1Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Air Force Reserve
2Command 911th Airlift Wing.

3WHEREAS, In 1941, a farm specializing in growing wheat and 
4corn was chosen to become the future site of the 911th Airlift 
5Wing; and

6WHEREAS, The farm area was located approximately two miles 
7from today's Pittsburgh International Airport; and

8WHEREAS, The 911th traces its ancestry to January 19, 1963, 
9when the 911th Troop Carrier Group was activated to administer 
10the 758th Troop Carrier Squadron flying the C-119 Flying Boxcar; 

12WHEREAS, The first aircraft conversion of the organization
13assigned to administer the 758th Troop Carrier was started in
14November of 1966; and

15WHEREAS, The 911th Airlift Wing has the motto "Relevant and
16Ready...We are the leanest mission capable unit in AFRC. We keep

1'em flyin' on time and under budget"; and

2WHEREAS, The 911th participated in Operation Desert
3Shield/Storm in August of 1990 until March 1991, as more than
4400 reservists served as volunteers or were activated; and

5WHEREAS, When Hurricane Andrew struck in 1992, the 911th
6aircrews and support personnel airlifted food and personnel to
7aid disaster relief efforts in south Florida; and

8WHEREAS, From 1993 to 1994, the 911th aircrews and support
9personnel augmented Air Mobility Command operations for the
10humanitarian relief flights to Bosnia, in the former Yugoslavia,
11and airlift support for Operation Southern Watch in the Arabian
12Gulf Region; and

13WHEREAS, When USAir flight 427 crashed in nearby Beaver
14County in September of 1994, 911th personnel volunteered to
15assist at the crash site, and base facilities were used for
16emergency response activities until October of 1994; and

17WHEREAS, In October of 1994, the 911th was redesignated the
18911th Airlift Wing; and

19WHEREAS, After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,
20the 911th Airlift Wing responded to the call, flying numerous
21missions at McChord Air Force Base in support of Operation Noble
22Eagle; and

23WHEREAS, The 911th Airlift Wing flew operations for Operation
24Iraqi Freedom; and

25WHEREAS, Aircrews comprised of pilots, navigators, engineers
26and loadmasters moved approximately 3,000 passengers and 700
27tons of cargo per month in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom;

29WHEREAS, The 911th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron has
30assisted more than 2,000 patients in urgent, nonurgent and

1critical categories and has flown more than 1,000 hours on
2medical evacuation missions attending to more than 6,000
3patients; and

4WHEREAS, The 911th Airlift Wing's mission is to organize,
5recruit and train Air Force Reserve personnel to provide airlift
6of airborne forces, their equipment and supplies and delivery of
7these forces and materials by air drop, landing or cargo
8extraction systems; and

9WHEREAS, The unit participates in joint service training
10exercises and supports active duty forces in airborne training;

12WHEREAS, The 911th Airlift Wing includes approximately 1,220
13Air Force Reserve members and the unit employs approximately 320
14civilians, including more than 180 air reserve technicians
15holding dual civilian and military positions; and

16WHEREAS, The 911th Airlift Wing is assigned currently to the 
17Air Force Reserve Command's 22nd Air Force, Dobbins Air Reserve 
18Base, Georgia; and

19WHEREAS, Moon Township will honor the 911th on July 4, 2013,
20during its July 4th celebration at Moon Park; therefore be it

21RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives celebrate the
2250th anniversary of the Air Force Reserve Command 911th Airlift