1Observing the week of May 1 through 7, 2013, as "National
2Physical Education and Sports Week" and the month of May 2013
3as "National Physical Fitness and Sports Month" in
4Pennsylvania, and encouraging residents of Pennsylvania to
5learn more about the importance of physical activity for
6their health, to incorporate physical activity into their
7daily lives and to join in an effort to create a more
8enlightened public attitude and response.

9WHEREAS, May is "National Physical Fitness and Sports Month";

11WHEREAS, This designation was established to encourage
12broader promotion of physical fitness activities and programs in
13schools, park and recreation departments, employee associations,
14hospitals and other agencies involved in physical fitness; and

15WHEREAS, Many residents of this Commonwealth would improve
16the quality of their lives through proper exercise and diet; and

17WHEREAS, Obesity-related diseases cost the United States
18economy more than $190 billion every year; and

1WHEREAS, Physical activity reduces risk, at all ages, of
2heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes; and

3WHEREAS, Fewer than one-third of individuals 6 through 17
4years of age participate in vigorous physical activity on a
5regular basis; and

6WHEREAS, Physical activity is necessary to support normal
7growth in children and is essential to the continuing health and
8well-being of youth and adults; and

9WHEREAS, More than 70 million children and youth in the
10United States have the potential to acquire the knowledge,
11skills and values that can lead to a lifetime of physically
12active and healthy living; and

13WHEREAS, The goal of Let's Move in School is to ensure that
14every school provides a comprehensive physical activity program
15with quality physical education as the foundation so that youth
16will develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to be
17physically active for a lifetime; therefore be it

18RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives observe the week
19of May 1 through 7, 2013, as "National Physical Education and
20Sports Week" and encourage the residents of Pennsylvania to
21support the schools' physical education programs; and be it

23RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives observe the month
24of May 2013 as "National Physical Fitness and Sports Month" in
25Pennsylvania and encourage the residents of Pennsylvania to be
26physically active on a regular basis; and be it further

27RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives encourage the
28residents of Pennsylvania to learn more about the importance of
29physical activity for their health, to incorporate physical
30activity into their daily lives and to join in an effort to

1create a more enlightened public attitude and response.