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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2593



No. 309 Session of 2001


           OCTOBER 2, 2001

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Memorializing Congress to restore funding for conservation by
     2     passing the Boehlert-Kind-Gilchrest-Dingle amendment to House
     3     Resolution No. 2646, the Farm Security Act of 2001.

     4     WHEREAS, Under the Boehlert-Kind-Gilchrest-Dingle amendment
     5  to House Resolution No. 2646, the Farm Security Act of 2001, the
     6  Farmland Protection Program (FPP) combats urban sprawl and is
     7  funded at $100 million for fiscal year 2002 and ramps up to $500
     8  million annually by fiscal year 2006; and
     9     WHEREAS, The amendment reauthorizes Environmental Quality
    10  Incentives Programs (EQIP) and authorizes a new program within
    11  EQIP called the Watershed Quality Incentives Program. EQIP is
    12  funded at $1 billion annually. Livestock producers receive 50%
    13  of annual funding, and priority areas are removed. Eligibility
    14  requirements will remain as currently written. In addition to
    15  the annual $1 billion funding for EQIP, the Watershed Quality
    16  Incentives Program is funded at $450 million for fiscal years
    17  2002 and 2003 and ramped up to $700 million annually by fiscal
    18  year 2006. This program will help landowners implement nutrient,

     1  pesticide and sediment management practices to protect drinking
     2  water supplies; and
     3     WHEREAS, The Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP)
     4  provides cost share for landowners to enhance wildlife habitat.
     5  This program is funded at $200 million for fiscal years 2002 and
     6  2003 and ramps up to $500 million annually by fiscal year 2006;
     7  and
     8     WHEREAS, The Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) protects,
     9  preserves, enhances, and restores wetlands on marginal soils,
    10  and provides for an additional 250,000 acres to be enrolled
    11  annually; and
    12     WHEREAS, The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a long-
    13  term cropland retirement program that enables producers to
    14  convert highly erodible or environmentally sensitive cropland to
    15  cover crops. CRP increases acreage enrolled to 45 million acres
    16  and provides for 7 million acres to be enrolled in state-led
    17  conservation efforts; and
    18     WHEREAS, Conservation of Private Grazing Lands is a new
    19  program that authorizes $20 million annually to help landowners
    20  improve the ecological health of grazing lands; and
    21     WHEREAS, The Grassland Reserve Program authorizes 3 million
    22  acres to be enrolled in a Grassland Reserve Program and targets
    23  environmentally sensitive grasslands, shrublands and blufflands;
    24  and
    25     WHEREAS, The Program to Assist Transition from Conventional
    26  to Organic Farming is funded at $20 million for fiscal years
    27  2002 and 2003 and ramps up to $50 million by fiscal year 2006;
    28  and
    29     WHEREAS, Mandatory funding for basic conservation technical
    30  assistance increases by $200 million annually; and the Secretary
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     1  of Agriculture is instructed to reimburse NRCS for the cost of
     2  administering conservation programs, including CRP, WRP, EQIP,
     3  FPP and the Grassland Reserve and Enhancement Program; and
     4     WHEREAS, The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
     5  is authorized to contract with qualified third parties to
     6  provide technical assistance to producers; and
     7     WHEREAS, The USDA is directed to ensure that conservation
     8  programs are administered in a regionally equitable way; and
     9     WHEREAS, The Secretary of Agriculture is allowed flexibility
    10  in administering USDA conservation programs in order to approve
    11  plans that coordinate and enhance the programs to address
    12  conservation and farm preservation needs in critical watersheds
    13  or corridors, and the secretary is allowed to approve multistate
    14  or multiregional plans when a memorandum of agreement exists and
    15  to give those plans priority and funding; and
    16     WHEREAS, Increases in Urban and Community Forestry Program
    17  funding create a Watershed Forestry Initiative, and the
    18  amendment further allows for regional and watershed planning;
    19  therefore be it
    20     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the
    21  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania memorialize the Congress of the
    22  United States to restore funding for conservation by passing the
    23  Boehlert-Kind-Gilchrest-Dingle amendment to House Resolution No.
    24  2646, The Farm Security Act of 2001; and be it further
    25     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
    26  members of Congress from Pennsylvania.

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