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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 356



No. 339 Session of 2001

           YOUNGBLOOD, JANUARY 31, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing community reparative disposition programs for
     2     offenders and community reparative disposition boards; and
     3     providing for the powers and duties of the Pennsylvania
     4     Commission on Crime and Delinquency and for expungement of
     5     criminal arrest records in certain circumstances.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Community
    10  Reparative Disposition Program Act.
    11  Section 2.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Board."  The community reparative disposition board of a
    16  county established under this act and administered by the court

     1  of common pleas of the county.
     2     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
     3  Delinquency.
     4     "Offender."  A person charged with the commission of a
     5  criminal offense in this Commonwealth and graded as a
     6  misdemeanor of third degree or a summary offense who has never
     7  been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor. The term does not
     8  include a person charged with a violation of a protection from
     9  abuse order entered pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. (relating to domestic
    10  relations).
    11     "Panel."  A community reparative panel which shall consist of
    12  at least three members selected by the community reparative
    13  disposition board.
    14     "Program."  A community reparative disposition program
    15  implemented in accordance with this act.
    16     "Reparative activity."  An act to be performed by an
    17  offender, the objective of which is to repair the harm caused to
    18  a victim or the community by the offender or to rehabilitate the
    19  offender.
    20  Section 3.  Community reparative disposition program.
    21     (a)  Establishment.--The county commissioners of each county
    22  may establish a community reparative disposition program, which
    23  program shall be administered in a manner prescribed and
    24  approved by the community reparative disposition board of the
    25  county and in accordance with guidelines promulgated by the
    26  commission relating to the program. Once established, a
    27  community reparative disposition board may be dissolved at any
    28  time, at the discretion of the county commissioners.
    29     (b)  Purposes.--The purposes of the program shall be:
    30         (1)  To provide a mechanism for the victims of crime and
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     1     the community to receive restitution from offenders.
     2         (2)  To educate offenders about the impact their crimes
     3     have made on victims and the community.
     4         (3)  To provide a means, including rehabilitation, by
     5     which offenders may become law-abiding, productive citizens
     6     in the future.
     7         (4)  To provide offenders with an incentive to engage in
     8     reparative activities as an alternative to prosecution for
     9     the criminal offenses committed by them.
    10     (c)  Program guidelines.--The commission shall promulgate
    11  guidelines relating to:
    12         (1)  The operation of community reparative disposition
    13     boards.
    14         (2)  The composition of panels within the boards.
    15         (3)  The types of reparative and rehabilitative
    16     activities deemed acceptable for community reparative
    17     disposition programs.
    18         (4)  The criteria to be used by the boards in the
    19     development of reparative activities for offenders.
    20  Section 4.  Community reparative disposition boards.
    21     (a)  Composition.--In order to conduct business, each
    22  community reparative disposition board shall be composed of at
    23  least ten members who shall be citizens of the county. Members
    24  of the board shall serve for a term of two years and the board
    25  shall consist of the following:
    26         (1)  The president judge of the court of common pleas or
    27     that person's designee.
    28         (2)  The chairman of the county commissioners or that
    29     person's designee; or in counties of the first class, the
    30     mayor or that person's designee.
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     1         (3)  The district attorney or that person's designee.
     2         (4)  A victim's service representative or representative
     3     of a victim's service organization, selected by the district
     4     attorney.
     5         (5)  The single county authority for alcohol and drugs or
     6     that person's designee.
     7         (6)  A representative selected by the chiefs of police in
     8     the county.
     9         (7)  A representative of a faith-based community,
    10     selected by the county commissioners or, in counties of the
    11     first class, the mayor.
    12         (8)  A representative of the business community, selected
    13     by the county commissioners or, in counties of the first
    14     class, the mayor.
    15         (9)  A public defender or assistant public defender.
    16         (10)  The county mental health/mental retardation
    17     administrator or that person's designee.
    18     (b)  Duties.--The board shall perform the following duties:
    19         (1)  Select persons for participation on panels.
    20         (2)  Define the categories of cases appropriate for
    21     referral of offenders to the panel.
    22         (3)  Establish and implement appropriate training of
    23     panels.
    24         (4)  Oversee the activities of the panels.
    25         (5)  Report on activities of the board and panels to the
    26     commission.
    27     (c)  Panels.--The panels selected by the board shall conduct
    28  meetings with offenders and victims for the purpose of
    29  negotiating and entering into written agreements. The panels
    30  shall:
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     1         (1)  Report to the board regarding the conditions of
     2     agreements or reparative activities entered into with
     3     offenders who seek participation in the program.
     4         (2)  Supervise offenders' compliance with the conditions
     5     of the program.
     6         (3)  Certify, at the request of the offender, whether the
     7     offender has satisfactorily completed the conditions of the
     8     program.
     9  Section 5.  Referral of offenders.
    10     (a)  Procedures.--The board shall establish procedures for
    11  the referral of offenders by the charging authority to a panel,
    12  which procedures shall contain the following provisions:
    13         (1)  Referrals shall be made as early as practicable
    14     after the arrest.
    15         (2)  A referral shall be contingent upon the offender's
    16     admission that he committed the offense.
    17     (b)  Use of offender information or statements.--No
    18  admission, information or statements provided by an offender or
    19  the offender's attorney to the attorney for the Commonwealth
    20  relating to consideration for participation in the program shall
    21  be admissible against the offender for any purpose in any
    22  criminal proceeding, except in a prosecution based on the
    23  falsity of such information or statements.
    24     (c)  Continuance of proceedings.--Any court proceedings
    25  relating to the offense shall be continued pending completion or
    26  breach of the agreement between the panel and the offender.
    27  Section 6.  Meeting of panels.
    28     (a)  General rule.--After referral of an offender to a panel,
    29  the panel shall conduct a meeting between the panel, the
    30  offender and the victim, if available. At the meeting, the panel
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     1  shall attempt to enter into a written agreement of reparative
     2  activities with the offender.
     3     (b)  Written statement by victim.--The victim may, at his
     4  option, provide a written statement to the panel in lieu of
     5  appearing at the panel hearing or meeting.
     6     (c)  Panel report to board and court.--
     7         (1)  After the meeting is concluded, the panel shall
     8     report to the board, the court, the charging authority and
     9     the victim whether an agreement of reparative activities has
    10     been reached with the offender and the provisions of the
    11     agreement, if any.
    12         (2)  Where an agreement has not been reached, the case
    13     shall proceed as if no referral had been made to the panel.
    14     (d)  Understanding of offender.--In the course of developing
    15  the agreement, the panel shall determine whether the offender
    16  understands the following:
    17         (1)  Acceptance into and satisfactory completion of the
    18     program provides the offender an opportunity to dismiss the
    19     pending charges.
    20         (2)  Should the offender fail to complete the program
    21     satisfactorily, the offender may be prosecuted for the
    22     offense charged as provided by law.
    23         (3)  The offender must agree that if accepted into the
    24     program, the offender waives, in writing:
    25             (i)  The appropriate statute of limitations for the
    26         offense charged.
    27             (ii)  The offender's right to the speedy filing of
    28         charges and to a speedy trial under any applicable
    29         Federal or State constitutional provision, statute or
    30         rule of court during the period of participation in the
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     1         program.
     2     (e)  Use of offender information or statements.--No
     3  admission, information or statements provided by an offender to
     4  the panel shall be admissible against the offender for any
     5  purpose in any criminal proceeding, except in a prosecution
     6  based on the falsity of such information or statements.
     7     (f)  No appeal.--No appeal shall be taken from any panel
     8  decision.
     9  Section 7.  Breach of conditions by offender.
    10     If the panel, in its discretion, determines that the offender
    11  has not completed the conditions, the panel shall declare the
    12  agreement breached. The panel shall notify in writing the
    13  charging authority, the board, the court and the victim of the
    14  breach.
    15  Section 8.  Conditions of program participation.
    16     (a)  General rule.--It shall be a condition of program
    17  participation that the offender shall not be arrested for, nor
    18  commit, any crime. The conditions of participation in the
    19  program shall also consist of:
    20         (1)  Reparative activities mandated by the panel, after
    21     input from the victim, if available, and the offender.
    22         (2)  The imposition of costs and a reasonable charge
    23     relating to the expense of administering the program.
    24         (3)  Such other conditions as may be imposed with respect
    25     to probation after conviction of a criminal offense,
    26     including, but not limited to, restitution.
    27         (4)  Such other terms and conditions as agreed to by the
    28     panel and the offender.
    29         (5)  Referral to assessment for drug and alcohol, mental
    30     health, vocational or other rehabilitative services, as
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     1     deemed appropriate by the panel.
     2         (6)  Any other conditions as required by law.
     3     (b)  Duration of participation.--An offender shall be
     4  required to participate in the program for a period of not more
     5  than one year.
     6  Section 9.  Dismissal of charges for completion of program.
     7     When an offender satisfactorily completes the conditions of
     8  the program, the panel shall notify in writing the charging
     9  authority, the board, the court and the victim. The court shall
    10  dismiss any charges relating to the underlying offense.
    11  Section 10.  Expungement.
    12     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b),
    13  when a court orders the dismissal of charges under section 9,
    14  the court may also order the expungement of the offender's
    15  arrest record relating to the dismissed charges, upon motion of
    16  the offender.
    17     (b)  Objection by the Commonwealth.-- The Commonwealth may
    18  file any objection to an expungement under subsection (a). A
    19  copy of the objections under this section shall be served on the
    20  offender, the offender's attorney and the victim.
    21     (c)  Hearing on objections.--The court shall conduct a
    22  hearing on the objections and shall permit the offender and the
    23  victim an opportunity to be heard.
    24  Section 11.  Duties of commission.
    25     In addition to any other duties imposed under this act the
    26  commission shall:
    27         (1)  Develop models and promulgate guidelines to assist
    28     community reparative boards in the establishment of community
    29     reparative disposition programs.
    30         (2)  Provide technical assistance and funding for the
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     1     establishment and operation of community reparative
     2     disposition programs.
     3         (3)  Monitor the effect of the community reparative
     4     disposition programs on recidivist rates.
     5         (4)  Monitor the effect of the community reparative
     6     disposition programs' court expenditures.
     7         (5)  Establish a curriculum and training program to
     8     support the establishment and operation of community
     9     reparative disposition programs.
    10  Section 12.  Effective date.
    11     This act shall take effect July 1, 2001, or immediately,
    12  whichever is later.

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