1Amending Title 4 (Amusements) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
2Statutes, further providing for regulatory authority of

4The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
5hereby enacts as follows:

6Section 1.  Section 1207(7) of Title 4 of the Pennsylvania
7Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:

8§ 1207.  Regulatory authority of board.

9The board shall have the power and its duties shall be to:

10* * *

11(7)  Enforce prescribed hours for the operation of slot
12machines so that slot machine licensees may operate slot
13machines on any day during the year, except the licensed 
14facility shall be closed from the hours of 2 a.m. until 6 
15a.m., in order to meet the needs of patrons or to meet

17* * *

18Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.