See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 439



No. 375 Session of 2007


           FEBRUARY 13, 2007

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the licensure and regulation of assisted living
     2     residences; conferring powers and duties on the Department of
     3     Public Welfare; adding members to the Intra-Governmental
     4     Council on Long-Term Care; and providing for penalties.

     5     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     6         (1)  Assisted living residences are a significant long-
     7     term care alternative nationwide.
     8         (2)  Assisted living residences are a combination of
     9     housing and supportive services, as needed. They are widely
    10     accepted by the general public because they allow people to
    11     age in place, maintain their independence and exercise
    12     decision making and personal choice.
    13         (3)  Consumers continue to say that the three things they
    14     want most are:
    15             (i)  to stay independent and live at home and in
    16         their community as long as possible;
    17             (ii)  respect and dignity for the individual; and

     1             (iii)  a choice of long-term care and supportive
     2         services options.
     3         (4)  In Pennsylvania, assisted living residences are a
     4     private market phenomenon. There is:
     5             (i)  no uniform definition of assisted living
     6         residence;
     7             (ii)  no public oversight of entities which hold
     8         themselves out as assisted living residences, although
     9         many are licensed as personal care homes;
    10             (iii)  no uniform way of assuring quality; and
    11             (iv)  limited access for persons with lower incomes.
    12         (5)  It is in the best interest of all Pennsylvanians
    13     that a system of licensure and regulation be established for
    14     assisted living residences in order to ensure accountability
    15     and a balance of availability between institutional and home-
    16     based and community-based long-term care for adults who need
    17     such care.
    18                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    19  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
    20  Section 101.  Short title.
    21  Section 102.  Definitions.
    22  Chapter 3.  Administration
    23  Section 301.  Intra-Governmental Council on Long-Term Care.
    24  Section 302.  Powers and duties of Commonwealth departments
    25                 and agencies.
    26  Section 303.  Rules and regulations.
    27  Chapter 5.  Licensure Provisions
    28  Section 501.  License required.
    29  Section 502.  Application for license.
    30  Section 503.  Issuance of license.
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     1  Section 504.  Standards for admission.
     2  Section 505.  Right to enter and inspect.
     3  Section 506.  Relocation of consumers in assisted living
     4                 residences.
     5  Section 507.  Assisted living residence administrators.
     6  Section 508.  Staff orientation and training in assisted
     7                 living residences.
     8  Section 509.  Staffing levels and training.
     9  Section 510.  Persons with special needs.
    10  Chapter 7.  Enforcement Provisions
    11  Section 701.  Enforcement.
    12  Section 702.  Revocation or nonrenewal of license.
    13  Section 703.  Licensure appeals.
    14  Section 704.  Effect of departmental orders.
    15  Section 705.  Actions against violations of law and regulations.
    16  Section 706.  Injunction or restraining order when appeal is
    17                 pending.
    18  Chapter 9.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    19  Section 901.  Annual report.
    20  Section 902.  Legislative Budget and Finance Committee study
    21                 and Joint Legislative Task Force.
    22  Section 903.  Committee regulation review.
    23  Section 904.  Severability.
    24  Section 905.  Repeal.
    25  Section 906.  Effective date.
    26     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    27  hereby enacts as follows:
    28                             CHAPTER 1
    29                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    30  Section 101.  Short title.
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     1     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Assisted
     2  Living Residence License Act.
     3  Section 102.  Definitions.
     4     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     5  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     6  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     7     "Activities of daily living" or "ADLs."  Activities including
     8  eating, drinking, ambulating, transferring in and out of bed or
     9  a chair, toileting, bladder and bowel management, personal
    10  hygiene, securing health care, managing health care, self-
    11  administering medication and proper turning and positioning in a
    12  bed or chair.
    13     "Adult."  A person who is 18 years of age or older.
    14     "Aging in place."  The process of providing increased or
    15  adjusted supportive services to a consumer to compensate for the
    16  physical or mental decline that occurs with the aging process
    17  over time in order to maximize individual dignity and
    18  independence and to permit the consumer to remain in a familiar
    19  living environment of the consumer's choice for as long as the
    20  consumer's needs can be met, where such supportive services are
    21  provided by a licensed facility or a third party, in a home or
    22  community or through volunteers, friends or family.
    23     "Area agency on aging" or "AAA."  The single local agency
    24  designated by the Department of Aging within each planning and
    25  service area to administer the delivery of a comprehensive and
    26  coordinated plan of social and other services and activities.
    27     "Assisted living."  Activities as determined and self-
    28  directed by a consumer or by a legal representative that permit
    29  and assist the consumer to live in a community, including such
    30  housing assistance or residency in an assisted living residence
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     1  that permits the consumer to safely be supported in a residence
     2  in which the consumer's independence, dignity and ability to
     3  make choices are maintained, to the extent of the consumer's
     4  capabilities.
     5     "Assisted living residence" or "residence."  A residential
     6  setting that:
     7         (1)  Meets or exceeds the minimum standards for a
     8     personal care home, as defined under 55 Pa. Code Ch. 2600
     9     (relating to personal care home licensing).
    10         (2)  Offers, provides or coordinates a combination of
    11     personal care services, recreation and social activities, 24-
    12     hour supervision and assisted living services, whether
    13     scheduled or unscheduled, and that coordinates other health-
    14     related services for consumers.
    15         (3)  Has a supportive service program and physical
    16     environment designed to minimize the need for consumers to
    17     move within or from the setting in order to accommodate
    18     changing needs and preferences.
    19         (4)  Has an organized mission, service programs, and a
    20     physical environment designed to maximize consumer dignity,
    21     autonomy, privacy and independence and encourages family and
    22     community involvement.
    23         (5)  Provides that costs for housing and services may be
    24     independent of one another.
    25         (6)  Provides consumers with the ability to choose the
    26     services to be provided, their service provider and the
    27     services to the extent that the residential setting does not
    28     offer particular services to consumers.
    29         (7)  Has a goal of fostering aging in place and promoting
    30     consumer self-direction and active participation in decision
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     1     making while emphasizing consumer privacy and dignity.
     2         (8)  Will disclose services offered, provided or
     3     coordinated and the costs thereof.
     4  This term does not include:
     5         (1)  a residential living unit maintained by a continuing
     6     care provider who is certified by the Insurance Department;
     7         (2)  a residential unit in a subsidized housing
     8     apartment, unless required to be licensed under the
     9     Department of Housing and Urban Development Assisted Living
    10     Conversion Program; or
    11         (3)  a boarding home which merely provides room, board
    12     and laundry services to persons who do not need personal care
    13     services.
    14     "Assisted living residence services."  A combination of
    15  supportive services, personal care services, personalized
    16  assistance services, assistive technology and health-related
    17  services designed to respond to the individual needs of
    18  consumers who need assistance with activities of daily living
    19  and instrumental activities of daily living. The term may
    20  include publicly funded home-based and community-based services
    21  available through the medical assistance program and the Federal
    22  Medicaid Waiver Program and State-funded options for home-based
    23  and community-based services authorized through the Department
    24  of Aging and the Department of Public Welfare.
    25     "Assisted living residence services agreement."  The contract
    26  or contracts between a residence and a consumer needing assisted
    27  living residence services regarding the provision and terms of
    28  the assisted living residence services. The term includes a
    29  contract between an assisted living residence and an entity
    30  contracting for services for consumers using public funding.
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     1     "Assistive technology."  Devices and services, whether
     2  medically necessary or not, that are used to increase, maintain
     3  or improve the functional capabilities of persons with
     4  disabilities which may or may not be needed to permit the
     5  persons with disabilities to live independently. The term shall
     6  include, but not be limited to, reachers, adapted telephones,
     7  reading aids and other nonmedical devices.
     8     "Bureau."  The Bureau of Hearings and Appeals within the
     9  Department of Public Welfare.
    10     "Cognitive support services."  Services provided as part of a
    11  comprehensive plan of care to individuals who have memory
    12  impairments and other cognitive problems which significantly
    13  interfere with their ability to carry out activities of daily
    14  living without assistance and who require that supervision,
    15  monitoring and programming be available to them 24 hours a day,
    16  seven days a week, in order for them to reside safely in the
    17  setting of their choice. The term includes assessment, health
    18  support services and a full range of dementia-capable activity
    19  programming and crisis management.
    20     "Comprehensive assessment."  A thorough review and analysis
    21  of a consumer's functional status. The term includes a personal
    22  history, assessment of physical and emotional health, ability to
    23  carry out activities of daily living, informal supports,
    24  environmental factors and cognitive functioning, including
    25  immobility assessment.
    26     "Comprehensive service plan."  A plan that is developed to
    27  meet a consumer's individual needs, as determined by a
    28  comprehensive assessment, and that is developed by an
    29  interdisciplinary team that includes the administrator, the
    30  consumer, the consumer's legal representative and the consumer's
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     1  designated person, if applicable.
     2     "Consumer."  A person who receives services in an assisted
     3  living residence.
     4     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
     5  Commonwealth.
     6     "Designated person."  An individual who may be chosen by a
     7  consumer and documented in the consumer's record to be notified
     8  in case of an emergency, termination of services, assisted
     9  living residence closure or other situations as indicated by the
    10  consumer or as required by this act. The individual may be the
    11  consumer's legal representative or an advocate.
    12     "Direct service staff."  An individual who works for an
    13  assisted living residence for compensation either on payroll or
    14  under contract, is 18 years of age or older and directly
    15  provides assisted living residence services to consumers.
    16     "Immobile person."  An individual who:
    17         (1)  is unable to move from one location to another;
    18         (2)  has difficulty in understanding and carrying out
    19     instructions without the continued full assistance of another
    20     person; or
    21         (3)  is incapable of independently operating a device
    22     such as a wheelchair, prosthesis, walker or cane to exit to a
    23     point of safety.
    24     "Instrumental activities of daily living" or IADLs."  The
    25  term includes, but is not limited to, doing laundry, shopping,
    26  securing and using transportation, managing finances, using a
    27  telephone, meal preparation, making and keeping appointments,
    28  caring for personal possessions, writing correspondence,
    29  engaging in social and leisure activities, using a prosthetic
    30  device and housekeeping.
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     1     "License."  An assisted living residence license.
     2     "Long-term care ombudsman."  A representative of the Office
     3  of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman in the Department of Aging
     4  who, pursuant to section 2203-A of the act of April 9, 1929
     5  (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929,
     6  investigates and seeks to resolve complaints made by or on
     7  behalf of individuals who both are 60 years of age or older and
     8  consumers of assisted living residences, which complaints may
     9  relate to action, inaction or decisions of providers of assisted
    10  living residence services or of public agencies or of social
    11  service agencies or their representatives and which complaints
    12  may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, interests,
    13  preferences or rights of consumers.
    14     "Options."  The Long-Term Care Pre-Admission Assessment
    15  Program and the Community Services for Nursing Facility
    16  Eligibility Program administered by the Department of Aging and
    17  operated by the local area agencies on aging.
    18     "Personal care home."  A premises in which food, shelter and
    19  personal assistance or supervision are provided for a period
    20  exceeding 24 hours for four or more adults who are not relatives
    21  of the operator and who do not require the services in or of a
    22  licensed long-term care facility, but who do require assistance
    23  or supervision in activities of daily living or instrumental
    24  activities of daily living. The term includes a premises that
    25  has held or presently holds itself out as a personal care home
    26  and provides food and shelter to four or more adults who need
    27  personal care services, but who do not receive the services.
    28     "Personal care services."  Assistance or supervision in
    29  activities of daily living (ADL) or instrumental activities of
    30  daily living (IADL), or both.
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     1     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Public Welfare of the
     2  Commonwealth.
     3                             CHAPTER 3
     4                           ADMINISTRATION
     5  Section 301.  Intra-Governmental Council on Long-Term Care.
     6     (a)  Additional members.--In addition to the members
     7  appointed to the Intra-Governmental Council on Long-Term Care in
     8  accordance with section 212 of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31,
     9  No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, the Governor shall
    10  appoint two representatives of the assisted living residence
    11  community, one of whom shall be an owner or administrator of a
    12  licensed assisted living residence and one of whom shall be a
    13  consumer of a licensed assisted living residence.
    14     (b)  Recommendations to be considered.--In developing rules
    15  and regulations for licensure of assisted living residences, the
    16  department shall work in cooperation with the Department of
    17  Aging and shall take into consideration recommendations of the
    18  Intra-Governmental Council on Long-Term Care.
    19  Section 302.  Powers and duties of Commonwealth departments and
    20                 agencies.
    21     (a)  General rule.--Within one year of the effective date of
    22  this section, the following Commonwealth departments shall work
    23  in consultation and in cooperation with each other to develop a
    24  program of licensure and regulation to govern assisted living
    25  residences in this Commonwealth:
    26         (1)  The department shall serve as the lead agency in the
    27     development and implementation of a program for licensing and
    28     regulating assisted living residences. The department shall
    29     coordinate with other State and local agencies having
    30     statutory responsibilities relating to assisted living
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     1     residences.
     2         (2)  The Department of Aging shall formulate and provide
     3     to the Aging and Youth Committee of the Senate and the Aging
     4     and Older Adult Services Committee of the House of
     5     Representatives recommendations for changes in existing State
     6     law and regulations to extend provisions of the act of
     7     November 6, 1987 (P.L.381, No.79), known as the Older Adults
     8     Protective Services Act, to assisted living residences and
     9     the consumers thereof.
    10         (3)  The Department of Labor and Industry shall
    11     promulgate rules and regulations applicable to assisted
    12     living residences in accordance with the act of November 10,
    13     1999 (P.L.491, No.45), known as the Pennsylvania Construction
    14     Code Act, and in accordance with this section. The
    15     regulations shall apply to all assisted living residences not
    16     currently licensed by the department as a personal care home
    17     and to all personal care homes making an application to the
    18     department for an assisted living residence license.
    19     (b)  Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
    20  construed to preclude the role of any additional Commonwealth
    21  departments or agencies in the licensing and regulation of
    22  assisted living residences, as designated by the Governor.
    23  Section 303.  Rules and regulations.
    24     (a)  Initial rules.--Within 90 days of the effective date of
    25  this section, the department shall:
    26         (1)  Adopt rules relating to the conduct of owners and
    27     employees of assisted living residences relative to the
    28     endorsement or delivery of public or private welfare, pension
    29     or insurance checks by a consumer of an assisted living
    30     residence.
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     1         (2)  In consultation with the Department of Aging and the
     2     Intra-Governmental Council on Long-Term Care, adopt rules
     3     for:
     4             (i)  Classification of violations.
     5             (ii)  Enforcement measures for violations, including
     6         closure of assisted living residences, with extensive
     7         patterns of serious violations or those which are found
     8         to have severe violations which constitute a risk to
     9         safety of current or potential consumers.
    10             (iii)  Closure of assisted living residences that
    11         have failed to obtain a license and have consumers
    12         receiving services covered under this act.
    13             (iv)  Responding to the needs of consumers with
    14         cognitive impairments.
    15             (v)  Protecting consumers' rights.
    16  The rules shall be in effect until the adoption of final
    17  regulations that cover the same subject matter.
    18     (b)  Standards.--The department shall promulgate regulations,
    19  no later than one year after the effective date of this section,
    20  in order to develop standards to be met by assisted living
    21  residences to qualify for a license. The regulations shall:
    22         (1)  Not apply to boarding homes that merely provide
    23     room, board and laundry services to persons who do not need
    24     assisted living residence services.
    25         (2)  Promote the cost efficiency and effectiveness of
    26     visitations and inspections.
    27         (3)  Delegate to other State and local agencies, as
    28     appropriate, responsibility for visitations, inspections,
    29     referrals, placement and protection of consumers residing in
    30     assisted living residences.
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     1         (4)  Evaluate the State's fire and panic laws as applied
     2     to assisted living residences.
     3         (5)  Establish a uniform standard policy for the
     4     discharge of a consumer from an assisted living residence,
     5     including, at a minimum, advance notice provisions for the
     6     consumer and the consumer's appeal rights through the bureau.
     7         (6)  Provide for the implementation of fire and safety
     8     and consumer care standards relating to assisted living
     9     residences by cities of the first class, second class and
    10     second class A.
    11         (7)  Ensure that any regulations established in
    12     accordance with this section shall be consistent with
    13     regulations of the department relating to the funding of
    14     residential care for the mentally ill or mentally retarded
    15     adults and any regulations of the Department of Aging
    16     relating to domiciliary care.
    17         (8)  Develop standards and qualifications for
    18     administrators of assisted living residences.
    19         (9)  Develop standards for orientation and training for
    20     all direct service staff in an assisted living residence.
    21         (10)  Provide for the posting in assisted living
    22     residences of information regarding the Long-Term Care
    23     Ombudsman Program, including the process in which the
    24     services of the local ombudsman can be readily accessed,
    25     including the telephone number and name of the contact
    26     person. Such information shall be posted in a conspicuous
    27     location that is readily accessible and shall be presented in
    28     a form easily understood and read by consumers.
    29         (11)  Develop standards for admission to assisted living
    30     residences and for provision of assisted living residence
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     1     services to consumers, including:
     2             (i)  Completion of a comprehensive assessment process
     3         and development of a comprehensive service plan for each
     4         consumer.
     5             (ii)  Requirements for information that must be
     6         provided prior to admission to consumers of assisted
     7         living residences.
     8             (iii)  Requirements for assisted living residence
     9         services agreements, including development of a
    10         standardized assisted living residence services
    11         agreement.
    12                             CHAPTER 5
    13                        LICENSURE PROVISIONS
    14  Section 501.  License required.
    15     No person shall establish, maintain, operate or hold itself
    16  out as authorized to establish, maintain or operate an assisted
    17  living residence without first having obtained an assisted
    18  living residence license issued by the department.
    19  Section 502.  Application for license.
    20     (a)  Submission to department.--In order to obtain a license,
    21  an application shall be submitted on a form prescribed by the
    22  department, along with any other information required by the
    23  department.
    24     (b)  Fees.--The following fee shall accompany an application
    25  for an assisted living residence license or for renewal of a
    26  license until modified by the department by regulation:
    27         (1)  Residences with fewer than 20 beds, $50.
    28         (2)  Residences with 20 to 50 beds, $100.
    29         (3)  Residences with 51 to 100 beds, $250.
    30         (4)  Residences with more than 100 beds, $500.
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     1  Section 503.  Issuance of license.
     2     An assisted living residence license issued by the department
     3  under this act shall:
     4         (1)  Be issued for a period not to exceed one year.
     5         (2)  Be issued only to the applicant.
     6         (3)  Be issued only when the applicant has achieved
     7     compliance with the rules and regulations of the Commonwealth
     8     departments provided for under sections 302 and 303.
     9         (4)  Not be transferable unless the department approves
    10     the transfer of license. The department may deny transfers to
    11     friends, relatives or business associates if it appears that
    12     the purpose of the transfer is to avoid licensure action or
    13     if it appears that the previous owner will continue to have
    14     involvement in the residence or business.
    15         (5)  Be posted at all times in a conspicuous and readily
    16     accessible place on the premises of the assisted living
    17     residence.
    18  Section 504.  Standards for admission.
    19     The rules and regulations for the licensing of assisted
    20  living residences shall provide that:
    21         (1)  Prior to admission to an assisted living residence,
    22     an initial standardized screening instrument shall determine
    23     the appropriateness of the admission and shall be completed
    24     for all consumers. This standardized screening instrument
    25     shall be developed by the department, in cooperation with the
    26     Department of Aging and the Intra-Governmental Council on
    27     Long-Term Care. In no way shall the utilization of this
    28     standardized instrument be in lieu of an options assessment
    29     for any consumer who may need publicly funded services.
    30         (2)  In addition to the screening, each consumer shall
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     1     have a medical evaluation performed by a physician,
     2     physician's assistant or certified registered nurse
     3     practitioner documented on a form specified by the department
     4     and kept on file at the residence, within 60 days prior to
     5     admission or within 30 days after admission. The medical
     6     evaluation shall:
     7             (i)  Include, at a minimum, a general physical
     8         examination, a medical diagnosis, medical information
     9         pertinent to diagnosis and treatment in case of an
    10         emergency, special health or dietary needs of the
    11         consumer, allergies, immunization history and other items
    12         as determined by the department.
    13             (ii)  Be performed at least annually.
    14             (iii)  Be performed if the medical condition of the
    15         consumer changes prior to the annual medical evaluation.
    16         (3)  Following completion of a comprehensive assessment,
    17     an individual designated by the assisted living residence
    18     administrator shall work in cooperation with an
    19     interdisciplinary team that includes the consumer and the
    20     consumer's designated person to develop a written
    21     comprehensive service plan consistent with the consumer's
    22     unique physical and psychosocial needs with recognition of
    23     the consumer's capabilities and preferences.
    24         (4)  Assisted living residences may not admit a consumer
    25     before a determination has been made that the needs of the
    26     consumer can be met based upon:
    27             (i)  The completed screening instrument.
    28             (ii)  The medical evaluation report.
    29             (iii)  An interview between the assisted living
    30         residence and the consumer, and if applicable, the
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     1         consumer's designated person, or both.
     2         (5)  Assisted living residences shall:
     3             (i)  Foster aging in place and promote consumer self-
     4         direction and active participation in decision making
     5         while emphasizing a consumer's privacy and dignity, based
     6         on the consumer's cognitive capability.
     7             (ii)  Permit consumers to live independently in the
     8         residential environment of their choice with privacy and
     9         dignity.
    10             (iii)  Promote integration of consumers into the
    11         community and participation in the mainstream of
    12         activities.
    13             (iv)  Maximize consumer choice to promote and support
    14         the consumer's changing needs and preferences.
    15             (v)  Be consumer oriented and meet professional
    16         standards of quality.
    17         (6)  An assisted living resident administrator shall
    18     refer a consumer whose needs cannot be met by an assisted
    19     living residence for a standardized screening.
    20         (7)  A comprehensive service plan shall be kept on file
    21     for each consumer and shall be strictly adhered to in the
    22     provision of care and services provided to the consumer.
    23         (8)  Each consumer or the consumer's designated person
    24     shall receive an information packet at the time of
    25     application that includes the following items, presented in a
    26     form easily understood and read by the consumer:
    27             (i)  A copy of the assisted living residence's
    28         policies.
    29             (ii)  Advance directive information, including
    30         information on the right to have or not have an advance
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     1         directive.
     2             (iii)  Information regarding licensure status.
     3             (iv)  Telephone numbers of the local long-term care
     4         ombudsman program and the local area agency on aging.
     5             (v)  A copy of the assisted living residence services
     6         agreement used by the assisted living residence and all
     7         rates charged.
     8             (vi)  A copy of the internal complaint resolution
     9         mechanism used by the assisted living residence.
    10             (vii)  A disclosure stating the rights of consumers
    11         under this act.
    12             (viii)  Information regarding the discharge policy of
    13         the assisted living residence, including the consumer's
    14         right to appeal a decision, as well as information on the
    15         appeal procedure and the reason for the discharge.
    16         (9)  All consumers shall receive a standard written
    17     assisted living residence services agreement which shall
    18     include the actual rent and other charges for services
    19     provided by the assisted living residence. The agreement
    20     shall also include a disclosure statement that includes the
    21     following:
    22             (i)  The consumer has 24 hours from the time of
    23         presentation to sign the agreement.
    24             (ii)  If the agreement is signed upon presentation,
    25         the consumer has 72 hours to rescind the agreement.
    26         (10)  A consumer shall have the right to leave and return
    27     to the assisted living residence in accordance with residence
    28     procedures, receive visitors, have access to a telephone and
    29     mail and participate in religious activities.
    30         (11)  Assisted living residence owners, administrators
    20070H0375B0439                 - 18 -     

     1     and direct service staff shall be prohibited from being
     2     assigned power of attorney or guardianship for consumers.
     3  Section 505.  Right to enter and inspect.
     4     (a)  General rule.--The department shall receive complaints
     5  24 hours a day and may enter and inspect any assisted living
     6  residence that is licensed or required to be licensed by this
     7  act, with or without prior notice. The department shall have
     8  free and full access to inspect and examine the assisted living
     9  residence and its grounds and the records of the residence and
    10  the licensee. The department shall also have immediate and full
    11  opportunity to privately interview any member of the direct
    12  service staff. The department shall contact the long-term care
    13  ombudsman and shall utilize any consumer-related information
    14  available to be provided by that office when conducting
    15  inspections under this section.
    16     (b)  Initial licensure inspection.--Before an assisted living
    17  residence is licensed and permitted to open, operate or admit
    18  consumers and before assisted living residence services are
    19  provided to consumers, it shall be inspected by the department
    20  for compliance with the requirements set forth in this act and
    21  the resulting regulations.
    22     (c)  Annual unannounced inspections required.--The department
    23  shall annually conduct at least one onsite, unannounced
    24  inspection of each assisted living residence.
    25     (d)  Special unannounced inspections.--
    26         (1)  Within 24 hours of receipt of a complaint from any
    27     person alleging an immediate serious risk to the health and
    28     safety of a consumer in an assisted living residence, the
    29     department shall conduct an onsite unannounced inspection of
    30     the assisted living residence.
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     1         (2)  The inspection pursuant to this subsection may be
     2     conducted after receipt of a complaint alleging severe injury
     3     or death of a consumer in the assisted living residence,
     4     reports of abuse or conditions or practices that create an
     5     immediate and serious risk to a consumer.
     6     (e)  Time period for unannounced inspections.--Except for
     7  complaints under subsection (d), the department shall determine
     8  the acceptable time period in which an unannounced inspection
     9  shall be conducted.
    10     (f)  Annual report.--The department shall submit, on an
    11  annual basis, a report to the Aging and Youth Committee of the
    12  Senate and the Aging and Older Adult Services Committee of the
    13  House of Representatives regarding the findings of the
    14  inspections required by this section.
    15     (g)  Administrative search warrants.--Notwithstanding the
    16  inspection and access powers of the department under subsection
    17  (a), on a finding of probable cause that there is a violation of
    18  this act or regulations under this act, a court of competent
    19  jurisdiction or a magisterial district judge where the residence
    20  is located shall issue an administrative search warrant to the
    21  department. The warrant shall identify the address of the
    22  assisted living residence to be searched, the hours during which
    23  the search may occur and any documents or objects to be seized.
    24  Section 506.  Relocation of consumers in assisted living
    25                 residences.
    26     (a)  Conditions.--Except as provided in subsection (c), the
    27  department, in conjunction with appropriate local authorities,
    28  shall relocate consumers from an assisted living residence if
    29  any of the following conditions exist:
    30         (1)  The assisted living residence is operating without a
    20070H0375B0439                 - 20 -     

     1     license.
     2         (2)  The licensee is voluntarily closing the assisted
     3     living residence and relocation is necessary for the health
     4     and safety of the consumers.
     5         (3)  The licensee is being involuntarily closed or has
     6     engaged in conduct that endangers the health and safety of
     7     consumers.
     8     (b)  Assistance.--
     9         (1)  The department shall offer relocation assistance to
    10     consumers relocated under this section. Except in an
    11     emergency, consumers shall be involved in planning their
    12     transfer to another placement and shall have the right to
    13     choose among the available alternative placements.
    14         (2)  The department may make temporary placement until
    15     final placement can be arranged.
    16         (3)  Consumers shall be provided with an opportunity to
    17     visit alternative placement before relocation or following
    18     temporary emergency relocation. Consumers shall choose their
    19     final placement and shall be given assistance in transferring
    20     to such place.
    21     (c)  When prohibited.--Consumers may not be relocated
    22  pursuant to this section if the department determines in writing
    23  that such relocation is not in the best interest of the
    24  consumer.
    25  Section 507.  Assisted living residence administrators.
    26     (a)  Appointment.--No later than 90 days after the effective
    27  date of this section, all assisted living residences shall
    28  identify and appoint an assisted living residence administrator
    29  or administrators who meet, within one year of the effective
    30  date of the regulations promulgated under section 303, at a
    20070H0375B0439                 - 21 -     

     1  minimum, the qualifications provided in this section. Education
     2  and training requirements for assisted living residence
     3  administrators shall meet or exceed requirements for personal
     4  care home administrators, pursuant to 55 Pa. Code, Ch. 2600
     5  (relating to personal care home licensing).
     6     (b)  Qualification.--An assisted living residence
     7  administrator shall satisfy the provisions in one of the
     8  following paragraphs:
     9         (1)  (i)  Be 21 years of age or older and be of good
    10         moral character.
    11             (ii)  Have a high school diploma or a GED
    12         equivalency.
    13             (iii)  Have knowledge, education and training, as it
    14         pertains to assisted living residences, in all of the
    15         following:
    16                 (A)  Fire prevention and emergency planning.
    17                 (B)  First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    18             certification, medications, medical terminology and
    19             personal hygiene.
    20                 (C)  Federal, State and local laws and
    21             regulations.
    22                 (D)  Nutrition, food handling and sanitation.
    23                 (E)  Recreation.
    24                 (F)  Matters relating to dementia, including
    25             normal aging and cognitive, psychological and
    26             function abilities of older persons.
    27                 (G)  Mental health issues.
    28                 (H)  Assisted living philosophy.
    29                 (I)  Use and benefits of assistive technology.
    30                 (J)  Team building and stress reduction for
    20070H0375B0439                 - 22 -     

     1             assisted living residence staff.
     2                 (K)  Working with family members.
     3                 (L)  Awareness, identification, prevention and
     4             reporting of abuse and neglect.
     5                 (M)  Mission and purpose of services to
     6             individuals with cognitive impairments.
     7                 (N)  Communication skills and management of
     8             behavioral challenges.
     9                 (O)  Community resources and social services.
    10                 (P)  Staff supervision, budgeting, financial
    11             recordkeeping and training.
    12         (2)  Be a licensed nursing home administrator or
    13     certified personal care home administrator who has completed
    14     a course of instruction in the administration of an assisted
    15     living residence, including instruction in all areas
    16     enumerated under paragraph (1)(iii).
    17     (c)  Training.--An assisted living residence administrator
    18  shall complete a department-approved training course of 100
    19  hours and must pass a test which has been approved by the
    20  department and administered by an entity approved by the
    21  department at the end of training to demonstrate proficiency in
    22  the application of skills and knowledge.
    23     (d)  Continuing education.--An assisted living residence
    24  administrator shall complete 24 hours of annual continuing
    25  education that has been approved by the department and is
    26  applicable to the practice of assisted living administrators.
    27  Section 508.  Staff orientation and training in assisted living
    28                 residences.
    29     (a)  General rule.--The department shall promulgate
    30  regulations, no later than 90 days after the effective date of
    20070H0375B0439                 - 23 -     

     1  this section, to develop standards for orientation and training
     2  for all direct service staff in assisted living residences. Such
     3  orientation and training shall include the following areas:
     4         (1)  Fire prevention and emergency planning.
     5         (2)  First aid and CPR certification, medications,
     6     medical terminology and personal hygiene.
     7         (3)  Federal, State and local laws and regulations.
     8         (4)  Nutrition, food handling and sanitation.
     9         (5)  Recreation.
    10         (6)  Matters relating to dementia, including normal aging
    11     and cognitive, psychological and functional abilities of
    12     older persons.
    13         (7)  Mental health issues.
    14         (8)  Assisted living philosophy.
    15         (9)  Use and benefits of assistive technology.
    16         (10)  Team building and stress reduction for assisted
    17     living residence staff.
    18         (11)  Working with family members.
    19         (12)  Awareness, identification, prevention and reporting
    20     of abuse and neglect.
    21         (13)  Mission and purpose of services to individuals with
    22     cognitive impairments.
    23         (14)  Communication skills and management of behavioral
    24     challenges.
    25         (15)  Community resources and social services.
    26     (b)  Department-administered training.--If not otherwise
    27  available, the department shall schedule and offer, at cost,
    28  training and educational programs for a person to meet the
    29  knowledge, educational and training requirements established
    30  under this act.
    20070H0375B0439                 - 24 -     

     1  Section 509.  Staffing levels and training.
     2     (a)  General rule.--The department shall establish staffing
     3  levels for assisted living residences depending upon the
     4  facility population, mobility of residents and cognitive
     5  impairments to insure:
     6         (1)  Direct service staff to meet the unplanned and
     7     unscheduled needs of consumers.
     8         (2)  Direct service staff to meet consumers' planned and
     9     scheduled needs as required in their comprehensive service
    10     plans.
    11         (3)  Additional staff or contracted services to meet
    12     laundry, food service, housekeeping, transportation and
    13     maintenance needs of the assisted living residence.
    14     (b)  Training.--All direct service staff shall complete a
    15  department-approved education and training program and obtain a
    16  certificate of completion. Direct service staff shall complete
    17  training and demonstrate proficiency in a manner approved by the
    18  department in each training component prior to independent work
    19  in that area. Education and training requirements for assisted
    20  living direct service staff shall meet or exceed the
    21  requirements for direct service staff in a personal care home.
    22  Section 510.  Persons with special needs.
    23     (a)  Immobile persons.--Immobile persons who do not require
    24  the services of a licensed long-term care facility, but who
    25  require assisted living residence services, shall be permitted
    26  to reside in an assisted living residence, provided that the
    27  design, construction, staffing or operation of the assisted
    28  living residence allows for safe emergency evacuation.
    29     (b)  Alzheimer's disease, dementia and cognitive
    30  impairment.--For consumers with Alzheimer's disease or dementia
    20070H0375B0439                 - 25 -     

     1  or where the assisted living residence holds itself out to the
     2  public as providing services or housing for persons with
     3  cognitive impairments, assisted living residences shall disclose
     4  to consumers and provide:
     5         (1)  The residence's written statement of its philosophy
     6     and mission which reflects the needs of individuals with
     7     cognitive impairments.
     8         (2)  A description of the residence's physical
     9     environment and design features to support the functioning of
    10     adults with cognitive impairments.
    11         (3)  A description of the frequency and types of
    12     individual and group activities designed specifically to meet
    13     the needs of consumers with cognitive impairments.
    14         (4)  A description of security measures provided by the
    15     residence.
    16         (5)  A description of training provided to staff
    17     regarding provision of care to consumers with cognitive
    18     impairments.
    19         (6)  A description of availability of family support
    20     programs and family involvement.
    21         (7)  The process used for assessment and establishment of
    22     a plan of services for the consumer, including methods by
    23     which the plan of services will remain responsive to changes
    24     in the consumer's condition.
    25     (c)  Cognitive support services.--
    26         (1)  An assisted living residence shall provide to a
    27     cognitively impaired consumer cognitive support services,
    28     including dementia-specific activity programming.
    29         (2)  Within 30 days of admission of a cognitively
    30     impaired consumer, the assisted living residence shall
    20070H0375B0439                 - 26 -     

     1     register the consumer with the Commonwealth's Safe Return
     2     Program for individuals with cognitive impairments and
     3     tendencies to wander.
     4                             CHAPTER 7
     5                       ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS
     6  Section 701.  Enforcement.
     7     (a)  Classification of violations.--The department shall
     8  classify each violation of this act into one of three categories
     9  as described in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3). A violation may be
    10  classified, depending on the severity, duration and the adverse
    11  effect on the health and safety of consumers, as follows:
    12         (1)  Class I. Class I violations have a substantial
    13     probability of resulting in death or serious mental or
    14     physical harm to a consumer.
    15         (2)  Class II. Class II violations have a substantial
    16     adverse effect on the health, safety or well-being of a
    17     consumer.
    18         (3)  Class III. Class III violations are minor violations
    19     that have an adverse effect on the health, safety or well-
    20     being of a consumer.
    21  The department's guidelines for determining the classification
    22  of violations shall be available from the department's personal
    23  care home regional office.
    24     (b)  Penalties.--The department shall assess a penalty for
    25  each violation of this act as follows:
    26         (1)  Penalties shall be assessed on a daily basis from
    27     the date on which the citation was issued until the date the
    28     violation is corrected, except in the case of Class II and
    29     Class III violations.
    30         (2)  In the case of a Class II violation, assessment of
    20070H0375B0439                 - 27 -     

     1     the penalty shall be suspended for five days from the date of
     2     citation to permit sufficient time for the residence to
     3     correct the violation. If the assisted living residence fails
     4     to provide proof of correction of the violation to the
     5     department within the five-day period, the fine will be
     6     retroactive to the date of the citation. The department may
     7     extend the time period for good cause.
     8         (3)  The department shall assess a penalty of $20 per
     9     consumer per day for each Class I violation. Each Class I
    10     violation shall be corrected within 24 hours.
    11         (4)  The department shall assess a minimum penalty of $5
    12     per consumer per day, up to a maximum penalty of $15 per
    13     consumer per day, for each Class II violation.
    14         (5)  There shall be no monetary penalty for Class III
    15     violations unless the assisted living residence fails to
    16     correct the violation within 15 days. Failure to correct a
    17     Class III violation within the 15-day period may result in a
    18     penalty assessment of up to $3 per consumer per day for each
    19     Class III violation retroactive to the date of the citation.
    20         (6)  If an assisted living residence is found to be
    21     operating without a license, a penalty of $500 shall be
    22     assessed. After 14 days, if a residence cited for operating
    23     without a license fails to file an application for a license,
    24     the department shall assess an additional $20 for each
    25     consumer for each day during which the assisted living
    26     residence fails to apply.
    27         (7)  An assisted living residence charged with a
    28     violation of this act or 55 Pa. Code Ch. 20 (relating to
    29     licensure or approval of facilities and agencies) shall pay
    30     the assessed penalty in full within 30 days.
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     1     (c)  Appeals of penalty.--
     2         (1)  If an assisted living residence that is fined
     3     intends to appeal the amount of the penalty or the fact of
     4     the violation, the assisted living residence shall forward
     5     the assessed penalty, not to exceed $500, to the secretary
     6     for placement in an escrow account with the State Treasurer.
     7     A letter appealing the penalty shall be submitted with the
     8     assessed penalty. This process constitutes an appeal.
     9         (2)  If, through an administrative hearing or judicial
    10     review of the proposed penalty, it is determined that no
    11     violation occurred or that the amount of the penalty shall be
    12     reduced, the secretary shall, within 30 days, remit the
    13     appropriate amount to the legal entity together with interest
    14     accumulated on these funds in the escrow deposit.
    15         (3)  Failure to forward payment of the assessed penalty
    16     to the secretary within 30 days shall result in a waiver of
    17     the right to contest the fact of the violation or the amount
    18     of the penalty.
    19         (4)  After an administrative hearing decision that is
    20     adverse to the legal entity or a waiver of the administrative
    21     hearing, the assessed penalty amount shall be made payable to
    22     the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It shall be collectible in
    23     a manner provided by law for the collection of debts by the
    24     Commonwealth.
    25         (5)  If an assisted living residence liable to pay the
    26     penalty neglects or refuses to pay the penalty on demand, the
    27     failure to pay shall constitute a judgment in favor of the
    28     Commonwealth in the amount of the penalty, together with the
    29     interest and costs that may accrue on these funds.
    30     (d)  Use of fines.--
    20070H0375B0439                 - 29 -     

     1         (1)  Money collected by the department under this section
     2     shall be placed in a special restricted account.
     3         (2)  Money collected shall be used first to defray the
     4     expenses incurred by consumers relocated under this act.
     5         (3)  The department shall use money remaining in this
     6     account to assist with paying for enforcement of this act.
     7     Fines collected shall not be subject to 42 Pa.C.S. § 3733
     8     (relating to deposits into account).
     9     (e)  Review of classifications.--
    10         (1)  The department shall review the determinations of
    11     Class I, Class II and Class III violations made by the
    12     department's personal care home regional offices.
    13         (2)  Semiannually, the department shall review the
    14     standard guidelines for the classification of violations and
    15     evaluate the use of these guidelines. The purpose of this
    16     review shall be to ensure the uniformity and consistency of
    17     the classification process.
    18  Section 702.  Revocation or nonrenewal of license.
    19     (a)  Class I violations.--The department shall temporarily
    20  revoke the license of an assisted living residence if, without
    21  good cause, one or more Class I violations remain uncorrected 24
    22  hours after the residence has been cited for the violation.
    23     (b)  Class II violations.--The department shall temporarily
    24  revoke the license of an assisted living residence if, without
    25  good cause, one or more Class II violations remain uncorrected
    26  15 days after the citation.
    27     (c)  Relocation of consumers.--On the revocation of a license
    28  in the instances described in subsections (a) and (b) or if the
    29  assisted living residence continues to operate without applying
    30  for a license, consumers shall be relocated.
    20070H0375B0439                 - 30 -     

     1     (d)  Corrective action.--The revocation of a license may
     2  terminate on the department's determination that its violation
     3  is corrected.
     4     (e)  Revocation of prior license.--
     5         (1)  If, after three months, the department does not
     6     issue a new license for an assisted living residence, the
     7     prior license shall be revoked under section 1087 of the act
     8     of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare
     9     Code.
    10     (f)  Effect of revocation or nonrenewal.--
    11         (1)  Revocation or nonrenewal under this section shall be
    12     for a minimum of five years.
    13         (2)  An assisted living residence that has had a license
    14     revoked or not renewed under this section shall not be
    15     allowed to operate, staff or hold an interest in an assisted
    16     living residence that applies for a license for five years
    17     after the revocation or nonrenewal.
    18     (g)  Repeated Class I violations.--If an assisted living
    19  residence has been found to have Class I violations on two or
    20  more separate occasions during a two-year period without
    21  justification, the department shall revoke or refuse to renew
    22  the license of the assisted living residence.
    23     (h)  Cumulative powers and duties.--The power of the
    24  department to revoke or refuse to renew or issue a license under
    25  this section is in addition to the powers and duties of the
    26  department under section 1026 of the Public Welfare Code.
    27  Section 703.  Licensure appeals.
    28     (a)  Nature of proceeding.--A licensee aggrieved by a
    29  decision of the department under this act shall have the right
    30  to an appeal. The appeal shall be conducted in accordance with 2
    20070H0375B0439                 - 31 -     

     1  Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice and procedure of
     2  Commonwealth agencies) to the bureau.
     3     (b)  Time for hearing.--
     4         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), a hearing shall
     5     be held by the bureau within 90 days of receipt of the notice
     6     of request for a hearing.
     7         (2)  If the bureau determines that continued operation,
     8     pending administrative review, poses an immediate threat to
     9     the consumers in the assisted living residence or if the
    10     department has implemented an emergency action pursuant to
    11     this act and a timely request for a hearing has been made, a
    12     hearing shall be held within 15 days after the receipt of the
    13     response or request for a hearing.
    14         (3)  Hearing dates specified in this section may be
    15     extended by the bureau for good cause if agreed to by all
    16     parties.
    17     (c)  Decisions.--A decision shall be issued within 60 days
    18  after the final day of the hearing. In the case of an expedited
    19  hearing under this section, a decision shall be issued within
    20  five days after the final date of the hearing.
    21     (d)  Subpoenas.--The presiding officer may issue a subpoena
    22  at the request of either party.
    23     (e)  Discovery.--Discovery shall be limited to reasonable
    24  requests for production of documents and identification of
    25  witnesses. All other discovery shall be by mutual agreement of
    26  the parties.
    27  Section 704.  Effect of departmental orders.
    28     An order of the department from which no appeal is taken to
    29  the bureau or from which no timely appeal is taken to the court
    30  shall be a final order and may be enforced by a court of
    20070H0375B0439                 - 32 -     

     1  competent jurisdiction.
     2  Section 705.  Actions against violations of law and regulations.
     3     (a)  General rule.--Whenever any person, regardless of
     4  whether the person is a licensee, has violated any of the
     5  provisions of this act or the regulations issued pursuant
     6  thereto, the department may maintain an action in the name of
     7  the Commonwealth for an injunction or other process restraining
     8  or prohibiting the person from engaging in the activity.
     9     (b)  Residence closure for threat to health or safety.--
    10         (1)  Whenever the department determines that a violation
    11     poses an immediate and serious threat to the health or safety
    12     of the consumers of an assisted living residence, the
    13     department may direct the closure of the residence and the
    14     transfer of the consumers to other licensed assisted living
    15     residences or other locations that are determined to
    16     appropriately meet the care needs of the displaced consumers.
    17         (2)  The department may petition the Commonwealth Court
    18     or the court of common pleas of the county in which the
    19     assisted living residence is located to appoint the
    20     department temporary management of the assisted living
    21     residence.
    22         (3)  If granted, the department shall assume operation of
    23     the assisted living residence at the licensee's expense until
    24     there is an orderly closure of the assisted living residence.
    25     (c)  Unlicensed assisted living residences.--
    26         (1)  Whenever a license is required under this act, the
    27     department may maintain an action in a court of competent
    28     jurisdiction in the name of the Commonwealth for an
    29     injunction or other process restraining or prohibiting any
    30     person from establishing, maintaining or operating an
    20070H0375B0439                 - 33 -     

     1     assisted living residence that does not possess an assisted
     2     living residence license.
     3         (2)  If a person who is refused a license or the renewal
     4     of a license to operate or conduct an assisted living
     5     residence, or whose license to operate or conduct an assisted
     6     living residence is revoked, fails to appeal, or should such
     7     appeal be decided finally favorable to the department, then
     8     the court shall issue a permanent injunction on proof that
     9     the person is operating or conducting an assisted living
    10     residence without a license as required by this act.
    11  Section 706.  Injunction or restraining order when appeal is
    12                 pending.
    13     Whenever the department refuses to renew or revokes a license
    14  or orders a person to refrain from violating this act or the
    15  regulations promulgated under this act and the person who is
    16  aggrieved by the refusal, revocation or order appeals from the
    17  action of the department to the bureau or from the order of the
    18  bureau to the court, the court may during pendency of the
    19  appeal:
    20         (1)  issue a restraining order or injunction upon a
    21     showing that the continued operation of the assisted living
    22     residence adversely affects the health, safety or care of the
    23     consumers of the assisted living residence; or
    24         (2)  authorize continued operation of the assisted living
    25     residence or make such other order, pending final disposition
    26     of the case, as justice and equity require.
    27                             CHAPTER 9
    28                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    29  Section 901.  Annual report.
    30     (a)  Contents.--The department shall, after consultation with
    20070H0375B0439                 - 34 -     

     1  the Department of Aging, provide an annual report to the Intra-
     2  Governmental Council on Long-Term Care. The annual report shall
     3  include, at a minimum, the following:
     4         (1)  The total number of assisted living residences in
     5     this Commonwealth as well as the number of residences newly
     6     licensed within the previous year.
     7         (2)  Complaints received by the licensing departments,
     8     the ombudsman program or the protective services units in
     9     each area agency on aging and the outcome of any
    10     investigations.
    11         (3)  Commonwealth costs associated with the licensing and
    12     inspection of assisted living residences and any payments to
    13     the consumers.
    14         (4)  The availability of assisted living residences to
    15     consumers and any barriers experienced by consumers in
    16     accessing assisted living residence services.
    17         (5)  General profile information regarding the types of
    18     consumers accessing assisted living residence services.
    19         (6)  The costs experienced by consumers in assisted
    20     living residences.
    21         (7)  Recommendations for additional legislative or
    22     regulatory action to improve the quality, affordability or
    23     accessibility of assisted living residences in this
    24     Commonwealth.
    25     (b)  Review process.--
    26         (1)  The Intra-Governmental Council on Long-Term Care
    27     shall review the report and prepare written comments thereof
    28     within 30 days. The comments shall include recommendations
    29     regarding legislation or regulations and reporting methods.
    30         (2)  After the 30-day review and comment period, the
    20070H0375B0439                 - 35 -     

     1     council shall forward the department's report and their
     2     written comments to the Governor, the Aging and Youth
     3     Committee of the Senate and the Aging and Older Adult
     4     Services Committee of the House of Representatives.
     5  Section 902.  Legislative Budget and Finance Committee study and
     6                 Joint Legislative Task Force.
     7     (a)  Study on Federal and State programs.--Within nine months
     8  after the effective date of this section, the Legislative Budget
     9  and Finance Committee shall report to the General Assembly on
    10  existing Federal and other states' initiatives and programs that
    11  provide financial assistance for assisted living. This study
    12  shall include information on other Federal or state assisted
    13  living programs that are effectively administered and can be
    14  considered a model.
    15     (b)  Funding proposal.--Within six months after receipt of
    16  the report, a joint legislative task force consisting of
    17  selected members of the Aging and Youth Committee of the Senate
    18  and the Aging and Older Adult Services Committee of the House of
    19  Representatives shall review the report and any recommendations
    20  contained therein and shall report back to the full committees
    21  with a proposal for a funding mechanism for assisted living in
    22  this Commonwealth. The chairman of the Aging and Youth Committee
    23  of the Senate and the chairman of the Aging and Older Adult
    24  Services Committee of the House of Representatives shall select
    25  three members from the majority party and three from the
    26  minority party and the Secretary of Aging shall serve as the
    27  chairperson of the task force.
    28  Section 903.  Committee regulation review.
    29     In accordance with the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633,
    30  No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act, all regulations
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     1  promulgated pursuant to this act shall be referred to the Aging
     2  and Youth Committee of the Senate and the Aging and Older Adult
     3  Services Committee of the House of Representatives.
     4  Section 904.  Severability.
     5     If any provision of this act or the application thereof to
     6  any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity
     7  shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act
     8  which can be given effect without the invalid provision or
     9  application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
    10  declared to be severable.
    11  Section 905.  Repeal.
    12     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
    13  inconsistent with this act.
    14  Section 906.  Effective date.
    15     This act shall take effect as follows:
    16         (1)  Section 501 shall take effect in two years.
    17         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in one
    18     year.

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