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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 397



No. 380 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act to empower cities of the second class A,
     3     and third class, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships of
     4     the first and second classes including those within a county
     5     of the second class and counties of the second through eighth
     6     classes, individually or jointly, to plan their development
     7     and to govern the same by zoning, subdivision and land
     8     development ordinances, planned residential development and
     9     other ordinances, by official maps, by the reservation of
    10     certain land for future public purpose and by the acquisition
    11     of such land; to promote the conservation of energy through
    12     the use of planning practices and to promote the effective
    13     utilization of renewable energy sources; providing for the
    14     establishment of planning commissions, planning departments,
    15     planning committees and zoning hearing boards, authorizing
    16     them to charge fees, make inspections and hold public
    17     hearings; providing for mediation; providing for transferable
    18     development rights; providing for appropriations, appeals to
    19     courts and penalties for violations; and repealing acts and
    20     parts of acts," requiring notice to be given to certain
    21     persons upon requests for changes in use of certain
    22     properties.

    23     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    24  hereby enacts as follows:
    25     Section 1.  The act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), known
    26  as the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, reenacted and
    27  amended December 21, 1988 (P.L.1329, No.170), is amended by

     1  adding a section to read:
     2     Section 622.  Required Notice for Siting or Expanding Certain
     3  Commercial, Industrial and Nonresidential Uses.--(a)  Notice in
     4  accordance with this section shall be in addition to the
     5  applicable notice requirements imposed by other sections of this
     6  act or general law.
     7     (b)  Notice in accordance with this section shall be required
     8  whenever all of the following conditions exist:
     9     (1)  The approval of a variance, special exception,
    10  conditional use, or nonconforming use, or its expansion, is
    11  required.
    12     (2)  The required approval is for the siting or expansion of
    13  a commercial, industrial, or other nonresidential use.
    14     (3)  The perimeter of any parcel on which the commercial,
    15  industrial, or other nonresidential use would be sited or
    16  expanded is within 50 yards of a residential use.
    17     (c)  Notice in accordance with this section shall be required
    18  if the nonresidential use that is contemplated is deemed to be
    19  accessory to, or a part of, the principal use such that a
    20  refusal to permit the accessory activity would not limit the
    21  principal use unnecessarily.
    22     (d)  Notice in accordance with this section shall be given in
    23  accordance with each of the following requirements:
    24     (1)  The notice shall be in writing and shall be prepared and
    25  given by the person charged with the responsibility of a zoning
    26  officer in accordance with section 614.
    27     (2)  The notice shall be sent by prepaid United States mail
    28  to the address, as shown on the county tax assessment records,
    29  of the owners of each residential property located within 100
    30  yards of the perimeter of any parcel on which the commercial,
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     1  industrial, or other nonresidential use would be sited or
     2  expanded.
     3     (3)  The notice shall be mailed not less than 20 nor more
     4  than 40 days prior to a zoning officer issuing a determination
     5  and not less than 20 nor more than 40 days prior to a zoning
     6  hearing board or governing body conducting a hearing before
     7  rendering a decision.
     8     (e)  The zoning hearing board or governing body shall make
     9  known to the zoning officer the date of a scheduled hearing in
    10  sufficient time to allow notice to be given in accordance with
    11  this section.
    12     (f)  All applications, permits, correspondence, notes or
    13  records of meetings or conversations, and other documents in the
    14  possession of the municipality relating to the approval of a
    15  variance, special exception, conditional use, or nonconforming
    16  use, or its expansion, as required for the siting or expansion
    17  of a commercial, industrial, or other nonresidential use within
    18  50 yards of a residential use shall be deemed a public record of
    19  an agency which is open for examination and inspection, at
    20  reasonable times, by any citizen of the Commonwealth of
    21  Pennsylvania, in accordance with the act of June 21, 1957
    22  (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    23     (g)  The notice given to an owner in accordance with this
    24  section shall contain each of the following:
    25     (1)  A description of the nature and the proposed location of
    26  the commercial, industrial, or other nonresidential use.
    27     (2)  A statement that the owner, or any tenant with the
    28  permission of such landowner, shall be considered a person
    29  aggrieved with standing to appeal a determination of a zoning
    30  officer and appear and be heard as an interested party at any
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     1  hearing of the zoning hearing board or governing body, or any
     2  appeal therefrom.
     3     (3)  The notice shall also state that documents identified in
     4  subsection (c) are public records available for inspection as
     5  provided for in subsection (c).
     6     (h)  No variance, special exception, conditional use or
     7  nonconforming use, or its expansion, to which the notice
     8  requirements of this section apply shall be valid unless the
     9  zoning officer complied with the notice requirements of this
    10  section. The burden of proving compliance shall be on the zoning
    11  officer.
    12     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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