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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 455



No. 391 Session of 2003

           FEBRUARY 24, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act to empower cities of the second class A,
     3     and third class, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships of
     4     the first and second classes including those within a county
     5     of the second class and counties of the second through eighth
     6     classes, individually or jointly, to plan their development
     7     and to govern the same by zoning, subdivision and land
     8     development ordinances, planned residential development and
     9     other ordinances, by official maps, by the reservation of
    10     certain land for future public purpose and by the acquisition
    11     of such land; to promote the conservation of energy through
    12     the use of planning practices and to promote the effective
    13     utilization of renewable energy sources; providing for the
    14     establishment of planning commissions, planning departments,
    15     planning committees and zoning hearing boards, authorizing
    16     them to charge fees, make inspections and hold public
    17     hearings; providing for mediation; providing for transferable
    18     development rights; providing for appropriations, appeals to
    19     courts and penalties for violations; and repealing acts and
    20     parts of acts," further providing for contents of subdivision
    21     and land development ordinances and for recording plats and
    22     deeds.

    23     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    24  hereby enacts as follows:
    25     Section 1.  Section 503(1) of the act of July 31, 1968
    26  (P.L.805, No.247), known as the Pennsylvania Municipalities
    27  Planning Code, reenacted and amended December 21, 1988

     1  (P.L.1329, No.170) and amended June 22, 2000 (P.L.495, No.68),
     2  is amended to read:
     3     Section 503.  Contents of Subdivision and Land Development
     4  Ordinance.--The subdivision and land development ordinance may
     5  include, but need not be limited to:
     6         (1)  Provisions for the submittal and processing of
     7     plats, including the charging of review fees, and
     8     specifications for such plats, including certification as to
     9     the accuracy of plats and provisions for preliminary and
    10     final approval and for processing of final approval by stages
    11     or sections of development. Such plats and surveys shall be
    12     prepared in accordance with the act of May 23, 1945 (P.L.913,
    13     No.367), known as the "Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist
    14     Registration Law," except that this requirement shall not
    15     preclude the preparation of a plat in accordance with the act
    16     of January 24, 1966 (1965 P.L.1527, No.535), known as the
    17     "Landscape Architects' Registration Law," when it is
    18     appropriate to prepare the plat using professional services
    19     as set forth in the definition of the "practice of landscape
    20     architecture" under section 2 of that act. Such plat shall,
    21     if a property line or boundary survey is included, contain
    22     the original signature and seal of the licensed professional
    23     land surveyor who prepared the survey and the date on which
    24     the survey was prepared. Review fees may include reasonable
    25     and necessary charges by the municipality's professional
    26     consultants or engineer for review and report thereon to the
    27     municipality. Such review fees shall be based upon a schedule
    28     established by ordinance or resolution. Such review fees
    29     shall be reasonable and in accordance with the ordinary and
    30     customary charges by the municipal engineer or consultant for
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     1     similar service in the community, but in no event shall the
     2     fees exceed the rate or cost charged by the engineer or
     3     consultant to the municipalities when fees are not reimbursed
     4     or otherwise imposed on applicants.
     5             (i)  In the event the applicant disputes the amount
     6         of any such review fees, the applicant shall, within 14
     7         days of the applicant's receipt of the bill, notify the
     8         municipality that such fees are disputed, in which case
     9         the municipality shall not delay or disapprove a
    10         subdivision or land development application due to the
    11         applicant's request over disputed fees.
    12             (ii)  In the event that the municipality and the
    13         applicant cannot agree on the amount of review fees which
    14         are reasonable and necessary, then the applicant and the
    15         municipality shall follow the procedure for dispute
    16         resolution set forth in section 510(g), provided that the
    17         professionals resolving such dispute shall be of the same
    18         profession or discipline as the consultants whose fees
    19         are being disputed.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 2.  Section 513(a) of the act, amended December 20,
    22  2000 (P.L.940, No.127), is amended to read:
    23     Section 513.  Recording Plats and Deeds.--(a)  Upon the
    24  approval of a final plat, the developer shall within 90 days of
    25  such final approval or 90 days after the date of delivery of an
    26  approved plat signed by the governing body following completion
    27  of conditions imposed for such approval, whichever is later,
    28  record such plat in the office of the recorder of deeds of the
    29  county in which the municipality is located. Whenever such plat
    30  approval is required by a municipality, the recorder of deeds of
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     1  the county shall not accept any plat for recording, unless such
     2  plat officially notes the approval of the governing body and
     3  review by the county planning agency, if one exists[.], and if
     4  such plat includes a property line or boundary survey, then the
     5  original signature and seal of the licensed professional land
     6  surveyor who prepared the survey and the date on which the
     7  survey was prepared.
     8     * * *
     9     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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