See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 429



No. 387 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the rights of law enforcement officers concerning
     2     certain complaints and grievances.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Law
     7  Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights.
     8  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
     9     The General Assembly recognizes the need for minimum
    10  standards to protect the rights of law enforcement officers
    11  beyond departmental procedures.
    12  Section 3.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    14  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    15  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    16     "Interrogation."  The formal and systematic questioning of a
    17  law enforcement officer accused in a complaint of malfeasance,

     1  misfeasance or nonfeasance which may result in dismissal,
     2  demotion, suspension, reduction in salary, written reprimand or
     3  transfer for punitive purposes.
     4     "Law enforcement officer."  Any full-time law enforcement
     5  officer of any police department or organization of a
     6  municipality, county or park or the State or any agency thereof,
     7  including, but not necessarily limited to, law enforcement
     8  officers of the Pennsylvania State Police, municipal police
     9  departments, Capitol Police, Bureau of Narcotics, Liquor Control
    10  Board Enforcement Division and the Delaware River Port
    11  Authority.
    12     "Malfeasance."  The doing of an act which is unlawful.
    13     "Misfeasance."  The improper performance of a lawful act.
    14     "Nonfeasance."  The omission of an act which a person has a
    15  legal duty to perform.
    16  Section 4.  Rights of law enforcement officers.
    17     Whenever a law enforcement officer is under interrogation the
    18  following minimum standards shall apply:
    19         (1)  The interrogation shall be conducted when the
    20     officer is on duty unless the seriousness of the
    21     investigation is such that an immediate interrogation is
    22     necessary. The officer shall be compensated for absence from
    23     work as a result of any interrogation.
    24         (2)  The interrogation shall take place at the office of
    25     the command of the investigating officer or the office of the
    26     precinct or police unit or municipal building of the
    27     municipality in which the incident allegedly occurred.
    28         (3)  The officer under interrogation shall be informed of
    29     the name, rank and command of the officer or municipal
    30     official in charge of the interrogation, and the name, rank
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     1     and command of any and all persons who will be present during
     2     the interrogation.
     3         (4)  The officer under interrogation shall be informed of
     4     the nature of the interrogation and the name or names of the
     5     complainant or complainants at the outset of the
     6     interrogation.
     7         (5)  No complaint shall be entertained unless it is sworn
     8     to by the complainant or complainants before an official
     9     authorized to administer oaths.
    10         (6)  All interrogations shall be for reasonable periods
    11     and shall be timed to allow for such personal necessities and
    12     rest periods as are reasonably necessary.
    13         (7)  The officer under interrogation shall not be
    14     subjected to offensive language or threatened with transfer,
    15     dismissal or disciplinary action either directly or
    16     indirectly.
    17         (8)  A written or mechanical record shall be made of the
    18     entire interrogation.
    19         (9)  If the officer under interrogation is under arrest
    20     or is likely to be placed under arrest, he shall be informed
    21     of his rights prior to the commencement of the interrogation.
    22         (10)  The officer under interrogation shall have the
    23     right to be represented by counsel or other representative of
    24     his choice who shall be present at all times during an
    25     interrogation.
    26  Section 5.  Civil suits by officers.
    27     A law enforcement officer may sue any person or municipality
    28  for damages suffered or for the abridgment of civil rights when
    29  complaints filed against the officer are found to be without
    30  merit or made with the intent to cause damage or loss of
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     1  employment.
     2  Section 6.  Notice of disciplinary action; polygraphs.
     3     (a)  Notice.--No dismissal, demotion, transfer, reassignment
     4  or other personnel action which may result in a loss of pay or
     5  benefits or which is a punitive measure shall be taken against a
     6  law enforcement officer unless the officer is notified thereof
     7  and provided with the reasons therefore prior to the effective
     8  date of such action.
     9     (b)  Adverse comments.--No officer shall have any comment
    10  adverse to his interest entered in his personnel file, or any
    11  record kept at his place or unit of employment, without the
    12  officer having first read and signed the instrument containing
    13  the adverse comment indicating he is aware that such comment is
    14  being placed in his personnel file or other place of
    15  recordation. An entry may be made only if, after reading the
    16  instrument containing an adverse comment, the officer refuses to
    17  sign it. A witness shall thereafter note that the officer was
    18  presented with the opportunity to read and sign the instrument
    19  and refused to do so.
    20     (c)  Response.--An officer shall have 30 days within which to
    21  file a written response to any adverse comment entered in his
    22  personnel file. Written response shall be attached to, and shall
    23  accompany, the adverse comment.
    24     (d)  Polygraph.--No officer shall be compelled to submit to a
    25  polygraph examination against his will. No disciplinary action
    26  or other recrimination shall be taken against an officer
    27  refusing to submit to a polygraph examination, nor shall any
    28  comment be entered anywhere in the investigator's notes or
    29  anywhere else that the officer refused to take a polygraph
    30  examination. No testimony or evidence shall be admissible at a
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     1  subsequent hearing, trial or proceeding, judicial or
     2  administrative, to the effect that the officer refused to take a
     3  polygraph examination.
     4  Section 7.  Retaliation for exercising rights.
     5     (a)  Punitive measures.--No law enforcement officer shall be
     6  discharged, disciplined, demoted or denied promotion, transfer
     7  or reassignment, be discriminated against in regard to his
     8  employment or be threatened as a result of the exercise of
     9  constitutional rights.
    10     (b)  Appeal.--No dismissal or demotion, nor denial of
    11  promotion, shall be undertaken by any public agency without
    12  providing the officer with an opportunity for administrative
    13  appeal.
    14  Section 8.  Personal privacy.
    15     (a)  Disclosure.--No officer shall be required for purposes
    16  of job assignment or personnel action to disclose information as
    17  to property, income, assets, source of income, debts, personal
    18  or domestic expenditures, including those of any member of his
    19  family or household, unless the information is obtained under
    20  proper legal procedure. If there is a conflict of interest with
    21  respect to the performance of his official duties, or it is
    22  necessary for the agency to ascertain the desirability of
    23  assigning the officer to a specialized unit in which there is a
    24  strong possibility that bribes or other improper inducements may
    25  be offered, this shall constitute an exception.
    26     (b)  Search of lockers.--No officer shall have his locker, or
    27  other space for storage that may be assigned to him, searched
    28  except in his presence and with his consent in writing or unless
    29  a valid search warrant has been obtained. This section shall
    30  apply only to lockers or other space for storage that is owned
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     1  by the employing agency. Any person from whom consent is
     2  requested shall be told that he has the right to deny the
     3  consent.
     4  Section 9.  Effective date.
     5     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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