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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2479



No. 404 Session of 2007


           SEPTEMBER 25, 2007

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Observing the month of September 2007 as "National Preparedness
     2     Month" in Pennsylvania and urging the residents of this
     3     Commonwealth to take advantage of nationwide and Statewide
     4     initiatives which show individuals how to make emergency
     5     preparedness kits, create a family emergency plan, become
     6     informed about possible threats and become active
     7     participants in preparing their communities for emergencies.

     8     WHEREAS, "National Preparedness Month" is a nationwide effort
     9  to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for
    10  emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools; and
    11     WHEREAS, "National Preparedness Month" has a goal of
    12  increasing public awareness about the importance of preparing
    13  for emergencies and encouraging individuals to take action
    14  through simple steps, such as making an emergency preparedness
    15  kit, creating a family emergency plan, becoming informed about
    16  different threats and getting involved in preparing communities
    17  for emergencies; and
    18     WHEREAS, Governor Rendell has proclaimed September 2007 as
    19  "National Preparedness Month" in this Commonwealth; and
    20     WHEREAS, The American Red Cross, a true leader in

     1  preparedness with 48 chapters in this State alone, continues to
     2  provide life-saving services to an estimated 12.5 million
     3  residents in Pennsylvania; and
     4     WHEREAS, A recent poll found that only 7% of Americans are
     5  considered "Red Cross Ready" for a disaster, meaning they have a
     6  disaster supplies kit, a communication plan and are prepared to
     7  respond to disasters and everyday emergencies; and
     8     WHEREAS, Experience tells us that by preparing ahead of time,
     9  people can better respond to, recover from and lessen the
    10  physical, emotional and financial impact of a disaster or other
    11  emergency; and
    12     WHEREAS, The American Red Cross continues to demonstrate the
    13  impact of its preparedness work by collecting almost 400,000
    14  pints of blood from Pennsylvania residents, responding to 3,186
    15  disaster incidents affecting almost to 5,000 families, training
    16  almost 310,000 Pennsylvanians in lifesaving techniques, reaching
    17  almost one million people with general preparedness education,
    18  responding to more than 10,000 requests for armed forces
    19  emergency communication and mobilizing nearly 42,000 volunteers
    20  to provide Red Cross programs and services in our communities;
    21  and
    22     WHEREAS, It is easy for anyone to prepare for a disaster and
    23  other emergencies by taking the three simple action steps of
    24  getting a kit, making a plan and staying informed; and
    25     WHEREAS, Preparedness should be an ongoing set of activities
    26  undertaken by Pennsylvania's residents, businesses and schools;
    27  therefore be it
    28     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives commend the work
    29  done by the American Red Cross by its 48 chapters covering all
    30  67 counties in Pennsylvania; and be it further
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     1     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives observe the month
     2  of September 2007 as "National Preparedness Month" in
     3  Pennsylvania and urge the residents of this Commonwealth to take
     4  advantage of nationwide and Statewide initiatives which show
     5  individuals how to make emergency preparedness kits, create a
     6  family emergency plan, become informed about different threats
     7  and get involved in preparing their communities for emergencies
     8  throughout the year.

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