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same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 381, 761                 PRINTER'S NO. 1483



No. 337 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of October 27, 1955 (P.L.744, No.222),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act prohibiting certain practices
     3     of discrimination because of race, color, religious creed,
     4     ancestry, age or national origin by employers, employment
     5     agencies, labor organizations and others as herein defined;
     6     creating the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission in the
     7     Governor's Office; defining its functions, powers and duties;
     8     providing for procedure and enforcement; providing for
     9     formulation of an educational program to prevent prejudice;
    10     providing for judicial review and enforcement and imposing
    11     penalties," defining "advertisement" and "advertiser"; and
    12     providing for certain forms of advertisement, for limitations
    13     and for civil penalties.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Section 4 of the act of October 27, 1955
    17  (P.L.744, No.222), known as the Pennsylvania Human Relations
    18  Act, is amended by adding clauses to read:
    19     Section 4.  Definitions.--As used in this act unless a
    20  different meaning clearly appears from the context:
    21     * * *
    22     (z)  The term "advertisement" or "advertising" means any

     1  advertisement and any similar written, printed, taped or
     2  broadcast communication, notice, statement or the like which is
     3  disseminated (whether published, printed, circulated, issued,
     4  displayed, posted or mailed) for the purpose of promoting
     5  housing activity, including, but not limited to, rentals, leases
     6  and sales.
     7     (aa)  The term "advertiser" means any person who places,
     8  publishes, broadcasts or similarly causes to be disseminated by
     9  any other means an advertisement or advertising as defined in
    10  clause (z).
    11     Section 2.  Section 5(h)(10) of the act, amended December 20,
    12  1991 (P.L.414, No.51), is amended and the subsection is amended
    13  by adding a paragraph to read:
    14     Section 5.  Unlawful Discriminatory Practices.--It shall be
    15  an unlawful discriminatory practice, unless based upon a bona
    16  fide occupational qualification, or in the case of a fraternal
    17  corporation or association, unless based upon membership in such
    18  association or corporation, or except where based upon
    19  applicable security regulations established by the United States
    20  or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
    21     * * *
    22     (h)  For any person to:
    23     * * *
    24     (10)  Nothing in this clause shall bar any religious or
    25  denominational institution or organization or any charitable or
    26  educational organization which is operated, supervised or
    27  controlled by or in connection with a religious organization or
    28  any bona fide private or fraternal organization from giving
    29  preference to persons of the same religion or denomination or to
    30  members of such private or fraternal organization or from making
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     1  such selection as is calculated by such organization to promote
     2  the religious principles or the aims, purposes or fraternal
     3  principles for which it is established or maintained. Nor shall
     4  it apply to the rental of rooms in a landlord-occupied rooming
     5  house with a common entrance, nor with respect to discrimination
     6  based on sex, the advertising, rental or leasing of housing
     7  accommodations in a single-sex dormitory or rooms in one's
     8  personal residence in which common living areas are shared.
     9     (11)  Nothing in this act limits the applicability of a        <--
    10  reasonable restriction THE FAIR HOUSING ACT (PUBLIC LAW 90-284,   <--
    12  RESTRICTIONS on the maximum number of occupants permitted to
    13  occupy a dwelling or a REASONABLE restriction relating to health  <--
    14  or safety standards or business necessity. OWNERS AND MANAGERS    <--
    20     * * *
    21     Section 3.  Section 9(a) and (d.1) of the act, amended
    22  December 20, 1991 (P.L.414, No.51), are amended and the section
    23  is amended by adding subsections to read:
    24     Section 9.  Procedure.--(a)  Any person claiming to be
    25  aggrieved by an alleged unlawful discriminatory practice may
    26  make, sign and file with the Commission a verified complaint, in
    27  writing, which shall state the name and address of the person,
    28  employer, labor organization or employment agency alleged to
    29  have committed the unlawful discriminatory practice complained
    30  of, and which shall set forth the particulars thereof and
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     1  contain such other information as may be required by the
     2  Commission. Commission representatives shall not modify the
     3  substance of the complaint. Whenever a person invokes the
     4  procedures set forth in this act, the Commission shall refuse to
     5  accept for filing a complaint it determines to be untimely with
     6  no grounds for equitable tolling, outside its jurisdiction or
     7  frivolous on its face. The Commission upon its own initiative or
     8  the Attorney General may, in like manner, make, sign and file
     9  such complaint. Any employer whose employes, or some of them,
    10  hinder or threaten to hinder compliance with the provisions of
    11  this act may file with the Commission a verified complaint,
    12  asking for assistance by conciliation or other remedial action
    13  and, during such period of conciliation or other remedial
    14  action, no hearings, orders or other actions shall be taken by
    15  the Commission against such employer.
    16     * * *
    17     (c.1)  The Commission shall dismiss a case with prejudice,
    18  before or after a finding of probable cause, where, in its
    19  opinion, appropriate remedy has been offered by the respondent
    20  and refused by the complainant.
    21     * * *
    22     (d.1)  When notice of hearing is given as set forth in
    23  subsection (d) and an election procedure is required by the Fair
    24  Housing Act, either party may elect to have the claim asserted
    25  in the complaint decided in a civil action brought under the
    26  original jurisdiction of Commonwealth Court. The written notice
    27  of the Commission shall be sent to all parties and will inform
    28  them of their right to take civil action. An election must be
    29  made within twenty days after receipt of the notice of hearing.
    30  A party making this election shall notify the Commission and all
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     1  other parties. If an election for civil action is made by either
     2  party, the Commission shall, within thirty days from the date of
     3  election, commence and maintain a civil action on behalf of the
     4  complainant provided, however, that, whenever the Attorney
     5  General signs and files the complaint pursuant to subsection
     6  (a), the Attorney General shall, within thirty days from the
     7  date of election, commence and maintain a civil action on behalf
     8  of the complainant. In those cases commenced by the Attorney
     9  General, the Commission shall have the right to intervene. In
    10  any action brought under this subsection:
    11     (1)  All filing fees shall be waived for the Commission and
    12  all parties, including the action brought under Commonwealth
    13  Court's original jurisdiction and any appeal arising out of such
    14  action.
    15     (2)  If, after a trial, Commonwealth Court finds that a
    16  respondent engaged in or is engaging in any unlawful
    17  discriminatory practice as defined in this act, the court may
    18  award attorney fees and costs to the complainant on whose behalf
    19  the action was commenced.
    20     (3)  If, after a trial, Commonwealth Court finds that a
    21  respondent has not engaged in or is not engaging in any unlawful
    22  discriminatory practice as defined in this act, the court may
    23  award attorney fees and costs to the prevailing respondent if
    24  the respondent proves that the complaint upon which the civil
    25  action was based was brought in bad faith.
    26     (4)  If, after a trial, the Commonwealth Court finds that a
    27  respondent has not engaged in any unlawful discriminatory
    28  practice as defined in this act, the court may award attorney
    29  fees and costs to the prevailing respondent if the court
    30  determines that the complaint is frivolous and that the
    19970H0337B1483                  - 5 -

     1  Commission dealt with the party complained against in a wilful,
     2  wanton and oppressive manner, in which case, the Commission
     3  shall be ordered to pay such costs and attorney fees.
     4     * * *
     5     (j)  At any time after the filing of a complaint, the
     6  Commission shall dismiss with prejudice a complaint which, in
     7  its opinion is untimely with no grounds for equitable tolling,
     8  outside its jurisdiction or frivolous on its face.
     9     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    10     Section 9.1.  Procedure Regarding Housing Advertisements.--
    11     (a)  Where the alleged violation of this act complained of
    12  involves an advertisement, the following procedure specified in
    13  this section shall apply.
    14     (b)  The Commission shall compile, publish and update as
    15  required a list of words, phrases, symbols and the like which
    16  are impermissible under this act when used in housing
    17  advertisements and shall publish in the Pennsylvania Bulletin
    18  both this list and specific examples of housing advertisements
    19  which are impermissible under this act. This list shall be
    20  published within sixty days of the effective date of this
    21  section and shall serve thereafter as proposed rulemaking in
    22  full force and effect until such time as the final-form
    23  regulations are adopted.
    24     (c)  An advertiser who knowingly and wilfully violates this
    25  act may be penalized under section 9(f)(2) and (f.1). It shall
    26  be an affirmative defense precluding a finding that an
    27  advertiser has knowingly and wilfully violated this act if an
    28  advertiser has either:
    29     (1)  attempted, in good faith, to comply with the list and
    30  specific examples of impermissible housing advertisements
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     1  described in subsection (b); or
     2     (2)  complied with an interpretation of the Commission or its
     3  personnel concerning what constitutes appropriate housing
     4  advertisements.
     5  It shall also be an affirmative defense precluding a finding
     6  that an advertiser has knowingly and wilfully violated this act
     7  if an advertiser has made reasonable efforts in good faith to
     8  comply with this act. Guidelines as to the type of conduct which
     9  constitutes such reasonable efforts to comply shall be developed
    10  and published by the Commission in the Pennsylvania Bulletin
    11  along with the list and specific examples of impermissible
    12  advertising described in subsection (b).
    13     (d)  (1)  In order to facilitate the speedy implementation of
    14  this program, the Commission shall have the power and authority
    15  to promulgate, adopt and use guidelines which shall be published
    16  in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The guidelines shall not be
    17  subject to review pursuant to section 205 of the act of July 31,
    18  1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth
    19  Documents Law, sections 204(b) and 301(10) of the act of October
    20  15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the "Commonwealth Attorneys
    21  Act," or the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as
    22  the "Regulatory Review Act," and shall be effective for a period
    23  not to exceed two (2) years from the effective date of this
    24  section.
    25     (2)  After the expiration of the two (2) year period, all
    26  guidelines shall expire and shall be replaced by regulations
    27  which shall have been promulgated, adopted and published as
    28  provided by law within two (2) years from the effective date of
    29  this section.
    30     Section 9.3.  Civil Penalties.--The Commission shall have the
    19970H0337B1483                  - 7 -

     1  power to adopt a schedule of civil penalties for violation of
     2  section 5(h)(5) by the advertiser and the publisher in instances
     3  where the complainant does not take action to secure housing
     4  accommodations or financing and is not denied housing
     5  accommodations or financing based on the alleged discriminatory
     6  language in the advertisement. The schedule of penalties,
     7  guidelines for their imposition and procedures for appeal shall
     8  be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, provided that the
     9  Commission shall, within two (2) years of such publication,
    10  promulgate a regulation setting forth the schedule of penalties,
    11  guidelines and procedures. Any such penalty shall not exceed the
    12  sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00). Duly authorized agents of
    13  the Commission shall have the power and authority to issue
    14  citations and impose penalties for any such violations. Any such
    15  penalty imposed may be appealed to the Commission pursuant to
    16  regulations promulgated under this act. All proceedings shall be
    17  conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 Pa.C.S.
    18  (relating to administrative law and procedure).
    19     Section 5.  Section 13 of the act is amended to read:
    20     Section 13.  Separability.--(a)  If any clause, sentence,
    21  paragraph or part of this act, or the application thereof, to
    22  any person or circumstance, shall, for any reason, be adjudged
    23  by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such
    24  judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of
    25  this act nor the application of such clause, sentence, paragraph
    26  or part to other persons or circumstances, but shall be confined
    27  in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph or part
    28  thereof and to the persons or circumstances directly involved in
    29  the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.
    30  It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that this act
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     1  would have been adopted had such provisions not been included or
     2  such persons or circumstances been expressly excluded from their
     3  coverage.
     4     (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), if any
     5  clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this act, or the
     6  application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall be
     7  adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction or finally
     8  determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development
     9  not to be in substantial equivalence with the Fair Housing Act
    10  (Public Law 90-284, 42 U.S.C. § 3601 et seq.), and if such
    11  judgment or final determination threatens the loss or reduction
    12  of Federal funds to the Commission, all provisions of this
    13  amendatory act except the provisions adding subsections (c.1)
    14  and (j) to section 9 shall be null and void. The Commission
    15  shall, in such event, apply the provisions of 16 Pa. Code §§
    16  45.8(a) (relating to advertisements) and 45.13(f) (relating to
    17  exemptions) which were in effect on March 1, 1997, such
    18  provisions having been revived by operation of law.
    19     Section 6.  The provisions of 16 Pa. Code §§ 45.8(a)
    20  (relating to advertisements) and 45.13(f) (relating to
    21  exemptions) are nullified.
    22     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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