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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 453



No. 389 Session of 2003

           YEWCIC, FEBRUARY 24, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), entitled,
     2     as reenacted, "An act providing for independent oversight and
     3     review of regulations, creating an Independent Regulatory
     4     Review Commission, providing for its powers and duties and
     5     making repeals," providing for economic impact statements.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 3 of the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633,
     9  No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act, reenacted and
    10  amended June 30, 1989 (P.L.73, No.19), is amended by adding a
    11  definition to read:
    12  Section 3.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    14  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    15  meanings given to them in this section:
    16     * * *
    17     "Economic impact statement."  An analysis of the anticipated
    18  fiscal savings or cost to private enterprises, municipalities,

     1  school districts or municipal authorities which would result
     2  from the promulgation or adoption of a regulation. The analysis
     3  shall include all of the following information:
     4         (1)  Municipal, school district and municipal authority
     5     expenditures necessary to comply with the regulation.
     6         (2)  The effect of the regulation on all of the
     7     following:
     8             (i)  Private businesses, including the economic
     9         resources required annually to comply with the
    10         regulation.
    11             (ii)  Economic growth and competitiveness in this
    12         Commonwealth.
    13             (iii)  Job creation and retention in this
    14         Commonwealth.
    15     * * *
    16     Section 2.  Section 5(a) introductory paragraph, (c) and (d)
    17  of the act, amended December 6, 2002 (P.L.1227, No.148), are
    18  amended to read:
    19  Section 5.  Proposed regulations; procedures for review.
    20     (a)  On the same date that an agency submits a proposed
    21  regulation to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication
    22  of notice of proposed rulemaking in the Pennsylvania Bulletin as
    23  required by the Commonwealth Documents Law, the agency shall
    24  submit to the commission, the chairman and minority chairman of
    25  the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the chairman and
    26  minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House
    27  of Representatives and the committees a copy of the proposed
    28  regulation and a regulatory analysis form which includes the
    29  following:
    30         * * *
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     1     (c)  From the date of submission of the proposed regulation,
     2  the agency shall submit to the commission, the chairman and
     3  minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate
     4  and the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
     5  Committee of the House of Representatives and the committees,
     6  within five business days of receipt, a copy of comments which
     7  the agency receives relating to the proposed regulation. The
     8  agency shall also, upon request, submit to the commission, the
     9  chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee
    10  of the Senate and the chairman and minority chairman of the
    11  Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives and the
    12  committees copies of reports from advisory groups and other
    13  documents received from or disseminated to the public relating
    14  to the proposed regulation and public notices or announcements
    15  relating to solicitation of public comments or meetings which
    16  the agency held or will hold relating to the proposed
    17  regulation.
    18     (d)  (1)  The committees may, at any time prior to the
    19     submittal of the regulation in final-form, convey to the
    20     agency and the commission their comments, recommendations and
    21     objections to the proposed regulation and a copy of any staff
    22     reports deemed pertinent. The comments, recommendations and
    23     objections may refer to the criteria in section 5.2.
    24         (2)  The chairman and minority chairman of the
    25     Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the chairman and
    26     minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the
    27     House of Representatives shall each prepare an economic
    28     impact statement for the proposed regulation. The economic
    29     impact statements shall be submitted to the agency, the
    30     commission and the designated standing committees within ten
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     1     calendar days from the closing date of the public comment
     2     period.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 3.  Section 5.1(a) and (b) of the act, amended
     5  December 6, 2002 (P.L.1227, No.148), are amended and the section
     6  is amended by adding a subsection to read:
     7  Section 5.1.  Final-form regulations and final-omitted
     8                 regulations; procedures for review.
     9     (a)  The agency shall review and consider public comments,
    10  the economic impact statements submitted by the chairman and
    11  minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate
    12  and the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
    13  Committee of the House of Representatives and the comments of
    14  the committees and commission pursuant to this section. Within
    15  five business days of receipt of a public comment, the agency
    16  shall notify the commentator of the agency's address and
    17  telephone number where the commentator may submit a request for
    18  the information concerning the final-form regulation under
    19  subsection (b). Upon completion of the agency's review of
    20  comments, the agency shall submit to the commission, the
    21  chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee
    22  of the Senate and the chairman and minority chairman of the
    23  Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives and the
    24  committees a copy of its response to the comments received, the
    25  names and addresses of commentators who have requested
    26  additional information relating to the final-form regulation and
    27  the text of the final-form regulation which the agency intends
    28  to adopt. If an agency does not submit or withdraws and does not
    29  resubmit the final-form regulation within two years of the close
    30  of the public comment period but still desires to promulgate the
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     1  final-form regulation, the agency shall republish the regulation
     2  as a proposed regulation with a new public comment period in
     3  accordance with the Commonwealth Documents Law. If the agency is
     4  prevented from delivering its final-form regulation to the
     5  commission and the committees within the time period provided
     6  for in this subsection because of the adjournment sine die or
     7  expiration of the legislative session in an even-numbered year,
     8  the agency shall deliver its final-form regulation in accordance
     9  with subsection (f).
    10     (b)  On the same date that the agency submits the material
    11  required in subsection (a) to the commission, the chairman and
    12  minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate
    13  and the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
    14  Committee of the House of Representatives and the committees,
    15  the agency shall send a notice of submission and a copy of the
    16  text of the final-form regulation or a copy of all changes to
    17  the proposed regulation which are incorporated into the final-
    18  form regulation to each commentator who requested this
    19  information pursuant to subsection (a). The agency is not
    20  responsible for notifying each party whose name appears on
    21  petitions or membership lists who did not present individual
    22  comments on the regulation.
    23     (b.1)  The chairman and minority chairman of the
    24  Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the chairman and
    25  minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House
    26  of Representatives shall each prepare an update of the economic
    27  impact statement required by subsection (d)(2), which reflects
    28  any revisions or modifications contained in the final-form
    29  regulation, and shall submit the update to the agency, the
    30  commission and designated standing committees within ten
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     1  calendar days from the date of receipt of the information
     2  required under subsection (a).
     3     * * *
     4     Section 4.  Section 7(c) of the act, amended December 6, 2002
     5  (P.L.1227, No.148), is amended to read:
     6  Section 7.  Procedures for subsequent review of disapproved
     7                 final-form or final-omitted regulations.
     8     * * *
     9     (c)  If the agency decides to revise or modify the final-form
    10  or final-omitted regulation in order to respond to objections
    11  raised by the commission and adopt that regulation with
    12  revisions or modifications, the agency shall submit a report to
    13  the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
    14  Committee of the Senate and the chairman and minority chairman
    15  of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives,
    16  the committees and the commission within 40 days of the agency's
    17  receipt of the commission's disapproval order. The agency's
    18  report shall contain the revised final-form or final-omitted
    19  regulation, the findings of the commission, and the agency's
    20  response and recommendations regarding the revised final-form or
    21  final-omitted regulation. [If the] Upon receipt of the agency's
    22  report, the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
    23  Committee of the Senate and the chairman and minority chairman
    24  of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives
    25  shall each have five days to submit an update of the economic
    26  impact statement required by section 5(b.1), which reflects any
    27  revisions or modifications to the final-form regulation, to the
    28  designated standing committees and the commission. If the
    29  chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee
    30  of the Senate and the chairman and minority chairman of the
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     1  Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives and the
     2  committees are prevented from receiving the report because of
     3  adjournment sine die or expiration of the legislative session in
     4  an even-numbered year, the agency shall submit the report to the
     5  chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee
     6  of the Senate and the chairman and minority chairman of the
     7  Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives and the
     8  commission and the committees on the fourth Monday in January of
     9  the next year. If either the chairman and the minority chairman
    10  of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the chairman
    11  and the minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the
    12  House of Representatives or either committee has not been
    13  designated by the fourth Monday in January, the agency may not
    14  deliver the report to the chairman and minority chairman of the
    15  Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the chairman and
    16  minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House
    17  of Representatives and the committees and the commission until
    18  both chairmen and both committees and the commission until both
    19  committees are designated, but the agency shall deliver its
    20  report to the commission, the chairmen and the committees no
    21  later than the second Monday after the date by which both
    22  committee designations have been published in the Pennsylvania
    23  Bulletin. If the agency does not deliver its report to the
    24  commission, the chairmen and the committees in the time
    25  prescribed in this subsection, the agency shall be deemed to
    26  have withdrawn the final-form or final-omitted regulation.
    27     (c.1)  The commission may have until its next scheduled
    28  meeting, which occurs no less than 15 days from receipt of the
    29  agency's report, to approve or disapprove the agency's report.
    30  The commission shall deliver its approval or disapproval order
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     1  to the chairmen and committees for consideration by the General
     2  Assembly pursuant to subsection (d). If the commission is
     3  prevented from delivering its order to the chairmen and
     4  committees within the time period provided for in this
     5  subsection because of the adjournment sine die or expiration of
     6  the legislative session in an even-numbered year, the commission
     7  shall deliver its order on the fourth Monday of January of the
     8  next year. If either chairman or either committee has not been
     9  designated by the fourth Monday in January, the commission may
    10  not deliver its order to the chairmen and committees until [both
    11  committees] all of them are designated, but the commission shall
    12  deliver its order no later than the second Monday after the date
    13  by which both chairmen and committee designations have been
    14  published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. If the commission does
    15  not deliver its order disapproving the agency's report and
    16  revised final-form or final-omitted regulation in the time
    17  prescribed by this subsection, the commission shall be deemed to
    18  have approved the agency's report and the revised final-form or
    19  final-omitted regulation.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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