See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2890



No. 347 Session of 2000


           FEBRUARY 2, 2000

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Concerning the killings of human rights lawyers Rosemary Nelson
     2     and Patrick Finucane.

     3     WHEREAS, The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the
     4  Independence of Judges and Lawyers reported in March 1998 on the
     5  widespread pattern of abuse directed at lawyers in Northern
     6  Ireland by members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC),
     7  concluding that "the RUC has engaged in activities which
     8  constitute intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper
     9  interference. The Special Rapporteur is particularly concerned
    10  by the fact that the RUC has identified solicitors with their
    11  clients or their clients' causes as a result of discharging
    12  their functions"; and
    13     WHEREAS, The British Government failed to act upon any of the
    14  recommendations of the Special Rapporteur, including that "the
    15  Government should provide the necessary protection and should
    16  vigorously investigate the threats and bring to justice the

     1  guilty party"; and
     2     WHEREAS, The United Nations Special Rapporteur reported
     3  further in April 1999 that in relation to the murder of
     4  solicitor Pat Finucane ten years ago: "there is at least prima
     5  facie evidence" of "State collusion, i.e. military and/or RUC
     6  collusion, in this murder"; and
     7     WHEREAS, the United Nations special Rapporteur's April 1999
     8  report condemns the RUC's "complete indifference" to allegations
     9  made by responsible domestic and international nongovernmental
    10  organizations concerning harassment and intimidation of
    11  solicitors; and
    12     WHEREAS, Solicitor Rosemary Nelson testified in September
    13  1998 before the United States Congress House Committee on
    14  International Relations that she had been "physically assaulted
    15  by a number of RUC officers," and that the harassment included,
    16  "at the most serious, making threats against my personal safety
    17  including death threats"; and
    18     WHEREAS, Rosemary Nelson made formal complaints about this
    19  treatment, following which Northern Ireland's Independent
    20  Commission on Police Complaints (ICPC) made unprecedentedly
    21  strong criticisms of the RUC investigation into those
    22  complaints, finding an "ill-disguised hostility to Mrs. Nelson
    23  on the part of some police officers," which led to the ICPC
    24  bringing in a senior London police officer to take over the
    25  investigation from the RUC; and
    26     WHEREAS, Solicitor Rosemary Nelson was brutally murdered on
    27  March 15, 1999, when a bomb placed under her car detonated a
    28  short distance from the school attended by the youngest of her
    29  three children; and
    30     WHEREAS, The conduct of the investigation into Rosemary
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     1  Nelson's murder remains substantially in the hands of the same
     2  RUC which she had previously accused of making death threats to
     3  her; and
     4     WHEREAS, The House Committee on International Relations has
     5  called for separate independent inquiries into the killings of
     6  Rosemary Nelson and Pat Finucane; and
     7     WHEREAS, The International Commission of Jurists reported in
     8  April 1999 to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in
     9  Geneva that more lawyers in Northern Ireland have been the
    10  victims of death threats and harassment than in any other part
    11  of the European Union; and
    12     WHEREAS, The United Nations Basic Principles on the Role of
    13  Lawyers require that "Governments shall ensure that lawyers are
    14  able to perform all of their professional functions without
    15  intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference,"
    16  (Principle 16) and further that: "Lawyers shall not be
    17  identified with their clients or their clients' causes as a
    18  result of discharging their functions," (Principle 18); and
    19     WHEREAS, In view of the murder of Rosemary Nelson and the
    20  many credible reports of hostility and inappropriate conduct by
    21  members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, it is insufficient for
    22  the British Government to propose awaiting the outcome of the
    23  Patten Commission Report into Policing in Northern Ireland
    24  before taking any action, as any delay in implementing the
    25  United Nations Special Rapporteur's recommendations subjects
    26  lawyers in Northern Ireland to further danger and abuse;
    27  therefore be it
    28     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the
    29  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania call on the British Government to
    30  work in conjunction with the United Nations Special Rapporteur
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     1  to set up independent and independent and impartial inquiries
     2  into the killings of Rosemary Nelson and Pat Finucane; and be it
     3  further
     4     RESOLVED, That, in view of the prima facie case of state
     5  collusion in the murder of Pat Finucane as well as the serious
     6  and credible allegations of death threats from RUC members
     7  against Rosemary Nelson, the inquiries be conducted under the
     8  supervision of one or more jurists of international repute and
     9  carried out by an international team of experienced
    10  investigators who are demonstrably unconnected with the RUC and
    11  who do not rely for their pay, promotion prospects or any other
    12  benefits on any aspect of the security services, civil service
    13  or governmental departments responsible for affairs in Northern
    14  Ireland; and be it further
    15     RESOLVED, That for the inquiries to be effective, those in
    16  charge must be equipped with full subpoena powers to compel the
    17  attendance of witnesses and production of documents and other
    18  physical evidence; and failure to comply with reasonable
    19  subpoena requests should be subject to criminal, civil and
    20  disciplinary sanctions, including summary dismissal and loss of
    21  pension rights and other entitlements, where appropriate; and be
    22  it further
    23     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives call on the
    24  British Government to live up to its responsibilities under
    25  international human rights law to provide fully adequate
    26  protection to all lawyers who have been subjected to threats,
    27  harassment and intimidation; and be it further
    28     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to:
    29         Richard J. Harvey, Esq.
    30         U.S. Spokesperson, Rosemary Nelson Campaign
    31         116 West 111th Street

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     1         New York, N.Y. 10026

     2         The Offices of Rosemary Nelson, L.L.B.
     3         8a William Street, Imgan, Craigavon
     4         Co. Armagh--BT 66 6JA
     5         N.IRELAND

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