement System may be amortized with statutory
    22  interest through salary deductions in amounts agreed upon by the
    23  member and the board. In the case of an eligible school employee
    24  who is an active member of the Public School Employees'
    25  Retirement System, the agreed upon salary deductions shall be
    26  remitted to the Public School Employees' Retirement Board, which
    27  shall certify and transfer to the board the amounts paid.
    28  § 5505.  Contributions for the purchase of credit for creditable
    29             nonstate service.
    30     * * *
    19990H0295B4177                 - 18 -

     1     (b)  Nonintervening military service.--
     2         (1)  The amount due for the purchase of credit for
     3     military service other than intervening military service
     4     shall be determined by applying the member's basic
     5     contribution rate, the additional contribution rate plus the
     6     Commonwealth normal contribution rate for active members at
     7     the time of entry, subsequent to such military service, of
     8     the member into State service to his average annual rate of
     9     compensation over the first three years of such subsequent
    10     State service and multiplying the result by the number of
    11     years and fractional part of a year of creditable
    12     nonintervening military service being purchased together with
    13     statutory interest during all periods of subsequent State and
    14     school service to date of purchase. Upon application for
    15     credit for such service, payment shall be made in a lump sum
    16     within 30 days or in the case of an active member or eligible
    17     school employee who is an active member of the Public School
    18     Employees' Retirement System it may be amortized with
    19     statutory interest through salary deductions in amounts
    20     agreed upon by the member and the board. In the case of an
    21     eligible school employee who is an active member of the
    22     Public School Employees' Retirement System, the agreed upon
    23     salary deductions shall be remitted to the Public School
    24     Employees' Retirement Board, which shall certify and transfer
    25     to the board the amounts paid. Application may be filed for
    26     all such military service credit upon completion of three
    27     years of subsequent State service and shall be credited as
    28     Class A service.
    29         (2)  Applicants may purchase credit as follows:
    30             (i)  one purchase of the total amount of creditable
    19990H0295B4177                 - 19 -

     1         nonintervening military service; or
     2             (ii)  one purchase per 12-month period of a portion
     3         of creditable nonintervening military service.
     4     The amount of each purchase shall be not less than one year
     5     of creditable nonintervening military service.
     6     * * *
     7     (d)  Nonmilitary and nonmagisterial service.--Contributions
     8  on account of credit for creditable nonstate service other than
     9  military and magisterial service shall be determined by applying
    10  the member's basic contribution rate, the additional
    11  contribution rate plus the Commonwealth normal contribution rate
    12  for active members at the time of entry subsequent to such
    13  creditable nonstate service of the member into State service to
    14  his compensation at the time of entry into State service and
    15  multiplying the result by the number of years and fractional
    16  part of a year of creditable nonstate service being purchased
    17  together with statutory interest during all periods of
    18  subsequent State and school service to the date of purchase.
    19  Upon application for credit for such service payment shall be
    20  made in a lump sum within 30 days or in the case of an active
    21  member or eligible school employee who is an active member of
    22  the Public School Employees' Retirement System it may be
    23  amortized with statutory interest through salary deductions in
    24  amounts agreed upon by the member and the board. In the case of
    25  an eligible school employee who is an active member of the
    26  Public School Employees' Retirement System, the agreed upon
    27  salary deductions shall be remitted to the Public School
    28  Employees' Retirement Board, which shall certify and transfer to
    29  the board the amounts paid.
    30     * * *
    19990H0295B4177                 - 20 -

     1  § 5506.  Incomplete payments.
     2     In the event that a member terminates State service or a
     3  multiple service member who is an active member of the Public
     4  School Employees' Retirement System terminates school service
     5  before the agreed upon payments for credit for previous State
     6  service, creditable nonstate service, social security
     7  integration, [or] full coverage membership or return of benefits
     8  on account of returning to State service or entering school
     9  service and electing multiple service have been completed, the
    10  member or multiple service member who is an active member of the
    11  Public School Employees' Retirement System shall have the right
    12  to pay within 30 days of termination of State service or school
    13  service the balance due, including interest, in a lump sum and
    14  the annuity shall be calculated including full credit for the
    15  previous State service, creditable nonstate service, social
    16  security integration, or full coverage membership. In the event
    17  a member does not pay the balance due within 30 days of
    18  termination of State service or in the event a member dies in
    19  State service or within 30 days of termination of State service
    20  or in the case of a multiple service member who is an active
    21  member of the Public School Employees' Retirement System, does
    22  not pay the balance due within 30 days of termination of school
    23  service or dies in school service or within 30 days of
    24  termination of school service and before the agreed upon
    25  payments have been completed, the present value of the benefit
    26  otherwise payable shall be reduced by the balance due, including
    27  interest, and the benefit payable shall be calculated as the
    28  actuarial equivalent of such reduced present value.
    29  § 5706.  Termination of annuities.
    30     (a)  General rule.--If the annuitant returns to State service
    19990H0295B4177                 - 21 -

     1  or enters or has entered school service and elects multiple
     2  service membership, any annuity payable to him under this part
     3  shall cease effective upon the date of his return to State
     4  service or entering school service and in the case of an annuity
     5  other than a disability annuity the present value of such
     6  annuity, adjusted for full coverage in the case of a joint
     7  coverage member who makes the appropriate back contributions for
     8  full coverage, shall be frozen as of the date such annuity
     9  ceases. An annuitant who is credited with an additional 10% of
    10  Class A and Class C service as provided in section 5302(c)
    11  (relating to credited State service) and who returns to State
    12  service shall forfeit such credited service and shall have his
    13  frozen present value adjusted as if his 10% retirement incentive
    14  had not been applied to his account. In the event that the cost-
    15  of-living increase enacted December 18, 1979 occurred during the
    16  period of such State or school employment, the frozen present
    17  value shall be increased, on or after the member attains
    18  superannuation age, by the percent applicable had he not
    19  returned to service. This subsection shall not apply in the case
    20  of any annuitant who may render services to the Commonwealth in
    21  the capacity of an independent contractor or as a member of an
    22  independent board or commission or as a member of a departmental
    23  administrative or advisory board or commission when such members
    24  of independent or departmental boards or commissions are
    25  compensated on a per diem basis for not more than 150 days per
    26  calendar year.
    27     (a.1)  Return to State service during emergency.--When, in
    28  the judgment of the employer, an emergency creates an increase
    29  in the work load such that there is serious impairment of
    30  service to the public, an annuitant may be returned to State
    19990H0295B4177                 - 22 -

     1  service for a period not to exceed 95 days in any fiscal year
     2  without loss of his annuity. In computing the number of days an
     3  annuitant has returned to State service, any amount of time less
     4  than one-half of a day shall be counted as one-half of a day.
     5  For agencies, boards and commissions under the Governor's
     6  jurisdiction, the approval of the Governor that an emergency
     7  exists shall be required before an annuitant may be returned to
     8  State service.
     9     (a.2)  Return of benefits.--In the event an annuitant whose
    10  annuity ceases pursuant to this section receives any annuity
    11  payment, including a lump sum payment pursuant to section 5705
    12  (relating to member's options) on or after the date of his
    13  return to State service or entering school service, he shall
    14  return to the board the amount so received plus statutory
    15  interest. The amount payable shall be certified in each case by
    16  the board in accordance with methods approved by the actuary and
    17  shall be paid in a lump sum within 30 days or in the case of an
    18  active member or school employee who is an active member of the
    19  Public School Employees' Retirement System may be amortized with
    20  statutory interest through salary deductions in amounts agreed
    21  upon by the member and the board. In the case of a school
    22  employee who is an active member of the Public School Employees'
    23  Retirement System, the agreed upon salary deductions shall be
    24  remitted to the Public School Employees' Retirement Board, which
    25  shall certify and transfer to the board the amounts paid.
    26     (b)  Subsequent discontinuance of service.--Upon subsequent
    27  discontinuance of service, such member other than a former
    28  annuitant who had the effect of his frozen present value
    29  eliminated in accordance with subsection (c) or a former
    30  disability annuitant shall be entitled to an annuity which is
    19990H0295B4177                 - 23 -

     1  actuarially equivalent to the sum of the present value as
     2  determined under subsection (a) and the present value of a
     3  maximum single life annuity based on years of service credited
     4  subsequent to reentry in the system and his final average salary
     5  computed by reference to his compensation during his entire
     6  period of State and school service.
     7     (c)  Elimination of the effect of frozen present value.--
     8         (1)  An annuitant who returns to State service and earns
     9     three eligibility points by performing credited State service
    10     following the most recent period of receipt of an annuity
    11     under this part, or an annuitant who enters school service
    12     and:
    13             (i)  is a multiple service member; or
    14             (ii)  who elects multiple service membership, and
    15     earns three eligibility points by performing credited State
    16     service or credited school service following the most recent
    17     period of receipt of an annuity under this part, and who had
    18     the present value of his annuity frozen in accordance with
    19     subsection (a), shall qualify to have the effect of the
    20     frozen present value resulting from all previous periods of
    21     retirement eliminated, provided that all payments under
    22     Option 4 and annuity payments payable during previous periods
    23     of retirement plus interest as set forth in paragraph (3)
    24     shall be returned to the fund in the form of an actuarial
    25     adjustment to his subsequent benefits or in such form as the
    26     board may otherwise direct.
    27         (2)  Upon subsequent discontinuance of service and the
    28     filing of an application for an annuity, a former annuitant
    29     who qualifies to have the effect of a frozen present value
    30     eliminated under this subsection shall be entitled to receive
    19990H0295B4177                 - 24 -

     1     the higher of either:
     2             (i)  an annuity (prior to optional modification)
     3         calculated as if the freezing of the former annuitant's
     4         account pursuant to subsection (a) had not occurred,
     5         adjusted according to paragraph (3), provided that a
     6         former annuitant of the system or a former annuitant of
     7         the Public School Employees' Retirement System who
     8         retired under a provision of law granting additional
     9         service credit if termination of State or school service
    10         or retirement occurred during a specific period of time
    11         shall not be permitted to retain the additional service
    12         credit under the prior law when the annuity is computed
    13         for his most recent retirement; or
    14             (ii)  an annuity (prior to optional modification)
    15         calculated as if the former annuitant did not qualify to
    16         have the effect of the frozen present value eliminated,
    17     unless the former annuitant notifies the board in writing by
    18     the later of the date the application for annuity is filed or
    19     the effective date of retirement that the former annuitant
    20     wishes to receive the lower annuity.
    21         (3)  In addition to any other adjustment to the present
    22     value of the maximum single life annuity that a member may be
    23     entitled to receive that occurs as a result of any other
    24     provision of law, the present value of the maximum single
    25     life annuity shall be reduced by all amounts paid or payable
    26     to him during all previous periods of retirement plus
    27     interest on these amounts until the date of subsequent
    28     retirement. The interest for each year shall be calculated
    29     based upon the annual interest rate adopted for that fiscal
    30     year by the board for the calculation of the normal
    19990H0295B4177                 - 25 -

     1     contribution rate pursuant to section 5508(b) (relating to
     2     actuarial cost method).
     3  § 5901.  The State Employees' Retirement Board.
     4     * * *
     5     (b)  Appointments and terms.--The two members elected by the
     6  board and serving on the effective date of this title shall
     7  continue to serve until the expiration of their respective
     8  terms. The members or former members of the Senate shall be
     9  appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate and shall
    10  consist of a majority and a minority member or former member.
    11  The members or former members of the House of Representatives
    12  shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of
    13  Representatives and shall consist of a majority and a minority
    14  member or former member. [The legislative members shall serve on
    15  the board for the duration of the terms for which they were
    16  elected and former legislative members shall serve a term of two
    17  years] The term of each legislative member shall run from the
    18  date of his respective appointment until 30 days after the
    19  convening of the next regular session of the General Assembly in
    20  odd numbered years or until his successor is appointed and
    21  qualified. Of the remaining four appointees, one shall be
    22  appointed for an initial term of two years, one for an initial
    23  term of three years, and two for an initial term of four years.
    24  A vacancy occurring during the term of an appointed member shall
    25  be filled for the unexpired term by the appointment and
    26  confirmation of a successor in the same manner as his
    27  predecessor.
    28     * * *
    29  § 5902.  Administrative duties of the board.
    30     * * *
    19990H0295B4177                 - 26 -

     1     (l)  Member contributions.--The board shall cause all pickup
     2  contributions made on behalf of a member to be credited to the
     3  account of the member and credit to his account any other
     4  payment made by such member including, but not limited to,
     5  amounts collected by the Public School Employees' Retirement
     6  System for the reinstatement of previous State service or
     7  creditable nonstate service, and amounts paid to return benefits
     8  paid after the date of return to State service or entering
     9  school service representing lump sum payments made pursuant to
    10  section 5705(a)(4)(iii) (relating to member's options) and
    11  member's annuity payments, but not including other benefits
    12  returned pursuant to section 5706(a.2) (relating to termination
    13  of annuities) and shall pay all such amounts into the fund.
    14     * * *
    15  § 5904.  Duties of the board to report to the Public School
    16             Employees' Retirement Board.
    17     * * *
    18     (b)  Multiple service membership of school employees.--Upon
    19  receipt of notification from the Public School Employees'
    20  Retirement Board that a former State employee has become an
    21  active member in the Public School Employees' Retirement System
    22  and has elected to receive credit for multiple service, the
    23  board shall certify to the Public School Employees' Retirement
    24  Board and concurrently to the member:
    25         (1)  the total credited service in the system and the
    26     number of years and fractional part of a year of service
    27     credited in each class of service;
    28         (2)  the annual compensation received each calendar year
    29     by the member for credited State service; [and]
    30         (3)  the social security integration credited service to
    19990H0295B4177                 - 27 -

     1     which the member is entitled and the average noncovered
     2     salary upon which the single life annuity attributable to
     3     such service will be computed[.]; and
     4         (4)  if the member has elected payroll deductions
     5     pursuant to section 5504 (relating to member contributions
     6     for the purchase of credit for previous State service or to
     7     become a full coverage member) or 5505 (relating to
     8     contributions for the purchase of credit for creditable
     9     nonstate service), the amount of the deductions and the
    10     period over which they are to be made.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 5.  Section 5905(b) of Title 71 is amended and the
    13  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    14  § 5905.  Duties of the board regarding applications and
    15             elections of members.
    16     * * *
    17     (b)  School employees electing multiple service status.--Upon
    18  receipt of notification from the Public School Employees'
    19  Retirement Board that a former State employee has become an
    20  active member in the Public School Employees' Retirement System
    21  and has elected to become a member with multiple service status
    22  the board shall:
    23         (1)  in case of a member receiving an annuity from the
    24     system, discontinue payments, transfer the present value[, at
    25     that time,] of the member's annuity at the time of entering
    26     school service, plus the amount withdrawn in a lump sum
    27     payment, on or after the date of entering school service,
    28     pursuant to section 5705 (relating to member's option), with
    29     statutory interest to date of transfer, minus the amount to
    30     be returned to the board on account of return to service,
    19990H0295B4177                 - 28 -

     1     that the board has determined is to be credited in the
     2     member's savings account, from the annuity reserve account to
     3     the [members'] member's savings account and resume crediting
     4     of statutory interest on the amount restored to his credit
     5     [and], transfer the balance of the present value of the total
     6     annuity, minus the amount to be returned to the board on
     7     account of return to service that the board has determined is
     8     to be credited in the State accumulation account, from the
     9     annuity reserve account to the State accumulation account,
    10     and certify to the member the amount of lump sum and annuity
    11     payments with statutory interest to be returned to the board
    12     by him, and of those amounts, which amount shall be credited
    13     to the member's savings account and credited with statutory
    14     interest as such payments are returned and which amount shall
    15     be credited to the State accumulation account; or
    16         (2)  in case of a member who is not receiving an annuity
    17     and has not withdrawn his total accumulated deductions,
    18     continue or resume the crediting of statutory interest on his
    19     total accumulated deductions during the period his total
    20     accumulated deductions remain in the fund; or
    21         (3)  in case of a former State employee who is not
    22     receiving an annuity from the system and his total
    23     accumulated deductions were withdrawn, certify to the former
    24     State employee the accumulated deductions as they would have
    25     been at the time of his separation had he been a full
    26     coverage member together with statutory interest for all
    27     periods of subsequent State and school service to the date of
    28     repayment. Such amount shall be restored by him and shall be
    29     credited with statutory interest as such payments are
    30     restored.
    19990H0295B4177                 - 29 -

     1     * * *
     2     (j)  State employees' electing multiple service status.--Upon
     3  receipt of notification from the Public School Employees'
     4  Retirement Board that a member who has elected multiple service
     5  membership has elected to restore school service or purchase
     6  creditable nonschool service in the Public School Employees'
     7  Retirement System or is obligated to return benefits to the
     8  Public School Employees' Retirement Board on account of electing
     9  multiple service membership has elected to pay all or part of
    10  the amount due to the Public School Employees' Retirement Board
    11  by salary deductions, the board shall collect from the employee
    12  the amounts certified by the Public School Employees' Retirement
    13  Board as due and owing by the member and certify and transfer to
    14  the Public School Employees' Retirement Board the amounts so
    15  collected.
    16     Section 6.  Sections 5906(c), (g) and (h), 5907(c) and
    17  5931(i) of Title 71 are amended to read:
    18  § 5906.  Duties of heads of departments.
    19     * * *
    20     (c)  Member contributions.--The head of department shall
    21  cause the required pickup contributions for current service to
    22  be made and shall cause to be deducted any other required member
    23  contributions including, but not limited to, contributions owed
    24  by an active member with multiple service membership for school
    25  service and creditable nonschool service in the Public School
    26  Employees' Retirement System, and amounts certified by the
    27  Public School Employees' Retirement Board as due and owing on
    28  account of termination of annuities from each payroll. The head
    29  of department shall notify the board at times and in a manner
    30  prescribed by the board of the compensation of any noneligible
    19990H0295B4177                 - 30 -

     1  member to whom the limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17) either
     2  applies or is expected to apply and shall cause such member's
     3  contributions deducted from payroll to cease at the limitation
     4  under IRC § 401(a)(17) on the payroll date if and when such
     5  limit shall be reached. The head of department shall certify to
     6  the State Treasurer the amounts picked up and deducted and shall
     7  send the total amount picked up and deducted together with a
     8  duplicate of such voucher to the secretary of the board every
     9  pay period. The head of department shall pay pickup
    10  contributions from the same source of funds which is used to pay
    11  other compensation to the employee. On or before January 31,
    12  1997, and on or before January 31 of each year thereafter, the
    13  head of department shall, at the time when the income and
    14  withholding information required by law is furnished to each
    15  member, also furnish the amount of pickup contributions made on
    16  his behalf and notify the board, if it has not been previously
    17  notified, of any noneligible member whose compensation in the
    18  preceding year exceeded the annual compensation limit under IRC
    19  § 401(a)(17). If the board shall determine that the member's
    20  savings account shall have been credited with pickup
    21  contributions for a noneligible member in the preceding year
    22  which are attributable to compensation in excess of the
    23  limitation under IRC § 401(a)(17), or with total member
    24  contributions for such member which would cause such member's
    25  contributions or benefits to exceed any applicable limitation
    26  under IRC § 401(a)(17), the board shall as soon as practicable
    27  refund to the member from his individual member account such
    28  amount, together with the statutory interest thereon, as will
    29  cause the member's total member contributions in the preceding
    30  year not to exceed the applicable limit. The payment of any such
    19990H0295B4177                 - 31 -

     1  refund to the member shall be charged to the member's savings
     2  account.
     3     * * *
     4     (g)  Former school employee contributors.--The head of
     5  department shall, upon the employment of a former contributor to
     6  the Public School Employees' Retirement System who is not an
     7  annuitant of the Public School Employees' Retirement System,
     8  advise such employee of his right to elect within [30] 365 days
     9  of entry into the system to become a multiple service member,
    10  and in the case of any such employee who so elects and has
    11  withdrawn his accumulated deductions, require him to reinstate
    12  his credit in the Public School Employees' Retirement System.
    13  The head of the department shall advise the board of such
    14  election.
    15     (h)  Former school employee annuitants.--The head of
    16  department shall, upon the employment of an annuitant of the
    17  Public School Employees' Retirement System who applies for
    18  membership in the system, advise such employee that he may elect
    19  multiple service membership within [30] 365 days of entry into
    20  the system and if he so elects his public school employee's
    21  annuity will be discontinued effective upon the date of his
    22  return to State service and, upon termination of State service
    23  and application for an annuity, the annuity will be adjusted in
    24  accordance with section 5706 (relating to termination of
    25  annuities). The head of department shall advise the board of
    26  such election.
    27     * * *
    28  § 5907.  Rights and duties of State employees and members.
    29     * * *
    30     (c)  Multiple service membership.--Any active member who was
    19990H0295B4177                 - 32 -

     1  formerly an active member in the Public School Employees'
     2  Retirement System may elect to become a multiple service member.
     3  Such election shall occur no later than [30] 365 days after
     4  becoming an active member in this system.
     5     * * *
     6  § 5931.  Management of fund and accounts.
     7     * * *
     8     (i)  Vehicles for authorized investments.--The board in its
     9  prudent discretion may make any investments which meet the
    10  standard of prudence set forth in subsection (a) by [becoming a
    11  limited partner in partnerships that will hold such investments;
    12  or by acquiring shares or units of participation or otherwise
    13  participating beneficially in bank collective trusts or in the
    14  separate accounts of any insurance company authorized to do
    15  business in this Commonwealth; or by acquiring stocks or shares
    16  or units of participation or otherwise participating
    17  beneficially in the fund of any corporation or trust organized
    18  or created and existing under the laws of the United States or
    19  of any state, district or territory thereof, which fund is
    20  maintained for and consists of assets of employees' benefit
    21  trusts, including governmental plans as defined in IRC § 414(d)
    22  or which meet the requirements for qualification under IRC §
    23  401] acquiring any type of interest in a business organization
    24  existing under the laws of any jurisdiction, provided that, in
    25  any such case, the liability of the State Employees' Retirement
    26  Fund shall be limited to the amount of its investment.
    27     * * *
    28     Section 7.  (a)  Notwithstanding the limitation contained in
    29  24 Pa.C.S. § 8507(c), any active member of the Public School
    30  Employees' Retirement System who was formerly an active member
    19990H0295B4177                 - 33 -

     1  in the State Employees' Retirement System and whose service
     2  credit in the State Employees' Retirement System has not been
     3  converted to service credited in another public pension plan or
     4  retirement system in this Commonwealth may elect to become a
     5  multiple service member on or before December 31, 2002.
     6     (b)  Notwithstanding the limitation contained in 71 Pa.C.S. §
     7  5907(c), any active member of the State Employees' Retirement
     8  System who was formerly an active member of the Public School
     9  Employees' Retirement System and whose service credit in the
    10  Public School Employees' Retirement System has not been
    11  converted to service credited in another public pension plan or
    12  retirement system in this Commonwealth may elect to become a
    13  multiple service member on or before December 31, 2002.
    14     Section 8.  Upon becoming effective this act shall be
    15  effective retroactive to the date of enactment, except that
    16  deceased members of the State Employees' Retirement System or
    17  Public School Employees' Retirement System with a date of death
    18  on or before 180 days after the enactment of this act, or their
    19  personal representatives, may not elect multiple service
    20  membership pursuant to this act.
    21     Section 9.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    22         (1)  The amendment of 24 Pa.C.S. § 8521(i) and 71 Pa.C.S.
    23     § 5931(i) shall take effect in 60 days.
    24         (2)  This section shall take effect immediately.
    25         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 180
    26     days.

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