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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2602



No. 308 Session of 1999



                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Directing the Committee on Health and Human Services to conduct
     2     an investigation relating to the scope of the suspected
     3     hepatitis C outbreak among firefighters in this Commonwealth.

     4     WHEREAS, Firefighters who respond to medical emergencies
     5  often expose themselves to bleeding victims and syringes that
     6  may transmit hepatitis C to them; and
     7     WHEREAS, It has been reported that there may be approximately
     8  80 firefighters in the City of Philadelphia who may have
     9  contracted the hepatitis C virus from their activities as
    10  firefighters; and
    11     WHEREAS, There is concern that this outbreak of the hepatitis
    12  C virus may have spread to other firefighters throughout this
    13  Commonwealth; and
    14     WHEREAS, There is no vaccine for hepatitis C, and drug
    15  treatment for the disease is effective only 10% to 40% of the
    16  time; and
    17     WHEREAS, It is important for the health, safety and welfare
    18  of the public in general and of firefighters in particular that

     1  the scope of this suspected outbreak of hepatitis C be
     2  investigated; therefore be it
     3     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives direct the
     4  Committee on Health and Human Services to conduct an
     5  investigation relating to the scope of the hepatitis C outbreak
     6  among firefighters in this Commonwealth; and be it further
     7     RESOLVED, That the committee may hold hearings, take
     8  testimony and make its investigations at such places as it deems
     9  necessary in this Commonwealth. It may issue subpoenas under the
    10  hand and seal of its chairman commanding any person to appear
    11  before the committee and to answer questions touching matters
    12  properly being inquired into by the committee and to produce
    13  such books, papers, records and documents as the committee deems
    14  necessary. The subpoenas may be served upon any person and shall
    15  have the same effect as subpoenas issued out of the courts of
    16  this Commonwealth. Any person who willfully neglects or refuses
    17  to testify before the committee or to produce any books, papers,
    18  records or documents shall be subject to the penalties provided
    19  by the laws of this Commonwealth in such case. Each member of
    20  the committee shall have power to administer oaths and
    21  affirmations to witnesses appearing before the committee; and be
    22  it further
    23     RESOLVED, That the committee submit a report to the House of
    24  Representatives including its findings and recommendations no
    25  later than 90 days after adoption of this resolution.

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