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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 404



No. 391 Session of 1999

           AND B. SMITH, FEBRUARY 8, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 75
     2     (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further
     3     providing for municipal corporation portion of fines, etc.,
     4     and for speed timing devices.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 3573(b) of Title 42 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     9  § 3573.  Municipal corporation portion of fines, etc.
    10     * * *
    11     (b)  Vehicle offenses.--
    12         (1)  When prosecution under the provisions of Title 75
    13     (relating to vehicles) for parking is the result of local
    14     police action, all fines, forfeited recognizances and other
    15     forfeitures imposed, lost or forfeited shall be payable to
    16     the municipal corporation under which the local police are
    17     organized.
    18         (2)  Except as provided in [paragraph (3)] paragraphs (3)

     1     and (4), when prosecution under any other provision of Title
     2     75 (except Chapter 77 (relating to snowmobiles)) is the
     3     result of local police action, one-half of all fines,
     4     forfeited recognizances and other forfeitures imposed, lost
     5     or forfeited shall be payable to the municipal corporation
     6     under which the local police are organized.
     7         (3)  When prosecution under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3731 (relating
     8     to driving under influence of alcohol or controlled
     9     substance) is the result of local police action, 50% of all
    10     fines, forfeited recognizances and other forfeitures imposed,
    11     lost or forfeited shall be payable to the municipal
    12     corporation under which the local police are organized, and
    13     50% shall be payable to the county which shall be further
    14     divided as follows:
    15             (i)  Fifty percent of the moneys received shall be
    16         allocated to the appropriate county authority which
    17         implements the county drug and alcohol program to be used
    18         solely for the purposes of aiding programs promoting drug
    19         abuse and alcoholism prevention, education, treatment and
    20         research. Programs under this subparagraph include
    21         Project DARE (Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education).
    22             (ii)  Fifty percent of the moneys received shall be
    23         used for expenditures incurred for county jails, prisons,
    24         workhouses and detention centers.
    25         (4)  When prosecution under 75 Pa.C.S. Ch. 33 Subch. F
    26     (relating to speed restrictions) involves the use of radar by
    27     local police under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3368(c)(2) (relating to speed
    28     timing devices), 100% of all fines, forfeited recognizances
    29     and other forfeitures imposed, lost or forfeited shall be
    30     payable to the Commonwealth for credit to the Motor License
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     1     Fund, and 50% of the amount so paid and credited shall be
     2     allocated by the Department of Transportation for grants to
     3     local police departments for highway safety programs,
     4     equipment and training.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 2.  Section 3368(c) of Title 75 is amended to read:
     7  § 3368.  Speed timing devices.
     8     * * *
     9     (c)  Mechanical, electrical and electronic devices
    10  authorized.--
    11         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, the
    12     rate of speed of any vehicle may be timed on any highway by a
    13     police officer using a mechanical or electrical speed timing
    14     device.
    15         (2)  [Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (3),
    16     electronic] Electronic devices such as radio-microwave
    17     devices (commonly referred to as electronic speed meters or
    18     radar) may be used only by members of the Pennsylvania State
    19     Police[.] and by members of local police departments which
    20     have obtained an annual permit issued by the Pennsylvania
    21     State Police. The following requirements must be met before
    22     local police may use radar for speed enforcement under this
    23     paragraph:
    24             (i)  The local police officer must undergo an
    25         approved training course that conforms to Pennsylvania
    26         State Police training guidelines in the use and
    27         certification of operators and radar units.
    28             (ii)  The need for this type of speed enforcement can
    29         be documented based on accident data and traffic density.
    30     The permit may be revoked at any time for failure to comply
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     1     with guidelines established by the Pennsylvania State Police.
     2         (3)  Electronic devices which calculate speed by
     3     measuring elapsed time between measured road surface points
     4     by using two sensors and devices which measure and calculate
     5     the average speed of a vehicle between any two points may be
     6     used by any police officer.
     7         (4)  No person may be convicted upon evidence obtained
     8     through the use of devices authorized by paragraphs (2) and
     9     (3) unless the speed recorded is six or more miles per hour
    10     in excess of the legal speed limit. Furthermore, no person
    11     may be convicted upon evidence obtained through the use of
    12     devices authorized by paragraph (3) in an area where the
    13     legal speed limit is less than 55 miles per hour if the speed
    14     recorded is less than ten miles per hour in excess of the
    15     legal speed limit. This paragraph shall not apply to evidence
    16     obtained through the use of devices authorized by paragraph
    17     (3) within a school zone.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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