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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2289



No. 364 Session of 2005

           JUNE 22, 2005

           JUNE 22, 2005

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Recognizing June 19, 2005, as "Bishop Joshua Henry Jones Day" in
     2     Pennsylvania.

     3     WHEREAS, Joshua Henry Jones rose beyond all expectations of
     4  recently freed African Americans by becoming a recognized
     5  celebrant in the African Methodist Episcopal bishopric; and
     6     WHEREAS, The principal leadership of Mr. Jones in the African
     7  Methodist Episcopal Church, his noble acts for mankind and his
     8  fine work in the community made him a strong role model in the
     9  African-American community; and
    10     WHEREAS, Born to his slave mother and her master on June 15,
    11  1856, Joshua Henry Jones was raised on the plantation of Asbury
    12  Hurley in South Carolina; and
    13     WHEREAS, Joshua Henry Jones attended Columbia's Shady Grove
    14  African Methodist Episcopal Church when slavery ended and became
    15  ordained at the tender age of 19; and
    16     WHEREAS, Mr. Jones continued his thirst for knowledge by
    17  attending Claflin University, where he received his bachelor's

     1  degree, and later attended both Howard and Wilberforce
     2  Universities for graduate studies; and
     3     WHEREAS, Upon completing his graduate studies, Joshua Henry
     4  Jones served as a pastor in Massachusetts and Rhode Island
     5  African Methodist Episcopal churches and eventually settled down
     6  for eight years at St. Paul's African Methodist Episcopal Church
     7  in Columbus, Ohio, where he was successful at championing for
     8  the hiring of African-American teachers for the first time in
     9  the history of the City of Columbus during his eight-year tenure
    10  on the Columbus Board of Education; and
    11     WHEREAS, Soon after Mr. Jones was elected president of
    12  Wilberforce University and in 1912 became the 38th bishop of the
    13  African Methodist Episcopal Church, where his leadership in this
    14  capacity helped further the growth of Paul Quinn College, as
    15  well as reestablishing Wilberforce's Shorter Hall and retiring
    16  the debt of Wilberforce University; and
    17     WHEREAS, In 1928 Joshua Henry Jones was assigned to the First
    18  Episcopal District in Philadelphia and served as pastor at the
    19  Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church located at 6th
    20  and Lombard Streets in Society Hill; and
    21     WHEREAS, While in Philadelphia, Mr. Jones continued his
    22  generous work to the community by borrowing against his personal
    23  funds to save many African Methodist Episcopal churches
    24  throughout the city and this Commonwealth, and also purchased a
    25  new publishing house for the Mother Bethel African Methodist
    26  Episcopal Church after its near demise in 1930; and
    27     WHEREAS, Joshua Henry Jones was instrumental in establishing
    28  his namesake church, Jones Tabernacle, in North Philadelphia,
    29  where Bishop Richard R. Wright, Jr., father of former
    30  Philadelphia Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Ruth Wright Hayre,
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     1  served as the first pastor of this historic landmark site; and
     2     WHEREAS, Mr. Jones passed away November 24, 1932, and
     3  throughout his lifetime had overcome adversity, advanced the
     4  African Methodist Episcopal bishopric and became an influential
     5  African-American leader whose ideals and manner ring true today;
     6  therefore be it
     7     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize June
     8  19, 2005, as "Bishop Joshua Henry Jones Day" in Pennsylvania and
     9  continue to acknowledge his achievements and contributions to
    10  this Commonwealth.

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